Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

You should do the same thing about your failure on this thread. Being obnoxious and stupid are not good traits to mix.

What "failure" would that be, Comrade?

Failure to worship your little tin god? Failure to jump on to the pathetic straw man that Obama erected?
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Well, truthfully ... this thread is about Bush and torture.
So I guess failure to make EVERY thread about Obama's failures is "being a water carrier"????

Obama blaming Bush when he is on the hot seat? Unimaginable...



Willing to bring it up to the UN to decide?

UN Convention Against Torture

So what the IRS does is torture? That could be true...

I'm sorry, I don't see where that has anything to do with this thread

Of course you don't, it was obvious, but we know the obvious eludes you. Nothing W did was any reasonable definition of torture.

Here's the difference between us. I opposed the Iraq war on it's merits, which is why I don't like these BS diversion. You don't care about the war, you are on a get Bush campaign, so the diversions to the discussion are your point.
Well, truthfully ... this thread is about Bush and torture.
So I guess failure to make EVERY thread about Obama's failures is "being a water carrier"????

Well, in all fairness, every time there is a thread about a mistake or failure of Obama, the thread goes into the direction of "Bush did it too"....

And the sad part is Bush is no longer relevant. Obama is the current leader of the free world.


Sooooo ....

Two wrongs make a right?????

When W did it, it was wrong. But it's OK when Obama did it because W did it. But it was still wrong when W did it. See?
You should do the same thing about your failure on this thread. Being obnoxious and stupid are not good traits to mix.

What "failure" would that be, Comrade?

Failure to worship your little tin god? Failure to jump on to the pathetic straw man that Obama erected?

Um, over 6,500 views on a thread that puts Bush on display for his policy on torture and you seem to be one of his top and most vocal defenders. Seems unfair to President Bush. He should go after you for malpractice. Surprised none of his hard core supporters have pm'd you and begged you to shut up.
So what the IRS does is torture? That could be true...

I'm sorry, I don't see where that has anything to do with this thread

Of course you don't, it was obvious, but we know the obvious eludes you. Nothing W did was any reasonable definition of torture.

Here's the difference between us. I opposed the Iraq war on it's merits, which is why I don't like these BS diversion. You don't care about the war, you are on a get Bush campaign, so the diversions to the discussion are your point.

Like most Americans, I supported George Bush after 9-11. I was willing to go along with him on anything he thought was needed to fight the war on terror. Once he decided to invade Iraq, he lost my support. I did not think Iraq was a threat and I looked at it as a diversion from the war on terror

Once Bush set up Abu Gharib and Gitmo, I became concerned that we were willing to sell our souls to fight terrorism. Once Bush openly endorsed torture he crossed the point of no return
I'm sorry, I don't see where that has anything to do with this thread

Of course you don't, it was obvious, but we know the obvious eludes you. Nothing W did was any reasonable definition of torture.

Here's the difference between us. I opposed the Iraq war on it's merits, which is why I don't like these BS diversion. You don't care about the war, you are on a get Bush campaign, so the diversions to the discussion are your point.

Like most Americans, I supported George Bush after 9-11. I was willing to go along with him on anything he thought was needed to fight the war on terror. Once he decided to invade Iraq, he lost my support. I did not think Iraq was a threat and I looked at it as a diversion from the war on terror

Once Bush set up Abu Gharib and Gitmo, I became concerned that we were willing to sell our souls to fight terrorism. Once Bush openly endorsed torture he crossed the point of no return

Exactly, you never had any conviction and when you got the chance to turn it into a hack partisan witch hunt you did just that.
If you want to talk about what Obama did to that terrorist then start a thread about it. This thread is about the torture the bush boy did when he was president.

Torture is illegal. The bush boy and cheney are war criminals who belong at the Hague on trial for their war crimes.

Just because Obama legally sent out a drone to kill terrorists doesn't mean it's ok for the bush boy to torture anyone.

You act like a child who got caught with it's hand in the cookie jar then points to what it's sibling is doing.

No American should ever make excuses for torture. No real American who loves this nation and what we stand for would ever do what you're doing.

Oh and you're violating the anti torture agreement that ronald reagan signed into law while president. I guess you should now start attacking reagan, he was against torture too. So much that he signed an international agreement against torture.

And Obama refused to prosecute Bush for his crimes. What does that make Obama, accomplice after the fact? Why did Obama excuse Bush for these crimes? Wait is Obama or Bush the acting president? I thought it was Obama. Why are we talking about something that happened many years ago?

Wait... you're just deflecting from Obama aren't you. Are you a water carrier for the bum in the White House?

