Obama takes credit for money Sent to Afghan victims


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
I know there is already a thread on the payments from the American people to the massacre victims, But I thought this point needed a thread of its own. Obama gave them this money? "From Obama"? Obama personally paid those people out of his pocket? I don’t really have a problem with the payments, but it should say this money came from the American people not Obama “Obama money" more "Obama money"

U.S. Pays Families of Afghan Victims in Massacre

KABUL, Afghanistan — The families of 16 Afghan villagers who were killed this month by a rampaging American soldier were given $50,000 by the United States for each of their relatives who died, Afghan and American officials said.

The payments were made on Saturday by American military officers at the office of the governor of Kandahar Province, where the killings took place. The people wounded in the attacks were each given $11,000, said Haji Agha Lalai, a member of the Kandahar provincial council.

Haji Jan Agha, who lost cousins in the killings, said he and other relatives were invited to the governor’s office by foreign and Afghan officials, according to Reuters. “They said this money is an assistance from Obama,” Mr. Agha was quoted as saying.
I know there is already a thread on the payments from the American people to the massacre victims, But I thought this point needed a thread of its own. Obama gave them this money? "From Obama"? Obama personally paid those people out of his pocket? I don’t really have a problem with the payments, but it should say this money came from the American people not Obama “Obama money" more "Obama money"

U.S. Pays Families of Afghan Victims in Massacre

KABUL, Afghanistan — The families of 16 Afghan villagers who were killed this month by a rampaging American soldier were given $50,000 by the United States for each of their relatives who died, Afghan and American officials said.

The payments were made on Saturday by American military officers at the office of the governor of Kandahar Province, where the killings took place. The people wounded in the attacks were each given $11,000, said Haji Agha Lalai, a member of the Kandahar provincial council.

Haji Jan Agha, who lost cousins in the killings, said he and other relatives were invited to the governor’s office by foreign and Afghan officials, according to Reuters. “They said this money is an assistance from Obama,” Mr. Agha was quoted as saying.

I am no supporter of obama but..the quote is from a cousin of a victim not the state ..
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I know there is already a thread on the payments from the American people to the massacre victims, But I thought this point needed a thread of its own. Obama gave them this money? "From Obama"? Obama personally paid those people out of his pocket? I don’t really have a problem with the payments, but it should say this money came from the American people not Obama “Obama money" more "Obama money"

U.S. Pays Families of Afghan Victims in Massacre

KABUL, Afghanistan — The families of 16 Afghan villagers who were killed this month by a rampaging American soldier were given $50,000 by the United States for each of their relatives who died, Afghan and American officials said.

The payments were made on Saturday by American military officers at the office of the governor of Kandahar Province, where the killings took place. The people wounded in the attacks were each given $11,000, said Haji Agha Lalai, a member of the Kandahar provincial council.

Haji Jan Agha, who lost cousins in the killings, said he and other relatives were invited to the governor’s office by foreign and Afghan officials, according to Reuters. “They said this money is an assistance from Obama Mr. Agha was quoted as saying.

I am no supporter of obama but..the quote is from a cousin of a victim not the state ..

I have no doubt that is what was implied when this money was given...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOZ-Etb0k0Q]Obama Money - Where Did it Come From? - YouTube[/ame]
I know there is already a thread on the payments from the American people to the massacre victims, But I thought this point needed a thread of its own. Obama gave them this money? "From Obama"? Obama personally paid those people out of his pocket? I don’t really have a problem with the payments, but it should say this money came from the American people not Obama “Obama money" more "Obama money"


I am no supporter of obama but..the quote is from a cousin of a victim not the state ..

I have no doubt that is what was implied when this money was given...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOZ-Etb0k0Q]Obama Money - Where Did it Come From? - YouTube[/ame]

I have no doubt that even if it wasn't you'd think that is was.
I am no supporter of obama but..the quote is from a cousin of a victim not the state ..

I have no doubt that is what was implied when this money was given...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOZ-Etb0k0Q]Obama Money - Where Did it Come From? - YouTube[/ame]

I have no doubt that even if it wasn't you'd think that is was.

I'm not the one who said it...

Afghan official: US paid $50,000 to families of each victim in shooting spree

The United States has paid $50,000 in compensation for each Afghan killed in the shooting spree attributed to a U.S. soldier in southern Afghanistan, an Afghan official and a community elder said Sunday.

The families of the dead received the money Saturday at the governor's office, said Kandahar provincial council member Agha Lalai. Each wounded person received $11,000, Lalai said. Community elder Jan Agha confirmed the same figures.

