Obama sounds a little nervous about what has happened to the Democratic Party

I blame my fathers generation for allowing the uprising of these left wing slave owners..

He was told mind your business, go to work, politician will look out for your best interest..

Now I have to fight these democrats.. the word democrat is worse then nazis

socialism can be traced back to the French Revolution. It is where it all began. (Plato was a delusional imbecile)

In 1776, we started a Revolution the likes of which the World has never seen.

For the first time in human history a group of people successfully rebelled against a ruling class, displaced them and didn't bother to REplace them with themselves.

Much better than Cincinnatus, George Washington turned down the offer to be King.

The French Revolution followed within a few years with a similar goal in mind.

But, being French, they fucked it up. They replaced the House of Bourbon with the lunacy of Robespierre and Napoleon.

What we have now, in this Country, is a shadow ruing class. It is in the Media, Hollywood, Academia and the dimocrap SCUM party.

Look what happened to Jussie-Boy.

Look at all the entitlement in Hollywood.

dimocrap scum really do see themselves as The New Royals.

Open your eyes and you'll see.

The vast majority of people that despised Obama couldn't care less about his race.

Oh no! Racism, sexism, oh my! Get a life.
Yes, of course, racism. Thats why you tea party pukes have gone from assailing the government to licking President Debt's butthole. Its not complicated.
What race isn’t racist??? It’s what democrats do to blacks which is wrong, destroying education, building codes, zoning. Forcing them into public housing
What a steaming load of embarrassing nonsense.
Democrats have restored slavery in black neighborhoods .dont believe me ask Candace Owens who is constantly attacked by democrats
Oh no! Racism, sexism, oh my! Get a life.
Yes, of course, racism. Thats why you tea party pukes have gone from assailing the government to licking President Debt's butthole. Its not complicated.
What race isn’t racist??? It’s what democrats do to blacks which is wrong, destroying education, building codes, zoning. Forcing them into public housing
What a steaming load of embarrassing nonsense.

Which party set up segregated public housing?
The party of white bigots. Which party do they (you) cling to now? Okay then.
Who today is restoring segregation??
Yes, of course, racism. Thats why you tea party pukes have gone from assailing the government to licking President Debt's butthole. Its not complicated.
What race isn’t racist??? It’s what democrats do to blacks which is wrong, destroying education, building codes, zoning. Forcing them into public housing
What a steaming load of embarrassing nonsense.

Which party set up segregated public housing?
The party of white bigots. Which party do they (you) cling to now? Okay then.
Who today is restoring segregation??
Go peddle your nonsense elsewhere dude.
Oh no! Racism, sexism, oh my! Get a life.
Yes, of course, racism. Thats why you tea party pukes have gone from assailing the government to licking President Debt's butthole. Its not complicated.
What race isn’t racist??? It’s what democrats do to blacks which is wrong, destroying education, building codes, zoning. Forcing them into public housing
What a steaming load of embarrassing nonsense.

Which party set up segregated public housing?
The party of white bigots. Which party do they (you) cling to now? Okay then.

Republicans opposed the public housing bill for the same reason they oppose such measures today. They even tried to sabotage the bill by adding a desegregation amendment which would have killed it's chances of passing in a democrat controlled senate. But the amendment was defeated, and the precursor to modern day black ghettos was created.

Even though "race doesn't matter" and "black individuals can't be held responsible for the high black crime rate" the left are nonetheless keen on reminding white people that they need to atone for the sins of their long-dead ancestors.

yet they still hail FDR as a hero of the people.

When are you guys going to atone for your destructive policies that undermine society?
What race isn’t racist??? It’s what democrats do to blacks which is wrong, destroying education, building codes, zoning. Forcing them into public housing
What a steaming load of embarrassing nonsense.

Which party set up segregated public housing?
The party of white bigots. Which party do they (you) cling to now? Okay then.
Who today is restoring segregation??
Go peddle your nonsense elsewhere dude.
How does facts not make sense ??
What race isn’t racist??? It’s what democrats do to blacks which is wrong, destroying education, building codes, zoning. Forcing them into public housing
What a steaming load of embarrassing nonsense.

