Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

The European Court of Human Rights ruled two weeks ago that Poland was guilty of human rights violations for it's rendition program and cooperation with the CIA. Part of the ruling was that the interrogation techniques used, including water boarding, were acts of torture. Forty-seven countries belong to and recognize the court. Poland will have to pay damages awarded by the court to prisoners now held in Guantanamo. This is the first internationally recognized court to rule the US used illegal torture on prisoners and opens the door for further international legal actions.

BBC News - Poland 'helped in CIA rendition', European Court rules

What did that court rule about the way America's enemies treat prisoners?

7/24/2014 Afghanistan Herat: Two female aid workers for a Christian charity are shot to death by Muslim radicals.

7/15/2014 Nigeria Huyim: Nine Christians are slain by Boko Haram.

7/15/2014 Nigeria Dille: Pro-caliphate militants slaughter over three dozen residents and burn churches in a raid on a Christian farming village.

7/14/2014 Nigeria Borno: Over two dozen Christians are massacred by Islamists, in an attack on three churches.

7/8/2014 CAR Bambari: At least seventeen people are killed when Muslims attack a Catholic church sheltering civilians.

6/29/2014 Nigeria Chibok: At least fifty-four people are massacred by Boko Haram in attacks targeting churches with grenades and guns.

5/20/2014 Nigeria Jos: Pro-Islamic state activists set off two massive bus bombs at a packed market in a Christian district, taking out over one-hundred fifty.

Here are the rest of atrocities committed by these smelly pieces of shit this year. That, was just a small list.


I see nothing from you fucking hypocrites that expresses outrage over this. Instead you smelly piles of traitorous shit ONLY show how the world condemns big bad America for waterboarding a handful of these steaming piles of shit in order to extrapolate critical information from them. A fucking handful of them, one of which masterminded 911.

You all claim to be so disgusted by all of those other actions? Fine, show me the thread any of you actually started and your posts that show your disgust for these actions.

Rightwinger, in this thread saying ALL torture is wrong is a pathetic claim by rightwinger and closed caption. You all really think we are morons with that one. You stupid pieces of traitorous shit.
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The European Court of Human Rights ruled two weeks ago that Poland was guilty of human rights violations for it's rendition program and cooperation with the CIA. Part of the ruling was that the interrogation techniques used, including water boarding, were acts of torture. Forty-seven countries belong to and recognize the court. Poland will have to pay damages awarded by the court to prisoners now held in Guantanamo. This is the first internationally recognized court to rule the US used illegal torture on prisoners and opens the door for further international legal actions.

BBC News - Poland 'helped in CIA rendition', European Court rules

What did that court rule about the way America's enemies treat prisoners?

7/24/2014 Afghanistan Herat: Two female aid workers for a Christian charity are shot to death by Muslim radicals.

7/15/2014 Nigeria Huyim: Nine Christians are slain by Boko Haram.

7/15/2014 Nigeria Dille: Pro-caliphate militants slaughter over three dozen residents and burn churches in a raid on a Christian farming village.

7/14/2014 Nigeria Borno: Over two dozen Christians are massacred by Islamists, in an attack on three churches.

7/8/2014 CAR Bambari: At least seventeen people are killed when Muslims attack a Catholic church sheltering civilians.

6/29/2014 Nigeria Chibok: At least fifty-four people are massacred by Boko Haram in attacks targeting churches with grenades and guns.

5/20/2014 Nigeria Jos: Pro-Islamic state activists set off two massive bus bombs at a packed market in a Christian district, taking out over one-hundred fifty.

Here are the rest of atrocities committed by these smelly pieces of shit this year. That, was just a small list.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks on Christians

I see nothing from you fucking hypocrites that expresses outrage over this. Instead you smelly piles of traitorous shit ONLY show how the world condemns big bad America for waterboarding a handful of these steaming piles of shit in order to extrapolate critical information from them. A fucking handful of them, one of which masterminded 911.

You all claim to be so disgusted by all of those other actions? Fine, show me the thread any of you actually started and your posts that show your disgust for these actions.

