Obama thinks Islamic attacks just a bunch of movie critics run amok

Obama thinks Islamic attacks just a bunch of movie critics run amok

I can't wait until these movie critics take some of our people hostage and Jimmy Carter, er, Barack Obama has to clean up the mess. Maybe he'll send in a few helicopters to rescue them. He could call it Operation Eagle Claw or something cool like that.
Do you see Christians killing people to do it?


All throughout history to the present day.

Understandable as there has been periods of this mainly within christianity early history. The reformation hundreds a years ago charged the religion into a much more peaceful one. It isn't so much about Christianity, but the fact that islam will do the same and much worse. Why the double standard?

Honestly, you don't have churches calling for beheadings all over the world today???? You don't have the pope screaming to kill people.

Another thing that interest me is the fact that if it wasn't for the religious wars of the 7th to the 11th centuries- I seriously doubt modern civilization would of ever developed throughout Europe. Christianity reformation helped form the environment for the idea's that you love to develop. Human rights were advanced under such too. Islam would of NEVER ALLOWED FOR THAT.

Think about it. It couldn't of happened under Islam. :eusa_shhh:

WWII is just within this century..and it was the Christain Pope that cut a deal with the Nazis.

Far as I know..these folks are Christians..

Lord's Resistance Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Unless you guys kicked them out of the club.

Which brings up this..

Three days after the Cairo and Benghazi attacks, as radical Islamists were conducting assaults against US diplomatic missions and other properties across the Middle East, North Africa, Europe and Asia, the White House Press Secretary stepped forward to assure Americans on behalf of President Obama that all this violence and turmoil

"is in response not to United States policy, and not to, obviously, the administration, or the American people, but it is in response to a video, a film that we have judged to be reprehensible and disgusting."

Got it? What we and the rest of the world were witnessing was nothing more than merely a whole bunch of movie critics run amok.

This is a foreign policy crisis of the highest magnitude. And the more the American people see of it and think about it, the more it will sink in that during this great crisis Mitt Romney sounded and acted as Ronald Reagan would while Barack Obama sounded and acted as Jimmy Carter would.

And this stark contrast is going to help cause a Romney landslide on November 6th.

Read more: Articles: Sounding and Acting Like Reagan, Romney Has Them Terrified

Sceaming Eagle or screeching Cockatiel...... you decide... :D

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zT9mfGeyKU]Goku the Cockatiel Screaming - YouTube[/ame]
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All throughout history to the present day.

Understandable as there has been periods of this mainly within christianity early history. The reformation hundreds a years ago charged the religion into a much more peaceful one. It isn't so much about Christianity, but the fact that islam will do the same and much worse. Why the double standard?

Honestly, you don't have churches calling for beheadings all over the world today???? You don't have the pope screaming to kill people.

Another thing that interest me is the fact that if it wasn't for the religious wars of the 7th to the 11th centuries- I seriously doubt modern civilization would of ever developed throughout Europe. Christianity reformation helped form the environment for the idea's that you love to develop. Human rights were advanced under such too. Islam would of NEVER ALLOWED FOR THAT.

Think about it. It couldn't of happened under Islam. :eusa_shhh:

WWII is just within this century..and it was the Christain Pope that cut a deal with the Nazis.

Far as I know..these folks are Christians..

Lord's Resistance Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Unless you guys kicked them out of the club.

Which brings up this..


There's at least a few hundred million of these kinds of people within islam.:eusa_shhh: Even if the bible teaches all that you say it does(I'll accept that some parts of the bible are extreme for these times). The people that follow the koran surely take theirs far more seriously and are willing to kill for it.

You can argue about that pope too as he's a stain on us. :eusa_silenced: Really it all comes down to what religion is more accepting towards freedom and values that formed the foundation of civilization. Today, I'd say Christianity by far. It accepts people like you, right?

It comes down to the fact that under Christianity freedom(human rights) developed, while islam has done nothing but destroy the very concepts of such. Like or hate Religion. That's surely your right to do so. At least to me as a Christan, I accept your right to do that.

Will a muslim in a 100 percent muslim country give you the same right???
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Three days after the Cairo and Benghazi attacks, as radical Islamists were conducting assaults against US diplomatic missions and other properties across the Middle East, North Africa, Europe and Asia, the White House Press Secretary stepped forward to assure Americans on behalf of President Obama that all this violence and turmoil

"is in response not to United States policy, and not to, obviously, the administration, or the American people, but it is in response to a video, a film that we have judged to be reprehensible and disgusting."

Got it? What we and the rest of the world were witnessing was nothing more than merely a whole bunch of movie critics run amok.

This is a foreign policy crisis of the highest magnitude. And the more the American people see of it and think about it, the more it will sink in that during this great crisis Mitt Romney sounded and acted as Ronald Reagan would while Barack Obama sounded and acted as Jimmy Carter would.

And this stark contrast is going to help cause a Romney landslide on November 6th.

Read more: Articles: Sounding and Acting Like Reagan, Romney Has Them Terrified

Sceaming Eagle or screeching Cockatiel...... you decide... :D

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zT9mfGeyKU]Goku the Cockatiel Screaming - YouTube[/ame]

aww....did Huggie have a hard day.......?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kthn6DkQVL4]Huggies! - YouTube[/ame]
Three days after the Cairo and Benghazi attacks, as radical Islamists were conducting assaults against US diplomatic missions and other properties across the Middle East, North Africa, Europe and Asia, the White House Press Secretary stepped forward to assure Americans on behalf of President Obama that all this violence and turmoil

"is in response not to United States policy, and not to, obviously, the administration, or the American people, but it is in response to a video, a film that we have judged to be reprehensible and disgusting."

Got it? What we and the rest of the world were witnessing was nothing more than merely a whole bunch of movie critics run amok.

This is a foreign policy crisis of the highest magnitude. And the more the American people see of it and think about it, the more it will sink in that during this great crisis Mitt Romney sounded and acted as Ronald Reagan would while Barack Obama sounded and acted as Jimmy Carter would.

And this stark contrast is going to help cause a Romney landslide on November 6th.

Read more: Articles: Sounding and Acting Like Reagan, Romney Has Them Terrified

Sceaming Eagle or screeching Cockatiel...... you decide... :D

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zT9mfGeyKU]Goku the Cockatiel Screaming - YouTube[/ame]

aww....did Huggie have a hard day.......?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kthn6DkQVL4]Huggies! - YouTube[/ame]

Not so far. Seahawks are kicking the snot outta the Cowgirls here in Seattle. 13 to 7 ...it's halftime. Dogs happy ... we just had home made pizza.. Life is good..
Look at all the Righties trying to jump on the "Politicize the Riots and American Deaths" Gravy Train.

As opposed to the inaction, and apologize train the Obama crew has decided to ride.
Well, anything to deflect from the fact that the Admin knew this might happen and obviously did nothing.... well, except party.
There's a whole lot of things I'd rather tangle with than an upset gay movie critic. One of those tulips swings his heavy purse at you and it hurts!

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