‘Obama stinks’ sign found near dead skunks nailed to Connecticut telephone pole


Active Member
Dec 4, 2014
Obama stinks sign found near dead skunks nailed to Connecticut telephone pole - Washington Times

Connecticut police are investigating the discovery Tuesday morning of two dead skunks with a sign reading “Obama Stinks.” and i think investigation will end soon, because everybody understand that this "act" was just real picture of society's attitude to today's president.
And i think they should finish their investigation now, because it's not a real crime!
What do you think guys?

Seems the guy nailing dead skunks to a pole is suffering more than Obama will

I just nailed these here skunks to a pole.....guess I showed that Obama
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Dead skunks nailed to a telephone pole........and stinkin' to high heaven. Wasn't that a song?
You can always count on The Washington Times to bring you the most pressing news of the day.
Fairfield police found one skunk with a heavy string around its neck nailed about four feet off the ground to a telephone pole on the corner of Park and Jackman Avenues. Another dead skunk was found at the base of the pole, a local ABC affiliate reported.

The laminated “Obama Stinks” sign was attached to the pole and also had an American flag with a hammer and sickle in place of the stars, the local CBS affiliate reported.

“Is it a direct threat? I’m not sure it’s even a veiled threat. We really don’t know what it is at this point,” Lt. Perez told CBS.

Read more: Obama stinks sign found near dead skunks nailed to Connecticut telephone pole - Washington Times
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The lamination shows some planning on the part of the sickos. Hopefully, they will have left some fingerprints on the sign.

I hope they catch and throw the book at them but sadly, the punishment for animal cruelty isn't near harsh enough.
Makes a fitting legacy for the Obama administration. Are they going to preserve it for his library?

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