Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

You're a very good example of the clinical term projection.

So here we see it, the classical Khmer Rouge hack excusing Obama for murder, while slamming Bush.

The person who has the IQ of broccoli is the person who believes that Obama is a muslim.

Nice talking point - do you just pick them at random, or is there an iPhone app that generates KOS hating points automatically?

Just because I point out that he daily violates sacred rules of the islamic faith doesn't mean I'm stupid. In fact it means the opposite.

That you can't carry on a conversation that relates to the subject of discussion is the first clue that you have a sub-vegetable intellect.

I'm using facts and logic. You aren't.

You're using talking points from a hate site, which are not even related to the subject at hand.

You are mentally retarded.

Now explain why it was okay for Obama to murder an American citizen and a child, but BOOOOOOSSSSHHHH is a war criminal because the CIA used waterboarding?
If Obama is proven to have tortured people then YES. Torture is illegal and anyone who does it should be prosecuted for it. I don't care who they are. I don't care what political party they're from.

I do care about honest proof and facts.

Please provide credible and honest proof that Obama has tortured or ordered or authorized torture.

Opinion pieces from blogs or right wing sites aren't any proof much less credible and honest proof.

When I first saw the photos of the tortured prisoners at the prison in Iraq, my first reaction was that I believed it was photos of what the Iraqis were doing to Americans and had a hard time believing that it was Americans who were doing this to prisoners. I didn't want to believe that. However the proof was undeniable. While I didn't want to believe it I'm not stupid and I do believe the truth. The bush boy not only approved but authorized and rationalized torture. Well at first when it was exposed he denied it then when he couldn't deny it anymore he rationalized it. Much like republicans are doing now.

I find it very hard to believe that the president who signed an EO to stop torture is now torturing prisoners.

And please tell me what wars has Obama started?

Really, broccoli stalk?


Obama killed this boy, an American citizen, that is a fact.

The boy was not suspected of any criminal acts, was not under indictment, there were no warrants for his arrest, he wasn't even on the no fly list.

But Obama slaughtered him with a drone strike.

These are all irrefutable and uncontested facts.

The Killed-at-16 Transparency Test: Obama Owes Us Answers About This Dead American - The Atlantic

You of the left hold party above all, so you will defend Obama and the party.

The boy was on Obama's kill list - Obama didn't like his father. Granted, his father was a terrorist, so no one liked him.

{ Early one morning in September 2011, Abdulrahman set out from our home in Sana by himself. He went to look for his father, whom he hadn’t seen for years. He left a note for his mother explaining that he missed his father and wanted to find him, and asking her to forgive him for leaving without permission.

A couple of days after Abdulrahman left, we were relieved to receive word that he was safe and with cousins in southern Yemen, where our family is from. Days later, his father was targeted and killed by American drones in a northern province, hundreds of miles away. After Anwar died, Abdulrahman called us and said he was going to return home. }


The Obama administration said the kid should have picked a better father;

{ I would suggest that you should have a far more responsible father if they are truly concerned about the well being of their children.}

How Team Obama Justifies the Killing of a 16-Year-Old American - The Atlantic

You'll defend this, maybe praise it.

Party above all - always and without exception.

What I defend is the truth.

Which you don't seem to have any clue what it is.

What you posted isn't torture. That teenager wasn't the target of that drone. It's what you republicans called "collateral damage" in the bush boy years.

That teenager wasn't a captured prisoner in our custody.

What happened isn't right but it's not torture.

I'm not a hypocrite. I didn't approve of the "collateral damage" when the bush boy did it and I don't approve of it when Obama does it.

However you approved of it and defended it when the bush boy did it. You probably attacked anyone who didn't approve of it and called them names like unAmerican and all that garbage.

Now will you please give me some credible proof that Obama has tortured or authorized torture?
What I defend is the truth.

What you do is spew shit from the hate sites.

Which you don't seem to have any clue what it is.

What you posted isn't torture.

No, it's murder, you fucking moron. Murder which you will defend, because ONLY party matters to you.

That teenager wasn't the target of that drone. It's what you republicans called "collateral damage" in the bush boy years.

He was in fact one of two targets. He was on Obama's kill list - making the murder premeditated.

That teenager wasn't a captured prisoner in our custody.

What happened isn't right but it's not torture.

I'm not a hypocrite. I didn't approve of the "collateral damage" when the bush boy did it and I don't approve of it when Obama does it.

However you approved of it and defended it when the bush boy did it. You probably attacked anyone who didn't approve of it and called them names like unAmerican and all that garbage.

