Obama sounds a little nervous about what has happened to the Democratic Party

Oh, this is a hopeful sign. If no one of significance stands up to the illiberal authoritarian leftists who have taken over the party, this all just gets worse. I'm hopeful something like this could create some momentum back towards sanity.

Obama: I worry progressives may undercut Democratic allies

"One of the things I do worry about sometimes among progressives in the United States —maybe it’s true here as well — is a certain kind of rigidity where we say, 'Uh, I’m sorry, this is how it’s going to be,' and then we start sometimes creating what’s called a 'circular firing squad,' where you start shooting at your allies because one of them has strayed from purity on the issues. And when that happens, typically the overall effort and movement weakens," he said.

"So I think whether you are speaking as a citizen or as a political leader or as an organizer … you have to recognize that the way we structure democracy requires you to take into account people who don’t agree with you, and that by definition means you’re not going to get 100 percent of what you want," he added.

He's arguing for actual liberalism to return to the party. Here's hoping.
He's the one who set the party on it's present course of Marxist kookery...Now he's the one to tell them to moderate?

View attachment 254696
It all lies along a continuum.

He thinks they're going too far.

And that's about it.
I don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth.
Oh, this is a hopeful sign. If no one of significance stands up to the illiberal authoritarian leftists who have taken over the party, this all just gets worse. I'm hopeful something like this could create some momentum back towards sanity.

Obama: I worry progressives may undercut Democratic allies

"One of the things I do worry about sometimes among progressives in the United States —maybe it’s true here as well — is a certain kind of rigidity where we say, 'Uh, I’m sorry, this is how it’s going to be,' and then we start sometimes creating what’s called a 'circular firing squad,' where you start shooting at your allies because one of them has strayed from purity on the issues. And when that happens, typically the overall effort and movement weakens," he said.

"So I think whether you are speaking as a citizen or as a political leader or as an organizer … you have to recognize that the way we structure democracy requires you to take into account people who don’t agree with you, and that by definition means you’re not going to get 100 percent of what you want," he added.

He's arguing for actual liberalism to return to the party. Here's hoping.
He's the one who set the party on it's present course of Marxist kookery...Now he's the one to tell them to moderate?

View attachment 254696
It all lies along a continuum.

He thinks they're going too far.

And that's about it.
I don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth.
I don't automatically believe any winger. What I do find interesting is when they're warning their own side that it's gone too far off the rails.
I don't automatically believe any winger. What I do find interesting is when they're warning their own side that it's gone too far off the rails.
And I'm saying the alleged warning rings pretty hollow from Mr. "I have a pen and a phone".

He's as phony as a $3 bill and now trying to pass himself off as a centrist....Not buying it.
politics always shifts to the extreme; it is analogous to driving a car & having to 'over correct' when encountering some type of road hazard.
Obama had his style of governing & his policies in place. The white folks hated Obama & his policies so, the result was an 'over correction' by the pissed off white folks by electing the extremist Trump.
The current rumblings from the political left are the head winds of the coming 'over correction' in response to the extremism of Trump.
The longer this goes on, the moderate middle vanishes.
Good luck ..........
The white folks hated Obama?.....even the millions who voted for him?...
They're not white folks if they're Democrats.
oh really?.....so what are they,light colored blacks and hispanics?....
They're Democrats.......white people who call Mexicans with MAGA hats racists.....you know......idiots.
politics always shifts to the extreme; it is analogous to driving a car & having to 'over correct' when encountering some type of road hazard.
Obama had his style of governing & his policies in place. The white folks hated Obama & his policies so, the result was an 'over correction' by the pissed off white folks by electing the extremist Trump.
The current rumblings from the political left are the head winds of the coming 'over correction' in response to the extremism of Trump.
The longer this goes on, the moderate middle vanishes.
Good luck ..........
The white folks hated Obama?.....even the millions who voted for him?...
They're not white folks if they're Democrats.
oh really?.....so what are they,light colored blacks and hispanics?....
They're Democrats.......white people who call Mexicans with MAGA hats racists.....you know......idiots.
so are they white people or not?...
politics always shifts to the extreme; it is analogous to driving a car & having to 'over correct' when encountering some type of road hazard.
Obama had his style of governing & his policies in place. The white folks hated Obama & his policies so, the result was an 'over correction' by the pissed off white folks by electing the extremist Trump.
The current rumblings from the political left are the head winds of the coming 'over correction' in response to the extremism of Trump.
The longer this goes on, the moderate middle vanishes.
Good luck ..........
The white folks hated Obama?.....even the millions who voted for him?...
They're not white folks if they're Democrats.
oh really?.....so what are they,light colored blacks and hispanics?....
They're Democrats.......white people who call Mexicans with MAGA hats racists.....you know......idiots.
so are they white people or not?...
Not in their minds.
Being a Democrat means you can't be punished for being born white.
But they still have white-guilt.
Voting Democrat is a get out of Crackerville free card.
Obama is only pointing out what a lot of people have been pointing out about the left for quite a while and is so obvious that it is not even a question.

