Obama Tells UN Not All Terrorists Are Muslims… . He gets educated!!!

Don't pretend there aren't a lot of Gnu Right Wingers, Redfish, who wouldn't like to ban Muslims. You can't possibly be that stupid.

Oh, wait...

you can also GFY.

You're just butt hurt that I blew your belief out of the water that people don't want to ban Muslims with hard evidence.

And it burns your ass to realize the tards use the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT as libtard gun controllers.

We are talking about the radical fringe in both cases. But I guess you are too dumb to realize that.
Nope. Anti-Muslim bigotry has gone mainstream on the Right. And you know it.
Don't pretend there aren't a lot of Gnu Right Wingers, Redfish, who wouldn't like to ban Muslims. You can't possibly be that stupid.

Oh, wait...

you can also GFY.

You're just butt hurt that I blew your belief out of the water that people don't want to ban Muslims with hard evidence.

And it burns your ass to realize the tards use the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT as libtard gun controllers.

We are talking about the radical fringe in both cases. But I guess you are too dumb to realize that.
Nope. Anti-Muslim bigotry has gone mainstream on the Right. And you know it.

Nope, you are wrong, your handlers at huffpuff and kos are lying to you.
More news about Obungles, the Kenyan Idiot-in-Chief.

Obama Tells UN Not All Terrorists Are Muslims... Here's 1 World Leader's BLUNT Response

On Tuesday at the U.N. Leaders Summit on Countering ISIL and Violent Extremism, Barack Obama stated that violent extremism isn’t limited to any one faith. However, British Prime Minister David Cameron had one very important clarification to make on Obama’s assertion, and it was epic.

“Violent extremism is not unique to any one faith, so no one should ever be profiled or targeted simply because of their faith,” Obama, who chaired the summit, said.

Cameron did not disagree with Obama, but added that violent extremism can only be stopped at the root. Which, at this moment in time, is radical Islam.

“Barack, you are quite right, that every religion has its extremists, but we have to be frank that the biggest problem we have today is the Islamist extremist violence that has given birth to ISIL, to Al Shabaab to Al Nusra, Al Qaeda and so many other groups,” Cameron clarified, according to The Blaze.

The British prime minister went further to explain that the responsibility lies with the leaders of Muslim nations to speak out against these radical groups.

Religious extremism didn't ;give rise to terror groups like IS and al-Qaeda.'

Western foreign policy gave rise to terror groups by occupying their countries and exploiting their oil reserves. While their governments were bribed, their people then suffered from the exploitation. And if not a member of the country's military your choice of resistance is very limited.

If Christian countries had all the world's oil, the terror groups would be Christian. Isn't inherently a problem with Islam so much as circumstantial. Islamic dominated countries is where the foreign explitation's occuring and so where the terror resistance crops up.
Exploiting their oil reserves....meaning giving them hundreds of billions of dollars.....for something they couldn't get to on their own.


Somebody please exploit me like that!

very true, without the american oil companies most of the arabs would be living in tents and drinking camel piss while their teeth fell out.
Yes, the glory the Middle East is, thanks to oil and our considerable help to pump it out, for our use...
The truth is the almost all of the terrorist attacks anywhere in the world over the last 50 years have been carried out by radical sects of islam in the name of allah and mohammed. To deny that fact is to play the ostrich with his head in the desert sand of the mid east.
There's a fix but you won't like it. It's liberalism. Works pretty well to keep the Christians from being total nutters with society.
Don't pretend there aren't a lot of Gnu Right Wingers, Redfish, who wouldn't like to ban Muslims. You can't possibly be that stupid.

Oh, wait...

you can also GFY.

You're just butt hurt that I blew your belief out of the water that people don't want to ban Muslims with hard evidence.

And it burns your ass to realize the tards use the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT as libtard gun controllers.

We are talking about the radical fringe in both cases. But I guess you are too dumb to realize that.
Nope. Anti-Muslim bigotry has gone mainstream on the Right. And you know it.
Only as a defense measure.

Liberals don't seem to have the same sense of self-preservation that we do.

That's why they are constantly selling us out to those that want to kill us.
Don't pretend there aren't a lot of Gnu Right Wingers, Redfish, who wouldn't like to ban Muslims. You can't possibly be that stupid.

Oh, wait...

you can also GFY.

You're just butt hurt that I blew your belief out of the water that people don't want to ban Muslims with hard evidence.

And it burns your ass to realize the tards use the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT as libtard gun controllers.

We are talking about the radical fringe in both cases. But I guess you are too dumb to realize that.
Nope. Anti-Muslim bigotry has gone mainstream on the Right. And you know it.
Only as a defense measure.

Liberals don't seem to have the same sense of self-preservation that we do.

That's why they are constantly selling us out to those that want to kill us.
See, Redfish?

Exact same TardLogic™.
you can also GFY.

You're just butt hurt that I blew your belief out of the water that people don't want to ban Muslims with hard evidence.

And it burns your ass to realize the tards use the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT as libtard gun controllers.

We are talking about the radical fringe in both cases. But I guess you are too dumb to realize that.
Nope. Anti-Muslim bigotry has gone mainstream on the Right. And you know it.
Only as a defense measure.

Liberals don't seem to have the same sense of self-preservation that we do.