Well, truthfully ... this thread is about Bush and torture.
So I guess failure to make EVERY thread about Obama's failures is "being a water carrier"????

No this thread is about Obama throwing bush under the bus regarding torture, this after Obama already pardoned Bush for said act. Thus this thread is about Obama and his duplicitous acts regarding Bush and his use of the act of inflicting terror on terrorists.
I'm sorry, I don't see where that has anything to do with this thread

Of course you don't, it was obvious, but we know the obvious eludes you. Nothing W did was any reasonable definition of torture.

Here's the difference between us. I opposed the Iraq war on it's merits, which is why I don't like these BS diversion. You don't care about the war, you are on a get Bush campaign, so the diversions to the discussion are your point.

Like most Americans, I supported George Bush after 9-11. I was willing to go along with him on anything he thought was needed to fight the war on terror. Once he decided to invade Iraq, he lost my support. I did not think Iraq was a threat and I looked at it as a diversion from the war on terror

Once Bush set up Abu Gharib and Gitmo, I became concerned that we were willing to sell our souls to fight terrorism. Once Bush openly endorsed torture he crossed the point of no return

Liar. You've never been a republican and you never will be a republican. You never supported Bush, you merely feigned support based on the promise from your masters that they would using the Iraq war to turn the tide against conservatism with Vietnam style political tactics.
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Of course you don't, it was obvious, but we know the obvious eludes you. Nothing W did was any reasonable definition of torture.

Here's the difference between us. I opposed the Iraq war on it's merits, which is why I don't like these BS diversion. You don't care about the war, you are on a get Bush campaign, so the diversions to the discussion are your point.

Like most Americans, I supported George Bush after 9-11. I was willing to go along with him on anything he thought was needed to fight the war on terror. Once he decided to invade Iraq, he lost my support. I did not think Iraq was a threat and I looked at it as a diversion from the war on terror

Once Bush set up Abu Gharib and Gitmo, I became concerned that we were willing to sell our souls to fight terrorism. Once Bush openly endorsed torture he crossed the point of no return

Exactly, you never had any conviction and when you got the chance to turn it into a hack partisan witch hunt you did just that.

Partisan witch hunt?

I supported Bush after 9-11, supported Homeland Security, Patriot Act, the Invasion of Afghanistan

Hardly partisan.........But I do draw the line at my country supporting torture
Waterboarding Used to Be a Crime

In this case from the tribunal's records, the victim was a prisoner in the Japanese-occupied Dutch East Indies:

A towel was fixed under the chin and down over the face. Then many buckets of water were poured into the towel so that the water gradually reached the mouth and rising further eventually also the nostrils, which resulted in his becoming unconscious and collapsing like a person drowned. This procedure was sometimes repeated 5-6 times in succession.

The United States (like Britain, Australia and other Allies) pursued lower-ranking Japanese war criminals in trials before their own tribunals. As a general rule, the testimony was similar to Nielsen's
Here's the testimony of two Americans imprisoned by the Japanese:

They would lash me to a stretcher then prop me up against a table with my head down. They would then pour about two gallons of water from a pitcher into my nose and mouth until I lost consciousness.

And from the second prisoner: They laid me out on a stretcher and strapped me on. The stretcher was then stood on end with my head almost touching the floor and my feet in the air. . . . They then began pouring water over my face and at times it was almost impossible for me to breathe without sucking in water.

As a result of such accounts, a number of Japanese prison-camp officers and guards were convicted of torture that clearly violated the laws of war. They were not the only defendants convicted in such cases. As far back as the U.S. occupation of the Philippines after the 1898 Spanish-American War, U.S. soldiers were court-martialed for using the "water cure" to question Filipino guerellas

It's not necessary to go that far back to find the United States prosecuting someone for water boarding a prisoner.

reagan's DOJ did that in 1983 when a sheriff was water boarding prisoners for confessions. That sheriff and his deputies were found guilty and went to prison.

DOJ Prosecuted Texas Sheriff in 1983 For Waterboarding Prisoners | Big Bear Observation Post
Like most Americans, I supported George Bush after 9-11. I was willing to go along with him on anything he thought was needed to fight the war on terror. Once he decided to invade Iraq, he lost my support. I did not think Iraq was a threat and I looked at it as a diversion from the war on terror

Once Bush set up Abu Gharib and Gitmo, I became concerned that we were willing to sell our souls to fight terrorism. Once Bush openly endorsed torture he crossed the point of no return

Exactly, you never had any conviction and when you got the chance to turn it into a hack partisan witch hunt you did just that.

Partisan witch hunt?

