Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

Did Obama prosecute Bush's war crimes? If not, isn't Obama guilty of negligence for failure to perform his duties as commander and chief in prosecuting the war on republicans?
Yes, he is

He is guilty of giving Bush a free pass on his war crimes. I doubt if Republicans would have been as generous

Because they weren't war crimes under US law. Just the same as Obama uses Executive Orders to do as he pleases. We may disagree about the need for what each President did , but we MUST agree that each could legally do what they have done, or neither could.

I don't agree with about half of Obama's EOs, but then again I didn't agree with about half of Bush's, but that is irrelevant, either President's have that power or they don't. Assuming they remain within the current law of course, and remember at the time there was no applicable law stating we couldn't waterboard terrorists.
Water boarding or water torture was illegal. The only thing that made it appear legal was the interpretation of the Geneva Convention that enemy combatants were not soldiers and therefore did not come under the Geneva Convention. However, enemy combatants are covered because of their "civilian" status. Treatment of civilians are covered in the Geneva Convention and must be treated with respect and dignity. They can not be subjected to degrading or humiliating treatment nor can they be subjected to purposefully implemented pain and suffering.

Well recognized constitutional expert Jonathan Turley has made the case that Obama should be impeached for interfering with the prosecution of Bush for war crimes on both the national and international level.www.jonathanturley.org/2010/12/02/wikileaks-obama-administration-secretly-worked-to-prevent-prosecution-of-war-crimes-by-the-bush-administration/
Did Obama prosecute Bush's war crimes? If not, isn't Obama guilty of negligence for failure to perform his duties as commander and chief in prosecuting the war on republicans?
Yes, he is

He is guilty of giving Bush a free pass on his war crimes. I doubt if Republicans would have been as generous

Because they weren't war crimes under US law. Just the same as Obama uses Executive Orders to do as he pleases. We may disagree about the need for what each President did , but we MUST agree that each could legally do what they have done, or neither could.

I don't agree with about half of Obama's EOs, but then again I didn't agree with about half of Bush's, but that is irrelevant, either President's have that power or they don't. Assuming they remain within the current law of course, and remember at the time there was no applicable law stating we couldn't waterboard terrorists.
Water boarding or water torture was illegal. The only thing that made it appear legal was the interpretation of the Geneva Convention that enemy combatants were not soldiers and therefore did not come under the Geneva Convention. However, enemy combatants are covered because of their "civilian" status. Treatment of civilians are covered in the Geneva Convention and must be treated with respect and dignity. They can not be subjected to degrading or humiliating treatment nor can they be subjected to purposefully implemented pain and suffering.

Well recognized constitutional expert Jonathan Turley has made the case that Obama should be impeached for interfering with the prosecution of Bush for war crimes on both the national and international level.www.jonathanturley.org/2010/12/02/wikileaks-obama-administration-secretly-worked-to-prevent-prosecution-of-war-crimes-by-the-bush-administration/

WTF? It's not an interpretation, it's what it says. We never signed a treaty that terrorists get Geneva convention rights, we signed that recognized, identified military do. LOL, this again is my point. You are desperately trying to show that two parties who did the same thing are actually good and evil.

There was no basis to invade Iraq, period. That is the issue. You can't focus on that because the one thing you do realize is ... your party did it too.

I don't have that problem, I oppose Iraq, I don't have to misapply the Geneva convention to terrorists, I don't have to lie that I was lied to, I don't have to make interrogation for information sound like ripping out fingernails and dismembering dismembering people, Iraq was bad policy. We should not have done it. Had your party not committed the Constitutional crime of voting for and continuing to support and fund the invasion, you wouldn't have to play these games now either.
Well recognized constitutional expert Jonathan Turley has made the case that Obama should be impeached for interfering with the prosecution of Bush for war crimes on both the national and international level.www.jonathanturley.org/2010/12/02/wikileaks-obama-administration-secretly-worked-to-prevent-prosecution-of-war-crimes-by-the-bush-administration/[/QUOTE]

WTF? It's not an interpretation, it's what it says. We never signed a treaty that terrorists get Geneva convention rights, we signed that recognized, identified military do. LOL, this again is my point. You are desperately trying to show that two parties who did the same thing are actually good and evil.

