Obama Tells UN Not All Terrorists Are Muslims… . He gets educated!!!

And just like clockwork, the moron liberal wing rush in the moment anything negative about Islam or Muslims.
Goddamn idiots every fucking time !
McVeigh was working with Al Qaeda.


This is one of those stupid conspiracy theories up there with the hoaxed moon landing, boys and girls.

Terry Nickels, who built the bomb used by McVeigh spent two months in the Philippines at an Al Qaeda training camp to learn bomb making and terrorism skills.

First, it's Nichols, not Nickels.

Second, nope. Terry Nichols did not attend an Al Qaeda training camp.
We are talking about the radical fringe in both cases. But I guess you are too dumb to realize that.
Nope. Anti-Muslim bigotry has gone mainstream on the Right. And you know it.
Only as a defense measure.

Liberals don't seem to have the same sense of self-preservation that we do.

That's why they are constantly selling us out to those that want to kill us.
See, Redfish?

Exact same TardLogic™.
When somebody says on a regular basis "DEATH TO AMERICA ", we're supposed to be friends with them??

Are you retarded?????

And this relates to the other 1.5 billion Muslims...how?

LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban them.

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.


OK Ms Drama Queen.

Asking for control over an iresponsible government isn't asking too much.

Obama cannot be trusted to do the right thing. He already proved it with his handling of the refugee crisis on the Texas border. We don't feel the urge to allow him to make the same mistake with people that were celebrating in the streets on 911.
Well let's see, it only took three responses before one of you morons pulled out the Christian card.

J.E.D. lies - about everything.

In fact, Oklahoma City bomber, Timothy McVeigh, was a self-proclaimed atheist, whose mantra was "Science is my religion." That, of course, did not stop the media and the self-appointed liberal "watchdogs" from blaming the bombing of the Murrah Building on the Christian right.

Chief among the watchdogs in the Midwest, perhaps nationwide, is one Leonard Zeskind, an unrepentant Marxist-Leninist and author of the paranoid classic, Blood and Politics: The History of the White Nationalist Movement from the Margins to the Mainstream.

Zeskind had learned the arts of ritual defamation from his Marxist mentors well and deeply. For the last two decades at least, he and others of his ilk have traveled the land warning how the "the God, guts and guns crowd" was intent on turning America into "a white Christian nation." If these faux Cassandras ever had a poster boy, of course, it was Timothy McVeigh.}

Blog: If Timothy McVeigh had been a Christian
Registered Republican and devout Christian Timothy McVeigh wasn't a Muslim.
He's right. McVeigh wasn't Muslim. The right-wing Oath Keepers, who frequently injury and kill police officers aren't Muslim. Christian extremists who target abortion clinics and providers aren't Muslim.
Um no.

The Muslims are a way bigger problem.

And maybe it's not all but someday it might be because it's in their religion to kill all who are not Muslim.
And maybe it's not all but someday it might be because it's in their religion to kill all who are not Muslim.

No. It isn't. You look really stupid parroting lies made up by bigoted ignoramuses.
McVeigh was working with Al Qaeda.


This is one of those stupid conspiracy theories up there with the hoaxed moon landing, boys and girls.

Terry Nickels, who built the bomb used by McVeigh spent two months in the Philippines at an Al Qaeda training camp to learn bomb making and terrorism skills.

First, it's Nichols, not Nickels.

Second, nope. Terry Nichols did not attend an Al Qaeda training camp.

Ah the lying left..


In November 1994, Terry Nichols and Ramzi Yousef both walked on the grounds of the same college campus in the Philippines.

Whether their paths crossed is a question that dogs researchers.

But their respective itineraries are separated sometimes by a matter of yards, feet or even inches, within a span of days, hours and sometimes minutes.}

Did Terry Nichols and Ramzi Yousef Meet? | INTELWIRE.com | Terrorism news and analysis, investigative reports and exclusive documents | Edited by J.M. Berger, Al Qaeda terrorism expert documentary maker, author, special subjects include 9/11 Documents, Ali Mohamed, Mohammed Jamal Khalifa, Oklahoma City Bombing, and more

I understand, you have a desperate need to blame this on "the right."
Those who think the Quran instructs Muslims to kill non-Muslims are not only ignorant of the Quruan, but of their own Bible, too.

Throughout the Old Testament, God commands his chosen people to kill every last man, woman, and child of tribes not belonging to the chosen people.

The Quran has similar verses.

Neither of these prove in any way that one or the other is instructing modern day Muslims or Christians to kill the unfaithful. That would be taking things completely out of context.

The Muslim faith believes that Jews and Christians and Muslims all worship the same one, true God.

The Muslim attitude toward Christians is the same as the Christian attitude toward Jews. Christians see their roots in Judaism. Muslims see their roots in Judaism and Christianity.

"Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in God and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."

In the past there were, and to some extent even today, a lot of Christians who hated Jews. It wasn't too long ago that Jews couldn't join the same country clubs as their co-workers.

But to conflate the behavior of these bigots with Christian teaching is just as erroneous as conflating the "Death to America" assholes with Muslim teaching.
Those who think the Quran instructs Muslims to kill non-Muslims are not only ignorant of the Quruan, but of their own Bible, too.

