Obama Threatens Sovereignty

BS. And "American Values", aren't written "in stone". Lord knows we had enough trouble with the right touting "family values". How well did that go for you? LOL

What the fuck are you babbling about?

Don't worry about it....my comments weren't directed towards you, now were they? Go back to beating off.

I think you may have hurt CrusaderFranks feelings. As we and he knows, he is the one person who can play with himself and lose.
"That's why I won't waste my time offering counterpoints to the inflated opinions you offer."

Everyone knows what that means....

1. That everything that I posted is true....and you know it.

2. You're as useful as a chocolate teapot.

Wry's posts are always an Alinsky #5 (ridicule) with a side of schmear. It's like a monkey at a typewriter, it's cute the first 8 million times he tries to type something clever but it wears thing after a while

Now what the fuck are you babbling about? Wears thing??? LOLOLOL

It was a typo, it happens. I didn't except you to know the expression "wears thin"
What the fuck are you babbling about?

Don't worry about it....my comments weren't directed towards you, now were they? Go back to beating off.

Tell us more about these "American Values"

Oh, you know...how conservative families are more "moral" and "god-fearing" than liberal families. How many times has that been proven wrong or "ill-conceived"? The right thinks they have the corner on the market of "morality". Laughing stocks....the lot of them.
Wry's posts are always an Alinsky #5 (ridicule) with a side of schmear. It's like a monkey at a typewriter, it's cute the first 8 million times he tries to type something clever but it wears thing after a while

Now what the fuck are you babbling about? Wears thing??? LOLOLOL

It was a typo, it happens. I didn't except you to know the expression "wears thin"

Not cute, around me. I have high standards, so you know you're going to be held to an even higher one, you being "white" and all.
reading one of PoliChic's waaay over engineered OP's :


Good pic of your Chess partner.

Can't deal with the OP?

When is it going to occur to you Obama supporters that, if all of my OP's are correct.....you must be an idiot to have voted for him?

Mull that over.
Please don't assume my response to your latest 'work' was intended for you alone. Your lack of introspection and arrogance (Narcissistic Disorder to be ruled out) would make any effort to have you critically examine the dogma you hold to be the truth futile.

That's why I won't waste my time offering counterpoints to the inflated opinions you offer. I might, and likely have, lowered my standards to your level and simiple called you names (as you do to everyone who has questoned your questionable ideology). But that would give you a false sense of power. In fact the type of pedestrain demagoguery which you post has been around since prostitution.

Speaking of prostitution, reminds of pimps and other low lifes. One of whom was featured in an opinion piece in the [UWashington Post[/U] this morning:

David Koch: Just as bad as I thought, only cheaper

"That's why I won't waste my time offering counterpoints to the inflated opinions you offer."

Everyone knows what that means....

1. That everything that I posted is true....and you know it.

2. You're as useful as a chocolate teapot.

Wry's posts are always an Alinsky #5 (ridicule) with a side of schmear. It's like a monkey at a typewriter, it's cute the first 8 million times he tries to type something clever but it wears thin after a while

He's kind of an Alinsky without originality.....and all the charisma of Harry Reid.

(But " PoliticalChicButterfly.Net." was clever)
Please don't assume my response to your latest 'work' was intended for you alone. Your lack of introspection and arrogance (Narcissistic Disorder to be ruled out) would make any effort to have you critically examine the dogma you hold to be the truth futile.

That's why I won't waste my time offering counterpoints to the inflated opinions you offer. I might, and likely have, lowered my standards to your level and simiple called you names (as you do to everyone who has questoned your questionable ideology). But that would give you a false sense of power. In fact the type of pedestrain demagoguery which you post has been around since prostitution.

Speaking of prostitution, reminds of pimps and other low lifes. One of whom was featured in an opinion piece in the [UWashington Post[/U] this morning:

David Koch: Just as bad as I thought, only cheaper

"That's why I won't waste my time offering counterpoints to the inflated opinions you offer."

Everyone knows what that means....

1. That everything that I posted is true....and you know it.

Your lack of introspection and arrogance (Narcissistic Disorder to be ruled out) would make any effort to have you critically examine the dogma you hold to be the truth futile..