We did sign a document obligating us. Twice. We signed the Third Geneva Convention and the Fourth Geneva convention.

Every person in enemy hands must be a prisoner of war covered by the Third Convention; or a civilian covered by the Fourth Geneva Convention....There is no intermediate status; nobody in enemy hands can be outside the law." ICRC[/QUOTE]
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Also, nothing we did was "torture," that is liberals being "partisan" for your party.

Really, Congressman Bob Barr is a liberal being partisan?

Did that sound good to you in your head when you wrote it? Seriously? Does it still?

When exactly did I say "Bob Barr" speaks for me and I think what he does? When have I mentioned him in our discussions?
Obama: U.S. 'crossed a line,' tortured after 9/11 - CNN.com

(CNN) -- President Barack Obama acknowledged Friday that the United States "crossed a line" and tortured al Qaeda detainees after the 9/11 terror attacks.
The comments at a White House news conference were the President's strongest on the controversial subject since he came into office denouncing what he described as the Bush years of torturing alleged terrorists, also known as "enhanced interrogation."
"When we engaged in some of these enhanced interrogation techniques, techniques that I believe and I think any fair-minded person would believe were torture, we crossed a line," Obama said. "And that needs to be ... understood and accepted. And we have to, as a country, take responsibility for that so that hopefully we don't do it again in the future."

About time our country stopped covering for the abuses of Bush/Cheney
The effectiveness of torture is debatable. Think it better to keep them alive, free,and moving so you can have them lead you to the cockroach nest and zap them with killer drone or special ops.
Obama: U.S. 'crossed a line,' tortured after 9/11 - CNN.com

(CNN) -- President Barack Obama acknowledged Friday that the United States "crossed a line" and tortured al Qaeda detainees after the 9/11 terror attacks.
The comments at a White House news conference were the President's strongest on the controversial subject since he came into office denouncing what he described as the Bush years of torturing alleged terrorists, also known as "enhanced interrogation."
"When we engaged in some of these enhanced interrogation techniques, techniques that I believe and I think any fair-minded person would believe were torture, we crossed a line," Obama said. "And that needs to be ... understood and accepted. And we have to, as a country, take responsibility for that so that hopefully we don't do it again in the future."

About time our country stopped covering for the abuses of Bush/Cheney
The effectiveness of torture is debatable. Think it better to keep them alive, free,and moving so you can have them lead you to the cockroach nest and zap them with killer drone or special ops.

The military believes water boarding has saved a lot of lives. I oppose the Iraq invasion, but that is on our politicians, not our military. If the military is in a war, it's their job to win it. Politicians send them where they should not be, then tie their hands where they fight barbarians with Marcus of Queensbury rules. It's preposterous. As is the left's view that fighting a gentlemanly war somehow sanitizes us. War is dirty, which is why I am loathe to get in it. Liberals want to get in, but not, but fight fair, but win, or lose, and people should die so we show we're better than they are, but we're worse than they are. They are liars, hypocrites and murderers both for sending our troops in where they should not be then tying their hands to prevent preventable deaths while fighting political battles over aspersion of blame.
Yes, he is

He is guilty of giving Bush a free pass on his war crimes. I doubt if Republicans would have been as generous

You wanted to take Bush and his entire family, children and parents, sit them in a formal setting, and shoot them all to death. We know Comrade, we know.

Actually, I wanted Bush to be held accountable for his actions. Regardless od the consequences

I also wanted to see John Yoo waterboarded
Obama: U.S. 'crossed a line,' tortured after 9/11 - CNN.com

(CNN) -- President Barack Obama acknowledged Friday that the United States "crossed a line" and tortured al Qaeda detainees after the 9/11 terror attacks.
The comments at a White House news conference were the President's strongest on the controversial subject since he came into office denouncing what he described as the Bush years of torturing alleged terrorists, also known as "enhanced interrogation."
"When we engaged in some of these enhanced interrogation techniques, techniques that I believe and I think any fair-minded person would believe were torture, we crossed a line," Obama said. "And that needs to be ... understood and accepted. And we have to, as a country, take responsibility for that so that hopefully we don't do it again in the future."