Now will you please give me some credible proof that Obama has tortured or authorized torture?

As i said, you as a mindless hack - defend murder by your little tin god - but decry Bush for waterboarding.

Here is a clue, every person waterboarded is alive today with no physical damage from the act.

We can't say that for the boy that your little tin god murdered, can we Broccoli Stalk?
If Obama is proven to have tortured people then YES. Torture is illegal and anyone who does it should be prosecuted for it. I don't care who they are. I don't care what political party they're from.

I do care about honest proof and facts.

Please provide credible and honest proof that Obama has tortured or ordered or authorized torture.

Opinion pieces from blogs or right wing sites aren't any proof much less credible and honest proof.

When I first saw the photos of the tortured prisoners at the prison in Iraq, my first reaction was that I believed it was photos of what the Iraqis were doing to Americans and had a hard time believing that it was Americans who were doing this to prisoners. I didn't want to believe that. However the proof was undeniable. While I didn't want to believe it I'm not stupid and I do believe the truth. The bush boy not only approved but authorized and rationalized torture. Well at first when it was exposed he denied it then when he couldn't deny it anymore he rationalized it. Much like republicans are doing now.

I find it very hard to believe that the president who signed an EO to stop torture is now torturing prisoners.

And please tell me what wars has Obama started?

Really, broccoli stalk?


Obama killed this boy, an American citizen, that is a fact.

The boy was not suspected of any criminal acts, was not under indictment, there were no warrants for his arrest, he wasn't even on the no fly list.

But Obama slaughtered him with a drone strike.

These are all irrefutable and uncontested facts.

The Killed-at-16 Transparency Test: Obama Owes Us Answers About This Dead American - The Atlantic

You of the left hold party above all, so you will defend Obama and the party.

The boy was on Obama's kill list - Obama didn't like his father. Granted, his father was a terrorist, so no one liked him.

{ Early one morning in September 2011, Abdulrahman set out from our home in Sana by himself. He went to look for his father, whom he hadn’t seen for years. He left a note for his mother explaining that he missed his father and wanted to find him, and asking her to forgive him for leaving without permission.

A couple of days after Abdulrahman left, we were relieved to receive word that he was safe and with cousins in southern Yemen, where our family is from. Days later, his father was targeted and killed by American drones in a northern province, hundreds of miles away. After Anwar died, Abdulrahman called us and said he was going to return home. }


The Obama administration said the kid should have picked a better father;

{ I would suggest that you should have a far more responsible father if they are truly concerned about the well being of their children.}

How Team Obama Justifies the Killing of a 16-Year-Old American - The Atlantic

You'll defend this, maybe praise it.

Party above all - always and without exception.

I trust the frog survived?
You're a very good example of the clinical term projection.

So here we see it, the classical Khmer Rouge hack excusing Obama for murder, while slamming Bush.

The person who has the IQ of broccoli is the person who believes that Obama is a muslim.

Nice talking point - do you just pick them at random, or is there an iPhone app that generates KOS hating points automatically?

That you can't carry on a conversation that relates to the subject of discussion is the first clue that you have a sub-vegetable intellect.

I'm using facts and logic. You aren't.

You're using talking points from a hate site, which are not even related to the subject at hand.

You are mentally retarded.

Now explain why it was okay for Obama to murder an American citizen and a child, but BOOOOOOSSSSHHHH is a war criminal because the CIA used waterboarding?

I point out very logical facts and you call me names. Then try to change the subject. What does that teenager have to do with the fact that you lied and said Obama was a muslim. Then I pointed out how illogical your words are. Nothing that I can see only that you want to change the subject because you know I exposed you as the foolish liar you are.

I never said it was ok for that teenager to die. In fact in another post I said it was wrong. I believed it was wrong when the bush boy did it to thousands of teenagers when he had bombs dropped on Iraq.

The difference between you and I is that you're a hypocrite. You defended the bush boy's actions when he killed thousands of innocent teenagers with his bombs. I didn't. I didn't approve of it when the bush boy did it and I don't approve of it when Obama does it.

What you're blabbering about has nothing to do with the bush boy torturing prisoners. It's just another way for you to deflect from the honest facts.

However, if Obama murdered that teenager then the bush boy murdered hundreds of thousands of teenagers when he dropped bombs on Iraq and waged war there for years.

The same thing happens with conventional bombs. You called it "collateral damage." You defended the bush boy's actions. Now you're attacking Obama and calling him a murderer for doing nearly the same thing the bush boy did. Only the bush boy did it on a much larger scale.