2. You're as useful as a chocolate teapot.

Speaking of chocolate teapots, even you must have some doubts when CrusaderFrank comes to you rescue.

Don't be nervous just 'cause you're taking your usual thrashing....

...it's a give-away when you say '...comes to you rescue."
So....none of you part-time Obama supporters are able to defend him against the vicious beating I gave him in the OP????

No one??

I love being the center of discussion....but, heck, that poor White House-windbag.....

....you're leaving him hangin' out to dry????

I beat him up pretty good....well, not as well as I beat poor Wry....but, still...

With friends like you guys.......
reading one of PoliChic's waaay over engineered OP's :


Good pic of your Chess partner.

Can't deal with the OP?

When is it going to occur to you Obama supporters that, if all of my OP's are correct.....you must be an idiot to have voted for him?

Mull that over.

"Mulling" done. Would vote for him, all over again, in any event. Think about how stupid one would have to be to have voted for Romney. Sorry, but I like my presidents, like I like my men.................masculine.
So....none of you part-time Obama supporters are able to defend him against the vicious beating I gave him in the OP????

No one??

I love being the center of discussion....but, heck, that poor White House-windbag.....

....you're leaving him hangin' out to dry????

I beat him up pretty good....well, not as well as I beat poor Wry....but, still...

With friends like you guys.......

Uh, I didn't read it other than "Obama bad, blah, blah, blah, controversy, blah, bad, blah blah." As I said, your postings are jokes you take way too seriously.
And I just can't get over the irony (nor the humor) of an Asian chick, as a conservative, and worse, imagining herself not only "super" but "blonde". LOL. It's too funny.
Last edited:
Ain't demagoguery fun? Don't you simply luv the hate and fear genre. Come see the latest iteration of "Ain't (Obama, Democrats, liberals, progressives) Awful"!!!!

For her latest rant, finger pointing, revision of current events to suit her psychological needs, & other 'tidpits' from the far far far fringe of American ethos, and the winner of the Society of Trolls "Charlatan of the Year" award, visit PoliticalChicButterfly.Net. PC is sponsored by the Brothers Koch and other Plutocrats like them.

^ that.

C'mon, Dim Com.....take the Saturday challenge that he declined: let's see ya' find any errors in the OP.

Can ya,' huh? Can ya'......

Bet ya' can't.

Here's more: the only thing worse than the mistake in the White House.....

....is having voted for him.

As I stated, your OP's are always waaay over engineered, akin to an encyclopedia entry. What are you Asian? :eusa_eh: ;) You could be writing about butterflies & puppies and I STILL wouldn't take the time to wade through it, as it were. You are living proof that conz are uptight. :thup:
reading one of PoliChic's waaay over engineered OP's :


Good pic of your Chess partner.

Can't deal with the OP?

When is it going to occur to you Obama supporters that, if all of my OP's are correct.....you must be an idiot to have voted for him?

Mull that over.

"Mulling" done. Would vote for him, all over again, in any event. Think about how stupid one would have to be to have voted for Romney. Sorry, but I like my presidents, like I like my men.................masculine.

....in mom jeans and "Obama Goes 2 For 22 On Basketball Court"
Obama Goes 2 For 22 On Basketball Court - ABC News

Y'know, Pee-wit, much has been written about adults who leap to sexual suggestions at every opportunity, as you do.....

...you know, that you're hidin' something about yourself.

This post of yours about a hardly-masculine-model of a President.....

" like I like my men.................masculine."

....speaks volumes.

(Don't worry....your secret's safe with me....)
The President of the United States does not believe in American Exceptionalism, or sovereignty.
The following proves that he opposes it for other nations, as well.