Throughout the Old Testament, God commands his chosen people to kill every last man, woman, and child of tribes not belonging to the chosen people.

The Quran has similar verses.

Neither of these prove in any way that one or the other is instructing modern day Muslims or Christians to kill the unfaithful. That would be taking things completely out of context.

The Muslim faith believes that Jews and Christians and Muslims all worship the same one, true God.

The Muslim attitude toward Christians is the same as the Christian attitude toward Jews. Christians see their roots in Judaism. Muslims see their roots in Judaism and Christianity.

"Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in God and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."

In the past there were, and to some extent even today, a lot of Christians who hated Jews. It wasn't too long ago that Jews couldn't join the same country clubs as their co-workers.

But to conflate the behavior of these bigots with Christian teaching is just as erroneous as conflating the "Death to America" assholes with Muslim teaching.
But the Christians say that God is on their side. Oh wait, that's what the Muslims say as well. Seems we have a problem boys and girls...
And just like clockwork, the moron liberal wing rush in the moment anything negative about Islam or Muslims.
Goddamn idiots every fucking time !

I was thinking more "traitors."
You retards fail to see a distinction between Islam and extremist Muslims.

It's the same TardLogic™ used by idiots who see no distinction between gun owners and the Sandy Hook shooter.

Those who think the Quran instructs Muslims to kill non-Muslims are not only ignorant of the Quruan, but of their own Bible, too.

Why are all you democrats fucking traitors? :dunno:

Anyway Jake, one think is clear, YOU have never read the Koran and just depend on the apologetics from the Soros hate sites.

Throughout the Old Testament, God commands his chosen people to kill every last man, woman, and child of tribes not belonging to the chosen people.

Throughout Jake, or in a specific instance? Are you lying again Jake, like good democrats do?

The Quran has similar verses.

Neither of these prove in any way that one or the other is instructing modern day Muslims or Christians to kill the unfaithful. That would be taking things completely out of context.

The Muslim faith believes that Jews and Christians and Muslims all worship the same one, true God.

The Muslim attitude toward Christians is the same as the Christian attitude toward Jews. Christians see their roots in Judaism. Muslims see their roots in Judaism and Christianity.

"Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in God and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."

In the past there were, and to some extent even today, a lot of Christians who hated Jews. It wasn't too long ago that Jews couldn't join the same country clubs as their co-workers.

But to conflate the behavior of these bigots with Christian teaching is just as erroneous as conflating the "Death to America" assholes with Muslim teaching.

Jake, I realize that Radical Islam shares your hatred of America - so you defend and support them, always. Still, Christians simply don't practice the things that your good buddies do - no stonings, no beheadings, none of the fun things you love about the Muzzie Beasts.
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You retards fail to see a distinction between Islam and extremist Muslims.

Come on Jake, isn't your embrace of Radical Islamics treason? Aren't you giving aid and comfort to those waging war on the nation? Of course you are. I realize that you and the terrorists have a common enemy, America.

It's the same TardLogic™ used by idiots who see no distinction between gun owners and the Sandy Hook shooter.


Not all Muslims are evil, jake. But Islam is evil, even if you're too fucking stupid to grasp it, Jake.
He's right. McVeigh wasn't Muslim. The right-wing Oath Keepers, who frequently injury and kill police officers aren't Muslim. Christian extremists who target abortion clinics and providers aren't Muslim.

right, 5 or 6 nut cases vs millions of radical muslims. Great analogy, idiot.
Right-wing extremists and domestic terrorists number more than 5 or 6, dipshit. But thanks for agreeing with me that Obama was right. Now get back to your TV dinner and Fox News propaganda hour.

OK, dingleberry. give us a list of non-muslim acts of terror and then give us a list of muslim acts of terror. Then give us a body count for each list.

You are full of shit if you think the numbers are even close.
We're not comparing numbers, dick-sniff. We're talking about whether or not all terrorists are Muslims. And they're not, as you already agreed. Go pick up your welfare check, mouth breather.

GFY, asshole. are you unable to debate without juvenile insults?

No one ever said that ALL terrorists are muslims, only that the vast majority of them are. And that is a proven fact, ya slobbering ass kissing libtardian asshole. If you want an insult contest, you will lose. dipshit.
Tissue? I responded to you with the same respect you showed me. You want to come at me with insults right out of the box, then whine that I'm being juvenile? Go pound sand, after you pound an overstuffed bag of rotten dicks up your cavernous ass gape, fuck breath. Wring out your piss soaked panties and suck your thumb, Princess.
He's right. McVeigh wasn't Muslim. The right-wing Oath Keepers, who frequently injury and kill police officers aren't Muslim. Christian extremists who target abortion clinics and providers aren't Muslim.
You are as big a pathetic loser as Obama.

McVeigh is dead.
The only people killing police are savage blacks.
When was the last suicide bombing of a clinic? Or even a beheading?

Crawl back under your rock freak
Go fuck yourself, prison bitch Putin groupie.
And maybe it's not all but someday it might be because it's in their religion to kill all who are not Muslim.

No. It isn't. You look really stupid parroting lies made up by bigoted ignoramuses.

The Koran instructs muslims to kill all non believers. That is a fact. Do you find a similar edict in the Bible? or the Torah? I think not.

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