Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

Compared to Bush, Obama is a sniveling whiney loser. Bush did his job and never blamed anyone.

Oh really?

Seems you're doing a revision of history because the bush boy blamed a lot of things on Bill Clinton. In fact it became a joke with us liberals because the bush boy always blamed someone else, mostly Clinton, for what the bush boy did.

The one I find especially funny is the one where the bush boy says 2 hundred thousand jobs were lost in 6 months and it's Clinton's fault yet the last month of the bush boy's presidency the bush boy lost 850 thousand jobs. In just ONE month.

Bush Administration Blames Bill Clinton for Deficit*Pensito Review

Obama does acknowledge that Bush is responsible for the economy, that he started two wars and that the atmosphere at MMS was under his watch.

For those who need reminding here's a list of some of the things the bush boy blamed on Clinton:

North Korea:

Clinton reached a bilateral agreement that failed. -GW Bush

"The United States tried direct dialogue with the North Koreans in the '90s, and that resulted in the North Koreans signing onto agreements that they then didn't keep." Condi Rice


"Two-and-a-half years ago, we inherited an economy in recession." GW Bush

Middle East:

"It wasn't all that long ago where a summit was called [referring to Clinton's summit] and nothing happened, and as a result we had significant intefadeh in the area." GW Bush

Re 9/11 (a three-fer, encompassing Clinton, Carter and Reagan):

"They looked at our response after the hostage crisis in Iran, the bombings of the Marine barracks in Lebanon, the first World Trade Center attack, the killing of American soldiers in Somalia, the destruction of two U.S. embassies in Africa, and the attack on the USS Cole. They concluded that free societies lacked the courage and character to defend themselves against a determined enemy." GW Bush

Job losses:

"In the last six months of the prior administration, more than 200,000 manufacturing jobs were lost. We're turning that around." GW Bush (fun fact, at the time in his administration, there were job losses of 913,000)

In 2008, re the economy:

A senior administration official says the budgetary problems stem from what is believed to be inadequate defense, intelligence and homeland security resources that were handed down from Clinton.

:eusa_clap::eusa_clap: When they say Bush never blamed anyone they mean they just dont remember it happening therefore it never did. Republicans are funny that way
Bush tortured

I don't remember him reducing your welfare check, when did he do that?

Bush openly and intentionally tortured people under the name of the American people

The word "torture" is just a cheap political game played by liberals. Here's how it works.

1) You label Hussein dismembering prisoners "torture."

2) You label W waterboarding "torture."

3) You claim Hussein = W since you used the same word. Nothing W did was torture. It's the beauty of my not being a partisan hack like you. I can oppose Iraq without having to twist what happened for the benefit of a political party.

I'm gonna let ya' in on a little secret, RW. Politicians suck.
I don't remember him reducing your welfare check, when did he do that?

Bush openly and intentionally tortured people under the name of the American people

Of course he did. Only the most brain-dead try to deny that now and they are of no consequence.

But why did Obama bring that up right now?

In the remarks, Obama was referring to a soon-to-be-released Senate Intelligence Committee report detailing the CIA's controversial interrogation and detention program following the 9/11 attacks.

The document is a nearly 700 page summary of the full 6,800 page report that was approved a year and a half ago by a committee sharply divided along party lines
I don't remember him reducing your welfare check, when did he do that?

Bush openly and intentionally tortured people under the name of the American people

Of course he did. Only the most brain-dead try to deny that now and they are of no consequence.

But why did Obama bring that up right now?

Has any liberal brought up even once the torture America's enemies engage in? Where and when. How often?

Why don't liberals ever bring up the mass violations of the geneva convention done by America's enemies?

They prove it over and over again folks. They are nothing but fucking hypocrites. That is why. It shows conclusively that they do not give a damn about torture. They simply hate America.

You stupid pathetic traitorous hypocritical brainwashed squishpots.
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Bush openly and intentionally tortured people under the name of the American people

Of course he did. Only the most brain-dead try to deny that now and they are of no consequence.

But why did Obama bring that up right now?

Has any liberal brought up even once the torture America's enemies engage in? Where and when. How often?

Why don't liberals ever bring up the mass violations of the geneva convention done by America's enemies?

They prove it over and over again folks. They are nothing but fucking hypocrites. That is why. It shows conclusively that they do not give a damn about torture. They simply hate America.

You stupid pathetic traitorous hypocritical brainwashed squishpots.

Liberals are outraged at the torture conducted by our enemies

We are also outraged at the idea of America engaging in torture
I don't remember him reducing your welfare check, when did he do that?

Bush openly and intentionally tortured people under the name of the American people

The word "torture" is just a cheap political game played by liberals. Here's how it works.


The word torture is a word. That word describes what Bush did in Iraq. Nothing you pivot too changes that fact :lol:
Has any liberal brought up even once the torture America's enemies engage in? Where and when. How often?

I can't speak for liberals, but I have. No one should torture. Not the United States or anyone else.
Of course he did. Only the most brain-dead try to deny that now and they are of no consequence.

But why did Obama bring that up right now?

Has any liberal brought up even once the torture America's enemies engage in? Where and when. How often?

Why don't liberals ever bring up the mass violations of the geneva convention done by America's enemies?

They prove it over and over again folks. They are nothing but fucking hypocrites. That is why. It shows conclusively that they do not give a damn about torture. They simply hate America.

You stupid pathetic traitorous hypocritical brainwashed squishpots.

Liberals are outraged at the torture conducted by our enemies

We are also outraged at the idea of America engaging in torture

And if you have to twist what we do to call it "torture," you're just as offended. Well, unless a Democrat does it...
Has any liberal brought up even once the torture America's enemies engage in? Where and when. How often?

Why don't liberals ever bring up the mass violations of the geneva convention done by America's enemies?

They prove it over and over again folks. They are nothing but fucking hypocrites. That is why. It shows conclusively that they do not give a damn about torture. They simply hate America.

You stupid pathetic traitorous hypocritical brainwashed squishpots.

Liberals are outraged at the torture conducted by our enemies

We are also outraged at the idea of America engaging in torture

And if you have to twist what we do to call it "torture," you're just as offended. Well, unless a Democrat does it...

Nothing is being twisted

Waterboarding is acknowledged around the world as torture. It has been prosecuted by the US as torture.

Bush did it, you are welcome to show me where Democrats also approved it
Has any liberal brought up even once the torture America's enemies engage in? Where and when. How often?

I can't speak for liberals, but I have. No one should torture. Not the United States or anyone else.

Fair enough. You can only speak for one liberal...

Yeah, yeah.

I don't disagree with you all the time because I'm liberal
I disagree with you all of the time because I'm anti-stupid.

Is that all you got?
Bush openly and intentionally tortured people under the name of the American people

Of course he did. Only the most brain-dead try to deny that now and they are of no consequence.

But why did Obama bring that up right now?

In the remarks, Obama was referring to a soon-to-be-released Senate Intelligence Committee report detailing the CIA's controversial interrogation and detention program following the 9/11 attacks.

The document is a nearly 700 page summary of the full 6,800 page report that was approved a year and a half ago by a committee sharply divided along party lines

So the pending "release" of a document that is at least a year-and-a-half old is the reason? Not really breaking kinda stuff is it? I mean is there anyone with an IQ above 75 that doesn't know Bush tortured?

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