Obama the wisest president since Kennedy, does it again!!

Obama has created a mess in Iraq and just gave Iran what they want.

What an idiot. It was Bush that created the mess in Iraq, the reason that ISIS is.
No, it was Obama abandoning the success in Iraq, all to appease his 1960's neocon sheeple, that led to the Mad Max sequel we're stuck with now.

Idiot? You are a MORON.

First, BUSH, signed the the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the Iraqi government. The SOFA BUSH signed required that all U.S. forces be gone from Iraq by January 1, 2012.

Second, there was no "success" in Iraq...BUSH's invasion turned Iraq into a country devoid of a stable government and opened the door for A) Iran to ally with Iraq's Shi'ite majority and impose a regime of its own in Baghdad, and B) create a vacuum where ISIS could operate without an Iraqi army capable of defending Iraq.

Third, President Obama REFUSED to approve a new SOFA that would strand U.S. forces in a hostile, anti-American environment without the legal protections and immunities required to ensure soldiers didn’t end up in Iraqi jails.

Fourth, the Iraqi government REFUSED to include the immunities in a new agreement.

Fifth, the "1960's neocon sheeple" are the MORONS who pushed for BUSH's war in Iraq. They are NOT liberals, or Democrats, or aligned with Obama. They belong to YOU and your ignorant ilk.
Russia, China, Germany, France and UK approve of the deal

Republicans don't.

OK Republicans, what kind of a deal would you want?
President Obama is just amazing.....Once again, without violence, without spending a trillion plus dollars...AGAIN...fighting a damned war, we're never gonna win, ie every war we got going thus far, you name it, we're fighting it....and without kissing the white man's ass, ie the GOP-igs, has defused Iran and has made Israel shit bullets....Every single second of each day, my love for my president deepin's!!

View attachment 38905

It is amazing to read that there are some people who actually believe what Obama says.


(sigh), its so refreshing seeing someone laughing themselves silly because they now feel safe...God bless you, its gonna be okay....a black man with a fuckin brain is in the white house.
President Obama is just amazing.....Once again, without violence, without spending a trillion plus dollars...AGAIN...fighting a damned war, we're never gonna win, ie every war we got going thus far, you name it, we're fighting it....and without kissing the white man's ass, ie the GOP-igs, has defused Iran and has made Israel shit bullets....Every single second of each day, my love for my president deepin's!!

View attachment 38905
"and without kissing the white man's ass, . . "

Seems you have no problem kissing the black boy's ass.

Just a like a fly to a shit hill, thar she blows.....LOLOLOLOLOLOL...jealous are we?
You're correct on one thing....the shit hit part.

And true to predictable form, the fly is back. LOLOLOLOLOL...you people are so in over your heads, why don't you do what white haters do best, go to the back yard and shoot a neighbor....accidentally of course!!
Why don't you put your head back up Obama's ass

I'd rather be up his ass than smell a conservatives ass.....reeking of hypocritical shit!!

Did you get to keep your Doctor?
This is more accurate than the obama sex slave OP realizes.
Kennedy created the Vietnam disaster and sold out an ally giving the enemy exactly what they wanted in the Cuban missile episode.
Obama has created a mess in Iraq and just gave Iran what they want.

And both did it without once single ounce of blood shed. So where's the crime?
No blood shed in Iraq or Vietnam? Are you nuts?

I was talking about the cuban missile crisis and the deal with Iran....please pay attention, okay!!

You were talking about how wonderful Kennedy and Obama are, or were in the case of Kennedy and seem to forget Kennedy started the Vietnam war and more American soldiers were killed in Afghanistan on Obama's watch than in 7 years under Bush.
Russia, China, Germany, France and UK approve of the deal

Republicans don't.

OK Republicans, what kind of a deal would you want?

"I believe:

I believe that women should be placed on a pedestal......High enough that you can look up her dress"

That would be the only way you get to see it.
Obama has created a mess in Iraq and just gave Iran what they want.

What an idiot. It was Bush that created the mess in Iraq, the reason that ISIS is.
Actually it was George Washington......

Without him this country wouldn't exist......and thus we never would been in Iraq, so Obama could tuck his tail between his legs and runaway without finishing the job....and thus helped create ISIS.

ISIS didn't exist when Bush left office, so if your theory is correct then every president we had in our history is responsible for the mess we're in today.
It was Bush's blunder of an invasion that created the power vacuum that was filled by ISIS

All part of Bush's ........they will embrace democracy and treat us as liberators
Obama has created a mess in Iraq and just gave Iran what they want.

What an idiot. It was Bush that created the mess in Iraq, the reason that ISIS is.
No, it was Obama abandoning the success in Iraq, all to appease his 1960's neocon sheeple, that led to the Mad Max sequel we're stuck with now.

