Obama Threatens Sovereignty

Do we not yet REALLY understand what is going on?

NATIONS are becoming outdated.

The MASTERS are now creating a one world government.

NATIONS are going the same way MONARCHIES went.

The nation state concept is really only about 500 years old.

And the nation state world we so often think was a thing that existed forever no longer REALLY makes sense in the world that we are becoming.

Now I happen to still be a nationalist, but I can certainly see the writing on the wall.

By the year 2100, NATIONS will have about as much relevance to most of us as STATES currently have here in the USA.

They will continue to exist but they will NOT be calling the shots about anything that truly matters.

Here's more of that handwriting:

a.Strobe Talbot, president of the Brookings Institution, has written that he welcomed ‘super-national political authority,’ saying "In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all."

b.Harold Koh, chief legal adviser of the State Department, and the legal authority of the government on foreign legal policy, states that the Supreme Court "must play a key role in coordinating U.S. domestic constitutional rules with rules of foreign and international law," The only way for the Supreme Court to do that "coordinating" is to subordinate the real American Constitution to ever-evolving rules of foreign and international law.

c.Richard Haass, Republican, president of the Council on Foreign Relations “… states must be prepared to cede some sovereignty to world bodies if the international system is to function…. sovereignty must be redefined if states are to cope with globalization.”

d. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg defended the use of foreign law by American judges,...American hostility to the consideration of foreign law, she said, “is a passing phase.” http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/12/us/12ginsburg.html

C'mon, Dim Com.....take the Saturday challenge that he declined: let's see ya' find any errors in the OP.

Can ya,' huh? Can ya'......

Bet ya' can't.

Here's more: the only thing worse than the mistake in the White House.....

....is having voted for him.

As I stated, your OP's are always waaay over engineered, akin to an encyclopedia entry. What are you Asian? :eusa_eh: ;) You could be writing about butterflies & puppies and I STILL wouldn't take the time to wade through it, as it were. You are living proof that conz are uptight. :thup:

So....you expect me to hide the light, just cause you can't rebut????

Matthew 5:14-16 ESV

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."

My posts are for educated adults.
You should have stayed in school instead of joining that commune.....
"Mulling" done. Would vote for him, all over again, in any event. Think about how stupid one would have to be to have voted for Romney. Sorry, but I like my presidents, like I like my men.................masculine.

....in mom jeans and "Obama Goes 2 For 22 On Basketball Court"
Obama Goes 2 For 22 On Basketball Court - ABC News

Y'know, Pee-wit, much has been written about adults who leap to sexual suggestions at every opportunity, as you do.....

...you know, that you're hidin' something about yourself.

This post of yours about a hardly-masculine-model of a President.....

" like I like my men.................masculine."

....speaks volumes.

(Don't worry....your secret's safe with me....)

No secrets. And you'll address me by my ID, Poet, or I'll never entertain one of your postings again. Capice?
Sorry if my sarcasm and humor went over your head. President Obama may be "lean", like a basketball player...but he is smooth as butter. More intelligent than your average Republican in Congress, and able to enact Obamacare, with a single pen stroke. He even is sympathetic to Asians suffering identity crises.

No prob, Pee-wit.

Intelligence is not the mark of a President.....it's vision that counts.
And this OP nails him on lack of vision.
BS. And "American Values", aren't written "in stone". Lord knows we had enough trouble with the right touting "family values". How well did that go for you? LOL

Yeah, Peewit....they are carved.....in the documents memorializing them: the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution.

You of all people should take the chance of looking for errors in the OP....

....after all, what have you got to loose?




Be serious.

Let's be serious.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed... ".

Let's examine the New Republican Party under the control of the far right to determine how well they - and PC - comport with these "carved words".

1. Affirmative Action. A process whereby centuries of racism and bigotry held back minorities and women are mitigated.
a. The conservative opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964
b. The conservatives opposed the Equal Rights Amendment

2. Abortion
a. Many conservatives oppose abortion in cases of incest or rape
b. Many conservatives oppose abortion in cases wherein the women's life is a risk

3. Voting Rights
a. Many conservative states are passing laws to suppress the vote of minorities.
b. Many conservative states are passing laws to suppress the vote of student.
c. Many Conservative states require a fee to obtain a 'legit' ID, a new iteration of the poll tax.

