Obama Thrown Under Truck

there are folks locked up right now because Biden used that tough on crime phony rhetoric that got a lot of people elected but has done damage to all american communities big and small.

with that record, Obama chose Biden as his VP. GOD DAMN OBAMA! THAT'S IN THE BIBLE!

PS. Biden needs to find a way to apologize about the crime bill, instead of using Obama as a human shield
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Until they admit their meat puppet faggot messiah was a dismal failure and an incompetent fraud, no one should take them seriously at all.

Everyone who voted for that treasonous commie bastard owes the plant life that creates oxygen an apology.
Really had high hopes for Obama. He was such a effing disappointment. He ran his DoD like W., Jr., he totally screwed up in Syria and Egypt/Libya, he caved on the individual mandate, and he never once tried to raise the minimum wage despite promising to do it every year he was in office.
Yes, I watched the debate, and it was remarkable to see the frontal attacks on Obama from the radical liberals on the stage. And it was pathetic to see Biden ducking and dodging when asked to justify Obama's deportation of some 3 million illegals. I guess he just didn't have the nerve to say, "Yeah, I supported it, because if you cross our border illegally, you should be deported!" I'm guessing if he'd said that, today we'd be hearing charges of "racism" thrown at him.

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