Idiot? You are a MORON.

First, BUSH, signed the the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the Iraqi government. The SOFA BUSH signed required that all U.S. forces be gone from Iraq by January 1, 2012.

Second, there was no "success" in Iraq...BUSH's invasion turned Iraq into a country devoid of a stable government and opened the door for A) Iran to ally with Iraq's Shi'ite majority and impose a regime of its own in Baghdad, and B) create a vacuum where ISIS could operate without an Iraqi army capable of defending Iraq.

Third, President Obama REFUSED to approve a new SOFA that would strand U.S. forces in a hostile, anti-American environment without the legal protections and immunities required to ensure soldiers didn’t end up in Iraqi jails.

Fourth, the Iraqi government REFUSED to include the immunities in a new agreement.

Fifth, the "1960's neocon sheeple" are the MORONS who pushed for BUSH's war in Iraq. They are NOT liberals, or Democrats, or aligned with Obama. They belong to YOU and your ignorant ilk.

About the third and fourth points. Why are there still 9600 US troops in Iraq without a new SOFA?

You need to take up number Five with Hillary and Kerry since they were among a number of leading Democrats that voted to invade Iraq.
This is more accurate than the obama sex slave OP realizes.
Kennedy created the Vietnam disaster and sold out an ally giving the enemy exactly what they wanted in the Cuban missile episode.
Obama has created a mess in Iraq and just gave Iran what they want.

And both did it without once single ounce of blood shed. So where's the crime?
No blood shed in Iraq or Vietnam? Are you nuts?

I was talking about the cuban missile crisis and the deal with Iran....please pay attention, okay!!

You were talking about how wonderful Kennedy and Obama are, or were in the case of Kennedy and seem to forget Kennedy started the Vietnam war and more American soldiers were killed in Afghanistan on Obama's watch than in 7 years under Bush.

Why did you leave out the 5000 killed in Iraq on Bush's orders?

They didn't matter?
You need to take up number Five with Hillary and Kerry since they were among a number of leading Democrats that voted to invade Iraq.

You all keep saying that as if you don't remember that Bush was lying to Congress and the whole country about Iraq having WMDs.....of course they did. Would they if they had known Bush and Cheney were big liars? I seriously doubt it.
You need to take up number Five with Hillary and Kerry since they were among a number of leading Democrats that voted to invade Iraq.

You all keep saying that as if you don't remember that Bush was lying to Congress and the whole country about Iraq having WMDs.....of course they did. Would they if they had known Bush and Cheney were big liars? I seriously doubt it.
Bush and Cheney and Clinton and Kerry and Gore and pretty much every fucking DEM in Washington did not "lie". Everyone was getting the same intelligence from numerous sources all saying Saddam had WMDs. Certainly the Kurds knew Saddam had WMDs.
Saddam claimed he had WMDs. He continually threatened to use them. And he did.
When the Coalition entered Iraq satellite photos showed convoys of heavy trucks leaving Iraq and entering Syria.
What did people believe was in those trucks? Fucking boxes of ham sandwiches?
You fuck-witt LIBs have it in your silly heads that 'WMDs' only means nuclear bombs. Sarin gas is officially listed by the UN as a 'WMD'.
You need to wise up pal.
You realize Kennedy endorsed the war in Vietnam right*? So if Obama is as 'wise as Kennedy' he is also just as stupid, and blind to geopolitical reality.

*He made a bad war even less winnable, is the best way to explain Kennedy's contribution. South Vietnam remained a dictatorship too, so that didn't give any incentive for locals to support it - and Diem was just replaced by another dictator.
Obama has created a mess in Iraq and just gave Iran what they want.

What an idiot. It was Bush that created the mess in Iraq, the reason that ISIS is.
Actually it was George Washington......

Without him this country wouldn't exist......and thus we never would been in Iraq, so Obama could tuck his tail between his legs and runaway without finishing the job....and thus helped create ISIS.

ISIS didn't exist when Bush left office, so if your theory is correct then every president we had in our history is responsible for the mess we're in today.
It was Bush's blunder of an invasion that created the power vacuum that was filled by ISIS

All part of Bush's ........they will embrace democracy and treat us as liberators

Moonbat bull shit alert!

Logic spill on isle five.

This is more accurate than the obama sex slave OP realizes.
Kennedy created the Vietnam disaster and sold out an ally giving the enemy exactly what they wanted in the Cuban missile episode.
Obama has created a mess in Iraq and just gave Iran what they want.

And both did it without once single ounce of blood shed. So where's the crime?
No blood shed in Iraq or Vietnam? Are you nuts?

I was talking about the cuban missile crisis and the deal with Iran....please pay attention, okay!!