Which party set up segregated public housing?
The party of white bigots. Which party do they (you) cling to now? Okay then.
Who today is restoring segregation??
Go peddle your nonsense elsewhere dude.

black segregated dorm.jpg

black spaces.jpg
What a steaming load of embarrassing nonsense.

Which party set up segregated public housing?
The party of white bigots. Which party do they (you) cling to now? Okay then.
Who today is restoring segregation??
Go peddle your nonsense elsewhere dude.

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Let'em do their thing already... If they want segregation, then please give it to them. If they want to expand Chicago where huge amounts of killings, and black on black crime will be the norm in these places once segregated, then I say don't come a crying to anyone (especially white folks), when drive by's are the norm, drug deals on every corner are the norm, bars on every window is the norm, prostitution is the norm, gang violence is the norm, corruption is the norm, then so be it. This nation has got to quit babysitting grown ace adults and their children.

Done seen it over and over again at these public housing facilities, where prostitution, drugs, and crime reigns supreme in these places.

Was visiting a few friends today in the old neighborhood I grew up in, and it has since fallen. The poor elderly are stuck, and have to keep locks on their fences, and no tresspassing signs on the trees within their front yards. We we're standing outside when a prosititute walked by, and her pimp was a white guy walking not to far behind her. He had all this gang crap clothing on him, and a radio blasting with rap music (he was indoctrinated).

I must have heard the N-word 15 times in the song lyrics blasting from his radio. When I left my friends place to head home, I noticed the girl heading into a motel room with a trick is what I was thinking.

He probably threatens her and her child if she has one with physical abuse if she doesn't do what he says, and doesn't get that money for him. This stuff is happening in broad daylight, and in neighborhoods that aren't completely gone all the way yet, and all one can do is think "WHERE IN THE HELL IS THE LAW IN THESE COMMUNITIES" ??

This the left thinks is something that should be tolerated around families and children whether red, yellow, black or white. I mean look at the dumb left that is so politicised it actually made excuses for MS-13 ????

Sick situation, and that dumb ace Hillary trying everything she could to use race baiting politics, and every other kind of politics to get elected is no better than Obama was, and now we see the field following suit leading up to the 2020 election. Good grief.
When will this country wake the heck up ???

This everyone is a racist bullcrap has got to end now, otherwise if we disagree with the bullcrap seen going on in these communities, and schools today, and in our youth of today, then I think it is just a con job straight from hell itself when accusing us as being anything but concerned citizens..... So we are wrong for speaking out ????. If I'm a racist because I disagree with the bullcrap I've seen with my own two eyes, then to the idiot's that call me a racist for identifying trouble when I see it happening right in front of me, then I guess to him or her I'm a racist even though untrue. For everyone else that's not an idiot, then I'm just a concerned citizen when seeing the bullcrap that is being seen today that is destroying and corrupting our youth be it red, yellow, black or brown.

My granddaughter actually said to me that she hates school now (I said why?), and she said because her teachers who are attempting to be politically correct, and are using the kids to self police themselves otherwise so they aren't called racist or bad teachers if single out a kid that is causing trouble, where as so now the teachers are punishing the entire class for the one that is doing wrong. This bullcrap has gone way to far now IMHO. Even schools are tolerating the bullies in order to stay out of trouble with the politically correct dumb ace crowd today.

Time to individualize the culprits, and make them pay the price as individuals for being bad. This group think bullcrap has gone way to far.
You people can sit here and point fingers all day long yet the two parties do not have much of a split between them, they both still legally support illegals entering the nation, both parties support the illegal drug war on its citizens and the violation of the rights through the drug war. There are more examples of how much they are alike than not the same..The radicals are there because they have always been there in a minority status.
No, im pretty sure us right wingers have been clear when it comes to illegals. We dont want a single illegal.
He's just admitting there are still sane dems out there that dont like the way he and his minions were taking this country.
I think the party has definitely moved to the Left of Obama.

Only in that they are more vocal.
Barry was every bit as bad but he couldnt come right out and say it.
Well, all I have to go by are actions, not guesses about his thoughts.