About time our country stopped covering for the abuses of Bush/Cheney
The effectiveness of torture is debatable. Think it better to keep them alive, free,and moving so you can have them lead you to the cockroach nest and zap them with killer drone or special ops.

The military believes water boarding has saved a lot of lives. I oppose the Iraq invasion, but that is on our politicians, not our military. If the military is in a war, it's their job to win it. Politicians send them where they should not be, then tie their hands where they fight barbarians with Marcus of Queensbury rules. It's preposterous. As is the left's view that fighting a gentlemanly war somehow sanitizes us. War is dirty, which is why I am loathe to get in it. Liberals want to get in, but not, but fight fair, but win, or lose, and people should die so we show we're better than they are, but we're worse than they are. They are liars, hypocrites and murderers both for sending our troops in where they should not be then tying their hands to prevent preventable deaths while fighting political battles over aspersion of blame.
Someone who lives in the 12th century
Yes, he is

He is guilty of giving Bush a free pass on his war crimes. I doubt if Republicans would have been as generous

You wanted to take Bush and his entire family, children and parents, sit them in a formal setting, and shoot them all to death. We know Comrade, we know.

Actually, I wanted Bush to be held accountable for his actions. Regardless od the consequences

I also wanted to see John Yoo waterboarded

Yes, you want a Republican witch hunt. W held accountable, O, not so much...
Yes, he is

He is guilty of giving Bush a free pass on his war crimes. I doubt if Republicans would have been as generous

You wanted to take Bush and his entire family, children and parents, sit them in a formal setting, and shoot them all to death. We know Comrade, we know.

Actually, I wanted Bush to be held accountable for his actions. Regardless od the consequences

I also wanted to see John Yoo waterboarded

Yes, you want a Republican witch hunt. W held accountable, O, not so much...

If you have evidence of Obama authorizing torture, I want him prosecuted also

But we all know you don't
The military believes water boarding has saved a lot of lives. I oppose the Iraq invasion, but that is on our politicians, not our military. If the military is in a war, it's their job to win it. Politicians send them where they should not be, then tie their hands where they fight barbarians with Marcus of Queensbury rules. It's preposterous. As is the left's view that fighting a gentlemanly war somehow sanitizes us. War is dirty, which is why I am loathe to get in it. Liberals want to get in, but not, but fight fair, but win, or lose, and people should die so we show we're better than they are, but we're worse than they are. They are liars, hypocrites and murderers both for sending our troops in where they should not be then tying their hands to prevent preventable deaths while fighting political battles over aspersion of blame.
Someone who lives in the 12th century

I love not belonging to a political party. I am just on the side of the United States. I don't change my positions based on who is in power and I am not willing to kill soldiers and American citizens like you to win political points. Life is simple.
Yes, he is

He is guilty of giving Bush a free pass on his war crimes. I doubt if Republicans would have been as generous

You wanted to take Bush and his entire family, children and parents, sit them in a formal setting, and shoot them all to death. We know Comrade, we know.

Actually, I wanted Bush to be held accountable for his actions. Regardless od the consequences

I also wanted to see John Yoo waterboarded

Yes, you want a Republican witch hunt. W held accountable, O, not so much...

If you have evidence of Obama authorizing torture, I want him prosecuted also

But we all know you don't

I know you don't grasp obvious points, so I'll explain it to you. I am not referring to W and O, I am referring to you. You assume W is guilty and that is unshakable by any fact. You assume O is innocent, and that is unshakable by any fact.

You and Republicans locked in the fight for the steering wheel are the problem. You only care about your party winning, and will let any number of American citizens and the military die to get it. So you want witch hunts for them and not for yourself. They want the reverse. I would be happy to go after them all if we were going to do that with critical minds and integrity. We won't. You have none, they have none. So it's better for us if we move on until zombies like you are told to shut up and sit down and we're going to do it the right way. That won't happen in your lifetime, don't worry.
Yes, he is

He is guilty of giving Bush a free pass on his war crimes. I doubt if Republicans would have been as generous

You wanted to take Bush and his entire family, children and parents, sit them in a formal setting, and shoot them all to death. We know Comrade, we know.

