Obama Tells UN Not All Terrorists Are Muslims… . He gets educated!!!

The only people killing police are savage blacks.

In the past five years alone, from 2009 through 2013, ADL has tracked 43 separate violent incidents between domestic extremists (of all types) and law enforcement in the United States. These incidents include situations in which shots are exchanged between police and extremists (shootouts), situations in which extremists have fired at police but police subdued the extremists without having to return fire, and situations in which officers had to use their firearms to protect themselves against extremists.

Of these 43 incidents, fully 39 of them involved extremists sporting some sort of extreme right-wing ideology. White supremacists took part in 21 incidents, while anti-government extremists were involved in 17 more. An anti-Muslim extremist was involved in one incident (the other four incidents included one with a left-wing extremist and three with domestic Islamic extremists). In these shooting incidents, the extremists shot 30 officers, 14 fatally. Many other officers sustained non-gunfire injuries during some of these encounters.



Officers Down: Right-Wing Extremists Attacking Police At Growing Rate » ADL Blogs

And just like clockwork, the moron liberal wing rush in the moment anything negative about Islam or Muslims.
Goddamn idiots every fucking time !

I was thinking more "traitors."
You retards fail to see a distinction between Islam and extremist Muslims.

It's the same TardLogic™ used by idiots who see no distinction between gun owners and the Sandy Hook shooter.


The extreme muslims are taking literal instructions from the Koran. Not all muslims take it literally, but the majority do. Thats the issue here, a religion that teaches hate and destruction and rewards those who kill with virgins in the after life.
And maybe it's not all but someday it might be because it's in their religion to kill all who are not Muslim.

No. It isn't. You look really stupid parroting lies made up by bigoted ignoramuses.

The Koran instructs muslims to kill all non believers. That is a fact. Do you find a similar edict in the Bible? or the Torah? I think not.
Thank you for proving you retards not only don't know the Quran, you don't know your own Bible.

The Bible does, in fact, contain many passages instructing the faithful to slaughter non believers.

See post 70.
And maybe it's not all but someday it might be because it's in their religion to kill all who are not Muslim.

No. It isn't. You look really stupid parroting lies made up by bigoted ignoramuses.

The Koran instructs muslims to kill all non believers. That is a fact. Do you find a similar edict in the Bible? or the Torah? I think not.
Thank you for proving you retards not only don't know the Quran, you don't know your own Bible.

The Bible does, in fact, contain many passages instructing the faithful to slaughter non believers.

See post 70.

The old testament does contain some verses that could be interpreted that way. But after the birth of Christ that changed.
The only people killing police are savage blacks.

In the past five years alone, from 2009 through 2013, ADL has tracked 43 separate violent incidents between domestic extremists (of all types) and law enforcement in the United States. These incidents include situations in which shots are exchanged between police and extremists (shootouts), situations in which extremists have fired at police but police subdued the extremists without having to return fire, and situations in which officers had to use their firearms to protect themselves against extremists.

Of these 43 incidents, fully 39 of them involved extremists sporting some sort of extreme right-wing ideology. White supremacists took part in 21 incidents, while anti-government extremists were involved in 17 more. An anti-Muslim extremist was involved in one incident (the other four incidents included one with a left-wing extremist and three with domestic Islamic extremists). In these shooting incidents, the extremists shot 30 officers, 14 fatally. Many other officers sustained non-gunfire injuries during some of these encounters.



Officers Down: Right-Wing Extremists Attacking Police At Growing Rate » ADL Blogs


figures don't lie but liars figure. you post a chart from a left wing blog and claim its valid? you make me laugh.
The only people killing police are savage blacks.

In the past five years alone, from 2009 through 2013, ADL has tracked 43 separate violent incidents between domestic extremists (of all types) and law enforcement in the United States. These incidents include situations in which shots are exchanged between police and extremists (shootouts), situations in which extremists have fired at police but police subdued the extremists without having to return fire, and situations in which officers had to use their firearms to protect themselves against extremists.

Of these 43 incidents, fully 39 of them involved extremists sporting some sort of extreme right-wing ideology. White supremacists took part in 21 incidents, while anti-government extremists were involved in 17 more. An anti-Muslim extremist was involved in one incident (the other four incidents included one with a left-wing extremist and three with domestic Islamic extremists). In these shooting incidents, the extremists shot 30 officers, 14 fatally. Many other officers sustained non-gunfire injuries during some of these encounters.



Officers Down: Right-Wing Extremists Attacking Police At Growing Rate » ADL Blogs


figures don't lie but liars figure. you post a chart from a left wing blog and claim its valid? you make me laugh.
Right. Attack the source. Pussy.
The only people killing police are savage blacks.

In the past five years alone, from 2009 through 2013, ADL has tracked 43 separate violent incidents between domestic extremists (of all types) and law enforcement in the United States. These incidents include situations in which shots are exchanged between police and extremists (shootouts), situations in which extremists have fired at police but police subdued the extremists without having to return fire, and situations in which officers had to use their firearms to protect themselves against extremists.

Of these 43 incidents, fully 39 of them involved extremists sporting some sort of extreme right-wing ideology. White supremacists took part in 21 incidents, while anti-government extremists were involved in 17 more. An anti-Muslim extremist was involved in one incident (the other four incidents included one with a left-wing extremist and three with domestic Islamic extremists). In these shooting incidents, the extremists shot 30 officers, 14 fatally. Many other officers sustained non-gunfire injuries during some of these encounters.



Officers Down: Right-Wing Extremists Attacking Police At Growing Rate » ADL Blogs


figures don't lie but liars figure. you post a chart from a left wing blog and claim its valid? you make me laugh.
Right. Attack the source. Pussy.

your source is bogus, attack is warranted.
When a British PM addresses a so-called "leader" by his first name it is a hallmark of not just disrespect but of utter contempt.

Alas, subtlety missed by most speakers of American rather than of English.

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