Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

Obama approved kills of American Citizens. What is the difference? Bush squeezed Intel out of terrorists that helped Obama take credit for killing bin Laden.
Did Bush really "squeeze Intel" out of anyone? We know that some lied to stop the torture.

You believe those non citizens attacking US soldiers who say they lied to avoid the torture and yet, in the same statement, do not empathize with the US citizens who were killed without due process?

If you want to talk about what Obama did to that terrorist then start a thread about it. This thread is about the torture the bush boy did when he was president.

Torture is illegal. The bush boy and cheney are war criminals who belong at the Hague on trial for their war crimes.

Just because Obama legally sent out a drone to kill terrorists doesn't mean it's ok for the bush boy to torture anyone.

You act like a child who got caught with it's hand in the cookie jar then points to what it's sibling is doing.

No American should ever make excuses for torture. No real American who loves this nation and what we stand for would ever do what you're doing.

Oh and you're violating the anti torture agreement that ronald reagan signed into law while president. I guess you should now start attacking reagan, he was against torture too. So much that he signed an international agreement against torture.
He is trying to claim that because of additional acts on top of waterboarding that it somehow negates the fact that we prosecuted for waterboarding

Waterboarding has been accepted as a form of torture around the world. It is without question, torture. We also conducted other "enhanced interrogation" that is borderline torture and is beneath a country such as the US

Both actual tortue - acts that cause permanent, physical damage and interrogation were used.

You leftists are desperate to fabricate a case.

You are the desperate one on this thread. You refuse to acknowledge the internationally accepted definition of torture as specifically defined in Article 13 of the Geneva Convention making any method of water torture where water is forced into a persons mouth and nose illegal since 1929.
You also refuse to accept the legal method of writing an indictment by coming up with this lame idea where the charges on the indictment are interspersed with circumstantial evidence, what you call, "showing a pattern of abuse". An indictment is a legal document that is written a specific way. You need to take that law book back to the book store. They ripped you off.
Being found guilty of all charges means guilty of all charges in the indictment. That means each charge can have an independent and "consecutive" or "concurrent" sentence for each of the charges.
Bush is guilty of a lot more than torture and other war crimes.


Yes, he is guilty of being an enemy of the party.
Did Bush really "squeeze Intel" out of anyone? We know that some lied to stop the torture.

You believe those non citizens attacking US soldiers who say they lied to avoid the torture and yet, in the same statement, do not empathize with the US citizens who were killed without due process?

If you want to talk about what Obama did to that terrorist then start a thread about it. This thread is about the torture the bush boy did when he was president.

Torture is illegal. The bush boy and cheney are war criminals who belong at the Hague on trial for their war crimes.

Just because Obama legally sent out a drone to kill terrorists doesn't mean it's ok for the bush boy to torture anyone.

You act like a child who got caught with it's hand in the cookie jar then points to what it's sibling is doing.

No American should ever make excuses for torture. No real American who loves this nation and what we stand for would ever do what you're doing.

Oh and you're violating the anti torture agreement that ronald reagan signed into law while president. I guess you should now start attacking reagan, he was against torture too. So much that he signed an international agreement against torture.

And Obama refused to prosecute Bush for his crimes. What does that make Obama, accomplice after the fact? Why did Obama excuse Bush for these crimes? Wait is Obama or Bush the acting president? I thought it was Obama. Why are we talking about something that happened many years ago?

Wait... you're just deflecting from Obama aren't you. Are you a water carrier for the bum in the White House?
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If Obama is a muslim then he's the worst muslim on the planet.

Obama attended a catholic christian grade school growing up.

Obama attended a christian church for 20 years.

Obama married a christian woman, in a christian church and had his daughters baptized muslim.

Obama drinks alcohol and eats pork.

Obama doesn't face Mecca 5 times a day to pray. Obama doesn't pray 5 times a day at all.

Obama has never gone to Mecca on that mandatory pilgrimage that all muslims are supposed to take at least once in their lives.

Obama had killed bin laden and has had our troops kill thousands of muslims.

So if Obama is a muslim then he hides it very well and is the worst muslim on the face of the earth.

Obama isn't a muslim and you're full of garbage.

You are a drooling sycophant with the IQ of a stalk of broccoli.

I sincerely doubt that Obama believes in any god. Obama belongs to the "Black Liberation Theology," a radical racist movement. He sat for 20 years listing to Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright spew hatred of whites. The one identifiable religion of Obama is racism - typical democrat.
The Obama daughters are not baptized Muslim. (Muslims don't baptize.) Just as bad though is that they're baptized baptist.

He gets prayers and christian messages to his phone every day.

Besides, you Khmer Rouge stupid fucks would claim baptism is torture, since the victim is submerged....
You are the desperate one on this thread.

I'm not the one facing a tough election and once again trying to blame my predecessor.