They were told that the money came from U.S. President Barack Obama, Lalai said
Read more: Afghan Official: US Paid $50,000 To Families Of Each Victim In Shooting Spree | Fox News
From the Reuter's article, it was Afghan officials that told the recipients that the money came from Obama. He was probably instrumental in getting them the money so it's logical that Afgans would say it came from him.
From the Reuter's article, it was Afghan officials that told the recipients that the money came from Obama. He was probably instrumental in getting them the money so it's logical that Afgans would say it came from him.

You may be right, but Obama likes to keep his name on things, he even has his modified Obama symbol on the paid for by the stimulus construction projects, plus the man said "they were told" it came from Obama, it doesn’t seem like they came up with that on their own
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From the Reuter's article, it was Afghan officials that told the recipients that the money came from Obama. He was probably instrumental in getting them the money so it's logical that Afgans would say it came from him.

You may be right, but Obama likes to keep his name on things, he even has his modified Obama symbol on the paid for by the stimulus construction projects, plus the man said "they were told" it came from Obama, it doesn’t seem like they came up with that on their own
It's very common to credit the head of state when we should be referring to the nation. We do it all the time.
From the Reuter's article, it was Afghan officials that told the recipients that the money came from Obama. He was probably instrumental in getting them the money so it's logical that Afgans would say it came from him.

You may be right, but Obama likes to keep his name on things, he even has his modified Obama symbol on the paid for by the stimulus construction projects, plus the man said "they were told" it came from Obama, it doesn’t seem like they came up with that on their own
It's very common to credit the head of state when we should be referring to the nation. We do it all the time.

We do? give me some examples
From the Reuter's article, it was Afghan officials that told the recipients that the money came from Obama. He was probably instrumental in getting them the money so it's logical that Afgans would say it came from him.

You may be right, but Obama likes to keep his name on things, he even has his modified Obama symbol on the paid for by the stimulus construction projects, plus the man said "they were told" it came from Obama, it doesn’t seem like they came up with that on their own
It's very common to credit the head of state when we should be referring to the nation. We do it all the time.

What would the alternative have been? "From the American people".
From the Reuter's article, it was Afghan officials that told the recipients that the money came from Obama. He was probably instrumental in getting them the money so it's logical that Afgans would say it came from him.

You may be right, but Obama likes to keep his name on things, he even has his modified Obama symbol on the paid for by the stimulus construction projects, plus the man said "they were told" it came from Obama, it doesn’t seem like they came up with that on their own
It's very common to credit the head of state when we should be referring to the nation. We do it all the time.

Exactly, especially when no doubt that the OP wouldn't have a problem blaming Obama personally for things our government does wrong.

Childish thread is childish
to claim something an Afghan official 'may' have told the relative of a victim as proof Obama is taking personal credit for paying the money is partisan hackery. period.
to claim something an Afghan official 'may' have told the relative of a victim as proof Obama is taking personal credit for paying the money is partisan hackery. period.

Considering Obama's I..I...Me..Me it's not hard to believe at all. It's actually likely
to claim something an Afghan official 'may' have told the relative of a victim as proof Obama is taking personal credit for paying the money is partisan hackery. period.

Considering Obama's I..I...Me..Me it's not hard to believe at all. It's actually likely

show me a direct quote from Obama where he claims he personally paid this money. I'll resign from the board the instant you can do so.
I know there is already a thread on the payments from the American people to the massacre victims, But I thought this point needed a thread of its own. Obama gave them this money? "From Obama"? Obama personally paid those people out of his pocket? I don’t really have a problem with the payments, but it should say this money came from the American people not Obama “Obama money" more "Obama money"

U.S. Pays Families of Afghan Victims in Massacre

KABUL, Afghanistan — The families of 16 Afghan villagers who were killed this month by a rampaging American soldier were given $50,000 by the United States for each of their relatives who died, Afghan and American officials said.

The payments were made on Saturday by American military officers at the office of the governor of Kandahar Province, where the killings took place. The people wounded in the attacks were each given $11,000, said Haji Agha Lalai, a member of the Kandahar provincial council.

Haji Jan Agha, who lost cousins in the killings, said he and other relatives were invited to the governor’s office by foreign and Afghan officials, according to Reuters. “They said this money is an assistance from Obama Mr. Agha was quoted as saying.

I am no supporter of obama but..the quote is from a cousin of a victim not the state ..

Then he ought to know what the family was told about where the money came from -being a cousin doesn't mean a distant relationship with the victims! I'm pretty sure there was no language mix-up here. Remember, the majority of Afghans aren't even aware of 9/11 which is why most of them also believe our presence there is a continuation of the war with the Soviet Union! So I'm pretty sure they didn't just pull Obama's name out of the hat and know the difference between being told the money was from Obama as opposed to being told the money was from the United States. Even Obama has tried to portray the US as a nation that should grovel in shame -but presented HIMSELF as some kind of world savior. This only proves once again the egomaniacal nature of leftists -and Obama is definitely one of them. It doesn't help when celebrities like child molester Woody Allen said Obama should tear up the Constitution and just declare himself dictator-for-life. The left so believes they are just so ....noble-y and all, it gives them an inherent right to RULE over everyone else (not govern). And because they are so.....noble-y and all with that inherent right to RULE over others, that end justifies about ANY means to get there. Again -not my words -I'm just repeating what the leftwing extremists themselves have put in writing themselves.

