Obama supporters are scaring me

Meh, Kerry's record on his actions during and after service were enough to swiftboat himself.

Purple Heart for the idiot wounding himself....:lmao:
Rove hung that "swiftboat" tag on him and he could not come up for air after that.

He was really late to the fight.

Even so..Bush just squeaked by in the Popular election. Winning almost by the Margin of error. Then began to run the country like he had a mandate..and the other party didn't exist. Right up until the point the economy collapsed.

I remember that. He won by a margin of error and claimed he had "political capital and he was going to spend it" LOL :clap2:
Worst Bush Moments: #10, "I Earned Political Capital, and Now I Intend to Spend It" | Alas, a Blog
In 2004, George W. Bush won the narrowest re-election of a president since 1916. Earning just barely over half the vote, and just 286 electoral votes, Bush should have been humble. After all, if America had said anything in his two elections, it was that at least half of us didn’t trust him, didn’t like him, and didn’t want him in office.

A different man would have been circumspect, and worked to build bridges with his opponents. Bush, however, decided to govern as he had in the previous four years — with a slash-and-burn style aimed at punishing his enemies and rewarding his friends.

He made this clear in a press conference held just two days after the election, when he told the press, in no uncertain terms, that this was his country now, and the rest of us were just living in it
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^Notice in Si Modo's post..she calls Kerry a moron for an injury received in battle.

Dole, by the way, admitted to the injury that disabled his arm being caused by a mistake he made.

I've referred to Dole as nothing but an American hero..and a shining example of grace under fire.

And Modo refers to a decorated vet as a moron, after he was injured because of a bullshit swift boater story.

Gotta love it.
No they weren't. The country awarded Kerry several medals based on his valor during the Vietnam war.

Romney? Got into an auto accident in France killing his passenger.
His first PH was because the moron got scared about non-existent enemy fire and exploded his own grenade too close to himself and wounded himself.

Damn....that is some funny shit. Great visual. :lol:

So says his CO, his mates, and the fact that zero enemy fire for that time was reported (per SOP) by anyone, including him. He wounded himself and applied for a Purple Heart...as is his right. :lol:
Rove hung that "swiftboat" tag on him and he could not come up for air after that.

He was really late to the fight.

Even so..Bush just squeaked by in the Popular election. Winning almost by the Margin of error. Then began to run the country like he had a mandate..and the other party didn't exist. Right up until the point the economy collapsed.

Bush did have a mandate when he ran against Kerry.
A mandate? Setting the bar a bit low, aren't you? Let's look at the numbers:

Bush won 62,040,610 popular votes or 50.7%

Kerry won 59,020,444 votes or 48.3%

Less than three percentage points equals a "Mandate"?
He was really late to the fight.

Even so..Bush just squeaked by in the Popular election. Winning almost by the Margin of error. Then began to run the country like he had a mandate..and the other party didn't exist. Right up until the point the economy collapsed.

Bush did have a mandate when he ran against Kerry.
A mandate? Setting the bar a bit low, aren't you? Let's look at the numbers:

Bush won 62,040,610 popular votes or 50.7%

Kerry won 59,020,444 votes or 48.3%

Less than three percentage points equals a "Mandate"?

Over 50% equals a mandate.
^Notice in Si Modo's post..she calls Kerry a moron for an injury received in battle.

Dole, by the way, admitted to the injury that disabled his arm being caused by a mistake he made.

I've referred to Dole as nothing but an American hero..and a shining example of grace under fire.

And Modo refers to a decorated vet as a moron, after he was injured because of a bullshit swift boater story.

Gotta love it.
To a Conservative (and keep in mind the OP) a hero has an (R) behind his name while a moron has a (D) behind his. Never mind the service both individuals gave to his country, never mind the circumstances of his medals. All it takes is that designation (R) or (D) to separate heroes from 'morons'.
There were serveral counts..some had Gore winning.

And that doesn't take into account some several thousand votes that were illegally purged because of names that seemed "similar" to felons.

In any case..the fact that Bush's brother was the governor of the state, the fact his campaign manger was secretary of the state, the fact that two of the Supreme Court judges were appointed by his father's administrations and had financial hooks into the case and the fact that Scalia, himself, said that the decision was an "emergency" and should never be used as precendent doesn't seem to bother you folks in the slightest.

That's some good stuff there..boyo..you betcha.

You're fishing, do the research and you will see that the only way was with the overvotes, every other way Bush won and in some counts even increased his lead, so believe what ever you want, Sallow. But the facts are the facts.
Illegally purged votes, riiiiiight. :rolleyes:

I've stated the facts.

Even using your "facts', Bush wins by under a few hundred votes.

That's incredibly specious given the corruption of the data.

What would have been appropriate was to rerun the elections with 2 candidates.

And given the dubious circumstances..I listed..that would have been valid.

Whatever gets you through the night, Sallow.
Facts are that there wasn't any corruption....even after all the votes were counted. If there was, the democrats would have been on it like white on rice.
^Notice in Si Modo's post..she calls Kerry a moron for an injury received in battle.

Dole, by the way, admitted to the injury that disabled his arm being caused by a mistake he made.

I've referred to Dole as nothing but an American hero..and a shining example of grace under fire.