You refuse to acknowledge the internationally accepted definition of torture as specifically defined in Article 13 of the Geneva Convention making any method of water torture where water is forced into a persons mouth and nose illegal since 1929.
You also refuse to accept the legal method of writing an indictment by coming up with this lame idea where the charges on the indictment are interspersed with circumstantial evidence, what you call, "showing a pattern of abuse". An indictment is a legal document that is written a specific way. You need to take that law book back to the book store. They ripped you off.
Being found guilty of all charges means guilty of all charges in the indictment. That means each charge can have an independent and "consecutive" or "concurrent" sentence for each of the charges.

You of the left have done everything you can to fabricate evidence to support your stupidity. You think - well no, your masters think, that if they can send you drones out and stir up the masses, that somehow they will be distracted from what a miserable failure Obama is, and you won't get slaughtered in November.

Yes, you and Puddly Pillow bite wet yourselves. but the public yawned at Obama blaming Bush for the 10 billionth time.

Obama needs to pull up his big boi pampers and start taking responsibility for his own failure.
You are the desperate one on this thread.

I'm not the one facing a tough election and once again trying to blame my predecessor.

You refuse to acknowledge the internationally accepted definition of torture as specifically defined in Article 13 of the Geneva Convention making any method of water torture where water is forced into a persons mouth and nose illegal since 1929.
You also refuse to accept the legal method of writing an indictment by coming up with this lame idea where the charges on the indictment are interspersed with circumstantial evidence, what you call, "showing a pattern of abuse". An indictment is a legal document that is written a specific way. You need to take that law book back to the book store. They ripped you off.
Being found guilty of all charges means guilty of all charges in the indictment. That means each charge can have an independent and "consecutive" or "concurrent" sentence for each of the charges.

Obama needs to pull up his big boi pampers and start taking responsibility for his own failure.

You should do the same thing about your failure on this thread. Being obnoxious and stupid are not good traits to mix.
You believe those non citizens attacking US soldiers who say they lied to avoid the torture and yet, in the same statement, do not empathize with the US citizens who were killed without due process?

If you want to talk about what Obama did to that terrorist then start a thread about it. This thread is about the torture the bush boy did when he was president.

Torture is illegal. The bush boy and cheney are war criminals who belong at the Hague on trial for their war crimes.

Just because Obama legally sent out a drone to kill terrorists doesn't mean it's ok for the bush boy to torture anyone.

You act like a child who got caught with it's hand in the cookie jar then points to what it's sibling is doing.

No American should ever make excuses for torture. No real American who loves this nation and what we stand for would ever do what you're doing.

Oh and you're violating the anti torture agreement that ronald reagan signed into law while president. I guess you should now start attacking reagan, he was against torture too. So much that he signed an international agreement against torture.

And Obama refused to prosecute Bush for his crimes. What does that make Obama, accomplice after the fact? Why did Obama excuse Bush for these crimes? Wait is Obama or Bush the acting president? I thought it was Obama. Why are we talking about something that happened many years ago?

Wait... you're just deflecting from Obama aren't you. Are you a water carrier for the bum in the White House?

question marks are not points made
You believe those non citizens attacking US soldiers who say they lied to avoid the torture and yet, in the same statement, do not empathize with the US citizens who were killed without due process?

If you want to talk about what Obama did to that terrorist then start a thread about it. This thread is about the torture the bush boy did when he was president.

Torture is illegal. The bush boy and cheney are war criminals who belong at the Hague on trial for their war crimes.

Just because Obama legally sent out a drone to kill terrorists doesn't mean it's ok for the bush boy to torture anyone.

You act like a child who got caught with it's hand in the cookie jar then points to what it's sibling is doing.

No American should ever make excuses for torture. No real American who loves this nation and what we stand for would ever do what you're doing.

Oh and you're violating the anti torture agreement that ronald reagan signed into law while president. I guess you should now start attacking reagan, he was against torture too. So much that he signed an international agreement against torture.

And Obama refused to prosecute Bush for his crimes. What does that make Obama, accomplice after the fact? Why did Obama excuse Bush for these crimes? Wait is Obama or Bush the acting president? I thought it was Obama. Why are we talking about something that happened many years ago?

Wait... you're just deflecting from Obama aren't you. Are you a water carrier for the bum in the White House?

Well, truthfully ... this thread is about Bush and torture.
So I guess failure to make EVERY thread about Obama's failures is "being a water carrier"????
So we set our own standard of behavior at the level of Muslim terrorists. Nobody defends what they do, but it in no way justifies sinking to their level and engaging in torture

Some don't mind sinking to their level......don't mind at all.

If your in a boxing match, yes. you are going to follow the rules of the ring but if your walking to your car one night with your girlfriend and you are jumped by a couple of thugs, are you going to get down and dirty to fight? to protect yourself and your girlfriend? Anything goes.... or are you going to ask them to stop and wait while you lace on your boxing gloves?

Ronald reagan disagrees with you.

He signed the anti torture agreement in 1988. Which the bush boy and his administration violated during the bush boy's presidency. Obama is violating it now since the agreement says that nations who sign it will prosecute those who torture or send them to a nation that will prosecute them. As long as Obama doesn't prosecute the bush boy and his cohorts, he's in violation of that agreement. Obama has not tortured. In fact he signed a EO to stop torture.

