Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

Has any liberal brought up even once the torture America's enemies engage in? Where and when. How often?

Why don't liberals ever bring up the mass violations of the geneva convention done by America's enemies?

They prove it over and over again folks. They are nothing but fucking hypocrites. That is why. It shows conclusively that they do not give a damn about torture. They simply hate America.

You stupid pathetic traitorous hypocritical brainwashed squishpots.

They aren't really hypocrites, they're just on the other side.
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Of course he did. Only the most brain-dead try to deny that now and they are of no consequence.

But why did Obama bring that up right now?

In the remarks, Obama was referring to a soon-to-be-released Senate Intelligence Committee report detailing the CIA's controversial interrogation and detention program following the 9/11 attacks.

The document is a nearly 700 page summary of the full 6,800 page report that was approved a year and a half ago by a committee sharply divided along party lines

So the pending "release" of a document that is at least a year-and-a-half old is the reason? Not really breaking kinda stuff is it? I mean is there anyone with an IQ above 75 that doesn't know Bush tortured?

You just love the label
Yeah, the squishpots always bring up the torture and the mass violations America's enemies engage in? Well, for every 1000 times they blame Booooooosh and America, they accuse America's enemies once? That is the benefit of the doubt too. Cause I....have never seen rightwinger express the same.disgust over those smelly pieces of shit burying people alive....right NOW!

Instead it is an every day assault on boooosh for 14 fucking years who water boarded the master mind of 911 and a few others. Something done to our own soldiers.

You fucking pieces shit. Do not attempt to tell me how disgusted you are....

Fuck you
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Yeah, the squishpots always bring up the torture and the mass violations America's enemies engage in? Well, for every 1000 times they blame Booooooosh and America, they accuse America's enemies once? That is the benefit of the doubt too. Cause I....have never seen rightwinger express the same.disgust over those smelly pieces of shit burying people alive....right NOW!

Instead it is an every day assault on boooosh for 14 fucking years who water boarded the master mind of 911 and a few others. Something done to our own soldiers.

You fucking pieces shit. Do not attempt to tell me how disgusted you are....

Fuck you

What a whiny little bitch you are..
ALL torture is wrong. Regardless of who does it

theol32: whimper....sob.....But...But...THEY do it too!
Liberals are outraged at the torture conducted by our enemies

It's just that your enemies are your fellow Americans, rather than the Islamic insurgents. :thup:

We are also outraged at the idea of America engaging in torture

But ISIS cutting off heads of Christians you will remain silent about - don't want to offend...
Liberals are outraged at the torture conducted by our enemies

It's just that your enemies are your fellow Americans, rather than the Islamic insurgents. :thup:

We are also outraged at the idea of America engaging in torture

But ISIS cutting off heads of Christians you will remain silent about - don't want to offend...

He just said he was outraged and even that isnt good enough for you. Maybe we should all say the US didnt torture and other countries torture is evil to be "fair":lol:
Has any liberal brought up even once the torture America's enemies engage in? Where and when. How often?

I can't speak for liberals, but I have. No one should torture. Not the United States or anyone else.

Fair enough. You can only speak for one liberal...

There is nothing even remotely "liberal" about these totalitarian leftists.
Yeah, the squishpots always bring up the torture and the mass violations America's enemies engage in? Well, for every 1000 times they blame Booooooosh and America, they accuse America's enemies once? That is the benefit of the doubt too. Cause I....have never seen rightwinger express the same.disgust over those smelly pieces of shit burying people alive....right NOW!

Instead it is an every day assault on boooosh for 14 fucking years who water boarded the master mind of 911 and a few others. Something done to our own soldiers.

You fucking pieces shit. Do not attempt to tell me how disgusted you are....

Fuck you

Strapping someone to a board and making them feel like they are drowning to get intelligence to prevent innocent people from getting blown up, that's just wrong. But blowing them up from a drone and dismembering people standing around them, that's just fine. Liberals are such sticklers for morality.
Yeah, yeah.

I don't disagree with you all the time because I'm liberal

You're not a liberal, there is nothing even remotely liberal about you. You advocate for the supremacy of the state in economic and social circumstances. You have utterly nothing with liberals like Locke, Jefferson, or Payne, though you have a great deal in common with leftists like Mao and Stalin.

I disagree with you all of the time because I'm anti-stupid.

Is that all you got?

You are an authoritarian leftist - I am a liberal - that leaves little common ground.
He just said he was outraged

Hack is outraged by Americans.

and even that isnt good enough for you. Maybe we should all say the US didnt torture and other countries torture is evil to be "fair":lol:

Quick, find a post of condemnation by Hack, or ANY Khmer Rouge democrat in this forum, for the brutal torture and murder of Christians by ISIS - with a date less than today.