Your words only scream that you're nothing but a child stamping it's feet and throwing a tantrum because I bothered to point out logical facts to your lies.

Obama isn't a muslim. He's a christian. You're a liar. That's the facts. No amount of your lies and deflections will change the true facts.

Deal with it.

Oh don't bother replying. I won't read it. I stopped having any patience for stupid, lies, slander and hate years ago. I will just scroll past your posts. If you reply you're only blabbering to no one.
What I defend is the truth.

What you do is spew shit from the hate sites.

Which you don't seem to have any clue what it is.

What you posted isn't torture.

No, it's murder, you fucking moron. Murder which you will defend, because ONLY party matters to you.

That teenager wasn't the target of that drone. It's what you republicans called "collateral damage" in the bush boy years.

He was in fact one of two targets. He was on Obama's kill list - making the murder premeditated.

That teenager wasn't a captured prisoner in our custody.

What happened isn't right but it's not torture.

I'm not a hypocrite. I didn't approve of the "collateral damage" when the bush boy did it and I don't approve of it when Obama does it.

However you approved of it and defended it when the bush boy did it. You probably attacked anyone who didn't approve of it and called them names like unAmerican and all that garbage.

Now will you please give me some credible proof that Obama has tortured or authorized torture?

As i said, you as a mindless hack - defend murder by your little tin god - but decry Bush for waterboarding.

Here is a clue, every person waterboarded is alive today with no physical damage from the act.

We can't say that for the boy that your little tin god murdered, can we Broccoli Stalk?

How is saying I don't approve of it when Obama does it defending it?

You're a liar.

I don't know why I bothered to even read your lies. You don't make much sense and you use lies to deflect from the war crimes that the bush boy committed while president.

You can answer this but I won't read your posts anymore. I lost all my patience for stupid, lies, slander and hate years ago. I will just scroll by your posts from now on.

You're not worth my time.
I point out very logical facts and you call me names. Then try to change the subject. What does that teenager have to do with the fact that you lied and said Obama was a muslim. Then I pointed out how illogical your words are. Nothing that I can see only that you want to change the subject because you know I exposed you as the foolish liar you are.

Really, you fucking retard?

HERE is what I wrote;

[You are a drooling sycophant with the IQ of a stalk of broccoli.

I sincerely doubt that Obama believes in any god. Obama belongs to the "Black Liberation Theology," a radical racist movement. He sat for 20 years listing to Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright spew hatred of whites. The one identifiable religion of Obama is racism - typical democrat.]

THAT says your little tin god is a Muslim, moron? :eek:

Fucking leftists, dumber than stalks of broccoli..... It's WHY you are a leftist.
How is saying I don't approve of it when Obama does it defending it?

You start off by lying, and claiming "BOOOOOOSSSSSHHHH."

Come of fucktard, show us where Bush directed drone strikes against American citizens.

Shall I hold my breath while you navigate to Alternet to have your masters tell you what you think.

You're a liar.

And what is it I "lied" about, broccoli stalk? Did I deny Obama is god or something?

I don't know why I bothered to even read your lies. You don't make much sense and you use lies to deflect from the war crimes that the bush boy committed while president.

You can answer this but I won't read your posts anymore. I lost all my patience for stupid, lies, slander and hate years ago. I will just scroll by your posts from now on.

You're not worth my time.


Another frustrated Obamunist tripped up and stammering in the hating points from KOS.
It is humorous at this point, watching these stink liberals trying to convince us that they actually care whether or not someone is being tortured.

They really do think we are assholes.

Notice, folks how these bleeding heart dirtbag hypocrites never express any outrage whatsoever over the torture tactics of America's enemies? What does that mean? It means it is not torture they hate, it is simply America.

The fact is they do not even realize it, even though many of them would be happy to tell you how America is a fraud, capitalism sucks, and constitution is a crude document that needs to be done away with.

I love to read the words these pieces of spoiled, demented assholes type. You know, I think they actually think they hate the practice of torture.

LOL at them being so moronic that a person like me knows them better than they know themselves.
Well, in all fairness, every time there is a thread about a mistake or failure of Obama, the thread goes into the direction of "Bush did it too"....

And the sad part is Bush is no longer relevant. Obama is the current leader of the free world.


Sooooo ....

Two wrongs make a right?????

When W did it, it was wrong. But it's OK when Obama did it because W did it. But it was still wrong when W did it. See?

Oh I see how you are trying to twist and divert.

Everyone - Bush and Obama - are accountable for their mistakes.
Sooooo ....

Two wrongs make a right?????