If you agree with them, fine. Disagree with any element of their agenda or beliefs and they will vilify you in an attempt to destroy you, and that includes their own.

How they don't see that it is this hard-headed, smug nonsense that has alienated people and likely cost them the election I have no idea. When even Obama is telling them this and they still don't get it (which they won't) we've moved into territory that wobbles back and forth between insane and hilarious.

Can't wait to see if they decide to start gnawing on Obama's nuts over this. lol.
Oh, this is a hopeful sign. If no one of significance stands up to the illiberal authoritarian leftists who have taken over the party, this all just gets worse. I'm hopeful something like this could create some momentum back towards sanity.

Obama: I worry progressives may undercut Democratic allies

"One of the things I do worry about sometimes among progressives in the United States —maybe it’s true here as well — is a certain kind of rigidity where we say, 'Uh, I’m sorry, this is how it’s going to be,' and then we start sometimes creating what’s called a 'circular firing squad,' where you start shooting at your allies because one of them has strayed from purity on the issues. And when that happens, typically the overall effort and movement weakens," he said.

"So I think whether you are speaking as a citizen or as a political leader or as an organizer … you have to recognize that the way we structure democracy requires you to take into account people who don’t agree with you, and that by definition means you’re not going to get 100 percent of what you want," he added.

He's arguing for actual liberalism to return to the party. Here's hoping.
ironic, to me, that he is saying this. forcing transgender ideals onto everyone and making where we pee huge social issues does shit like this. it makes people lose focus of real issues and pretend the minor ones, if issues at all, are fundamental rights. so he helped build this pile of crap we're in cause it gave him a good tide to ride. so while i do agree with him in what he is saying, it would carry more weight if he threw his own actions into the mix as to what got us to where we are today.
It merely shows that there is space to the left of Obama, and that he's seeing it.

I look at that as a net positive. Baby steps.
Truth is Obama is a conman. He's innoculating himself from the negative aspects of his policies and from his ideology. Socialist dictators never take the blame for their acts. They use scapegoats instead.
He's the one who set the party on it's present course of Marxist kookery
You are insane. Nothong about obama was Marxist. He is a center right corporatist.

I agree on "insane", for that's what he is. "Marxist" is pretty hilarious, both as President Obama's policy position, and as the course the party was on when he was about to leave the White House - with Hillary as his designated successor. A "center right corporatist" these days doesn't give a rat's posterior about equal pay, climate change, or whether or not some folks face bankruptcy due to medical bills. Remember the flak he took for "You didn't build that"? So, "center right" doesn't ring true, and "corporatist" is, at most, a partial description.

Still, the thread is somewhat interesting in that Obama warns against "circular firing squads" enforcing ideological purity, which then gave rise to the hope that Obama would rise up in defense of the purity of "actual liberalism" - not the fake, disagreeable kind of late. What was, quite obviously, a message of compromise and unity in order collectively to move that darn rock a bit higher up that hill, gets him placed on the political spectrum from the extreme left to the right, the message distorted and rejected for mutually contradictory reasons.

Hillary lost for a host of reasons, with not being the most capable of campaigners among of the more important ones. Right up there ranks that the rift between the Hillary and the Sanders factions after the bitterly fought over primaries couldn't be healed completely. The message is, as it should be, not to repeat the experience. Simple enough. Just once the mighty minds on here set their sights on it, bring their massive interpretive powers to bear, hilarity ensues.
He's the one who set the party on it's present course of Marxist kookery
You are insane. Nothong about obama was Marxist. He is a center right corporatist.

I agree on "insane", for that's what he is. "Marxist" is pretty hilarious, both as President Obama's policy position, and as the course the party was on when he was about to leave the White House - with Hillary as his designated successor. A "center right corporatist" these days doesn't give a rat's posterior about equal pay, climate change, or whether or not some folks face bankruptcy due to medical bills. Remember the flak he took for "You didn't build that"? So, "center right" doesn't ring true, and "corporatist" is, at most, a partial description.

Still, the thread is somewhat interesting in that Obama warns against "circular firing squads" enforcing ideological purity, which then gave rise to the hope that Obama would rise up in defense of the purity of "actual liberalism" - not the fake, disagreeable kind of late. What was, quite obviously, a message of compromise and unity in order collectively to move that darn rock a bit higher up that hill, gets him placed on the political spectrum from the extreme left to the right, the message distorted and rejected for mutually contradictory reasons.

Hillary lost for a host of reasons, with not being the most capable of campaigners among of the more important ones. Right up there ranks that the rift between the Hillary and the Sanders factions after the bitterly fought over primaries couldn't be healed completely. The message is, as it should be, not to repeat the experience. Simple enough. Just once the mighty minds on here set their sights on it, bring their massive interpretive powers to bear, hilarity ensues.
STFU Eurotrash...Stay in your socialistic lane.

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