obama tells Turkey to seal its' border with Syria. Turkey: what about your Mexican border

This bullshit with Turkey has been going on for forever and all our western leaders knew Turkey along with Saudi Arabia and Qatar were funding the terrorists errrrrrrrrr rebels in Syria and planning to hand over the country to the MB.

It is disgusting beyond belief. Crimes against humanity. Erdogan should be dragged before the courts. Ditto anyone else involved in this charade of an Arab Spring.
This bullshit with Turkey has been going on for forever and all our western leaders knew Turkey along with Saudi Arabia and Qatar were funding the terrorists errrrrrrrrr rebels in Syria and planning to hand over the country to the MB.

It is disgusting beyond belief. Crimes against humanity. Erdogan should be dragged before the courts. Ditto anyone else involved in this charade of an Arab Spring.
That would involve dragging every leader of every western nation, including Obama, Blair, and Netanyahu to court.
Let the drugs flow and any other crimes that obama doesn't deem punishable;

drugs and crime are minimal compared to the inflow of ISIS muslime murderers who want to behead all of us..., well except the demoscum and other atheists who will capitulate and convert to muslime only to save their miserable lives. :up:
Let the drugs flow and any other crimes that obama doesn't deem punishable;

drugs and crime are minimal compared to the inflow of ISIS muslime murderers who want to behead all of us..., well except the demoscum and other atheists who will capitulate and convert to muslime only to save their miserable lives. :up:
The ME influx in Twin Falls, Idaho are living in a state of hopelessness.
This bullshit with Turkey has been going on for forever and all our western leaders knew Turkey along with Saudi Arabia and Qatar were funding the terrorists errrrrrrrrr rebels in Syria and planning to hand over the country to the MB.

It is disgusting beyond belief. Crimes against humanity. Erdogan should be dragged before the courts. Ditto anyone else involved in this charade of an Arab Spring.
That would involve dragging every leader of every western nation, including Obama, Blair, and Netanyahu to court.

And sadly a man I used to admire called Stephen Harper. He did not only just allow this. My Prime Minister and his party who I campaigned for for years on end has been a part of this debacle.

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