Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

I have a friend who's a marine.

He was waterboarded. He said it was uncomfortable but a long way from torture as far as he was concerned.

Guess he should know since he experienced it.
Maybe you and Sean Hannity should try it and find out for sure.
Water Boarding got results and I'm dead right on that one.

Of course I don't consider water boarding torture so, you may be right. LOL
You're wrong. Cite an example.

CIA Waterboarding Produced Intel That Stopped Attack on Los Angeles by Terence Jeffrey on Creators.com - A Syndicate Of Talent

Intel Used To Find Bin Laden Came from Waterboarding Denny Burk

I'm sure they learned much more that no one will ever hear about.
As far as Obama is concerned, he should join him there. How many lines has he crossed, perchance?
I don't know. How many? We know Fast and Furious never happened and even Republicans said about Benghazi? No blame.

What's left?

FF never happned??

What fucking planet do you live on?? Ask the murdered Border Patrol Agents wife about FF. I'm sure she'll be delighted to fill you in.

Your one delusional idiot there Deany.

If Barry had covered Holders ass with one of his EO's that bastard would been out of a job long before now.

Benghazi happened as well. It was a complete fuckup by Barry's State Department run by your hero Hilbat. They then lied about it to everyone.

Now I know that doesn't mean anything to you but it sure as hell means something to me.

You're one delusiona idiot there Deany.
Water Boarding got results and I'm dead right on that one.

Of course I don't consider water boarding torture so, you may be right. LOL
You're wrong. Cite an example.
I will. We used it on Khalid Shaikh Mohammed.

In March 2007, through the use of enhanced interrogation techniques, Mohammed confessed to masterminding the September 11 attacks, the Richard Reid shoe bombing attempt to blow up an airliner, the Bali nightclub bombing in Indonesia, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the murder ofDaniel Pearl, and various foiled attacks, as well as numerous other crimes
False. All of that info was extracted before he was ever waterboarded.

Senate Torture Report No Bin Laden Was Not Found Because of CIA Torture Mother Jones

After Osama bin Laden was killed by US special operations forces, the pro-torture CIA crowd pointed to the raid as evidence that human rights-abusing questioning can produce essential intelligence. And this debate was revived when the film Zero Dark Thirty implied the same point. During these dust-ups, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the chair of the Senate intelligence committee, said her committee's years-long investigation of the CIA interrogation program showed that the agency's use of harsh techniques did not lead it to bin Laden's hideaway in Pakistan. The torture report she released today—that is, the 535-page executive summary of the 6,600-page full report—states bluntly that CIA torturing had nothing to do with finding bin Laden. A footnote reports that the CIA, naturally, takes issues with this and says the committee report "incorrectly characterizes the intelligence we had." That footnote adds, "This is incorrect."
Intel Used To Find Bin Laden Came from Waterboarding Denny Burk

So I shouldn't believe the Senate report that took 5 years and 6,000 pages culled from 6.5 Million documents...

I should believe this guy instead:

I am a Professor of Biblical Studies at Boyce College, the undergraduate arm of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY.​

You wingnuts don't live in the real world. Go take your medication and put on Dr. Phil.
Intel Used To Find Bin Laden Came from Waterboarding Denny Burk

So I shouldn't believe the Senate report that took 5 years and 6,000 pages culled from 6.5 Million documents...

I should believe this guy instead:
I am a Professor of Biblical Studies at Boyce College, the undergraduate arm of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY.​

You wingnuts don't live in the real world. Go take your medication and put on Dr. Phil.
Seems logical to me... :lmao:
As far as Obama is concerned, he should join him there. How many lines has he crossed, perchance?
I don't know. How many? We know Fast and Furious never happened and even Republicans said about Benghazi? No blame.

What's left?

FF never happned??

What fucking planet do you live on?? Ask the murdered Border Patrol Agents wife about FF. I'm sure she'll be delighted to fill you in.

Your one delusional idiot there Deany.

If Barry had covered Holders ass with one of his EO's that bastard would been out of a job long before now.

Benghazi happened as well. It was a complete fuckup by Barry's State Department run by your hero Hilbat. They then lied about it to everyone.