4. DOMA and DADT
a. Many conservatives oppose gay marriage (and today some are protesting gay children from participating in the boy scouts)
b. Many conservatives oppose gay and lesbian citizens from serving our nation in the armed forces.

Issues wherein conservatives use demagoguery to deprive American Citizens of liberty and happiness. In the case of abortion, the life of the women too.

Nice effort, and I certainly endorse the style of the post.......

....but you Leftists regularly prove exactly what I say about you!

And you've done it again!

The topics you've listed in an effort to obfuscate the OP, require far more elucidation and explanation than you've provided.

How many times have I posted that Leftist dogma is best seen as bumper-stickers.

Now....if you actually took the time and effort to write OP's.....I might entertain same.
Yeah, Peewit....they are carved.....in the documents memorializing them: the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution.

You of all people should take the chance of looking for errors in the OP....

....after all, what have you got to loose?




Be serious.

Let's be serious.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed... ".

Let's examine the New Republican Party under the control of the far right to determine how well they - and PC - comport with these "carved words".

1. Affirmative Action. A process whereby centuries of racism and bigotry held back minorities and women are mitigated.
a. The conservative opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964
b. The conservatives opposed the Equal Rights Amendment

2. Abortion
a. Many conservatives oppose abortion in cases of incest or rape
b. Many conservatives oppose abortion in cases wherein the women's life is a risk

3. Voting Rights
a. Many conservative states are passing laws to suppress the vote of minorities.
b. Many conservative states are passing laws to suppress the vote of student.
c. Many Conservative states require a fee to obtain a 'legit' ID, a new iteration of the poll tax.

4. DOMA and DADT
a. Many conservatives oppose gay marriage (and today some are protesting gay children from participating in the boy scouts)
b. Many conservatives oppose gay and lesbian citizens from serving our nation in the armed forces.

Issues wherein conservatives use demagoguery to deprive American Citizens of liberty and happiness. In the case of abortion, the life of the women too.

Nice effort, and I certainly endorse the style of the post.......

....but you Leftists regularly prove exactly what I say about you!

And you've done it again!

The topics you've listed in an effort to obfuscate the OP, require far more elucidation and explanation than you've provided.

How many times have I posted that Leftist dogma is best seen as bumper-stickers.

Now....if you actually took the time and effort to write OP's.....I might entertain same.

First of all I'm not a "leftist". As most know I spent a career in LE and helped put many a miscreant in custody. Of Course I'm a CAL grad, but also a Navy Vet. I never lived in a commune and have been married for nearly four decades. So the labels you so easily apply don't fit, and are simply pejoratives. I'm not a Communist, I'm a Democrat and I understand we live in a mixed economy - so those who scream "Socialism" and call the elected President of the United States a "Marxist" or "Statist" are simply parrots bellowing out words they are unable to define or understand.

You, if my digress into a PCism, are a troll who couldn't pass Eng. 101 or Debate 101 at CAL - though you would excel at Liberty University. I doubt anyone with a real University Degree takes any of your 'work' seriously, though you have a following of dimwits (which is less than a halfwit) such as CrusaderFrank.
"Mulling" done. Would vote for him, all over again, in any event. Think about how stupid one would have to be to have voted for Romney. Sorry, but I like my presidents, like I like my men.................masculine.

....in mom jeans and "Obama Goes 2 For 22 On Basketball Court"
Obama Goes 2 For 22 On Basketball Court - ABC News

Y'know, Pee-wit, much has been written about adults who leap to sexual suggestions at every opportunity, as you do.....

...you know, that you're hidin' something about yourself.

This post of yours about a hardly-masculine-model of a President.....

" like I like my men.................masculine."

....speaks volumes.

(Don't worry....your secret's safe with me....)

No secrets. And you'll address me by my ID, Poet, or I'll never entertain one of your postings again. Capice?
Sorry if my sarcasm and humor went over your head. President Obama may be "lean", like a basketball player...but he is smooth as butter. More intelligent than your average Republican in Congress, and able to enact Obamacare, with a single pen stroke. He even is sympathetic to Asians suffering identity crises.
Oh noes!! PC is about to be honored with a place on pee wit's "list"
Let's be serious.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed... ".

Let's examine the New Republican Party under the control of the far right to determine how well they - and PC - comport with these "carved words".

