Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

Why not start with the war criminals in Indonesia. Not only is it right there in front of you, you have an endless list of war criminals to chase and they don't even hide in your country. They become superstars and celebrities.

Unbelievable that a Muslim Indonesian would lecture Americans about war crimes. Both a religion and country that seems to honor and love torture, murder and all kinds of war crimes.



Yes, the CIA backed war criminals in Indonesia have got away with a lot.
What, you didn't know the CIA bombings in Indonesia were to remove a dictator that was getting close to Russia and China, in favour of a new pro American dictator?

Tut tut tut, you must read up a little before you make an idiot of yourself.

However, the war crimes by various CIA backed Indonesian bastards don't negate the war crimes committed by the CIA and other American groups.

Now, perhaps you'd like to start a thread about Indonesian war criminals so we can keep this one on topic.
Oh, hang on, I started one a short while ago - maybe you'd care to post on that.
obama needs a deflection so let's create one. When will obama torture chamber in gitmo be closed?
Aug 1, 2008

Got a link for that Obama torture chamber in Gitmo, or are you just being an anti-American liar to promote your hatred for Obama. You are accusing Americans serving in Gitmo since Obama came into office in 2009 and signed an order forbidding torture of being involved in war war crimes. Back it up, apologize or accept the persona of an anti American liar.
Aug 1, 2008

Got a link for that Obama torture chamber in Gitmo, or are you just being an anti-American liar to promote your hatred for Obama. You are accusing Americans serving in Gitmo since Obama came into office in 2009 and signed an order forbidding torture of being involved in war war crimes. Back it up, apologize or accept the persona of an anti American liar.
Got a link that obama changed anything that Bush did? No ?
Got a link that obama changed anything that Bush did? No ?
So, you aren't a strong enough or honest enough person to apologize to the servicemen and woman you slandered. Your obsessive hatred is so sick that you would make yourself known as an anti American liar rather than retreat from your dishonest allegation. You are the definition of a low information, brainwashed, hater dupe. Link? You even asking for a link shows how stupid you are. Stay stupid.
Nobody should have been tortured at Gitmo. They all should have been given free transportation to Washington, D.C. and then settled in a nice neighborhood near The White House and where a lot of Congresscritters live with their peaceful families. A demonstration of American compassion......
So, you aren't a strong enough or honest enough person to apologize to the servicemen and woman you slandered. Your obsessive hatred is so sick that you would make yourself known as an anti American liar rather than retreat from your dishonest allegation. You are the definition of a low information, brainwashed, hater dupe. Link? You even asking for a link shows how stupid you are. Stay stupid.
All irrelevant I'm still waiting on that link that obama stopped what Bush was doing. I see no evidence to state that he did stop. He's kept every poicy Bush had and even strengthen what Bush did. you fucking hypocrites
Obama: U.S. 'crossed a line,' tortured after 9/11 - CNN.com

(CNN) -- President Barack Obama acknowledged Friday that the United States "crossed a line" and tortured al Qaeda detainees after the 9/11 terror attacks.
The comments at a White House news conference were the President's strongest on the controversial subject since he came into office denouncing what he described as the Bush years of torturing alleged terrorists, also known as "enhanced interrogation."
"When we engaged in some of these enhanced interrogation techniques, techniques that I believe and I think any fair-minded person would believe were torture, we crossed a line," Obama said. "And that needs to be ... understood and accepted. And we have to, as a country, take responsibility for that so that hopefully we don't do it again in the future."

About time our country stopped covering for the abuses of Bush/Cheney

I've got a joke for you:

We only pretend to give a shit about this human rights bullshit in order to pacify you.

But no one will ever admit this to you so you will spend the rest of your days whining about something that NO ONE will admit to.

Enjoy yourself, ajole!
I'm not sure who did us worse... Bush with his nazi dept of homeland zecurity and unpatriotic act, or obama with his national sozializtic health care zyztem.
I'm not sure who did us worse... Bush with his nazi dept of homeland zecurity and unpatriotic act, or obama with his national sozializtic health care zyztem.
obama because of the socialization programs and keeping what Bush did in place and even strengthening most.
I'm not sure who did us worse... Bush with his nazi dept of homeland zecurity and unpatriotic act, or obama with his national sozializtic health care zyztem.
What threatens America most is this sort of ignorance and stupidity.