His actions were pretty damning.

....and that's why he won't have a happy ending.:wink_2:

Traitors like him never do.
You people can sit here and point fingers all day long yet the two parties do not have much of a split between them, they both still legally support illegals entering the nation, both parties support the illegal drug war on its citizens and the violation of the rights through the drug war. There are more examples of how much they are alike than not the same..The radicals are there because they have always been there in a minority status.
No, im pretty sure us right wingers have been clear when it comes to illegals. We dont want a single illegal.
Yet those at the top in power think a little differently about it.
He ought to be nervous
Sink Joe and put a new green deal in instead.
Win win Republican
Oh, this is a hopeful sign. If no one of significance stands up to the illiberal authoritarian leftists who have taken over the party, this all just gets worse. I'm hopeful something like this could create some momentum back towards sanity.

Obama: I worry progressives may undercut Democratic allies

"One of the things I do worry about sometimes among progressives in the United States —maybe it’s true here as well — is a certain kind of rigidity where we say, 'Uh, I’m sorry, this is how it’s going to be,' and then we start sometimes creating what’s called a 'circular firing squad,' where you start shooting at your allies because one of them has strayed from purity on the issues. And when that happens, typically the overall effort and movement weakens," he said.

"So I think whether you are speaking as a citizen or as a political leader or as an organizer … you have to recognize that the way we structure democracy requires you to take into account people who don’t agree with you, and that by definition means you’re not going to get 100 percent of what you want," he added.

He's arguing for actual liberalism to return to the party. Here's hoping.
Make no mistake, the Hussein is about as far left as you can get. He’s basically saying he is just worried that America is seeing what he and his party of Marxists are really about. The Dems have always been good about hiding what they are and posing as “moderates” when they are really a bunch or neo-Marxist radicals.
He’s just warning his fellow Dems they need to go back to pretending to be “normal” for the elections otherwise America will reject their communist asses. Right now the Dems are so unhinged they cannot even hide what they really feel. That is what is so great about President Trump, he exposes the left for what they really are.
Oh, this is a hopeful sign. If no one of significance stands up to the illiberal authoritarian leftists who have taken over the party, this all just gets worse. I'm hopeful something like this could create some momentum back towards sanity.

Obama: I worry progressives may undercut Democratic allies

"One of the things I do worry about sometimes among progressives in the United States —maybe it’s true here as well — is a certain kind of rigidity where we say, 'Uh, I’m sorry, this is how it’s going to be,' and then we start sometimes creating what’s called a 'circular firing squad,' where you start shooting at your allies because one of them has strayed from purity on the issues. And when that happens, typically the overall effort and movement weakens," he said.

"So I think whether you are speaking as a citizen or as a political leader or as an organizer … you have to recognize that the way we structure democracy requires you to take into account people who don’t agree with you, and that by definition means you’re not going to get 100 percent of what you want," he added.

He's arguing for actual liberalism to return to the party. Here's hoping.
Make no mistake, the Hussein is about as far left as you can get. He’s basically saying he is just worried that America is seeing what he and his party of Marxists are really about. The Dems have always been good about hiding what they are and posing as “moderates” when they are really a bunch or neo-Marxist radicals.
He’s just warning his fellow Dems they need to go back to pretending to be “normal” for the elections otherwise America will reject their communist asses. Right now the Dems are so unhinged they cannot even hide what they really feel. That is what is so great about President Trump, he exposes the left for what they really are.
Make no mistake about it. Calling the previous president "the Hussein" marks you as a Deplorable retard and calling people commies in the year 2019 doesn`t do a thing to help you look less stupid. The blue wave is still rolling and you think you`re in the driver`s seat? Another state Senate seat in Pa. flipped blue last week and you`re still spiking the ball over Trump winning over 2 years ago? :)
Iovino Defeats Raja In State Senate Special Election
politics always shifts to the extreme; it is analogous to driving a car & having to 'over correct' when encountering some type of road hazard.
Obama had his style of governing & his policies in place. The white folks hated Obama & his policies so, the result was an 'over correction' by the pissed off white folks by electing the extremist Trump.
The current rumblings from the political left are the head winds of the coming 'over correction' in response to the extremism of Trump.
The longer this goes on, the moderate middle vanishes.
Good luck ..........
The white folks hated Obama?.....even the millions who voted for him?...
They're not white folks if they're Democrats.
Oh, this is a hopeful sign. If no one of significance stands up to the illiberal authoritarian leftists who have taken over the party, this all just gets worse. I'm hopeful something like this could create some momentum back towards sanity.