1. The term sovereignty was rarely used before the 17th century, the time that people first came to think of representative assemblies as legislatures, reflecting the modern emphasis on law as an act of governing, i.e. government by consent.

a. This was also the time when professional armies came into being, serving distinct governments, and a seriousness about defense.

b. And during this period, discussions began about international law, the relations of sovereign nations. In fact, the Declaration of Independence refers to such a law, in its first sentence: “…necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station…” thus assuming that nations, like individuals, have rights.
Jeremy Rabkin, professor of law, George Mason School of Law, June 5, 2009

2. For Obama, and for Progressives, there are no unalienable rights, only those granted by government. If ' nations ...have rights,' one must ask from what source? For Leftists of any stripe, it is a necessity to remove those rights.

a. Since the dawn of politics, men have envisioned some global authority that would bring peace and harmony….Utopia. During the Enlightenment, Immanuel Kant argued in favor of a “united power and law-governed decisions of a united will” to create “perpetual peace.”
Cosmopolitan citizenship and postmodernity

b. ‘Global governance, the idea of all humankind united under one common political authority, has not existed so far in human history. This is not to say that it hasn’t been debated, called for, fought for…and as recently as the 20th century, the usual method of the Left, enforced on large swaths of the planet….called communism. And 100 million deaths.
Fonte, "Sovereignty or Submission."

3. The next attempt was the European Union. One can see that it is possible to lose sovereignty quickly. Consider the European Union. It began in 1957 when six countries signed a treaty agreeing that they would cooperate on certain economic matters. They established the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg to interpret disputes about the treaty.

a. In the 1960’s the Court decreed that if acts of national parliament’s acts came into conflict with the treaty, the treaty would take precedence!

b. In the 1970’s the Court stated that it had precedence over national constitutions!

c. Today, whatever regulations are cranked out by the bureaucrats at the European Commission supersede both parliamentary statutes and national constitutions. This includes any questions about basic rights.
Rabkin, Op. Cit.

4. But sometimes, the people demand a return to sovereignty: "Twenty Conservative MPs today step up pressure on David Cameron to hold an EU referendum before the next general election.... Mr Cameron has so far pledged only to renegotiate Britain's relationship with Europe and then hold an “in-out” referendum on the new deal by 2017 − meaning today’s expression of support for a new plan puts him under pressure to fast-track a referendum, risking a Coalition split with the Liberal Democrats." Twenty Tory MPs demand Europe referendum bill - Telegraph

5. Now....watch the response of petty tyrant Obama to this shocking demand for liberty:
a. " So much scandal is swirling around President Obama that it was hard to spot what must be the biggest strategic error of the week — his warning to Prime Minister Cameron that if Britain leaves the European Union it could lose clout in Washington. London Financial Times: “Obama warns Cameron that Britain would lose influence in the US if it pulls out of EU.”

b.... that’s an intervention by Mr. Obama into Britain’s domestic political situation, where a fast-growing political party is challenging Mr. Cameron’s government over the issue of Europe.... So when did it become American policy to set itself against the British voters?" Obama’s British Blunder - The New York Sun

One more blunder by Obama in an ever-growing string of foreign policy missteps.

Compare this one to ignoring the pleas of the opposition to the Iranian election. Did Obama ignore plea for help from Iranian opposition in 2009? « Hot Air

This President is oblivious to people's demands for liberty and freedom.
One more of the dreams from his socialist father.

Will the public understand that they've placed their fate in the hands of one who doesn't understand American values??

BS. And "American Values", aren't written "in stone". Lord knows we had enough trouble with the right touting "family values". How well did that go for you? LOL

Yeah, Peewit....they are carved.....in the documents memorializing them: the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution.

You of all people should take the chance of looking for errors in the OP....

....after all, what have you got to loose?




Be serious.

Peewit???? LOL
Carved? How about "written"?
Loose vs. lose - Grammarist
You're a mental midget, who thinks her rationalizations are justified, or worse, are something people care about.
So....none of you part-time Obama supporters are able to defend him against the vicious beating I gave him in the OP????

No one??

I love being the center of discussion....but, heck, that poor White House-windbag.....

....you're leaving him hangin' out to dry????

I beat him up pretty good....well, not as well as I beat poor Wry....but, still...

With friends like you guys.......

Uh, I didn't read it other than "Obama bad, blah, blah, blah, controversy, blah, bad, blah blah." As I said, your postings are jokes you take way too seriously.
And I just can't get over the irony (nor the humor) of an Asian chick, as a conservative, and worse, imagining herself not only "super" but "blonde". LOL. It's too funny.

"Uh, I didn't read it...."

Stick to the truth.
Do we not yet REALLY understand what is going on?

NATIONS are becoming outdated.

The MASTERS are now creating a one world government.