1. Affirmative Action. A process whereby centuries of racism and bigotry held back minorities and women are mitigated.
a. The conservative opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964
b. The conservatives opposed the Equal Rights Amendment

2. Abortion
a. Many conservatives oppose abortion in cases of incest or rape
b. Many conservatives oppose abortion in cases wherein the women's life is a risk

3. Voting Rights
a. Many conservative states are passing laws to suppress the vote of minorities.
b. Many conservative states are passing laws to suppress the vote of student.
c. Many Conservative states require a fee to obtain a 'legit' ID, a new iteration of the poll tax.

4. DOMA and DADT
a. Many conservatives oppose gay marriage (and today some are protesting gay children from participating in the boy scouts)
b. Many conservatives oppose gay and lesbian citizens from serving our nation in the armed forces.

Issues wherein conservatives use demagoguery to deprive American Citizens of liberty and happiness. In the case of abortion, the life of the women too.

Nice effort, and I certainly endorse the style of the post.......

....but you Leftists regularly prove exactly what I say about you!

And you've done it again!

The topics you've listed in an effort to obfuscate the OP, require far more elucidation and explanation than you've provided.

How many times have I posted that Leftist dogma is best seen as bumper-stickers.

Now....if you actually took the time and effort to write OP's.....I might entertain same.

First of all I'm not a "leftist". As most know I spent a career in LE and helped put many a miscreant in custody. Of Course I'm a CAL grad, but also a Navy Vet. I never lived in a commune and have been married for nearly four decades. So the labels you so easily apply don't fit, and are simply pejoratives. I'm not a Communist, I'm a Democrat and I understand we live in a mixed economy - so those who scream "Socialism" and call the elected President of the United States a "Marxist" or "Statist" are simply parrots bellowing out words they are unable to define or understand.

You, if my digress into a PCism, are a troll who couldn't pass Eng. 101 or Debate 101 at CAL - though you would excel at Liberty University. I doubt anyone with a real University Degree takes any of your 'work' seriously, though you have a following of dimwits (which is less than a halfwit) such as CrusaderFrank.

1. "First of all I'm not a "leftist".
“If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, it must be a duck”

2. "...I spent a career in LE and helped put many a miscreant in custody. Of Course I'm a CAL grad, but also a Navy Vet. I never lived in a commune and have been married for nearly four decades."

This is scary! Sounds like you're preparing your epitaph!

3. " So the labels you so easily apply don't fit, and are simply pejoratives."
But I'm really, really good at it...right?

4." I'm not a Communist..."
That's what they all say!
Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals.

5."... so those who scream "Socialism" and call the elected President of the United States a "Marxist"...

Obama: "You didn't build that"
Obama: "You didn't build that" - CBS News Video
....see, the Marxist's would give the credit to the collective....

6. "You, if my digress into a PCism, are a troll..."
Translation: my OP destroyed you.

7. "... though you would excel at Liberty University. I doubt anyone with a real University Degree takes any of your 'work' seriously,..."
Actually, I went to a pretty good school (....and Dean's List, baby!)

Now....be honest: you take my 'work' seriously...and nothing you'd like better than to be able to compete.

I almost sympathize with your feeling of ineptitude.

How come you had nothing to say about the post you linked to?
And still haven't confronted the truths of the OP....

When ever you’re ready just yell “check please.”
And I just can't get over the irony (nor the humor) of an Asian chick, as a conservative, and worse, imagining herself not only "super" but "blonde". LOL. It's too funny.

More predictable racism from the racist, misogynistic, phony douchebag Po' Shit.
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Ain't demagoguery fun? Don't you simply luv the hate and fear genre. Come see the latest iteration of "Ain't (Obama, Democrats, liberals, progressives) Awful"!!!!

For her latest rant, finger pointing, revision of current events to suit her psychological needs, & other 'tidpits' from the far far far fringe of American ethos, and the winner of the Society of Trolls "Charlatan of the Year" award, visit PoliticalChicButterfly.Net. PC is sponsored by the Brothers Koch and other Plutocrats like them.

I disagree, WryCatcher. She presented some very good points. So why don't you drop the rants, the fingerpointing and address the content of her post instead. Are you capable of that?

1. "...bet you think, or want others to believe, you thought up this cliché all by your lonesome."
See....we can only judge others by ourselves.

