Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

The Jewess Feinstein should be brought on charges for treason, and given the MAXIMUM punishment under the law for releasing this in order to damage America putting our people in jeopardy abroad.

Dismissed from serious discussion.
No that would be the Senate Report. Which its opponents don't even argue is inaccurate. They argue that it should remain secret because the information could be used by our enemies for recruiting.
We're long past that. They've recruited already knowing we tortured. They recruited off of Abu Graib, also. And GITMO.
I have a friend who's a marine.

He was waterboarded. He said it was uncomfortable but a long way from torture as far as he was concerned.

Guess he should know since he experienced it.
Uh huh....I'm sure he was acting tough for you....everyone I know who went thru SERE said that, while their thinking mind knew it would end shortly, their emotional mind and body were convinced they were going to die.
I have a friend who's a marine.

He was waterboarded. He said it was uncomfortable but a long way from torture as far as he was concerned.

Guess he should know since he experienced it.
Another point....do you think that suspected terrorists are waterboarded because it makes them "uncomfortable"?

WOW Now you think everyone should give a shit about your "suspected" terrorists??

Sorry to disappoint but my give a shit meter pegs at 0.

But your bullshit meter is at 10.

Yup. I know bullshit when I hear it and all you nuts who have a problem with waterboarding are full of shit.
So...our government executed people for war crimes for waterboarding but you don't have a problem with it.

You stated that waterboarding only makes a person "uncomfortable"....so what's the point of doing it? Do you think a suspect will confess or give info if they are made "uncomfortable"?

What do you think the real purpose of waterboarding is? And is it effective?

Anything else you willingly sell your soul over?
Water Boarding got results and I'm dead right on that one.

Of course I don't consider water boarding torture so, you may be right. LOL
You're wrong. Cite an example.
I will. We used it on Khalid Shaikh Mohammed.


In March 2007, through the use of enhanced interrogation techniques, Mohammed confessed to masterminding the September 11 attacks, the Richard Reid shoe bombing attempt to blow up an airliner, the Bali nightclub bombing in Indonesia, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the murder ofDaniel Pearl, and various foiled attacks, as well as numerous other crimes
Libs are pathetic. More people died during the riots in Ferguson than died at the hands of our interrogators.
How do you know that to be a fact? Do you have a list of all the people who have been in the "hands of our interrogators"?
Water Boarding got results and I'm dead right on that one.

Of course I don't consider water boarding torture so, you may be right. LOL
You're wrong. Cite an example.
I will. We used it on Khalid Shaikh Mohammed.

In March 2007, through the use of enhanced interrogation techniques, Mohammed confessed to masterminding the September 11 attacks, the Richard Reid shoe bombing attempt to blow up an airliner, the Bali nightclub bombing in Indonesia, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the murder ofDaniel Pearl, and various foiled attacks, as well as numerous other crimes
False. All of that info was extracted before he was ever waterboarded.

Water Boarding got results and I'm dead right on that one.

Of course I don't consider water boarding torture so, you may be right. LOL
You're wrong. Cite an example.
I will. We used it on Khalid Shaikh Mohammed.

In March 2007, through the use of enhanced interrogation techniques, Mohammed confessed to masterminding the September 11 attacks, the Richard Reid shoe bombing attempt to blow up an airliner, the Bali nightclub bombing in Indonesia, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the murder ofDaniel Pearl, and various foiled attacks, as well as numerous other crimes
False. All of that info was extracted before he was ever waterboarded.

I have a friend who's a marine.

He was waterboarded. He said it was uncomfortable but a long way from torture as far as he was concerned.

Guess he should know since he experienced it.
Maybe you and Sean Hannity should try it and find out for sure.

I'd pay real money to see that.
As would I. Same for Hannity, who promised to get waterboarded for charity YEARS ago, and has yet to pony up. I guess he doesn't want to feel "uncomfortable" for the troops.
Water Boarding got results and I'm dead right on that one.

Of course I don't consider water boarding torture so, you may be right. LOL
You're wrong. Cite an example.
I will. We used it on Khalid Shaikh Mohammed.


In March 2007, through the use of enhanced interrogation techniques, Mohammed confessed to masterminding the September 11 attacks, the Richard Reid shoe bombing attempt to blow up an airliner, the Bali nightclub bombing in Indonesia, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the murder ofDaniel Pearl, and various foiled attacks, as well as numerous other crimes
Like the kidnap of the Limburgh baby, Pearl Harbor, and the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa.
Water Boarding got results and I'm dead right on that one.

Of course I don't consider water boarding torture so, you may be right. LOL
You're wrong. Cite an example.
I will. We used it on Khalid Shaikh Mohammed.


In March 2007, through the use of enhanced interrogation techniques, Mohammed confessed to masterminding the September 11 attacks, the Richard Reid shoe bombing attempt to blow up an airliner, the Bali nightclub bombing in Indonesia, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the murder ofDaniel Pearl, and various foiled attacks, as well as numerous other crimes
Like the kidnap of the Limburgh baby, Pearl Harbor, and the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa.
You tell me!
As far as Obama is concerned, he should join him there. How many lines has he crossed, perchance?
I don't know. How many? We know Fast and Furious never happened and even Republicans said about Benghazi? No blame.

What's left?

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