Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

Did Obama prosecute Bush's war crimes? If not, isn't Obama guilty of negligence for failure to perform his duties as commander and chief in prosecuting the war on republicans?
Yes, he is

He is guilty of giving Bush a free pass on his war crimes. I doubt if Republicans would have been as generous

Because they weren't war crimes under US law. Just the same as Obama uses Executive Orders to do as he pleases. We may disagree about the need for what each President did , but we MUST agree that each could legally do what they have done, or neither could.

I don't agree with about half of Obama's EOs, but then again I didn't agree with about half of Bush's, but that is irrelevant, either President's have that power or they don't. Assuming they remain within the current law of course, and remember at the time there was no applicable law stating we couldn't waterboard terrorists.

Explain to me exactly how this is not a war crime?

CIA tortured suspects to the point of death report - Yahoo News

CIA tortured suspects to 'the point of death': report
Sept. 8, 2014

"They weren't just pouring water over their heads or over a cloth," the paper quoted the source as saying, adding: "They were holding them under water until the point of death, with a doctor present to make sure they did not go too far."
Explain to me exactly how this is not a war crime?

CIA tortured suspects to the point of death report - Yahoo News

CIA tortured suspects to 'the point of death': report
Sept. 8, 2014

"They weren't just pouring water over their heads or over a cloth," the paper quoted the source as saying, adding: "They were holding them under water until the point of death, with a doctor present to make sure they did not go too far."

Waterboarding is not torture.

What is described here is not Waterboarding, and would be torture.

The problem is, I don't believe anything you say. Lie to me once, shame on you - lie to me 10,000 times and you are the NY Times, lie to me a million times and you are the Daily Telegraph.

You of the left have no integrity - let's face it. You lie as easily as most people breath. You've tried for years to create a scandal with waterboading and utterly failed. Now you face an election where you are about to be slaughtered, and you just magically find this?

How convenient... And even here, only a British tabloid will touch it...
Explain to me exactly how this is not a war crime?

CIA tortured suspects to the point of death report - Yahoo News

CIA tortured suspects to 'the point of death': report
Sept. 8, 2014

"They weren't just pouring water over their heads or over a cloth," the paper quoted the source as saying, adding: "They were holding them under water until the point of death, with a doctor present to make sure they did not go too far."

Waterboarding is not torture.

What is described here is not Waterboarding, and would be torture.

The problem is, I don't believe anything you say. Lie to me once, shame on you - lie to me 10,000 times and you are the NY Times, lie to me a million times and you are the Daily Telegraph.

You of the left have no integrity - let's face it. You lie as easily as most people breath. You've tried for years to create a scandal with waterboading and utterly failed. Now you face an election where you are about to be slaughtered, and you just magically find this?

How convenient... And even here, only a British tabloid will touch it...

If it was not torture, why did they do it? For amusement?

If it was not torture, why did they do it? For amusement?

Are you admitting that the Telegraph story is not credible?

Is that why you quickly retreat to the stupidity about waterboarding?

They were doing it for a reason. If it wasn't torture, what good would it do and why would they do something that accomplishes nothing.?

So you ARE running from the bullshit story you posted! :thup:

If it was not torture, why did they do it? For amusement?

Are you admitting that the Telegraph story is not credible?

Is that why you quickly retreat to the stupidity about waterboarding?

They were doing it for a reason. If it wasn't torture, what good would it do and why would they do something that accomplishes nothing.?

So you ARE running from the bullshit story you posted! :thup:

The story is spread across the news today by major news agencies. That requires serious consideration, and the expectation is that there will be more reports in the future. It is confirmation of what we have heard all along that waterboarding simulates drowning.
The story is spread across the news today by major news agencies. That requires serious consideration, and the expectation is that there will be more reports in the future. It is confirmation of what we have heard all along that waterboarding simulates drowning.

IF the CIA used submersion, then it is torture - but as I said earlier, you of the left are known for lying, especially right before elections. However NONE of the AP feeds is carrying this. You pointed to a British Tabloid carried on Yahoo, which is about as credible as Common Dreams.

The Major news agencies are not touching this. ThinkProgress is not a major news agency.
The story is spread across the news today by major news agencies. That requires serious consideration, and the expectation is that there will be more reports in the future. It is confirmation of what we have heard all along that waterboarding simulates drowning.

IF the CIA used submersion, then it is torture - but as I said earlier, you of the left are known for lying, especially right before elections. However NONE of the AP feeds is carrying this. You pointed to a British Tabloid carried on Yahoo, which is about as credible as Common Dreams.

The Major news agencies are not touching this. ThinkProgress is not a major news agency.

CIA tortured suspects to the point of death report

Even if you don't like MSN, it is a major source.

There is so much evidence that the submersions occurred, it would be very hard to outright dismiss this report like you are doing.