2. "And what's in your CV? Divorced, alone and bitter obnoxious blogger seeks attention. Oh, yeah, that's your ad in Craig's List."
Actually, I have this ginger bread house in the woods....trap little kids....fatten 'em up.....never mind.
The Craig's list was when I lived in a shoe, had so many children, I didn't know what to do...so I put this ad for a larger apartment......

3. "Methinks your good for a laugh period..."
'You're'....not 'your'....what was that college you insulted by claiming to have graduated from???

You missed the point again....the insults are because you are a laugh!
They're pretty accurate, though...aren't they.

4. "And still haven't confronted the truths of the OP....
Answered in my first post on this thread."

That's a fib...you just attempted to put it down....never answered.

4. "But you are too embarrassed to name your 'pretty good school'"

It's the one with the best fight song in the nation!

Here goes:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVsXseZJPg0]Columbia University Fight Song: Roar, Lion, Roar! - YouTube[/ame]
Ain't demagoguery fun? Don't you simply luv the hate and fear genre. Come see the latest iteration of "Ain't (Obama, Democrats, liberals, progressives) Awful"!!!!

For her latest rant, finger pointing, revision of current events to suit her psychological needs, & other 'tidpits' from the far far far fringe of American ethos, and the winner of the Society of Trolls "Charlatan of the Year" award, visit PoliticalChicButterfly.Net. PC is sponsored by the Brothers Koch and other Plutocrats like them.

Is that all you have left? What happened to the witty repartee and the well thought out arguments that used to distinguish your posts from those of rdean and Truthmatters? I miss those, even when I thought I was banging my head against a wall of partisan ideology I at least had to think before responding to your posts.

I miss the old Wry.
Ain't demagoguery fun? Don't you simply luv the hate and fear genre. Come see the latest iteration of "Ain't (Obama, Democrats, liberals, progressives) Awful"!!!!

For her latest rant, finger pointing, revision of current events to suit her psychological needs, & other 'tidpits' from the far far far fringe of American ethos, and the winner of the Society of Trolls "Charlatan of the Year" award, visit PoliticalChicButterfly.Net. PC is sponsored by the Brothers Koch and other Plutocrats like them.

It is sorta fun to watch her chew you up and spit you out.

It reminds me of how kittens chew up pieces of paper in their enthusiasm to learn how to hunt.
Ain't demagoguery fun? Don't you simply luv the hate and fear genre. Come see the latest iteration of "Ain't (Obama, Democrats, liberals, progressives) Awful"!!!!

For her latest rant, finger pointing, revision of current events to suit her psychological needs, & other 'tidpits' from the far far far fringe of American ethos, and the winner of the Society of Trolls "Charlatan of the Year" award, visit PoliticalChicButterfly.Net. PC is sponsored by the Brothers Koch and other Plutocrats like them.

I disagree, WryCatcher. She presented some very good points. So why don't you drop the rants, the fingerpointing and address the content of her post instead. Are you capable of that?


Nope.....he's done the best he is able to.

Uses all three functional neurons for his best work.
reading one of PoliChic's waaay over engineered OP's :


You have that much trouble with outlines?
Ain't demagoguery fun? Don't you simply luv the hate and fear genre. Come see the latest iteration of "Ain't (Obama, Democrats, liberals, progressives) Awful"!!!!

For her latest rant, finger pointing, revision of current events to suit her psychological needs, & other 'tidpits' from the far far far fringe of American ethos, and the winner of the Society of Trolls "Charlatan of the Year" award, visit PoliticalChicButterfly.Net. PC is sponsored by the Brothers Koch and other Plutocrats like them.

I disagree, WryCatcher. She presented some very good points. So why don't you drop the rants, the fingerpointing and address the content of her post instead. Are you capable of that?


The content of her posts is all the same: "Ain't (Obama, Democrats, liberals, progressives) Awful" "Ain't it Awful comes from Eric Bernes and his work published in Games People Play. Her charge is I didn't respond to her particulars; I responded to her general bigotry, i.e. her intolerance of anything which does not fit within the narrow paradigm of conservative as she presents it.

I also proffered the quote from Jefferson in response to the values argument and how conservatives do not live up to the promise of Life, Liberty and Happiness. That was a direct response to her gambit.