NATIONS are going the same way MONARCHIES went.

The nation state concept is really only about 500 years old.

And the nation state world we so often think was a thing that existed forever no longer REALLY makes sense in the world that we are becoming.

Now I happen to still be a nationalist, but I can certainly see the writing on the wall.

By the year 2100, NATIONS will have about as much relevance to most of us as STATES currently have here in the USA.

They will continue to exist but they will NOT be calling the shots about anything that truly matters.
Speaking of chocolate teapots, even you must have some doubts when CrusaderFrank comes to you rescue.
:razz: ;)
reading one of PoliChic's waaay over engineered OP's :


Good pic of your Chess partner.

Can't deal with the OP?

When is it going to occur to you Obama supporters that, if all of my OP's are correct.....you must be an idiot to have voted for him?

Mull that over.

so you must've voted for the ticket Bible Spice was on?
Do we not yet REALLY understand what is going on?

NATIONS are becoming outdated.

The MASTERS are now creating a one world government.

NATIONS are going the same way MONARCHIES went.

The nation state concept is really only about 500 years old.

And the nation state world we so often think was a thing that existed forever no longer REALLY makes sense in the world that we are becoming.

Now I happen to still be a nationalist, but I can certainly see the writing on the wall.

By the year 2100, NATIONS will have about as much relevance to most of us as STATES currently have here in the USA.

They will continue to exist but they will NOT be calling the shots about anything that truly matters.

true. All you have to do is look at the MNC's, like Apple or Goldmann for instance, & how they capture governments. The only concern they have about sovereignty is how it affects them parking their cash offshore. :thup:
Good pic of your Chess partner.

Can't deal with the OP?

When is it going to occur to you Obama supporters that, if all of my OP's are correct.....you must be an idiot to have voted for him?

Mull that over.

"Mulling" done. Would vote for him, all over again, in any event. Think about how stupid one would have to be to have voted for Romney. Sorry, but I like my presidents, like I like my men.................masculine.

....in mom jeans and "Obama Goes 2 For 22 On Basketball Court"
Obama Goes 2 For 22 On Basketball Court - ABC News

Y'know, Pee-wit, much has been written about adults who leap to sexual suggestions at every opportunity, as you do.....

...you know, that you're hidin' something about yourself.

This post of yours about a hardly-masculine-model of a President.....

" like I like my men.................masculine."

....speaks volumes.

(Don't worry....your secret's safe with me....)

No secrets. And you'll address me by my ID, Poet, or I'll never entertain one of your postings again. Capice?
Sorry if my sarcasm and humor went over your head. President Obama may be "lean", like a basketball player...but he is smooth as butter. More intelligent than your average Republican in Congress, and able to enact Obamacare, with a single pen stroke. He even is sympathetic to Asians suffering identity crises.
BS. And "American Values", aren't written "in stone". Lord knows we had enough trouble with the right touting "family values". How well did that go for you? LOL

Yeah, Peewit....they are carved.....in the documents memorializing them: the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution.

You of all people should take the chance of looking for errors in the OP....

....after all, what have you got to loose?




Be serious.

Peewit???? LOL
Carved? How about "written"?
Loose vs. lose - Grammarist
You're a mental midget, who thinks her rationalizations are justified, or worse, are something people care about.

OH.....Nooooozzzzz.....ya' got me!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqY00fEdaCA]Elmer Fudd Kills Bugs Bunny - YouTube[/ame]
The President of the United States does not believe in American Exceptionalism, or sovereignty.
The following proves that he opposes it for other nations, as well.

1. The term sovereignty was rarely used before the 17th century, the time that people first came to think of representative assemblies as legislatures, reflecting the modern emphasis on law as an act of governing, i.e. government by consent.

a. This was also the time when professional armies came into being, serving distinct governments, and a seriousness about defense.

b. And during this period, discussions began about international law, the relations of sovereign nations. In fact, the Declaration of Independence refers to such a law, in its first sentence: “…necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station…” thus assuming that nations, like individuals, have rights.
Jeremy Rabkin, professor of law, George Mason School of Law, June 5, 2009

2. For Obama, and for Progressives, there are no unalienable rights, only those granted by government. If ' nations ...have rights,' one must ask from what source? For Leftists of any stripe, it is a necessity to remove those rights.

