Obama slams columbus day. Europe brought "disease, devastation, and violence"

Overall I thought the proclamation was alright. Would make good Cliff Notes for those junior high students wanting to skip reading that whole chapter in history class.
Europe had a long way to go before it got to the level of violence the natives practiced in the Americas. Thankfully the Europeans put an end to most of it.
Ya, I know the feeling. Every time I go and play golf I come back to this forum - It's gone to hell in a hand basket. And I have to restore order around here.
Columbus should be celebrated, he had a part in getting us dirt worshippers get out of the Stone Age.
Thinking Error: Low Self Image
It's the truth, we would still be playing around in the dirt and living in teepee's...

Thank God people knew to flee that cesspool that is Europe to here... And help us dirt worshippers realize a real belief, Christianity.

Hope and change
The Obama presidency is a blemish on the history of our nation. In 20 years there will be a chapter in history text books covering the Obama years titled "The Dark Years: Why We Thought A Negro Would Make A Good President and How Can We Avoid This From Ever Happening Again."
The Obama presidency is a blemish on the history of our nation. In 20 years there will be a chapter in history text books covering the Obama years titled "The Dark Years: Why We Thought A Negro Would Make A Good President and How Can We Avoid This From Ever Happening Again."

I highly doubt they will be writing that after president Carson's terms.

Tell the truth, you are really an Obama supporter trying to make his enemies look bad so we ignore what he does.
No mention of all the welfare and affirmative action programs america gives to indians. They have a better life now than they would if the europeans never came. Until europe came to the NA continent, no indian tribe even had a written language. They were just savages living in trees and eating bugs and dying at 32.

Obama Celebrates Columbus Day: Ushered in ‘Disease, Devastation, and Violence’ - Breitbart

oct 12 2015 In his proclamation for Columbus Day, President Obama said Friday that European explorers to the New World ushered “previously unseen disease, devastation, and violence” into the lives of Native Americans.

The president continued:

Though these early travels expanded the realm of European exploration, to many they also marked a time that forever changed the world for the indigenous peoples of North America. Previously unseen disease, devastation, and violence were introduced to their lives — and as we pay tribute to the ways in which Columbus pursued ambitious goals — we also recognize the suffering inflicted upon Native Americans and we recommit to strengthening tribal sovereignty and maintaining our strong ties.

Judging by his comments, could you say Obama is throwing around his own opinion about Columbus and the Indians, as much as he is touting the country's need to further strengthen and fund Obamacare? This is a president who wouldn't turn down any tragedy, without seeing it as a golden opportunity to further promote his own political ideological agenda.
No mention of all the welfare and affirmative action programs america gives to indians. They have a better life now than they would if the europeans never came. Until europe came to the NA continent, no indian tribe even had a written language. They were just savages living in trees and eating bugs and dying at 32.

Obama Celebrates Columbus Day: Ushered in ‘Disease, Devastation, and Violence’ - Breitbart

oct 12 2015 In his proclamation for Columbus Day, President Obama said Friday that European explorers to the New World ushered “previously unseen disease, devastation, and violence” into the lives of Native Americans.

The president continued:

Though these early travels expanded the realm of European exploration, to many they also marked a time that forever changed the world for the indigenous peoples of North America. Previously unseen disease, devastation, and violence were introduced to their lives — and as we pay tribute to the ways in which Columbus pursued ambitious goals — we also recognize the suffering inflicted upon Native Americans and we recommit to strengthening tribal sovereignty and maintaining our strong ties.

The Great Lakes indians were pretty sophisticated, no, I don't think they lived in trees. A lot of em had a pretty good life
Reporter To Obama Voter: So do you know who Christoper Columbus is? ... Obama Voter: Well,,,,hmmm, uhh,,,isn't he like some Congressman, Senator or like wasn't he that dude who showed his winkee on the net?
Columbus was the first terrorist to hit America.
You'd still be living in whatever screwed up country your ancestors came from if not for Columbus. Find out what it is and go back there.
Presidential Proclamation -- Columbus Day, 2015

Columbus's arrival in the New World inspired many and allowed for generations of Italians to follow -- people whose Italian-American heritage contributes in immeasurable ways to making our country what it is, and who continue to help strengthen the friendship between the United States and Italy.

Though these early Italians expanded the realm of European exploration, to many they also marked a time that forever changed the world for the peoples of North America. Previously unseen extortion rackets, fixed horse races, cement shoes, and mob violence were introduced to their lives -- and as we pay tribute to the ways in which Columbus pursued ambitious goals -- we also recognize the suffering inflicted upon Americans by these fucking wops and we recommit to strengthening mandatory sentences and maintaining our wiretaps.

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