I supported Bush after 9-11, supported Homeland Security, Patriot Act, the Invasion of Afghanistan

Hardly partisan.........But I do draw the line at my country supporting torture

And I'm Gumby
Um, over 6,500 views on a thread that puts Bush on display for his policy on torture and you seem to be one of his top and most vocal defenders. Seems unfair to President Bush. He should go after you for malpractice. Surprised none of his hard core supporters have pm'd you and begged you to shut up.

You are desperately hoping that BLAME BOOOOOOOSSSSSHHHH will save that pathetic turd Obama one last time.

The only ones who care are you KOS kiddies and those of use who mock you. America is tired of Obama's infantile behavior.


Time for the pampered little poofter to pull up his big boi Pampers.
Obama: U.S. 'crossed a line,' tortured after 9/11 - CNN.com

(CNN) -- President Barack Obama acknowledged Friday that the United States "crossed a line" and tortured al Qaeda detainees after the 9/11 terror attacks.
The comments at a White House news conference were the President's strongest on the controversial subject since he came into office denouncing what he described as the Bush years of torturing alleged terrorists, also known as "enhanced interrogation."
"When we engaged in some of these enhanced interrogation techniques, techniques that I believe and I think any fair-minded person would believe were torture, we crossed a line," Obama said. "And that needs to be ... understood and accepted. And we have to, as a country, take responsibility for that so that hopefully we don't do it again in the future."

About time our country stopped covering for the abuses of Bush/Cheney
Rightwinger, instead of throwing bush under the bus I would have been far happier if he had throw both bush and cheney in front of the world court.

Hi Ron.

I remember your tag line from an AOL message board. I enjoyed your posts then and completely agree. I would also be happier if Obama had followed our laws and either prosecuted the bush boy and his war criminal cohorts here in America or extradited them to the Hague.

My screen name was different on that board. It was Shekhinah1.

Nice to see a post from you again.
Obama: U.S. 'crossed a line,' tortured after 9/11 - CNN.com

(CNN) -- President Barack Obama acknowledged Friday that the United States "crossed a line" and tortured al Qaeda detainees after the 9/11 terror attacks.
The comments at a White House news conference were the President's strongest on the controversial subject since he came into office denouncing what he described as the Bush years of torturing alleged terrorists, also known as "enhanced interrogation."
"When we engaged in some of these enhanced interrogation techniques, techniques that I believe and I think any fair-minded person would believe were torture, we crossed a line," Obama said. "And that needs to be ... understood and accepted. And we have to, as a country, take responsibility for that so that hopefully we don't do it again in the future."

About time our country stopped covering for the abuses of Bush/Cheney

Telling the nation and world the truth isn't throwing the bush boy or anyone under the bus.

Obama told the truth and did what's right.

Now all that needs to be done is to hold the bush boy and cheney responsible for their war crimes.

So are you going to do the same for Obama and the far left that are silent now?

Are you going to condemn Obama for his illegal wars?

If Obama is proven to have tortured people then YES. Torture is illegal and anyone who does it should be prosecuted for it. I don't care who they are. I don't care what political party they're from.

I do care about honest proof and facts.

Please provide credible and honest proof that Obama has tortured or ordered or authorized torture.

Opinion pieces from blogs or right wing sites aren't any proof much less credible and honest proof.

When I first saw the photos of the tortured prisoners at the prison in Iraq, my first reaction was that I believed it was photos of what the Iraqis were doing to Americans and had a hard time believing that it was Americans who were doing this to prisoners. I didn't want to believe that. However the proof was undeniable. While I didn't want to believe it I'm not stupid and I do believe the truth. The bush boy not only approved but authorized and rationalized torture. Well at first when it was exposed he denied it then when he couldn't deny it anymore he rationalized it. Much like republicans are doing now.

I find it very hard to believe that the president who signed an EO to stop torture is now torturing prisoners.

And please tell me what wars has Obama started?
being the muslime that he is, he would have praised that terrorist action and danced in the streets as did millions of his muslime buddies. :up:

If Obama is a muslim then he's the worst muslim on the planet.

Obama attended a catholic christian grade school growing up.

Obama attended a christian church for 20 years.

Obama married a christian woman, in a christian church and had his daughters baptized muslim.

Obama drinks alcohol and eats pork.

Obama doesn't face Mecca 5 times a day to pray. Obama doesn't pray 5 times a day at all.

Obama has never gone to Mecca on that mandatory pilgrimage that all muslims are supposed to take at least once in their lives.

Obama had killed bin laden and has had our troops kill thousands of muslims.

