Obama takes a ratings plunge

In 2014 the democrats will see their numbers plunge after so many years of Obama's unsuccessful experiment in socialism. The Republicans have never turned against our Constitution or our capitalist system and the voters will reward them even more for their faith and loyalty to our country and our way of life in 2016.

Hummm we heard that in 2008 and 2012, the republicans are a regional party with positives in the teens

As Ms Lindsay Graham said : “We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long run".

Once the democrats break the country they will not be able to buy the votes of the welfare leeches and the Republicans will take our country back and make it strong again.
The mindless left can's attack this source. Maybe people are finally waking up, or found the antidote for the kool-aid.
Obama Approval Rating: President's Numbers Drop 7 Points, Poll Shows

No offense, but I could care less about Obama's approval ratings lowering. People had a chance to vote their disapproval in November of last year, but they didn't. As far as I am concerned, the suddenly waking up crowd who are now disapproving of Obama are getting what they voted for. These people plenty of opportunities and resources to know all about Obama, but they didn't bother. So, to those who voted for Obama, or those who didn't vote at all, they are getting what they deserve, I have no sympathy for them. The only problem is, these newly disapproving people are the same idiots who gave America what she did NOT deserve.
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In 2014 the democrats will see their numbers plunge after so many years of Obama's unsuccessful experiment in socialism. The Republicans have never turned against our Constitution or our capitalist system and the voters will reward them even more for their faith and loyalty to our country and our way of life in 2016.

Hummm we heard that in 2008 and 2012, the republicans are a regional party with positives in the teens

As Ms Lindsay Graham said : “We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long run".

Could you provide a link for that quote please.
So what? Maybe you and McConnel can keep President Obama from winning a third term.

Soooooo in your mind, it's perfectly acceptable to do a shitty job and go against the will of the American people because he doesn't have to worry about getting re-elected? What the fuck kind of "rational" is that?!? :cuckoo:
In 2014 the democrats will see their numbers plunge after so many years of Obama's unsuccessful experiment in socialism. The Republicans have never turned against our Constitution or our capitalist system and the voters will reward them even more for their faith and loyalty to our country and our way of life in 2016.

Hummm we heard that in 2008 and 2012, the republicans are a regional party with positives in the teens

As Ms Lindsay Graham said : “We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long run".

Could you provide a link for that quote please.

Secret to Romney?s Defeat: Not Enough ?Angry White Guys??

Back in August, Graham had said: "The demographics race we're losing badly. We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term." :eusa_whistle:

My post was in answer to the remark just wait until 2014.

My point is the Republicans give no alternative vision or platform, just bitter back biting. Back in 2010 they ran on Jobs but when they got in it was anything but jobs. Phony abortion bills and flag waving Non sense.
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So what? Maybe you and McConnel can keep President Obama from winning a third term.

Soooooo in your mind, it's perfectly acceptable to do a shitty job and go against the will of the American people because he doesn't have to worry about getting re-elected? What the fuck kind of "rational" is that?!? :cuckoo:

Will of the American people?

Yes the will of the American people and their wishes were voted on last Nov. It is called the Presidential election. We do need a two party system or even more party's. Hope the Republicans start putting up solutions and vision instead of NO to everything.:eusa_pray:
like I mentioned in another thread, blacks don't vote in mid-terms. they are too busy looking for a place to cash their welfare check and/or off to their local rib restaurant or red-lobster. there goes 12% of the Democrat share of the votes.
The mindless left can's attack this source. Maybe people are finally waking up, or found the antidote for the kool-aid.
Obama Approval Rating: President's Numbers Drop 7 Points, Poll Shows


There's a guy who never took the kool-aid. I am so glad people are waking up. Too bad it happened after voting him in a second time

President Obama Lazy?

On Sunday, during an appearance on Meet The Press, Colin Powell condemned the GOP’s “dark vein of intolerance” and the party’s repeated use of racial code words to oppose President Obama and rally white conservative voters.
Without mentioning names, Powell singled out former Mitt Romney surrogate and New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu for calling Obama “lazy” and Sarah Palin, who, Powell charged, used slavery-era terms to describe Obama:
POWELL: There’s also a dark — a dark vein of intolerance in some parts of the party. What do I mean by that? I mean by that that they still sort of look down on minorities. How can I evidence that?

Colin Powell Calls Out The GOP's Racism Problem: There Is 'A Dark Vein Of Intolerance' | ThinkProgress


There's a guy who never took the kool-aid. I am so glad people are waking up. Too bad it happened after voting him in a second time

President Obama Lazy?

On Sunday, during an appearance on Meet The Press, Colin Powell condemned the GOP’s “dark vein of intolerance” and the party’s repeated use of racial code words to oppose President Obama and rally white conservative voters.
Without mentioning names, Powell singled out former Mitt Romney surrogate and New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu for calling Obama “lazy” and Sarah Palin, who, Powell charged, used slavery-era terms to describe Obama:
POWELL: There’s also a dark — a dark vein of intolerance in some parts of the party. What do I mean by that? I mean by that that they still sort of look down on minorities. How can I evidence that?

Colin Powell Calls Out The GOP's Racism Problem: There Is 'A Dark Vein Of Intolerance' | ThinkProgress


Where's Colin Powell when we need him? Oh, he's too moderate for today's hyper-partisan environment. Nix that...........
like I mentioned in another thread, blacks don't vote in mid-terms. they are too busy looking for a place to cash their welfare check and/or off to their local rib restaurant or red-lobster. there goes 12% of the Democrat share of the votes.