That's why they are constantly selling us out to those that want to kill us.
See, Redfish?

Exact same TardLogic™.

He didn't say we should ban muslims. But I will let him respond to your inane post.
You're just butt hurt that I blew your belief out of the water that people don't want to ban Muslims with hard evidence.

And it burns your ass to realize the tards use the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT as libtard gun controllers.

We are talking about the radical fringe in both cases. But I guess you are too dumb to realize that.
Nope. Anti-Muslim bigotry has gone mainstream on the Right. And you know it.
Only as a defense measure.

Liberals don't seem to have the same sense of self-preservation that we do.

That's why they are constantly selling us out to those that want to kill us.
See, Redfish?

Exact same TardLogic™.

He didn't say we should ban muslims. But I will let him respond to your inane post.
Wow. You really are willfully blind.
you can also GFY.

You're just butt hurt that I blew your belief out of the water that people don't want to ban Muslims with hard evidence.

And it burns your ass to realize the tards use the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT as libtard gun controllers.

We are talking about the radical fringe in both cases. But I guess you are too dumb to realize that.
Nope. Anti-Muslim bigotry has gone mainstream on the Right. And you know it.
Only as a defense measure.

Liberals don't seem to have the same sense of self-preservation that we do.

That's why they are constantly selling us out to those that want to kill us.
See, Redfish?

Exact same TardLogic™.
When somebody says on a regular basis "DEATH TO AMERICA ", we're supposed to be friends with them??

Are you retarded?????
We are talking about the radical fringe in both cases. But I guess you are too dumb to realize that.
Nope. Anti-Muslim bigotry has gone mainstream on the Right. And you know it.
Only as a defense measure.

Liberals don't seem to have the same sense of self-preservation that we do.

That's why they are constantly selling us out to those that want to kill us.
See, Redfish?

Exact same TardLogic™.

He didn't say we should ban muslims. But I will let him respond to your inane post.
Wow. You really are willfully blind.
You're just butt hurt that I blew your belief out of the water that people don't want to ban Muslims with hard evidence.

And it burns your ass to realize the tards use the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT as libtard gun controllers.

We are talking about the radical fringe in both cases. But I guess you are too dumb to realize that.
Nope. Anti-Muslim bigotry has gone mainstream on the Right. And you know it.
Only as a defense measure.

Liberals don't seem to have the same sense of self-preservation that we do.

That's why they are constantly selling us out to those that want to kill us.
See, Redfish?

Exact same TardLogic™.
When somebody says on a regular basis "DEATH TO AMERICA ", we're supposed to be friends with them??

Are you retarded?????

And this relates to the other 1.5 billion Muslims...how?

LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban them.

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.

You're just butt hurt that I blew your belief out of the water that people don't want to ban Muslims with hard evidence.

And it burns your ass to realize the tards use the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT as libtard gun controllers.

We are talking about the radical fringe in both cases. But I guess you are too dumb to realize that.
Nope. Anti-Muslim bigotry has gone mainstream on the Right. And you know it.
Only as a defense measure.

Liberals don't seem to have the same sense of self-preservation that we do.

That's why they are constantly selling us out to those that want to kill us.
See, Redfish?

Exact same TardLogic™.
When somebody says on a regular basis "DEATH TO AMERICA ", we're supposed to be friends with them??

Are you retarded?????
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer...
He's right. McVeigh wasn't Muslim. The right-wing Oath Keepers, who frequently injury and kill police officers aren't Muslim. Christian extremists who target abortion clinics and providers aren't Muslim.
You are as big a pathetic loser as Obama.

McVeigh is dead.
The only people killing police are savage blacks.
When was the last suicide bombing of a clinic? Or even a beheading?

Crawl back under your rock freak
Don't pretend there aren't a lot of Gnu Right Wingers, Redfish, who wouldn't like to ban Muslims. You can't possibly be that stupid.

Oh, wait...

you can also GFY.

You're just butt hurt that I blew your belief out of the water that people don't want to ban Muslims with hard evidence.

And it burns your ass to realize the tards use the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT as libtard gun controllers.

We are talking about the radical fringe in both cases. But I guess you are too dumb to realize that.

No we are not. We are talking about how all terrorists, ok 99% of terrorists, follow Islam. Apparently Islam is the basis of terrorist ideology and should be banned.

In other words, BAN ALL MUSLIMS. It will save lives, right?:alcoholic:
Do not battle the extremists of a religion. Battle the extremism in religion.
He's right. McVeigh wasn't Muslim. The right-wing Oath Keepers, who frequently injury and kill police officers aren't Muslim. Christian extremists who target abortion clinics and providers aren't Muslim.

Well let's see, it only took three responses before one of you morons pulled out the Christian card.
He's right. McVeigh wasn't Muslim. The right-wing Oath Keepers, who frequently injury and kill police officers aren't Muslim. Christian extremists who target abortion clinics and providers aren't Muslim.

McVeigh was working with Al Qaeda. Terry Nickels, who built the bomb used by McVeigh spent two months in the Philippines at an Al Qaeda training camp to learn bomb making and terrorism skills. Elohim City, the radical hate group McVeigh was with closely affiliated with Al Qaeda due to a shared hatred of Jews.

Oh, and show that Oath Keepers "frequently injury and kill police officers" - you fucking lying scumbag pile of shit?

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