Obama, this biggest con artist to ever be president?

It's obvious you don't know a lot of history, but Obama is black so I'd run with that.

Just in time, Corn on the cob and watermelon Cookie...chop chop.

Nobody asked for your douche recipes, leaping lanny.

Look, I know Franco can't answer anything, he is too busy swallowing Bammy jizz....

Tell me Cookie...what is the job of the exchanges....I know you know I know....but tell us what you know?
Just in time, Corn on the cob and watermelon Cookie...chop chop.

Nobody asked for your douche recipes, leaping lanny.

Look, I know Franco can't answer anything, he is too busy swallowing Bammy jizz....

Tell me Cookie...what is the job of the exchanges....I know you know I know....but tell us what you know?


"Health Insurance Exchanges are, for most states, new entities that will function as a marketplace for buyers of health insurance, giving them choices for health coverage. They will offer a variety of certified health plans and provide information and educational services to help consumers understand their options. The 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA) gives states the option to establish one or more state or regional exchanges, partner with the federal government to run the exchange, or to merge with other state exchanges. If a state chooses not to create an exchange, the federal government will set up the exchange(s) in the state."

"As of August 2, 2012, 10 states and the District of Columbia enacted legislation to establish state-based health insurance exchanges, four states have established an exchange by executive order. Governors in New Jersey (2012) and New Mexico (2011) vetoed establishment bills passed by the legislature. Massachusetts and Utah passed laws prior to the enactment of the Affordable Care Act in March 2010."

State Actions to Implement the Health Benefit Exchange
Nobody asked for your douche recipes, leaping lanny.

Look, I know Franco can't answer anything, he is too busy swallowing Bammy jizz....

Tell me Cookie...what is the job of the exchanges....I know you know I know....but tell us what you know?


"Health Insurance Exchanges are, for most states, new entities that will function as a marketplace for buyers of health insurance, giving them choices for health coverage. They will offer a variety of certified health plans and provide information and educational services to help consumers understand their options. The 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA) gives states the option to establish one or more state or regional exchanges, partner with the federal government to run the exchange, or to merge with other state exchanges. If a state chooses not to create an exchange, the federal government will set up the exchange(s) in the state."

"As of August 2, 2012, 10 states and the District of Columbia enacted legislation to establish state-based health insurance exchanges, four states have established an exchange by executive order. Governors in New Jersey (2012) and New Mexico (2011) vetoed establishment bills passed by the legislature. Massachusetts and Utah passed laws prior to the enactment of the Affordable Care Act in March 2010."

State Actions to Implement the Health Benefit Exchange

someone figured out how to use the google.
Look, I know Franco can't answer anything, he is too busy swallowing Bammy jizz....

Tell me Cookie...what is the job of the exchanges....I know you know I know....but tell us what you know?


"Health Insurance Exchanges are, for most states, new entities that will function as a marketplace for buyers of health insurance, giving them choices for health coverage. They will offer a variety of certified health plans and provide information and educational services to help consumers understand their options. The 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA) gives states the option to establish one or more state or regional exchanges, partner with the federal government to run the exchange, or to merge with other state exchanges. If a state chooses not to create an exchange, the federal government will set up the exchange(s) in the state."

"As of August 2, 2012, 10 states and the District of Columbia enacted legislation to establish state-based health insurance exchanges, four states have established an exchange by executive order. Governors in New Jersey (2012) and New Mexico (2011) vetoed establishment bills passed by the legislature. Massachusetts and Utah passed laws prior to the enactment of the Affordable Care Act in March 2010."

State Actions to Implement the Health Benefit Exchange

someone figured out how to use the google.

I know the concept of going to the experts and getting information for all to see is foreign to the conservative ilk, who pull their answers out of their asses and then call them "facts", but research and verification are useful.
Nobody asked for your douche recipes, leaping lanny.

Look, I know Franco can't answer anything, he is too busy swallowing Bammy jizz....

Tell me Cookie...what is the job of the exchanges....I know you know I know....but tell us what you know?


"Health Insurance Exchanges are, for most states, new entities that will function as a marketplace for buyers of health insurance, giving them choices for health coverage. They will offer a variety of certified health plans and provide information and educational services to help consumers understand their options. The 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA) gives states the option to establish one or more state or regional exchanges, partner with the federal government to run the exchange, or to merge with other state exchanges. If a state chooses not to create an exchange, the federal government will set up the exchange(s) in the state."

"As of August 2, 2012, 10 states and the District of Columbia enacted legislation to establish state-based health insurance exchanges, four states have established an exchange by executive order. Governors in New Jersey (2012) and New Mexico (2011) vetoed establishment bills passed by the legislature. Massachusetts and Utah passed laws prior to the enactment of the Affordable Care Act in March 2010."

State Actions to Implement the Health Benefit Exchange

Not bad...for a kid, but you are no kid.

Of you I would demand far more specificity...if for no other reason than you are an asshole.

Go into HR3200 and get what it says about the Exchanges....tell me what it says about...

1) Approved Plans
2)What contitutes an approved plan....
3) What coverages are "mandated"..
4) What premmiums can be charged....;)

and then...

What happens when ANY plan held changes....coverages or premiums?

I'll wait Cookie.
It appears Salt Jones' hypocrisy knows no bounds.

It appears Obama will win reelection with ease.
sure does!

the more who think this, the better!

hey salt... you're not a teacher are you?

because you post just like some of those chicago union teachers speak.