You won't - you can't - you are "outraged" as a matter of partisan bullshit - you think you can deflect from Obama's abysmal failure by once again blaming "BOOOOOOOOSSSSHHH," which is all Obama ever does - whiny little **** that he is.
Yeah, yeah.

I don't disagree with you all the time because I'm liberal

You're not a liberal, there is nothing even remotely liberal about you. You advocate for the supremacy of the state in economic and social circumstances. You have utterly nothing with liberals like Locke, Jefferson, or Payne, though you have a great deal in common with leftists like Mao and Stalin..

WTF?!? :rofl: No I dont have much in common with Lincoln. I drive a car, no top hat etc etc

You can just ask me my opinion instead of looking like a total ass :lol:
The European Court of Human Rights ruled two weeks ago that Poland was guilty of human rights violations for it's rendition program and cooperation with the CIA. Part of the ruling was that the interrogation techniques used, including water boarding, were acts of torture. Forty-seven countries belong to and recognize the court. Poland will have to pay damages awarded by the court to prisoners now held in Guantanamo. This is the first internationally recognized court to rule the US used illegal torture on prisoners and opens the door for further international legal actions.

BBC News - Poland 'helped in CIA rendition', European Court rules
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He just said he was outraged

Hack is outraged by Americans.

He says hes outraged by all torture and in your poor persecuted mind that means only Americans :rofl: Get help

and even that isnt good enough for you. Maybe we should all say the US didnt torture and other countries torture is evil to be "fair":lol:

Quick, find a post of condemnation by Hack, or ANY Khmer Rouge democrat in this forum, for the brutal torture and murder of Christians by ISIS - with a date less than today.

You won't - you can't - you are "outraged" as a matter of partisan bullshit - you think you can deflect from Obama's abysmal failure by once again blaming "BOOOOOOOOSSSSHHH," which is all Obama ever does - whiny little **** that he is.[/QUOTE]

Oh STFU this isnt a fucking treasure hunt you faggot. You sit on your ass crying about torture and the only torture you experience is when the remote is on the other side of the couch. Go ahead and keep crying about it but stop pretending that you arent playing your Victim role.


This is the internationalcourt that has ruled that water boarding is recognized is an illegal means of torture and that the US is complicit in violating international law, hence war crimes. The ruling occurred a couple of weeks ago.
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WTF?!? :rofl: No I dont have much in common with Lincoln. I drive a car, no top hat etc etc

I understand.

You've never read the thoughts of Locke, Payne, Mason, or the other great liberal thinkers. You subsist on the warmed over meanderings of Rachel Maddow and Paul Krugman, who offer you a watered down pablum of the rhetoric of Marx and Mao in easily digestible sound bites. You leftists aren't much for thinking, else you would not be leftists.

You can just ask me my opinion instead of looking like a total ass :lol:

Your options are all over the forum - you are a leftist.
Oh STFU this isnt a fucking treasure hunt you faggot. You sit on your ass crying about torture and the only torture you experience is when the remote is on the other side of the couch. Go ahead and keep crying about it but stop pretending that you arent playing your Victim role.

As I said, neither you nor Hack give a fuck about waterboarding - you seek to attack enemies of the party in hopes of distracting from the failures of Obama.

You are going to be slaughtered in November. America is sick and tired of the whiny little **** Obama blaming BOOOOSSSSHHH every time he gets in trouble.
So uncensored's total argument relies on him knowing someone else's positions better than they do ????

So uncensored's total argument relies on him knowing someone else's positions better than they do ????


Comrade; which of the following defines "liberal?"

A.) The means of productions and distribution are controlled by the government to ensure equality of outcome to create a fair society.
B.) Government provides a living wage, retirement benefits, medical care, food, and housing to all people, citizens or not, within the country.
C.) One who advocates for individual liberty, free markets, and limited government.
D.) One who supports and promotes abortion.

Do you have any idea at all who George Mason was?
Can anyone explain for what reason did he need to lay this on us at this time?

Like we don't have ENOUGH of the shit he's created to deal with?

Can he give us just one minute of peace without his ugliness about everyone and everything

I'm horrified to call him our President.... he has not one good thing to say about us the people he suppose to REPRESENT, Bush, Republicans and our country

And CNN might as well just hump his leg and stay attached to it they are so frikken biased and ugly just like he is

Hey look you said......the samething you always say.

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