a. Since the dawn of politics, men have envisioned some global authority that would bring peace and harmony….Utopia. During the Enlightenment, Immanuel Kant argued in favor of a “united power and law-governed decisions of a united will” to create “perpetual peace.”
Cosmopolitan citizenship and postmodernity

b. ‘Global governance, the idea of all humankind united under one common political authority, has not existed so far in human history. This is not to say that it hasn’t been debated, called for, fought for…and as recently as the 20th century, the usual method of the Left, enforced on large swaths of the planet….called communism. And 100 million deaths.
Fonte, "Sovereignty or Submission."

3. The next attempt was the European Union. One can see that it is possible to lose sovereignty quickly. Consider the European Union. It began in 1957 when six countries signed a treaty agreeing that they would cooperate on certain economic matters. They established the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg to interpret disputes about the treaty.

a. In the 1960’s the Court decreed that if acts of national parliament’s acts came into conflict with the treaty, the treaty would take precedence!

b. In the 1970’s the Court stated that it had precedence over national constitutions!

c. Today, whatever regulations are cranked out by the bureaucrats at the European Commission supersede both parliamentary statutes and national constitutions. This includes any questions about basic rights.
Rabkin, Op. Cit.

4. But sometimes, the people demand a return to sovereignty: "Twenty Conservative MPs today step up pressure on David Cameron to hold an EU referendum before the next general election.... Mr Cameron has so far pledged only to renegotiate Britain's relationship with Europe and then hold an “in-out” referendum on the new deal by 2017 − meaning today’s expression of support for a new plan puts him under pressure to fast-track a referendum, risking a Coalition split with the Liberal Democrats." Twenty Tory MPs demand Europe referendum bill - Telegraph

5. Now....watch the response of petty tyrant Obama to this shocking demand for liberty:
a. " So much scandal is swirling around President Obama that it was hard to spot what must be the biggest strategic error of the week — his warning to Prime Minister Cameron that if Britain leaves the European Union it could lose clout in Washington. London Financial Times: “Obama warns Cameron that Britain would lose influence in the US if it pulls out of EU.”

b.... that’s an intervention by Mr. Obama into Britain’s domestic political situation, where a fast-growing political party is challenging Mr. Cameron’s government over the issue of Europe.... So when did it become American policy to set itself against the British voters?" Obama’s British Blunder - The New York Sun

One more blunder by Obama in an ever-growing string of foreign policy missteps.

Compare this one to ignoring the pleas of the opposition to the Iranian election. Did Obama ignore plea for help from Iranian opposition in 2009? « Hot Air

This President is oblivious to people's demands for liberty and freedom.
One more of the dreams from his socialist father.

Will the public understand that they've placed their fate in the hands of one who doesn't understand American values??

BS. And "American Values", aren't written "in stone". Lord knows we had enough trouble with the right touting "family values". How well did that go for you? LOL

Yeah, Peewit....they are carved.....in the documents memorializing them: the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution.

You of all people should take the chance of looking for errors in the OP....

....after all, what have you got to loose?




Be serious.

Let's be serious.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed... ".

Let's examine the New Republican Party under the control of the far right to determine how well they - and PC - comport with these "carved words".

1. Affirmative Action. A process whereby centuries of racism and bigotry held back minorities and women are mitigated.
a. The conservative opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964
b. The conservatives opposed the Equal Rights Amendment

2. Abortion
a. Many conservatives oppose abortion in cases of incest or rape
b. Many conservatives oppose abortion in cases wherein the women's life is a risk

3. Voting Rights
a. Many conservative states are passing laws to suppress the vote of minorities.
b. Many conservative states are passing laws to suppress the vote of student.
c. Many Conservative states require a fee to obtain a 'legit' ID, a new iteration of the poll tax.

4. DOMA and DADT
a. Many conservatives oppose gay marriage (and today some are protesting gay children from participating in the boy scouts)
b. Many conservatives oppose gay and lesbian citizens from serving our nation in the armed forces.

Issues wherein conservatives use demagoguery to deprive American Citizens of liberty and happiness. In the case of abortion, the life of the women too.

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