DHS is not a 'Nazi department,' the PA is Constitutional until the Supreme Court rules otherwise, and the ACA is not 'socialism.'

Moreover, DHS, the PA, and the ACA have little to do with Bush or Obama – those were Acts of Congress, put into place at the behest of the American people, representing the will of the American people, where the American people are alone responsible for DHS, the PA, and the ACA.
What threatens America most is this sort of ignorance and stupidity.

DHS is not a 'Nazi department,' the PA is Constitutional until the Supreme Court rules otherwise, and the ACA is not 'socialism.'

Moreover, DHS, the PA, and the ACA have little to do with Bush or Obama – those were Acts of Congress, put into place at the behest of the American people, representing the will of the American people, where the American people are alone responsible for DHS, the PA, and the ACA.
Name two differences between the SS and the DHS. The President signs or vetoes Acts of Congress, look it up. ACA includes redistribution of income, aka. SOCIALISM. Bush's no child left behind act, is SOCIALISM.
All irrelevant I'm still waiting on that link that obama stopped what Bush was doing. I see no evidence to state that he did stop. He's kept every poicy Bush had and even strengthen what Bush did. you fucking hypocrites

How many links do you need to inform you of one of the first things Obama did when he came into office. It was in every newspaper and TV news program in the world. It defined his coming into office and showed the world that the Bush policy on torture and the rejection, breaking and ignoring of the Geneva Convention was over and the United States would come back into compliance with that specific international treaty and agreement. It was an admission of guilt and a vow to renew compliance with international law. It redefined American as a nation that believed in laws and morals. The low information hater dupes seemed to have missed it all. Either that or they just prefer being blatant liars.

On January 22, 2009, two days after being inaugurated, Executive Order 13440, the order President George W. Bush signed that gave US interrogators permission to ignore articles of the Geneva Convention and torture captives was rescinded and Executive Order 13491 which brought the United States back into compliance with international law was signed and implemented by the new President.

What threatens America most is this sort of ignorance and stupidity.

DHS is not a 'Nazi department,' the PA is Constitutional until the Supreme Court rules otherwise, and the ACA is not 'socialism.'

Moreover, DHS, the PA, and the ACA have little to do with Bush or Obama – those were Acts of Congress, put into place at the behest of the American people, representing the will of the American people, where the American people are alone responsible for DHS, the PA, and the ACA.

Saul, what is the term for the merging of corporate and state power structures? For instance, if the Blue Cross of George Soros (owner of the democratic party) is merged into the Federal government, which laws mandating that ALL Americans must buy their product (from them or other well connected competitor) or the secret police (IRS) will hunt you down?

Did they teach you this in the Manilla law school you attended? Nationalsozialistische
Yes, the CIA backed war criminals in Indonesia have got away with a lot.
What, you didn't know the CIA bombings in Indonesia were to remove a dictator that was getting close to Russia and China, in favour of a new pro American dictator?

Tut tut tut, you must read up a little before you make an idiot of yourself.

However, the war crimes by various CIA backed Indonesian bastards don't negate the war crimes committed by the CIA and other American groups.

Now, perhaps you'd like to start a thread about Indonesian war criminals so we can keep this one on topic.
Oh, hang on, I started one a short while ago - maybe you'd care to post on that.

The CIA backed the Muzzie Beasts in Indonesia who engaged in genocide of the Christians of East Timor? I did not know that....
Another example of the left's philosophy that if W did it, then it's OK for Obama to do it, but it was still wrong when W did it...

If W did what? Will you state a specific action or policy that anyone says Bush was wrong but Obama is ok to do the very same thing?
Another example of the left's philosophy that if W did it, then it's OK for Obama to do it, but it was still wrong when W did it...

If W did what? Will you state a specific action or policy that anyone says Bush was wrong but Obama is ok to do the very same thing?

Finishing W's plan in Iraq, nation building in Afghanistan, bombing in Libya, bombing in Iraq, one neocon President followed another. You don't object to the policy, you just want to be behind the steering wheel.

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