Obama Sycophants Holding Worldwide Applause-In on His Last Day in Office “Thanks, Obama!”


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
As the world burns, stupidity reigns supreme...

Obama Sycophants Holding Worldwide Applause-In on His Last Day in Office
“Thanks, Obama!”

“Thanks, Obama!”


President Obama’s last day in office is this Thursday, the day before Donald Trump is sworn in as the 45th president. With that in mind, progressives had an idea: tell Obama "thank you" by organizing an applause-in where people all over the world could join in and clap for the wonderful job he’s done.

When the clock strikes 7 p.m. on Thursday, a crowd of around 600 people that has gathered for a party at the Blind Whino, which is an art club a short distance away form the White House, will stand to their feet and applaud together for the last time for President Obama.

Bejidé Davis organized the Washington event because she was concerned that “the country hadn’t appreciated Barack Obama,” notes The Washington Post. At first, Davis thought she might go to the White House alone and stand outside clapping. But as she told more and more people, a plan for all of them to join in was hatched:


Thanks to Fuzzy Slippers for the laugh:

Obama Sycophants Holding Worldwide Applause-In on His Last Day in Office

As the world burns, stupidity reigns supreme...

Obama Sycophants Holding Worldwide Applause-In on His Last Day in Office
“Thanks, Obama!”

“Thanks, Obama!”


President Obama’s last day in office is this Thursday, the day before Donald Trump is sworn in as the 45th president. With that in mind, progressives had an idea: tell Obama "thank you" by organizing an applause-in where people all over the world could join in and clap for the wonderful job he’s done.

When the clock strikes 7 p.m. on Thursday, a crowd of around 600 people that has gathered for a party at the Blind Whino, which is an art club a short distance away form the White House, will stand to their feet and applaud together for the last time for President Obama.

Bejidé Davis organized the Washington event because she was concerned that “the country hadn’t appreciated Barack Obama,” notes The Washington Post. At first, Davis thought she might go to the White House alone and stand outside clapping. But as she told more and more people, a plan for all of them to join in was hatched:


Thanks to Fuzzy Slippers for the laugh:

Obama Sycophants Holding Worldwide Applause-In on His Last Day in Office

His character speaks for itself. People all over the world are in mourning, not just because of trump, but because President Obama is leaving Office.

They will count the days and rejoice when Trump leaves.

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Looks like the OP is gravely butthurt over finding out that his Emperor is the least popular president to take office.

I lol at thee, AJ.
Thing about progressivism, is I've always found it so intensely boring.

I like liberalism because it's just saying fuck it yeah. But progressivism is like all of the bad parts of Nazism and then a lot.
The image in the OP is the opposite of what the President is and stands for and wants for the country world.

The image does represent the Alt Right and their ally, ISIS.

Why do you resent the people thanking Obama for trying to make a better world.
Those assholes are Weapons Grade Stupid.

Once Trump takes the oath I plan to celebrate with gun fire and some left over fireworks.

It's been 8 long years of malaise and incompetence. Now that the meat puppet faggot's agenda is going to be taken down you can actually feel a sense of optimism in the country. You can find .22lr ammo on the shelves at Academy. In fact ammo is now once again widely available as well as powder and primers. The stock market is running amok.

It should have been a warning to the country that the day after the messiah got elected it lost 1/3 of it's value.

"let's all clap for the guy that led our party off a cliff"

geez what a bunch of retards, clapping at the walls for a guy that isn't even there, whose presidency ended with them having their asses handed to them in an election that was as easy a win as ever one was.....
As the world burns, stupidity reigns supreme...

Obama Sycophants Holding Worldwide Applause-In on His Last Day in Office
“Thanks, Obama!”

“Thanks, Obama!”


President Obama’s last day in office is this Thursday, the day before Donald Trump is sworn in as the 45th president. With that in mind, progressives had an idea: tell Obama "thank you" by organizing an applause-in where people all over the world could join in and clap for the wonderful job he’s done.

When the clock strikes 7 p.m. on Thursday, a crowd of around 600 people that has gathered for a party at the Blind Whino, which is an art club a short distance away form the White House, will stand to their feet and applaud together for the last time for President Obama.

Bejidé Davis organized the Washington event because she was concerned that “the country hadn’t appreciated Barack Obama,” notes The Washington Post. At first, Davis thought she might go to the White House alone and stand outside clapping. But as she told more and more people, a plan for all of them to join in was hatched:


Thanks to Fuzzy Slippers for the laugh:

Obama Sycophants Holding Worldwide Applause-In on His Last Day in Office

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