Now I know that doesn't mean anything to you but it sure as hell means something to me.

You're one delusiona idiot there Deany.
I thought guns don't kill people.....people kill people.
Water Boarding got results and I'm dead right on that one.

Of course I don't consider water boarding torture so, you may be right. LOL
You're wrong. Cite an example.
I will. We used it on Khalid Shaikh Mohammed.


In March 2007, through the use of enhanced interrogation techniques, Mohammed confessed to masterminding the September 11 attacks, the Richard Reid shoe bombing attempt to blow up an airliner, the Bali nightclub bombing in Indonesia, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the murder ofDaniel Pearl, and various foiled attacks, as well as numerous other crimes
Like the kidnap of the Limburgh baby, Pearl Harbor, and the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa.
You tell me!
I just did. You're welcome.
Water boarding is torture. Killing or water boarding genuine Al-Qaeda terrorist is fine by me. They terrorize, torture & kill, so they can reap what they sow.

However Bush, Cheney & Rumsfeld backhandedly allowed torture at Abu Ghraib where there were no terrorist or Al-Qaeda. They were Iraqi citizens, combatants & military swept up & tortured for intel. Many were not fighting US & the worst of them were only defending their country from US foreign invaders. They also falsely arrested & many other people including US citizens who were not terrorist or enemy. Torturing those people was a war crime. Everyone involved should stand trial in the Hague.
Water boarding is torture. Killing or water boarding genuine Al-Qaeda terrorist is fine by me. They terrorize, torture & kill, so they can reap what they sow.

However Bush, Cheney & Rumsfeld backhandedly allowed torture at Abu Ghraib where there were no terrorist or Al-Qaeda. They were Iraqi citizens, combatants & military swept up & tortured for intel. Many were not fighting US & the worst of them were only defending their country from US foreign invaders. They also falsely arrested & many other people including US citizens who were not terrorist or enemy. Torturing those people was a war crime. Everyone involved should stand trial in the Hague.
Forcing people to work for 5months of the year for taxes before they see their first dime is torture.
Here's my take on the real objectives on releasing this report.

It goes back to everything is Bush's fault. The Dems are implying President Bush could be guilty of war crimes and want to use this as a bargaining position against threats to impeach the non-natural born citizen Obama for his unConstitutional presidential directive overreach.

More simply put, "You get our guy, we'll get your guy".

A narrative that might make more sense if the report didn't say that Bush wasn't informed of the tactics while they were occuring.

But hey, don't let a little detail like that interrupt your latest conspiracy.
Bush and Obama were both cut from the same stone, as far as support for the patriot act and such are concerned.
A failed Democrat senate and president are trying to get off their last feeble shot at Bush with a highly partisan report. Calling it a swan song is far too poetic for unadulterated swill borne of desperation.
As far as I'm concerned they can waterboard every Muslim out there. I could give shit one because any of our captured will get far worse than waterboarding.

Those lovely Muslims do nothing to rein in the jihadist brothers so they are as guilty as the dirtbag jihadists.

Hell. I'm equal opportunity. Hope they waterboard them all.
A failed Democrat senate and president are trying to get off their last feeble shot at Bush with a highly partisan report. Calling it a swan song is far too poetic for unadulterated swill borne of desperation.
The Bush presidency was failed but not Obama.
As far as I'm concerned they can waterboard every Muslim out there. I could give shit one because any of our captured will get far worse than waterboarding.

Those lovely Muslims do nothing to rein in the jihadist brothers so they are as guilty as the dirtbag jihadists.

Hell. I'm equal opportunity. Hope they waterboard them all.
Are you and Hannity going to test it out soon, big mouth.
Once again RW'nger you make a post knowing you are only telling half the truth.
We may have stopped doing these actions ourselves, but we continue to send them to other countries that do.
It wasn't just that Bush tortured suspects, it was that refused to obey congress when the McCain Amendment became law. AND it is a reminder that the Democrat-controlled 110th Congress didn't do anything about it.

In other words, he is reminding the incoming congress of the precedent(s) that have been set for executive activism, and congressional inaction to such.

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