Obama Threatens To Veto Planned Parenthood Defunding Bill

If they pass a bill it will be Obama shutting down the government by vetoing it.
Nah, the Republicans will still be blamed regardless, because the people know that's what they do. Go on believing what you want, but you're going to be in for a surprise. There have been a number of threats since the big shut down in the Clinton years, but the Republicans have always backed off. Ever wonder why?
If they pass a bill it will be Obama shutting down the government by vetoing it.
Nah, the Republicans will still be blamed regardless, because the people know that's what they do. Go on believing what you want, but you're going to be in for a surprise. There have been a number of threats since the big shut down in the Clinton years, but the Republicans have always backed off. Ever wonder why?
Because they arent men. Theyre chickens and need to be replaced with real men like trunp and cruz.
Of course he will veto it..... all progressives want dead babies it is what evil fucks do

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How does defunding Planned Parenthood end abortions?

They are still legal and available elsewhere

Of course he will veto it..... all progressives want dead babies it is what evil fucks do

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How does defunding Planned Parenthood end abortions?

They are still legal and available elsewhere

The anti-abortionists ("Nazis" against pro-choice) are so focused on that one issue that they don't care about the other 90% of the services provided by PP. They are extremists, not unlike ISIS.
It's like ...
If a patient has a headache, then have his head cut off. That will end the headache.
the Republicans will still be blamed regardless, because the people know that's what they do. Go on believing what you want, but you're going to be in for a surprise. There have been a number of threats since the big shut down in the Clinton years, but the Republicans have always backed off. Ever wonder why?
Because they arent men. Theyre chickens and need to be replaced with real men like trunp and cruz.
Trump/Cruz, Dole/Gingrich, it doesn't really matter. :dunno:
GOP needs to pass a slew of things the people want but America's Kenyan Emperor will veto. That'll lay their stinking corpses on the steps of the (former) White House as a warning to voters of the consequences of voting for liberals (of either party).
GOP needs to pass a slew of things the people want but America's Kenyan Emperor will veto. That'll lay their stinking corpses on the steps of the (former) White House as a warning to voters of the consequences of voting for liberals (of either party).
Don't you get it? Regardless of who does what, the stinking corpse is going to be on the Republicans' doorstep. That's just the way it is! If they can't learn from history, it's their funeral :dunno:
]Don't you get it? Regardless of who does what, the stinking corpse is going to be on the Republicans' doorstep. That's just the way it is! If they can't learn from history, it's their funeral :dunno:

OK, so you think of dead babies as marketable parts.

Normal people think of them as masses of stinking tissue.

Moving right along.....

When you go to check them out, festering there on the steps of the (former) White House please don't forget to bring your spoon!
Obama Threatens To Veto Planned Parenthood Defunding Bill

Not good news for all the opponents to abortion who want deprive women their rights, better life and health. The Planned Parenthood won`t be defunded. Obama will veto Republican anti-abortion bill. Voila! Yet some of his presidential projects could be appreciated.

Thank a god that we have a sensible, freedom-loving POTUS.
Us SR Libertarians don't like Nazi-oriented Repubs.
Anybody got a barf-bag?
"Obama Threatens To Veto Planned Parenthood Defunding Bill"

And appropriately so.

Such an act is completely devoid of merit, predicated solely on lies, where Planned Parenthood did nothing 'wrong' to warrant being 'defunded.'
]Don't you get it? Regardless of who does what, the stinking corpse is going to be on the Republicans' doorstep. That's just the way it is! If they can't learn from history, it's their funeral
OK, so you think of dead babies as marketable parts. Normal people think of them as masses of stinking tissue. Moving right along. When you go to check them out, festering there on the steps of the (former) White House please don't forget to bring your spoon!
I was talking about signing a bill. What planet did you fly to?!?! The only stinking corpse I was talking about was figurative. Here's the gist of what I said before you went off on your flight of fancy, if Obama vetoes the bill, the Republicans will get blamed anyway. The public knows that's they do, they throw a tantrum and threaten to shut down the government when they don't get their way. It didn't work for Dole/Gingrich; it isn't going to work for Trump/Boehner.
Obama Threatens To Veto Planned Parenthood Defunding Bill

Not good news for all the opponents to abortion who want deprive women their rights, better life and health. The Planned Parenthood won`t be defunded. Obama will veto Republican anti-abortion bill. Voila! Yet some of his presidential projects could be appreciated.

Of course he will veto it. This is a man that voted against a bill that would of protected an infant that was alive due to a botched abortion when he was an Illinois senator.

He is a disgusting excuse for a human being, as are his pro-infanticide followers.
Let him veto it, tie it into the budget bill and then the fucking obomanation will shut down the government.... Unfortunately the fucking leadership of the Congress refuses to do this...for some UNKNOWN REASON$$$$$$$$$!

Yeah, that's what the GOP jerks in Congress do best; poison pill legislation to make the opposition look bad if it either passes or fails. That's real fucking smart for the good of the Nation, Vigilante!
Obama Threatens To Veto Planned Parenthood Defunding Bill

Not good news for all the opponents to abortion who want deprive women their rights, better life and health. The Planned Parenthood won`t be defunded. Obama will veto Republican anti-abortion bill. Voila! Yet some of his presidential projects could be appreciated.
1. DUH! Who the fuck thought he would do differently? Obama's love for partial birth abortion is well known
2. What about the babies right to life? Do you not care about that? Women and MEN should take the time to make sure they don't get pregnant if they have no intention of keeping the baby and intend to kill it to serve their own selfish purposes.
Let him veto it, tie it into the budget bill and then the fucking obomanation will shut down the government.... Unfortunately the fucking leadership of the Congress refuses to do this...for some UNKNOWN REASON$$$$$$$$$!

Yeah, that's what the GOP jerks in Congress do best; poison pill legislation to make the opposition look bad if it either passes or fails. That's real fucking smart for the good of the Nation, Vigilante!

Fuck you baby killer, your brains dribbled onto the sheets!

Let him veto it, tie it into the budget bill and then the fucking obomanation will shut down the government.... Unfortunately the fucking leadership of the Congress refuses to do this...for some UNKNOWN REASON$$$$$$$$$!

Yeah, that's what the GOP jerks in Congress do best; poison pill legislation to make the opposition look bad if it either passes or fails. That's real fucking smart for the good of the Nation, Vigilante!

Fuck you baby killer, your brains dribbled onto the sheets!


I'm really impressed by the snappy comeback! Did you forget there are adults in the room?
The Republicans seem to be HELPLESS these last two years of President Obama's presidency.

What a shame....hahahahahahahahaha.

You should worry about YOUR OWN biological matter, not others like in that pic you posted.
I am concerned about my own family's welfare, as you should be about your own.
The moment you DICTATE to others & force YOUR beliefs on them, then you become a Nazi like portrayed in your pic.

You should worry about YOUR OWN biological matter, not others like in that pic you posted.
I am concerned about my own family's welfare, as you should be about your own.
The moment you DICTATE to others & force YOUR beliefs on them, then you become a Nazi like portrayed in your pic.

I see you're another who would TURN THEIR BACK, as they did in Germany, in the second World War to INHUMANE TREATMENT! Bet you're all for the Syrian terrorists moving into America without any vetting or criminal history.... You disgust me!
There is too much inhumane treatment going on. NK's Gulag, political prison, Somalia, Syria, some I've never heard of but is still happening all the same. We don't have the power to save them all. What criteria should we use to pick one to save while ignoring the rest? But first we need to save ourselves.

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