Nope, I inspect advanced composite and metal aircraft structures for commercial airlines and defense contractors.
Bush II
Who else conned us into invading Iraq for a series of reasons that kept changing.
You think his aims kept changing because you were paying attention to what his enemies were saying he said, and not what he was saying; the problem you ID'd is in you and your cohorts.
Last edited:

"Health Insurance Exchanges are, for most states, new entities that will function as a marketplace for buyers of health insurance, giving them choices for health coverage. They will offer a variety of certified health plans and provide information and educational services to help consumers understand their options. The 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA) gives states the option to establish one or more state or regional exchanges, partner with the federal government to run the exchange, or to merge with other state exchanges. If a state chooses not to create an exchange, the federal government will set up the exchange(s) in the state."

"As of August 2, 2012, 10 states and the District of Columbia enacted legislation to establish state-based health insurance exchanges, four states have established an exchange by executive order. Governors in New Jersey (2012) and New Mexico (2011) vetoed establishment bills passed by the legislature. Massachusetts and Utah passed laws prior to the enactment of the Affordable Care Act in March 2010."

State Actions to Implement the Health Benefit Exchange

someone figured out how to use the google.

I know the concept of going to the experts and getting information for all to see is foreign to the conservative ilk, who pull their answers out of their asses and then call them "facts", but research and verification are useful.
now there's a good post! Finally!

Who did you get to type it for you?
It appears Obama will win reelection with ease.
sure does!

the more who think this, the better!

hey salt... you're not a teacher are you?

because you post just like some of those chicago union teachers speak.

Nope, I inspect advanced composite and metal aircraft structures for commercial airlines and defense contractors.


who's posting for you? didja run over and get a neighbor?
Look, I know Franco can't answer anything, he is too busy swallowing Bammy jizz....

Tell me Cookie...what is the job of the exchanges....I know you know I know....but tell us what you know?


"Health Insurance Exchanges are, for most states, new entities that will function as a marketplace for buyers of health insurance, giving them choices for health coverage. They will offer a variety of certified health plans and provide information and educational services to help consumers understand their options. The 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA) gives states the option to establish one or more state or regional exchanges, partner with the federal government to run the exchange, or to merge with other state exchanges. If a state chooses not to create an exchange, the federal government will set up the exchange(s) in the state."

"As of August 2, 2012, 10 states and the District of Columbia enacted legislation to establish state-based health insurance exchanges, four states have established an exchange by executive order. Governors in New Jersey (2012) and New Mexico (2011) vetoed establishment bills passed by the legislature. Massachusetts and Utah passed laws prior to the enactment of the Affordable Care Act in March 2010."

State Actions to Implement the Health Benefit Exchange

Not bad...for a kid, but you are no kid.

Of you I would demand far more specificity...if for no other reason than you are an asshole.

Go into HR3200 and get what it says about the Exchanges....tell me what it says about...

1) Approved Plans
2)What contitutes an approved plan....
3) What coverages are "mandated"..
4) What premmiums can be charged....;)

and then...

What happens when ANY plan held changes....coverages or premiums?

I'll wait Cookie.

Should I stick to the first 500 pages?
Later, Pubtrolls- you're a total waste of time, and our best argument- a disgrace LOL!
And obama was referring to the whole American system, not your business- change the channel, ugly 'Merican dupe of the greedy rich swine...

I ain't rich, but since I'd like to BE rich one day, I guess you could say I'm greedy.

See, that's the difference between you and I.

I want to be left alone to succeed... or fail.

You want to leech off of others because you're too much of a puss to do it on your own.

waaaaaah I want free healthcare

waaaaa i want paid vacations

waaaaah i want obama to be my mommie

compared to you, greedy is a compliment.

PS i pegged you.... you're a union asswipe. probably a BA....
Last edited:

someone figured out how to use the google.

I know the concept of going to the experts and getting information for all to see is foreign to the conservative ilk, who pull their answers out of their asses and then call them "facts", but research and verification are useful.
now there's a good post! Finally!

Who did you get to type it for you?

I debate to the level of my opponents.

"Health Insurance Exchanges are, for most states, new entities that will function as a marketplace for buyers of health insurance, giving them choices for health coverage. They will offer a variety of certified health plans and provide information and educational services to help consumers understand their options. The 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA) gives states the option to establish one or more state or regional exchanges, partner with the federal government to run the exchange, or to merge with other state exchanges. If a state chooses not to create an exchange, the federal government will set up the exchange(s) in the state."

"As of August 2, 2012, 10 states and the District of Columbia enacted legislation to establish state-based health insurance exchanges, four states have established an exchange by executive order. Governors in New Jersey (2012) and New Mexico (2011) vetoed establishment bills passed by the legislature. Massachusetts and Utah passed laws prior to the enactment of the Affordable Care Act in March 2010."

State Actions to Implement the Health Benefit Exchange

Not bad...for a kid, but you are no kid.

Of you I would demand far more specificity...if for no other reason than you are an asshole.

Go into HR3200 and get what it says about the Exchanges....tell me what it says about...

1) Approved Plans
2)What contitutes an approved plan....
3) What coverages are "mandated"..
4) What premmiums can be charged....;)

and then...

What happens when ANY plan held changes....coverages or premiums?

I'll wait Cookie.

Should I stick to the first 500 pages?

It will give you a hyper link right to it..

Now...we both know I know what it says ;)
sure does!

the more who think this, the better!

hey salt... you're not a teacher are you?

because you post just like some of those chicago union teachers speak.

Nope, I inspect advanced composite and metal aircraft structures for commercial airlines and defense contractors.


who's posting for you? didja run over and get a neighbor?

Hahahaha. It's called Nondestructive Testing and it pays great and it is an extremely undermanned career field.

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