Obama Tanks Into the 30s Overall Approval

That rating consists of lazy-assed Federal Employees and their unions, Blacks, Mexicans, Homosexuals, liberals/socialists who are jealous of everybody over something, most of the members of the lying scumbags' family--but probably not all, and everybody who is mentally ill and who is not included in the previous categories.

The man is despicable.
That rating consists of lazy-assed Federal Employees and their unions, Blacks, Mexicans, Homosexuals, liberals/socialists who are jealous of everybody over something, most of the members of the lying scumbags' family--but probably not all, and everybody who is mentally ill and who is not included in the previous categories.

The man is despicable.

Ah...the RW mind set. :D
He may be on he way to impeachment...keeping my fingers crossed.

Not a prayer of that until January, 2015 when the majority in The Senate shifts. Any attempt before then will never be even introduced in Harry Reid's kingdom.

You think it will go GOP?

That's one possibility.

Another is that Obama Democrats may be unseated by (OK, so I'm a dreamer) honest Democrats who understand that when laws are broken the party membership of the perp is no zero importance.

I know....fat chance of that.....
Go look at the GOP approval, it's in the 20's, the lowest it's ever been in history.
That rating consists of lazy-assed Federal Employees and their unions, Blacks, Mexicans, Homosexuals, liberals/socialists who are jealous of everybody over something, most of the members of the lying scumbags' family--but probably not all, and everybody who is mentally ill and who is not included in the previous categories.

The man is despicable.

hey Fuckhead.....kiss my ass....your welcome to come down to the PO and attempt to carry a route....how hard could it be?....
I'm surprised Obama is not a lot lower. But that could also be said about the GOP (28% approval), the Tea Party (21% approval) and the Dems (34% approval).
With the atmosphere of "do nothing but play politics" in Washington, I'm shocked anyone approves of anybody in Washington!
Let's face it, does anyone in Washington actually belong there? Naaa!
New Boood! New Blood! New Blood! And nothing like the likes of those already there.
Coincidentally, what the inmates used to call the only polls that matter are being held today.

Let's see how the Obama hater Cuccinelli, and Obama's Republican BFF, Christie, do today.

That's your real poll.
I'm surprised Obama is not a lot lower. But that could also be said about the GOP (28% approval), the Tea Party (21% approval) and the Dems (34% approval).
With the atmosphere of "do nothing but play politics" in Washington, I'm shocked anyone approves of anybody in Washington!
Let's face it, does anyone in Washington actually belong there? Naaa!
New Boood! New Blood! New Blood! And nothing like the likes of those already there.

The rightwingers don't get that all politicians are in the tank right now,

but the President is the least of all the evils.

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