So if Obama is a muslim then he hides it very well and is the worst muslim on the face of the earth.

Obama isn't a muslim and you're full of garbage.

The Obama daughters are not baptized Muslim. (Muslims don't baptize.) Just as bad though is that they're baptized baptist.

He gets prayers and christian messages to his phone every day.

Yes you're right. It was my typo. I didn't go back and proof read it before I posted it.

I meant to say his daughters a baptized christian.

Thank you for pointing it out.
If Obama is proven to have tortured people then YES. Torture is illegal and anyone who does it should be prosecuted for it. I don't care who they are. I don't care what political party they're from.

I do care about honest proof and facts.

Please provide credible and honest proof that Obama has tortured or ordered or authorized torture.

Opinion pieces from blogs or right wing sites aren't any proof much less credible and honest proof.

When I first saw the photos of the tortured prisoners at the prison in Iraq, my first reaction was that I believed it was photos of what the Iraqis were doing to Americans and had a hard time believing that it was Americans who were doing this to prisoners. I didn't want to believe that. However the proof was undeniable. While I didn't want to believe it I'm not stupid and I do believe the truth. The bush boy not only approved but authorized and rationalized torture. Well at first when it was exposed he denied it then when he couldn't deny it anymore he rationalized it. Much like republicans are doing now.

I find it very hard to believe that the president who signed an EO to stop torture is now torturing prisoners.

And please tell me what wars has Obama started?

Really, broccoli stalk?


Obama killed this boy, an American citizen, that is a fact.

The boy was not suspected of any criminal acts, was not under indictment, there were no warrants for his arrest, he wasn't even on the no fly list.

But Obama slaughtered him with a drone strike.

These are all irrefutable and uncontested facts.

The Killed-at-16 Transparency Test: Obama Owes Us Answers About This Dead American - The Atlantic

You of the left hold party above all, so you will defend Obama and the party.

The boy was on Obama's kill list - Obama didn't like his father. Granted, his father was a terrorist, so no one liked him.

{ Early one morning in September 2011, Abdulrahman set out from our home in Sana by himself. He went to look for his father, whom he hadn’t seen for years. He left a note for his mother explaining that he missed his father and wanted to find him, and asking her to forgive him for leaving without permission.

A couple of days after Abdulrahman left, we were relieved to receive word that he was safe and with cousins in southern Yemen, where our family is from. Days later, his father was targeted and killed by American drones in a northern province, hundreds of miles away. After Anwar died, Abdulrahman called us and said he was going to return home. }


The Obama administration said the kid should have picked a better father;

{ I would suggest that you should have a far more responsible father if they are truly concerned about the well being of their children.}

How Team Obama Justifies the Killing of a 16-Year-Old American - The Atlantic

You'll defend this, maybe praise it.

Party above all - always and without exception.
If Obama is a muslim then he's the worst muslim on the planet.

Obama attended a catholic christian grade school growing up.

Obama attended a christian church for 20 years.

Obama married a christian woman, in a christian church and had his daughters baptized muslim.

Obama drinks alcohol and eats pork.

Obama doesn't face Mecca 5 times a day to pray. Obama doesn't pray 5 times a day at all.

Obama has never gone to Mecca on that mandatory pilgrimage that all muslims are supposed to take at least once in their lives.

Obama had killed bin laden and has had our troops kill thousands of muslims.

So if Obama is a muslim then he hides it very well and is the worst muslim on the face of the earth.

Obama isn't a muslim and you're full of garbage.

You are a drooling sycophant with the IQ of a stalk of broccoli.

I sincerely doubt that Obama believes in any god. Obama belongs to the "Black Liberation Theology," a radical racist movement. He sat for 20 years listing to Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright spew hatred of whites. The one identifiable religion of Obama is racism - typical democrat.

You're a very good example of the clinical term projection.

The person who has the IQ of broccoli is the person who believes that Obama is a muslim.

Just because I point out that he daily violates sacred rules of the islamic faith doesn't mean I'm stupid. In fact it means the opposite.

I'm using facts and logic. You aren't.

If Obama was muslim then why did voluntarily get baptized in the 1990s at a Lutheran christian church?

If Obama is a muslim why did he marry a christian woman in a christian church and why were his daughters baptized in a christian church?

If he's muslim why does he drink alcohol? Why does he eat pork? Where's the photos of him praying 5 times a day? Where's the photos of him going to Mecca? Why did he have ben laden killed? Why has he killed thousands of muslim terrorists?

Those who do nothing but hurl insults and personally attack, have lost their debate and know it. All you're now doing is childishly stamping your feet and having a hissy fit.

Grow up.

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