It isn't the first time Obama has shown his egomaniacal, narcissistic nature. What was Obama's response after listening to Ortega lie through his fucking teeth in a near hour long venom-filled, anti-American hate speech rants of a totally bullshit, bastardized version of "history" portraying the US as the source of all the world's ills? Did the man call Ortega to account and denounce the man's lying ass attack of the US with his filthy fucking lies? Did he insist on using his own time to set the record straight? DID HE DEFEND THE HONOR OF THIS NATION FROM THE SCURRILOUS NONSTOP LIES PUT OUT THERE BY THE FILTHY MURDERING COMMUNIST BUTCHER ORTEGA?

Of course not -that is what a honorable President of the United States would have done and we all know Obama felt our country was so dishonorable and so despicable and so embarassing, he believed it necessary to spend months apologizing to the world for our existence. Why would anyone believe Obama is "honorable" when even at home he works overtime pitting American against fellow Americans? The man has NO love for this country -he has love for OBAMA. What Obama did was thank Ortega for not personally blaming HIM -as usual immediately trying to make everything about HIM. Obama is just the temporary office holder like every other President - he isn't the OWNER of this country and we aren't his subjects. It isn't about HIM. But you wouldn't know it from listening to this man's ego. According to the EU Times, even French President Sarkozy said he was appalled at hearing Obama's "vision" for what the world should be under HIS guidance and amazed at his unwillingness to listen to either logic or reason (notably absent traits among leftists anyway -duh). In fact, he said he believed Obama was a dangerous lunatic. Apparently Sarkozy doesn't find him qualified to be Dear Leader of the Planet either -but then, the guy isn't qualified for the job he has now.

So his response to hearing Ortega's filth was no different from any other typical leftwing extremist egomaniacal would-be dictator thug. The only thing missing from this narcissist is for him to order every city to erect a statue so he can pretend it proves how much the "little people" love him. Come on November!

French Leader Sarkozy Slams Obama, Warns He Might Be Insane | EUTimes.net
to claim something an Afghan official 'may' have told the relative of a victim as proof Obama is taking personal credit for paying the money is partisan hackery. period.

Considering Obama's I..I...Me..Me it's not hard to believe at all. It's actually likely

show me a direct quote from Obama where he claims he personally paid this money. I'll resign from the board the instant you can do so.

Even the leftist POS station NPR is reporting the victims were told the money was from OBAMA. U.S. Pays Compensation To Afghan Shooting Victims : NPR

You have been shown where this came from and why it was even mentioned. And here is yet another source for it -a well known leftwing source. Your personal unwillingness to BELIEVE it doesn't place any further obligation on anyone here to waste their time trying to convince you this report has legs to it. Numerous sources are reporting Obama has taken PERSONAL credit for giving the money and that the victims' families were told the money was from OBAMA -not from the UNITED STATES. Deal with it.
You may be right, but Obama likes to keep his name on things, he even has his modified Obama symbol on the paid for by the stimulus construction projects, plus the man said "they were told" it came from Obama, it doesn’t seem like they came up with that on their own
It's very common to credit the head of state when we should be referring to the nation. We do it all the time.

We do? give me some examples
Quite often US officials will credit the head of state for some action instead of the nation.

Clinton announced Lee Myung-bak will eliminate trade barriers between the two countries….

The US says Saddam Hussein took $US1 billion before war started.

“By ignoring the short-term threat, U.S. officials say Merkel is unwittingly courting the very threat they so narrowly managed to keep at bay.”
Considering Obama's I..I...Me..Me it's not hard to believe at all. It's actually likely

show me a direct quote from Obama where he claims he personally paid this money. I'll resign from the board the instant you can do so.

Even the leftist POS station NPR is reporting the victims were told the money was from OBAMA. U.S. Pays Compensation To Afghan Shooting Victims : NPR

You have been shown where this came from and why it was even mentioned. And here is yet another source for it -a well known leftwing source. Your personal unwillingness to BELIEVE it doesn't place any further obligation on anyone here to waste their time trying to convince you this report has legs to it. Numerous sources are reporting Obama has taken PERSONAL credit for giving the money and that the victims' families were told the money was from OBAMA -not from the UNITED STATES. Deal with it.

numerous sources claimed we never went to the moon.
just sayin...

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