Actually, I wanted Bush to be held accountable for his actions. Regardless od the consequences

I also wanted to see John Yoo waterboarded

Yes, you want a Republican witch hunt. W held accountable, O, not so much...

If you have evidence of Obama authorizing torture, I want him prosecuted also

But we all know you don't

I know you don't grasp obvious points, so I'll explain it to you. I am not referring to W and O, I am referring to you. You assume W is guilty and that is unshakable by any fact. You assume O is innocent, and that is unshakable by any fact.

You and Republicans locked in the fight for the steering wheel are the problem. You only care about your party winning, and will let any number of American citizens and the military die to get it. So you want witch hunts for them and not for yourself. They want the reverse. I would be happy to go after them all if we were going to do that with critical minds and integrity. We won't. You have none, they have none. So it's better for us if we move on until zombies like you are told to shut up and sit down and we're going to do it the right way. That won't happen in your lifetime, don't worry.
No...it is not about winning

As an American, I find torture to be abhorrent. I want anyone who engages in it or authorizes it to be prosecuted, regardless of their party or political standing
I know you don't grasp obvious points, so I'll explain it to you. I am not referring to W and O, I am referring to you. You assume W is guilty and that is unshakable by any fact. You assume O is innocent, and that is unshakable by any fact.

You and Republicans locked in the fight for the steering wheel are the problem. You only care about your party winning, and will let any number of American citizens and the military die to get it. So you want witch hunts for them and not for yourself. They want the reverse. I would be happy to go after them all if we were going to do that with critical minds and integrity. We won't. You have none, they have none. So it's better for us if we move on until zombies like you are told to shut up and sit down and we're going to do it the right way. That won't happen in your lifetime, don't worry.
No...it is not about winning

As an American, I find torture to be abhorrent. I want anyone who engages in it or authorizes it to be prosecuted, regardless of their party or political standing

LOL, Republicans and Democrats are almost identical, but you see one as good and the other as evil, but it's just because you care about America. You sir, are a tool, Democrats think nothing of you, and why should they? Your manhood is not in play, you are a sheep. In your native tongue ... baa.
Yes, he is

He is guilty of giving Bush a free pass on his war crimes. I doubt if Republicans would have been as generous

You wanted to take Bush and his entire family, children and parents, sit them in a formal setting, and shoot them all to death. We know Comrade, we know.

Actually, I wanted Bush to be held accountable for his actions. Regardless od the consequences

I also wanted to see John Yoo waterboarded

Yes, you want a Republican witch hunt. W held accountable, O, not so much...

If you have evidence of Obama authorizing torture, I want him prosecuted also

But we all know you don't

I know you don't grasp obvious points, so I'll explain it to you. I am not referring to W and O, I am referring to you. You assume W is guilty and that is unshakable by any fact. You assume O is innocent, and that is unshakable by any fact.

You and Republicans locked in the fight for the steering wheel are the problem. You only care about your party winning, and will let any number of American citizens and the military die to get it. So you want witch hunts for them and not for yourself. They want the reverse. I would be happy to go after them all if we were going to do that with critical minds and integrity. We won't. You have none, they have none. So it's better for us if we move on until zombies like you are told to shut up and sit down and we're going to do it the right way. That won't happen in your lifetime, don't worry.
No...it is not about winning

As an American, I find torture to be abhorrent. I want anyone who engages in it or authorizes it to be prosecuted, regardless of their party or political standing

Ok.. here's a "scenario" to test your resolve.

Nuclear missile has been launched. The missile is a Mirv with 10 hydrogen bombs. When the bombs go off they will kill every man woman and child along the North East Coast of the United Stated between Boston and Washington DC. We have the terrorist who knows the code to disarm the missile in flight.

You have 10 mins to get the code before the detonations. Do you A) ask him nicely to hand over the code, B) torture him until you get the code, C) Try A for 30 seconds or so then proceed to B.

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