And Modo refers to a decorated vet as a moron, after he was injured because of a bullshit swift boater story.

Gotta love it.
What "battle" was it that Kerry got his Purple Heart? Produce the reports of an enemy engagement that night - they are required, you know. Additionally, reports of enemy fire are also required. I'm sure you can produce those, too.

Or, maybe his CO and mates can back up that there was an enemy engagement and/or enemy fire that night, right? Oh, wait....they say there was NO enemy fire and he injured himself because he fired his own grenade too close to himself - and his mates - and hurt himself. His first Purple Heart.

"Battle"? :lmao:

Funny visual, though.
Bush did have a mandate when he ran against Kerry.
A mandate? Setting the bar a bit low, aren't you? Let's look at the numbers:

Bush won 62,040,610 popular votes or 50.7%

Kerry won 59,020,444 votes or 48.3%

Less than three percentage points equals a "Mandate"?

Over 50% equals a mandate.
As I said, you're setting the bar low.

Even when he president himself said he would be a one termer if he didn't straighten the economy out in 3 1/2 years, the Democrats still stand behind him. He watched while the US received its first down grades in history, highest deficits when the president said he'd cut them in half, made this country more divisive since the 60's and unilaterally gave amnesty to illegals without the consent from Congress.

He sat by while the Gull Oil spill caused great damage to southern states then only help was to lay blame, unemployment is still above 8 percent while the entire population of unemployed are still not counted.

The allies we had are turning their backs on us and we are experiencing our weakest point in global relations than ever before.

Yet staunch Democrats and those who cannot see still stand behind their Messiah. Why? I don't have the answer, but the OP is right. It is downright scary.
Explain this comment to me, in your own words

"if you've got a business, you didn't build that."

Well Frank, that's a perfect of example of the stupidity you've embraced. Read the whole quote or continue along in your own stupidity. I'm not here to hold your hand and make you smarter. That's your wife's job.
That's a typically liberal response to a legitimate question.

I don't care how you parse the speech Obama included those words in. His message was that successful businesses were not built by individual sweat and personal sacrifice...they were enabled totally by society and the government. Yep...couldn't have done it without all those roads and bridges!

Even the few among you (liberals) that have any common sense agree that private enterprise in the form of small business thrives on the dedication, hard work and sacrifice of the owners DESPITE the hurdles and regulations placed upon them by the government.

Obama is a goddamned Marxist asshole.

Agreed, liberals are not wanting to explain what the comment were supposed to mean, they just want to tell you everyone takes the President out of context.
You're in denial
No. I know a "Mandate" when I see one and 50.7% does not cross that threshold.

Then what is a mandate to you? And how come your subjective determination is the one we should use?

Let's talk about this. Mandate is a subjective term, is it not? Defined as:

noun \ˈman-ˌdāt\

Definition of MANDATE
1: an authoritative command; especially: a formal order from a superior court or official to an inferior one

2: an authorization to act given to a representative <accepted the mandate of the people>

3 a: an order or commission granted by the League of Nations to a member nation for the establishment of a responsible government over a former German colony or other conquered territory b: a mandated territory

Examples of MANDATE

Royal mandates must be obeyed.
They carried out the governor's mandate to build more roads.
He won the election so convincingly that he believed he had been given a mandate for change.
Sports fans have considerable forbearance. Year after year they endure escalating ticket prices, the abomination known as seat licensing and the implied mandate that taxpayers should foot the bill for the new stadium or arena that will absolutely revive downtown.

Now, if someone wins an election with 50.7% of the vote, does that meet the example cited in bold?

Do we really have to parse words here? Would you agree that, if President Obama wins 50.7% of the vote this November he too would have a "mandate"?
As a nonright winger, I can definitely see where frank is coming from. It's an obvious cult of personality that is, and has been, on display for almost four years. Every gaffe, stupid comment, ridiculous assertion or otherwise made by the Obama is met with incredible defense from the teeth gnashing Fourier Complex ridden following.

They adore without question every word from the man's mouth no matter how incredibly stupid, insulting or even attacking of the supporters own view.

It is a serious and dangerous cult of personality. One we haven't seen in America. One that in histories past has led the population down roads that no one should travel.

Bank atms are ruining the economy? Really?

you're a fucking idiot. he never said that ...he was talking about automation and used that as one example...but do go on with your AM radio driven hyperbole.
As a nonright winger, I can definitely see where frank is coming from. It's an obvious cult of personality that is, and has been, on display for almost four years. Every gaffe, stupid comment, ridiculous assertion or otherwise made by the Obama is met with incredible defense from the teeth gnashing Fourier Complex ridden following.

They adore without question every word from the man's mouth no matter how incredibly stupid, insulting or even attacking of the supporters own view.

It is a serious and dangerous cult of personality. One we haven't seen in America. One that in histories past has led the population down roads that no one should travel.

Bank atms are ruining the economy? Really?

you're a fucking idiot. he never said that ...he was talking about automation and used that as one example...but do go on with your AM radio driven hyperbole.

Do you happen to recall which of the 57 states he was in when he said this?
And even if the remark was in regard to automation, it is still beyond ridiculous and shows how incredibly inept Obama is when it comes to economics, the division of labor and technology. Yet you guys soaked it right up like it was fucking gospel. :lol:

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