Rightwinger, in this thread saying ALL torture is wrong is a pathetic claim by rightwinger and closed caption. You all really think we are morons with that one. You stupid pieces of traitorous shit.

You are such a lazy doofus, like so many of you flaming trolls, you just spout off about things you know nothing about. You never bothered to check the links I provided. You never bothered to read the news article. Not a single case of murder that you listed is in the jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights. Their jurisdiction is Europe. And all the cases you mentioned are off topic anyways. They are cases of murder, not specifically torture.

Why do we feed the trolls?
Dealing with people and their actual arguments is too hard on the ol think box. So he makes it up.

Oh, well then, let's look at your actual "argument," Comrade...

{Oh STFU this isnt a fucking treasure hunt you faggot.}

We can count on you for only highbrow riposte....


You complaining about highbrow riposte is funny. Do you see what you type?
No I dont need to read ideas from classic liberals to make up my own mind on things. I can think for myself thanks
Dealing with people and their actual arguments is too hard on the ol think box. So he makes it up.

Oh, well then, let's look at your actual "argument," Comrade...

{Oh STFU this isnt a fucking treasure hunt you faggot.}

We can count on you for only highbrow riposte....


You complaining about highbrow riposte is funny. Do you see what you type?

Rage can be a bad writing partner.
No I dont need to read ideas from classic liberals to make up my own mind on things. I can think for myself thanks

You can think for yourself, yet you never express an original thought.

Now, can one of you please explain to me why none of you left wing sock puppets ever atart a thread condemning the atrocities committed by America's enemies?

Rightwingers little attempt at claiming he said ALL torture is bad does not count. He expresses his disgust over us waterboarding a handful of these scumbags, one of which masterminded 911. A handful....of these scumbags and you unoriginal pieces of shit yap about it day and night for fucking 14 years. Yet not one thread ever started by you unoriginal sock puppets expressing any disgust over these smelly ragheads torturing and murdering people in mass numbers.

Now let us see those unoriginal thoughts from that unoriginal mind from your little bag of cliches.

Lol at you claiming you think for yourself.
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I believe any torture done by our government is wrong. Stretching the limits of being inhospitable to enemy combatants or POW's is Ok but only to like the extent of moderate to heavy sleep deprivation.

Any torture we do would come right back at us in the future, and we should never break the most basic laws of humanity. What goes around comes around! And all our enemies in future wars would be torturing our young boys and girls with impunity because of it. They will just say to themselves, they did it so we will do it all the more. The terrorist's whole logic is based on revenge. It is what gives them strength.

The only way to protect our troops in the long-run is to stay on the high moral ground on this issue. I only know that America is by far the most blessed country by far in the world, and those that have more should do much better than the rest.

Terrorists must dream of what they can do to our soldiers if given an open door.

If we were to regularly water-board enemy combatants, would it stop there? People would say, "Oh yes, of course." That is short-sighted. We would before too long become frustrated with the meager results of that torture and go on to worse ones. What a sour note for Americans.
All these posts, so few on topic.

There's only one question here - Did Bush or his minions use techniques that are defined as torture?

Given U.S. forces executed Japanese soldiers for doing exactly the same things as Americans did to prisoners during the Bush presidency, it seems Bush's administration was guilty of using torture.

If the United States of America is the civilised country it claims to be, there will be investigations and trials.
What did that court rule about the way America's enemies treat prisoners?

Very nice.
The question is, how does other people breaking the laws of reason excuse America's war crimes?

It does not.
America is guilty of more war crimes than any other country or group in the world, and has the least people charged with offences, regardless of the numbers murdered by the United States.
When Libya bombed an airliner, America bombed the place; when America shot down an airliner - nothing.
America does not even charge its war criminals.
Very nice.
The question is, how does other people breaking the laws of reason excuse America's war crimes?

America does not even charge its war criminals.