What more would you like?
....in mom jeans and "Obama Goes 2 For 22 On Basketball Court"
Obama Goes 2 For 22 On Basketball Court - ABC News

Y'know, Pee-wit, much has been written about adults who leap to sexual suggestions at every opportunity, as you do.....

...you know, that you're hidin' something about yourself.

This post of yours about a hardly-masculine-model of a President.....

" like I like my men.................masculine."

....speaks volumes.

(Don't worry....your secret's safe with me....)

No secrets. And you'll address me by my ID, Poet, or I'll never entertain one of your postings again. Capice?
Sorry if my sarcasm and humor went over your head. President Obama may be "lean", like a basketball player...but he is smooth as butter. More intelligent than your average Republican in Congress, and able to enact Obamacare, with a single pen stroke. He even is sympathetic to Asians suffering identity crises.
Oh noes!! PC is about to be honored with a place on pee wit's "list"

He never should have told me not to use 'Pee-wit'....

....imagine putting a weapon like that in my hands???
Ain't demagoguery fun? Don't you simply luv the hate and fear genre. Come see the latest iteration of "Ain't (Obama, Democrats, liberals, progressives) Awful"!!!!

For her latest rant, finger pointing, revision of current events to suit her psychological needs, & other 'tidpits' from the far far far fringe of American ethos, and the winner of the Society of Trolls "Charlatan of the Year" award, visit PoliticalChicButterfly.Net. PC is sponsored by the Brothers Koch and other Plutocrats like them.

I disagree, WryCatcher. She presented some very good points. So why don't you drop the rants, the fingerpointing and address the content of her post instead. Are you capable of that?


The content of her posts is all the same: "Ain't (Obama, Democrats, liberals, progressives) Awful" "Ain't it Awful comes from Eric Bernes and his work published in Games People Play. Her charge is I didn't respond to her particulars; I responded to her general bigotry, i.e. her intolerance of anything which does not fit within the narrow paradigm of conservative as she presents it.

I also proffered the quote from Jefferson in response to the values argument and how conservatives do not live up to the promise of Life, Liberty and Happiness. That was a direct response to her gambit.

What more would you like?

1. One must be mighty stupid to contradict himself in his post......true?
Check this out:
"The content of her posts is all the same..."
Well, then, how could there be 'particulars' in this one?
"...Her charge is I didn't respond to her particulars..."

2. "bigotry, i.e. her intolerance of anything which does not fit blah blah blah...."
Well....maybe you're a bigot too: where do you stand on liberty and freedom for people? Opposed to it, as Obama is?
C'mon.....the truth!
Oooopps! Another bigot!
I'm tellin' Obama on you!!

3. I'd be remiss if I didn't tell folks: he uses thumbtacks to post notes -- on his refrigerator.
So....none of you part-time Obama supporters are able to defend him against the vicious beating I gave him in the OP????

No one??

I love being the center of discussion....but, heck, that poor White House-windbag.....

....you're leaving him hangin' out to dry????

I beat him up pretty good....well, not as well as I beat poor Wry....but, still...

With friends like you guys.......

Uh, I didn't read it other than "Obama bad, blah, blah, blah, controversy, blah, bad, blah blah." As I said, your postings are jokes you take way too seriously.
And I just can't get over the irony (nor the humor) of an Asian chick, as a conservative, and worse, imagining herself not only "super" but "blonde". LOL. It's too funny.

Speaking of irony, what causes someone to choose an avatar that shows a pussy that sees himself as a tiger?
Seriously is there anybody who doubts that Barack Obama doesn't have a lot of respect for our constitution and sovereignty?

Who did he consult before he acquiesced to the United Nations and handed over our troops for them to use to attack Lybia? Was the media informed in advance so the American people could know? No. Was there any resolution in either chamber of Congress to authorize the funds and initiative? No. Was anybody of authority consulted before that action was taken? To the best of my knowledge, no.

When did the United Nations become the authority to direct our President rather than the elected Congress and the American people?

Does anybody doubt that if Congress ever did vote to hand over regulation and management of our national energy grid to foreign powers via Kyoto or other international treaty, that Obama would sign that legislation in a New York minute? That he is doing his damndest to get around Congress to do it anyway?

Does anybody seriously doubt that Obama would like to bypass Congress and the American people altogether and immerse himself in the limelight of a one world government? Can anybody point to any action of his or even any speech that he has given that would reassure me that my perceptions here are all wrong?
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