So you believe that reagan was wrong?

Ronald Reagan: Message to the Senate Transmitting the Convention Against Torture and Inhuman Treatment or Punishment
Once again, your side uses acts of war to justify torture

You can have your leg blown off in combat. That does not justify slicing off someones leg during torture

No, we use acts of war to point out your hypocrisy. You touchy feely limp wrists get your panties in a wad over waterboarding three known terrorists. Yet, you shrug off blowing the legs off of a five year old as just an act of war. Your sensibilities are all screwed up.

BTW, dropping a hellfire missile to kill a man in Yemen, is not an act of war, it is a political assassination. However, recognizing the truth may well confuse your already mixed up sensibilities.

I don't support the torture of prisoners, although I do not agree that waterboarding is torture. I support the assassination of the American in Yemen, but I recognize it for what it was, and do not attempt to downplay the collateral damage.

The left wing outcry over waterboarding the three scumbags is as phoney as most of the rest of your left wing nonsense. You are indignant because you believe it is in your partisan political interests to be indignant. Pure, unadulterated hypocrisy.

Once again, just because war is a horror does not justify torture in any way.

If you want to try drone attacks as war crimes you are welcome to try
It still doesn't justify torture in any way

Objecting to torture is not partisan or phony. It used to be what being an American was all about. Standing up for what is right. And torture is not right

Thank you!

I can't agree with you more!
He signed the anti torture agreement in 1988. Which the bush boy and his administration violated during the bush boy's presidency. Obama is violating it now since the agreement says that nations who sign it will prosecute those who torture or send them to a nation that will prosecute them. As long as Obama doesn't prosecute the bush boy and his cohorts, he's in violation of that agreement. Obama has not tortured. In fact he signed a EO to stop torture.

So you believe that reagan was wrong?

Nothing W did was "torture"
Look everyone knows Bush tortured ... we don't need Obama dredging that up again right now.

What's the point?
If you want to talk about what Obama did to that terrorist then start a thread about it. This thread is about the torture the bush boy did when he was president.

Torture is illegal. The bush boy and cheney are war criminals who belong at the Hague on trial for their war crimes.

Just because Obama legally sent out a drone to kill terrorists doesn't mean it's ok for the bush boy to torture anyone.

You act like a child who got caught with it's hand in the cookie jar then points to what it's sibling is doing.

No American should ever make excuses for torture. No real American who loves this nation and what we stand for would ever do what you're doing.

Oh and you're violating the anti torture agreement that ronald reagan signed into law while president. I guess you should now start attacking reagan, he was against torture too. So much that he signed an international agreement against torture.

And Obama refused to prosecute Bush for his crimes. What does that make Obama, accomplice after the fact? Why did Obama excuse Bush for these crimes? Wait is Obama or Bush the acting president? I thought it was Obama. Why are we talking about something that happened many years ago?

Wait... you're just deflecting from Obama aren't you. Are you a water carrier for the bum in the White House?

Well, truthfully ... this thread is about Bush and torture.
So I guess failure to make EVERY thread about Obama's failures is "being a water carrier"????

Well, in all fairness, every time there is a thread about a mistake or failure of Obama, the thread goes into the direction of "Bush did it too"....

And the sad part is Bush is no longer relevant. Obama is the current leader of the free world.

And Obama refused to prosecute Bush for his crimes. What does that make Obama, accomplice after the fact? Why did Obama excuse Bush for these crimes? Wait is Obama or Bush the acting president? I thought it was Obama. Why are we talking about something that happened many years ago?

Wait... you're just deflecting from Obama aren't you. Are you a water carrier for the bum in the White House?

Well, truthfully ... this thread is about Bush and torture.
So I guess failure to make EVERY thread about Obama's failures is "being a water carrier"????

Well, in all fairness, every time there is a thread about a mistake or failure of Obama, the thread goes into the direction of "Bush did it too"....

And the sad part is Bush is no longer relevant. Obama is the current leader of the free world.


Sooooo ....

Two wrongs make a right?????
He signed the anti torture agreement in 1988. Which the bush boy and his administration violated during the bush boy's presidency. Obama is violating it now since the agreement says that nations who sign it will prosecute those who torture or send them to a nation that will prosecute them. As long as Obama doesn't prosecute the bush boy and his cohorts, he's in violation of that agreement. Obama has not tortured. In fact he signed a EO to stop torture.

So you believe that reagan was wrong?

Nothing W did was "torture"

Willing to bring it up to the UN to decide?

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He signed the anti torture agreement in 1988. Which the bush boy and his administration violated during the bush boy's presidency. Obama is violating it now since the agreement says that nations who sign it will prosecute those who torture or send them to a nation that will prosecute them. As long as Obama doesn't prosecute the bush boy and his cohorts, he's in violation of that agreement. Obama has not tortured. In fact he signed a EO to stop torture.

So you believe that reagan was wrong?

Nothing W did was "torture"

Willing to bring it up to the UN to decide?

UN Convention Against Torture

So what the IRS does is torture? That could be true...

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