You were talking about how wonderful Kennedy and Obama are, or were in the case of Kennedy and seem to forget Kennedy started the Vietnam war and more American soldiers were killed in Afghanistan on Obama's watch than in 7 years under Bush.

Kennedy didn't "start" the Vietnam War. The official US policy the day President Kennedy died on November 22, 1963 was withdrawal of 1,000 military advisors by the end of 1963, and complete withdrawal by the end of 1965...

On November 24, 1963, President Lyndon Johnson changed those plans.

Walkthrough: Vietnam in Late 1963

Many of the documents presented below were declassified in October of 1997 by the Assassination Records Review Board. They provide a better window onto the Vietnam withdrawal plans being put into place as early as the spring of 1963.

29 Apr 1963 - 202-10002-10056: JCS-SECDEF DISCUSSIONS ON MONDAY, 29 APRIL 1963
This memo is from a week before the May 1963 SecDef Vietnam conference. It notes that "the Secretary of Defense was particularly interested in the projected phasing of US personnel strength" and brought up the "feasibility of bringing back 1000 troops at the end of this year."

2 Oct 1963 - Summary Record of the 519th Meeting of the National Security Council, White House, Washington, October 2, 1963, 6 p.m.
In this meeting following the return of McNamara and Taylor from Vietnam, President Kennedy and other participants discussed tactics for dealing with the Diem regime, as well as the wording of the proposed plan to implement a 1,000 man withdrawal.

4 Oct 1963 - 202-10002-10093: SOUTH VIETNAM ACTIONS
This memo from General Taylor to the rest of the Joint Chiefs notes that "On Oct 2 the President approved recommendations relating to military matters contained in the trip report...," including a phase-out of US forces so that military functions "can be assumed properly by the Vietnamese by the end of calendar year 1965." The memo also notifies the Joint Chiefs to "Execute the plan to withdraw 1,000 U.S. military personnel by the end of 1963..."

5 Oct 1963 - Memorandum for the Files of a Conference With the President, White House, Washington, October 5, 1963, 9:30 a.m.
In this meeting, Kennedy formalized the 1,000 troop withdrawal plan. Important to the debate over whether or not this withdrawal was part of the "pressure tactics" on Diem being applied at this time, the memo states "The President also said that our decision to remove 1,000 U.S. advisors by December of this year should not be raised formally with Diem."

11 Oct 1963 - National Security Action Memorandum No. 263
With NSAM 263, Kennedy approved the McNamara-Taylor recommendations, including the 1,000 man withdrawal.

20 Nov 1963 - Honolulu Meeting Briefing Book, Part I. See also Part II.
The briefing books prepared for a Vietnam meeting in Honolulu reaffirmed the timetables for complete withdrawal from Vietnam, as well as the initial 1,000 main withdrawal, despite the recent coup in Vietnam.

24 Nov 1963 - Memorandum for the Record of a Meeting, Executive Office Building, Washington, November 24, 1963, 3 p.m.
Within two days of President Kennedy's death, on Sunday afternoon, President Johnson already began receiving advice that "we could not at this point or time give a particularly optimistic appraisal of the future" regarding Vietnam. President Johnson expressed dissatisfaction with the present course and particularly its emphasis on social reforms, and stated that "He was anxious to get along, win the war..."

You need to take up number Five with Hillary and Kerry since they were among a number of leading Democrats that voted to invade Iraq.

You all keep saying that as if you don't remember that Bush was lying to Congress and the whole country about Iraq having WMDs.....of course they did. Would they if they had known Bush and Cheney were big liars? I seriously doubt it.
Well, aside from the fact that they found evidence of exactly what they suspected and worse, and the media refused to report it. Other than that you'd be right.
You need to take up number Five with Hillary and Kerry since they were among a number of leading Democrats that voted to invade Iraq.

You all keep saying that as if you don't remember that Bush was lying to Congress and the whole country about Iraq having WMDs.....of course they did. Would they if they had known Bush and Cheney were big liars? I seriously doubt it.
Well, aside from the fact that they found evidence of exactly what they suspected and worse, and the media refused to report it. Other than that you'd be right.

The New York Times reported the truth.

In 2014....http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/...casualties-of-iraq-chemical-weapons.html?_r=0
You need to take up number Five with Hillary and Kerry since they were among a number of leading Democrats that voted to invade Iraq.

You all keep saying that as if you don't remember that Bush was lying to Congress and the whole country about Iraq having WMDs.....of course they did. Would they if they had known Bush and Cheney were big liars? I seriously doubt it.

Bush was merely taking the word of these two experienced Senators about the WMD's that were serving in the Senate before he got there.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source

I have quotes from at least a dozen more Democrats saying virtually the same thing. Were they all lying?

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