Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

I have a friend who's a marine.

He was waterboarded. He said it was uncomfortable but a long way from torture as far as he was concerned.

Guess he should know since he experienced it.

So the CIA was expecting to get information by merely making a suspect "uncomfortable"? Sort of like having a hemorrhoid?
I have a friend who's a marine.

He was waterboarded. He said it was uncomfortable but a long way from torture as far as he was concerned.

Guess he should know since he experienced it.
Uh huh....I'm sure he was acting tough for you....everyone I know who went thru SERE said that, while their thinking mind knew it would end shortly, their emotional mind and body were convinced they were going to die.
I have a friend who's a marine.

He was waterboarded. He said it was uncomfortable but a long way from torture as far as he was concerned.

Guess he should know since he experienced it.
Another point....do you think that suspected terrorists are waterboarded because it makes them "uncomfortable"?

WOW Now you think everyone should give a shit about your "suspected" terrorists??

Sorry to disappoint but my give a shit meter pegs at 0.

But your bullshit meter is at 10.
I have a friend who's a marine.

He was waterboarded. He said it was uncomfortable but a long way from torture as far as he was concerned.

Guess he should know since he experienced it.
Another point....do you think that suspected terrorists are waterboarded because it makes them "uncomfortable"?

Yeah....The CIA agents made sure the suspect at least said, "Ewwwww....." before they stopped.
I have a friend who's a marine.

He was waterboarded. He said it was uncomfortable but a long way from torture as far as he was concerned.

Guess he should know since he experienced it.
Uh huh....I'm sure he was acting tough for you....everyone I know who went thru SERE said that, while their thinking mind knew it would end shortly, their emotional mind and body were convinced they were going to die.
I have a friend who's a marine.

He was waterboarded. He said it was uncomfortable but a long way from torture as far as he was concerned.

Guess he should know since he experienced it.
Another point....do you think that suspected terrorists are waterboarded because it makes them "uncomfortable"?

WOW Now you think everyone should give a shit about your "suspected" terrorists??

Sorry to disappoint but my give a shit meter pegs at 0.

But your bullshit meter is at 10.

Yup. I know bullshit when I hear it and all you nuts who have a problem with waterboarding are full of shit.
I have a friend who's a marine.

He was waterboarded. He said it was uncomfortable but a long way from torture as far as he was concerned.

Guess he should know since he experienced it.
EXCLUSIVE Waterboarding Too Dangerous Internal DoD Memo Reveals

The Clare memo stated, in part:
3. Area of Concern: The JPRA official stance is that the water board should not be used as a physical pressure during Level C SERE training. This position is based on factors that have the potential to affect not only students but also the whole DoD SERE program. The way the water board is most often employed, it leaves students psychologically defeated with no ability to resist under pressure. Once a student is taught that they can be beaten, and there is no way to resist, it is difficult to develop psychological hardiness. None of the other schools use the water board that leaves the San Diego school as a standout.
In an attachment to Colonel Clare’s memo, "Observations and Recommendations," JPRA indicates that the waterboard technique as used in the SERE schools is "inconsistent" with the JPRA philosophy that its training and procedures be "safe, effective" and provides "a positive learning experience."
The water board has always been the most extreme pressure that required intense supervision and oversight because of the inherent risks associated with its employment…. Forcing answers under the extreme duress of the water board does not teach resistance or resilience, but teaches that you can be beaten. When a student’s ability to develop psychological resiliency is compromised… it may create unintended consequences regarding their perception of survivability during a real world SERE event. Based on these concerns and the risks associated with using the water board, we strongly recommend that you discontinue using it
Water Boarding got results and I'm dead right on that one.

Of course I don't consider water boarding torture so, you may be right. LOL
Yours is an errant minority opinion that illustrates the contempt for the rule of law common to most on the right.

Rule of law doesn't play any part in terrorists attacks there idiot.

Terrorist could care less about your rule of law.
This, boys and girls, is what is known as the Two Wrongs Make A Right Wing Nazi argument.

Nope. That right there is someone who knows the difference between actual torture and water boardiing.

Tell everyone all about your water boarding experience.


As soon as you tell everyone about yours. I mean its torture in your mind and you should be more than happy to let everyone know how you were tortured.

In other words you don't even begin to know what you're talking about.

Guess you don't know what the hell your talking about since you've never experienced waterboarding either. Idiot.

Well then riddle me this professor: If water boarding isn't torture why were Japanese officers hanged for doing exactly that? They water boarded American POWs, they were tried for war crimes, specifically the use of water boarding as a method of torture, and hanged. I wonder what could have changed since then? When did the definition of torture change? And by the way....are you just a little too slow to understand why your Marine friend had to endure this kind of training? Got any ideas about that? Any at all?
From the report:

"CIA's use of such techniques as sleep deprivation,..."

That 'torture' technique was used at Waco.

So Clinton and Reno tortured American citizens.
I have a friend who's a marine.

He was waterboarded. He said it was uncomfortable but a long way from torture as far as he was concerned.

Guess he should know since he experienced it.
Maybe you and Sean Hannity should try it and find out for sure.
Libs are pathetic. More people died during the riots in Ferguson than died at the hands of our interrogators.

I wonder if any of those terrorists died at the hands of interrogators at all. Thats why a doctor is on site at all those interrogations so none of those dirtbags kick the bucket.
Libs are pathetic. More people died during the riots in Ferguson than died at the hands of our interrogators.
So many extremist right wingnut liars around here. Do you think anyone believes your "stats".

There is always the possibility that some of these people actually believe what they say. It seems unlikely but some of them might be more stupid than they are dishonest.
Here's my take on the real objectives on releasing this report.

It goes back to everything is Bush's fault. The Dems are implying President Bush could be guilty of war crimes and want to use this as a bargaining position against threats to impeach the non-natural born citizen Obama for his unConstitutional presidential directive overreach.

More simply put, "You get our guy, we'll get your guy".
Here's my take on the real objectives on releasing this report.

It goes back to everything is Bush's fault. The Dems are implying President Bush could be guilty of war crimes and want to use this as a bargaining position against threats to impeach the non-natural born citizen Obama for his unConstitutional presidential directive overreach.

More simply put, "You get our guy, we'll get your guy".

A worms eye view in a nutshell.
The Jewess Feinstein should be brought on charges for treason, and given the MAXIMUM punishment under the law for releasing this in order to damage America putting our people in jeopardy abroad.
I have a friend who's a marine.

He was waterboarded. He said it was uncomfortable but a long way from torture as far as he was concerned.

Guess he should know since he experienced it.
Uh huh....I'm sure he was acting tough for you....everyone I know who went thru SERE said that, while their thinking mind knew it would end shortly, their emotional mind and body were convinced they were going to die.
I have a friend who's a marine.

He was waterboarded. He said it was uncomfortable but a long way from torture as far as he was concerned.

Guess he should know since he experienced it.
Another point....do you think that suspected terrorists are waterboarded because it makes them "uncomfortable"?

WOW Now you think everyone should give a shit about your "suspected" terrorists??

Sorry to disappoint but my give a shit meter pegs at 0.
And if, someday, YOU or someone you care for, is a "suspected" terrorist in the eyes of the authorities?

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