No time to talk - I'll let Grandpa fill you in..........

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpnvlCh96kU&playnext=1&list=PLAB36DCB73229E00C&feature=results_video]Old Man Tyree Talks About Dildos - YouTube[/ame]
The mindless left can's attack this source. Maybe people are finally waking up, or found the antidote for the kool-aid.
Obama Approval Rating: President's Numbers Drop 7 Points, Poll Shows


Looks like roger never missed a meal in his life :eusa_boohoo:

And what kind of WORK did Roger ever do except lift a folk and knife?

You Libturds are so desperate for anything, you'll go as far as to attack a person's weight? Sad.

There's a guy who never took the kool-aid. I am so glad people are waking up. Too bad it happened after voting him in a second time

President Obama Lazy?

On Sunday, during an appearance on Meet The Press, Colin Powell condemned the GOP’s “dark vein of intolerance” and the party’s repeated use of racial code words to oppose President Obama and rally white conservative voters.
Without mentioning names, Powell singled out former Mitt Romney surrogate and New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu for calling Obama “lazy” and Sarah Palin, who, Powell charged, used slavery-era terms to describe Obama:
POWELL: There’s also a dark — a dark vein of intolerance in some parts of the party. What do I mean by that? I mean by that that they still sort of look down on minorities. How can I evidence that?

Colin Powell Calls Out The GOP's Racism Problem: There Is 'A Dark Vein Of Intolerance' | ThinkProgress



Lazy is a slave-era racial term?

What other interesting facts do you lefties have for us?
like I mentioned in another thread, blacks don't vote in mid-terms. they are too busy looking for a place to cash their welfare check and/or off to their local rib restaurant or red-lobster. there goes 12% of the Democrat share of the votes.

No time to talk - I'll let Grandpa fill you in..........

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpnvlCh96kU&playnext=1&list=PLAB36DCB73229E00C&feature=results_video]Old Man Tyree Talks About Dildos - YouTube[/ame]

I see where you get your intelligence from.

There's a guy who never took the kool-aid. I am so glad people are waking up. Too bad it happened after voting him in a second time

President Obama Lazy?

On Sunday, during an appearance on Meet The Press, Colin Powell condemned the GOP’s “dark vein of intolerance” and the party’s repeated use of racial code words to oppose President Obama and rally white conservative voters.
Without mentioning names, Powell singled out former Mitt Romney surrogate and New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu for calling Obama “lazy” and Sarah Palin, who, Powell charged, used slavery-era terms to describe Obama:
POWELL: There’s also a dark — a dark vein of intolerance in some parts of the party. What do I mean by that? I mean by that that they still sort of look down on minorities. How can I evidence that?

Colin Powell Calls Out The GOP's Racism Problem: There Is 'A Dark Vein Of Intolerance' | ThinkProgress


Blacks see "racial code words" in everything. Anyone remember (i think it was) a Black city council member objected to a White council member's use of "black hole" when describing a budget situation, claiming it was racist?
There's a guy who never took the kool-aid. I am so glad people are waking up. Too bad it happened after voting him in a second time

President Obama Lazy?

On Sunday, during an appearance on Meet The Press, Colin Powell condemned the GOP’s “dark vein of intolerance” and the party’s repeated use of racial code words to oppose President Obama and rally white conservative voters.
Without mentioning names, Powell singled out former Mitt Romney surrogate and New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu for calling Obama “lazy” and Sarah Palin, who, Powell charged, used slavery-era terms to describe Obama:
POWELL: There’s also a dark — a dark vein of intolerance in some parts of the party. What do I mean by that? I mean by that that they still sort of look down on minorities. How can I evidence that?

Colin Powell Calls Out The GOP's Racism Problem: There Is 'A Dark Vein Of Intolerance' | ThinkProgress


Blacks see "racial code words" in everything. Anyone remember (i think it was) a Black city council member objected to a White council member's use of "black hole" when describing a budget situation, claiming it was racist?

No these code word are historical and have been used during slavery and Jim crow times, such as Lazy , break him etc. they are known as dog whistle words and that is why they are used. General Power called the Republicans out on this more them once. Just as the smear of Hollywood is used as a code word for saying the Liberal Jews are in control of Hollywood. Learn some history. these words are used on purpose to arouse the bitter old white base of the now regional republican party

Dog-whistle politics is political messaging employing coded language that appears to mean one thing to the general population but has an additional, different or more specific resonance for a targeted subgroup. The phrase is only ever used as a pejorative, because of the inherently deceptive nature of the practice and because the dog-whistle messages are frequently themselves distasteful, for example by empathizing with racist attitudes. It is an analogy to dog whistles, which are built in such a way that their high-frequency whistle is heard by dogs, but is inaudible to humans.
The term can be distinguished from "code words" used by hospital staff or other specialist workers, in that dog-whistling is specific to the political realm, and the messaging referred to as the dog-whistle has an understandable meaning for a general audience, rather than being incomprehensible.

An example or one of yours ina moment of honesty :In 1981, former Republican Party strategist Lee Atwater when giving an interview discussing the GOP's Southern Strategy he said
"You start out in 1954 by saying, "******, ******, ******." By 1968, you can't say "******" — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now that you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is that blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "******, ******"".

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