Obama: I worry progressives may undercut Democratic allies

"One of the things I do worry about sometimes among progressives in the United States —maybe it’s true here as well — is a certain kind of rigidity where we say, 'Uh, I’m sorry, this is how it’s going to be,' and then we start sometimes creating what’s called a 'circular firing squad,' where you start shooting at your allies because one of them has strayed from purity on the issues. And when that happens, typically the overall effort and movement weakens," he said.

"So I think whether you are speaking as a citizen or as a political leader or as an organizer … you have to recognize that the way we structure democracy requires you to take into account people who don’t agree with you, and that by definition means you’re not going to get 100 percent of what you want," he added.

He's arguing for actual liberalism to return to the party. Here's hoping.
Make no mistake, the Hussein is about as far left as you can get. He’s basically saying he is just worried that America is seeing what he and his party of Marxists are really about. The Dems have always been good about hiding what they are and posing as “moderates” when they are really a bunch or neo-Marxist radicals.
He’s just warning his fellow Dems they need to go back to pretending to be “normal” for the elections otherwise America will reject their communist asses. Right now the Dems are so unhinged they cannot even hide what they really feel. That is what is so great about President Trump, he exposes the left for what they really are.
There's space to the left of Obama and he's pointing it out.

Politics, like many things, exists on a continuum. It's not A or B.
Oh, this is a hopeful sign. If no one of significance stands up to the illiberal authoritarian leftists who have taken over the party, this all just gets worse. I'm hopeful something like this could create some momentum back towards sanity.

Obama: I worry progressives may undercut Democratic allies

"One of the things I do worry about sometimes among progressives in the United States —maybe it’s true here as well — is a certain kind of rigidity where we say, 'Uh, I’m sorry, this is how it’s going to be,' and then we start sometimes creating what’s called a 'circular firing squad,' where you start shooting at your allies because one of them has strayed from purity on the issues. And when that happens, typically the overall effort and movement weakens," he said.

"So I think whether you are speaking as a citizen or as a political leader or as an organizer … you have to recognize that the way we structure democracy requires you to take into account people who don’t agree with you, and that by definition means you’re not going to get 100 percent of what you want," he added.

He's arguing for actual liberalism to return to the party. Here's hoping.
He fears that the democrat party will end up like the republican party... He's right to worry...
Not much chance of that.
The Democrat Party is the party of fat, ugly people with purple hair that start screaming at everyone in public places because they can't handle everyone else being normal.
Oh no! Racism, sexism, oh my! Get a life.
Yes, of course, racism. Thats why you tea party pukes have gone from assailing the government to licking President Debt's butthole. Its not complicated.
What race isn’t racist??? It’s what democrats do to blacks which is wrong, destroying education, building codes, zoning. Forcing them into public housing
What a steaming load of embarrassing nonsense.

Which party set up segregated public housing?
The party of white bigots. Which party do they (you) cling to now? Okay then.
Yep....Democrats.....party of white bigots.

Yes, of course, racism. Thats why you tea party pukes have gone from assailing the government to licking President Debt's butthole. Its not complicated.
What race isn’t racist??? It’s what democrats do to blacks which is wrong, destroying education, building codes, zoning. Forcing them into public housing
What a steaming load of embarrassing nonsense.

Which party set up segregated public housing?
The party of white bigots. Which party do they (you) cling to now? Okay then.
Who today is restoring segregation??
You are. Beat downs, threats and violence over a campaign slogan spouted as hate and fed to you by your progressive socialist propaganda handlers is segregating people.

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