When W did it, it was wrong. But it's OK when Obama did it because W did it. But it was still wrong when W did it. See?

Oh I see how you are trying to twist and divert.

Everyone - Bush and Obama - are accountable for their mistakes.

No they are not. Not one person, not Bush and certainly not Obama has been shown to be accountable for their mistakes. Apparently our POTUS's, not unlike everyone else in this country, are to big to fail.
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Obama: U.S. 'crossed a line,' tortured after 9/11 - CNN.com

(CNN) -- President Barack Obama acknowledged Friday that the United States "crossed a line" and tortured al Qaeda detainees after the 9/11 terror attacks.
The comments at a White House news conference were the President's strongest on the controversial subject since he came into office denouncing what he described as the Bush years of torturing alleged terrorists, also known as "enhanced interrogation."
"When we engaged in some of these enhanced interrogation techniques, techniques that I believe and I think any fair-minded person would believe were torture, we crossed a line," Obama said. "And that needs to be ... understood and accepted. And we have to, as a country, take responsibility for that so that hopefully we don't do it again in the future."

About time our country stopped covering for the abuses of Bush/Cheney

Kinda hypocritically though. Shows like "24" that show torture, and movies like "Zero Dark Thirty" get rave reviews despite polls suggesting we don't like torture. I think it's like how during the Monica Lewinksky flap polls says people are tired of hearing about it, while at the same time any magazine, newspaper, or tv news program talking about it get huge ratings.

Promise to keep people safe and they'll give you all the authority you need to do anything you want. They'll denounce you and scream for your arrest or impeachment at the very same time but that's the nature of the American beast.
It is humorous at this point, watching these stink liberals trying to convince us that they actually care whether or not someone is being tortured.

They really do think we are assholes.

Point is it doesnt matter whether you believe liberals care about it or not. Bush committed torture and you can grin about whether people care or not but I have to admit thats a better deflection than saying something stupid like Bush did not torture people :lol:
Compared to Bush, Obama is a sniveling whiney loser. Bush did his job and never blamed anyone.

What job did Bush do? We were almost losing a military person per day the last year Bush was in charge of Iraq. Everyday on average, a soldier was killed in action. It took two years for the KIA rate to drop down to less than one per week instead of one per day. You think leaving an two unfinished wars equals "doing the job"? And Bush doesn't blame anyone because he has been instructed to keep his mouth shut. Look what happens anytime someone from his administration tries to come out and defend him and their administration. They get chased back under the rocks and made to look like the criminals and fools they were.
Compared to Bush, Obama is a sniveling whiney loser. Bush did his job and never blamed anyone.

Oh really?

Seems you're doing a revision of history because the bush boy blamed a lot of things on Bill Clinton. In fact it became a joke with us liberals because the bush boy always blamed someone else, mostly Clinton, for what the bush boy did.

The one I find especially funny is the one where the bush boy says 2 hundred thousand jobs were lost in 6 months and it's Clinton's fault yet the last month of the bush boy's presidency the bush boy lost 850 thousand jobs. In just ONE month.

Bush Administration Blames Bill Clinton for Deficit*Pensito Review

Obama does acknowledge that Bush is responsible for the economy, that he started two wars and that the atmosphere at MMS was under his watch.

For those who need reminding here's a list of some of the things the bush boy blamed on Clinton:

North Korea:

Clinton reached a bilateral agreement that failed. -GW Bush

"The United States tried direct dialogue with the North Koreans in the '90s, and that resulted in the North Koreans signing onto agreements that they then didn't keep." Condi Rice


"Two-and-a-half years ago, we inherited an economy in recession." GW Bush

Middle East:

"It wasn't all that long ago where a summit was called [referring to Clinton's summit] and nothing happened, and as a result we had significant intefadeh in the area." GW Bush

Re 9/11 (a three-fer, encompassing Clinton, Carter and Reagan):

"They looked at our response after the hostage crisis in Iran, the bombings of the Marine barracks in Lebanon, the first World Trade Center attack, the killing of American soldiers in Somalia, the destruction of two U.S. embassies in Africa, and the attack on the USS Cole. They concluded that free societies lacked the courage and character to defend themselves against a determined enemy." GW Bush

Job losses:

"In the last six months of the prior administration, more than 200,000 manufacturing jobs were lost. We're turning that around." GW Bush (fun fact, at the time in his administration, there were job losses of 913,000)

In 2008, re the economy:

A senior administration official says the budgetary problems stem from what is believed to be inadequate defense, intelligence and homeland security resources that were handed down from Clinton.

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