That is not true. America charges it's soldiers with war crimes more than any other nation on earth. They get charged and the trials and court martial's are public or well publicized. There are controversies about the charges not going far enough up the chain of command, but that does not mean no one is getting charged with the war crime. The international community has the option to make charges of war crimes. The country of origin has the option also. America has a record of holding individual soldiers responsible for crimes they commit while in war zones. No other nation has the same record or even comes close to it.
No I dont need to read ideas from classic liberals to make up my own mind on things. I can think for myself thanks

Yes, you can! You arrived at your positions through self eduction, thoughtful retrospection, rigid adherence to logic, concern for your fellow man and rugged individuality. It's not your fault the Democrats are right on every issue...
No, there is never a time when torture is right......Ever

What did that court rule about the way America's enemies treat prisoners?

7/24/2014 Afghanistan Herat: Two female aid workers for a Christian charity are shot to death by Muslim radicals.

7/15/2014 Nigeria Huyim: Nine Christians are slain by Boko Haram.

7/15/2014 Nigeria Dille: Pro-caliphate militants slaughter over three dozen residents and burn churches in a raid on a Christian farming village.

7/14/2014 Nigeria Borno: Over two dozen Christians are massacred by Islamists, in an attack on three churches.

7/8/2014 CAR Bambari: At least seventeen people are killed when Muslims attack a Catholic church sheltering civilians.

6/29/2014 Nigeria Chibok: At least fifty-four people are massacred by Boko Haram in attacks targeting churches with grenades and guns.

5/20/2014 Nigeria Jos: Pro-Islamic state activists set off two massive bus bombs at a packed market in a Christian district, taking out over one-hundred fifty.

Here are the rest of atrocities committed by these smelly pieces of shit this year. That, was just a small list.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks on Christians

I see nothing from you fucking hypocrites that expresses outrage over this. Instead you smelly piles of traitorous shit ONLY show how the world condemns big bad America for waterboarding a handful of these steaming piles of shit in order to extrapolate critical information from them. A fucking handful of them, one of which masterminded 911.

You all claim to be so disgusted by all of those other actions? Fine, show me the thread any of you actually started and your posts that show your disgust for these actions.

Rightwinger, in this thread saying ALL torture is wrong is a pathetic claim by rightwinger and closed caption. You all really think we are morons with that one. You stupid pieces of traitorous shit.
re is
That is not true. America charges it's soldiers with war crimes more than any other nation on earth. They get charged and the trials and court martial's are public or well publicized. There are controversies about the charges not going far enough up the chain of command, but that does not mean no one is getting charged with the war crime. The international community has the option to make charges of war crimes. The country of origin has the option also. America has a record of holding individual soldiers responsible for crimes they commit while in war zones. No other nation has the same record or even comes close to it.

OK - How many people were charged with anything regarding the illegal carpet bombing in Cambodia?
How many CIA people were charged with murder over civilian murders by them in Indonesia?
How many Americans were charged with anything when you shot down a civilian airliner, murdering all aboard?
I'll start with those three, but there are plenty more.
Obama: U.S. 'crossed a line,' tortured after 9/11 - CNN.com

(CNN) -- President Barack Obama acknowledged Friday that the United States "crossed a line" and tortured al Qaeda detainees after the 9/11 terror attacks.
The comments at a White House news conference were the President's strongest on the controversial subject since he came into office denouncing what he described as the Bush years of torturing alleged terrorists, also known as "enhanced interrogation."
"When we engaged in some of these enhanced interrogation techniques, techniques that I believe and I think any fair-minded person would believe were torture, we crossed a line," Obama said. "And that needs to be ... understood and accepted. And we have to, as a country, take responsibility for that so that hopefully we don't do it again in the future."

About time our country stopped covering for the abuses of Bush/Cheney
obama needs a deflection so let's create one. When will obama torture chamber in gitmo be closed?
OK - How many people were charged with anything regarding the illegal carpet bombing in Cambodia?
How many CIA people were charged with murder over civilian murders by them in Indonesia?
How many Americans were charged with anything when you shot down a civilian airliner, murdering all aboard?
I'll start with those three, but there are plenty more.

Why not start with the war criminals in Indonesia. Not only is it right there in front of you, you have an endless list of war criminals to chase and they don't even hide in your country. They become superstars and celebrities.

Unbelievable that a Muslim Indonesian would lecture Americans about war crimes. Both a religion and country that seems to honor and love torture, murder and all kinds of war crimes.



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