While doing the waterboarding, they are only going to pour water on them and not submerge them in water is a ridiculous assertion.
Senate report Waterboarding didn t lead to Osama bin Laden

WASHINGTON (AP) — A U.S. Senate investigation concludes waterboarding and other harsh interrogation methods provided no key evidence in the hunt for Osama bin Laden, according to congressional aides and outside experts familiar with a still-secret, 6,200-page report. The finding could deepen the worst rift in years between lawmakers and the CIA.

We have a vast intelligence network to keep us safe, and to act lowly like the enemy and torture brings us very low.
The story is spread across the news today by major news agencies. That requires serious consideration, and the expectation is that there will be more reports in the future. It is confirmation of what we have heard all along that waterboarding simulates drowning.

IF the CIA used submersion, then it is torture - but as I said earlier, you of the left are known for lying, especially right before elections. However NONE of the AP feeds is carrying this. You pointed to a British Tabloid carried on Yahoo, which is about as credible as Common Dreams.

The Major news agencies are not touching this. ThinkProgress is not a major news agency.

CIA tortured suspects to the point of death report

Even if you don't like MSN, it is a major source.

There is so much evidence that the submersions occurred, it would be very hard to outright dismiss this report like you are doing.

While doing the waterboarding, they are only going to pour water on them and not submerge them in water is a ridiculous assertion.
Do you say the same about Fox?
The story is spread across the news today by major news agencies. That requires serious consideration, and the expectation is that there will be more reports in the future. It is confirmation of what we have heard all along that waterboarding simulates drowning.

IF the CIA used submersion, then it is torture - but as I said earlier, you of the left are known for lying, especially right before elections. However NONE of the AP feeds is carrying this. You pointed to a British Tabloid carried on Yahoo, which is about as credible as Common Dreams.

The Major news agencies are not touching this. ThinkProgress is not a major news agency.

CIA tortured suspects to the point of death report

Even if you don't like MSN, it is a major source.

There is so much evidence that the submersions occurred, it would be very hard to outright dismiss this report like you are doing.

While doing the waterboarding, they are only going to pour water on them and not submerge them in water is a ridiculous assertion.
Do you say the same about Fox?

I say the same about Yahoo also, but I gave up long ago trying to convince people of that. Fox is just as major as CNN for all practical purposes.
CIA tortured suspects to the point of death report

Even if you don't like MSN, it is a major source.

There is so much evidence that the submersions occurred, it would be very hard to outright dismiss this report like you are doing.

While doing the waterboarding, they are only going to pour water on them and not submerge them in water is a ridiculous assertion.

MSN points right back to the British Tabloid.

CIA tortured suspects to the point of death report

Even if you don't like MSN, it is a major source.

There is so much evidence that the submersions occurred, it would be very hard to outright dismiss this report like you are doing.

While doing the waterboarding, they are only going to pour water on them and not submerge them in water is a ridiculous assertion.

MSN points right back to the British Tabloid.


Yea, but they give it approval. If they didn't approve of the story, they wouldn't carry it. The mere fact that they carry it is what is significant.

You can't call any story on MSN a lie as you did. It's the same as calling them all liars.
Yes, he is

He is guilty of giving Bush a free pass on his war crimes. I doubt if Republicans would have been as generous

You wanted to take Bush and his entire family, children and parents, sit them in a formal setting, and shoot them all to death. We know Comrade, we know.

What do we do with criminals who have tortured? They almost always get around 50 years in jail at least or life.
Yea, but they give it approval. If they didn't approve of the story, they wouldn't carry it. The mere fact that they carry it is what is significant.

You can't call any story on MSN a lie as you did. It's the same as calling them all liars.

They are a portal, not a source.

AP and even the DNC press is getting nowhere near this.

Epic Fail.
You wanted to take Bush and his entire family, children and parents, sit them in a formal setting, and shoot them all to death. We know Comrade, we know.

What do we do with criminals who have tortured? They almost always get around 50 years in jail at least or life.

I assumed RW would grasp that historical reference.

I'm unsurprised that you did not.
Did Obama prosecute Bush's war crimes? If not, isn't Obama guilty of negligence for failure to perform his duties as commander and chief in prosecuting the war on republicans?

It would make more sense for any prosecution of Bush be inspired by an independent body of politicians such as we see happening now with the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. If Obama initiates it, many would believe it was politically motivated.

(Reuters) - The public release of a long-awaited U.S. Senate report detailing the CIA's use of harsh interrogation techniques could be held up for weeks as the Senate Intelligence Committee and Obama administration negotiate what material can be included in the document, the committee's chairwoman said on Monday.

Release of U.S. Senate CIA torture report still on hold Reuters

In August, officials familiar with the report said it will conclude that the CIA's use of harsh interrogation after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks yielded no critical intelligence on terrorist plots that could not have been obtained through non-coercive methods.

Again, torture does not even work.

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