Obama throws Wes Clark under the bus

Do you excuse child molestors because society represses them....?Adult educated men choose the life of a priest....nobody is forcing them...Do you understand this.... or do you believe that you are a helpless moron when it comes to acting/not acting upon your sexual urges....?

apparently those priest (even wit god's help - lol) weren't able to overcome those urges.

now personally the doeton is that strong...course then again i haven't had to fight my urges....is that why they call you the screaming eagle?

but more to the point it is good that you brought up them wingnut catholics.

because it does speak to the safety of children. who would want to place their kids in some organization where the adults are practising some unnatural repression?

end up with republican senators trying to come onto guys in the airports...or get it on with pages...

repression just doesn't work..

it's fine with me if you want to try it...i respect someone not wanting to subject their children to people living in denial.
apparently those priest (even wit god's help - lol) weren't able to overcome those urges.

now personally the doeton is that strong...course then again i haven't had to fight my urges....is that why they call you the screaming eagle?

but more to the point it is good that you brought up them wingnut catholics.

because it does speak to the safety of children. who would want to place their kids in some organization where the adults are practising some unnatural repression?

end up with republican senators trying to come onto guys in the airports...or get it on with pages...

repression just doesn't work..

it's fine with me if you want to try it...i respect someone not wanting to subject their children to people living in denial.

Apparently they weren't able. Those priests were homosexual pedophiles. Those with aberrant sexual urges seem unable to contain themselves…

Thus I think it's pretty obvious that you don't put homosexuals in charge of boys… just like you generally don't put heterosexual men alone in charge of girls….like on overnight camping trips.

Why is it idiot liberals continue to place political ideology above the safety of children?
"I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence." Richard Dawkins

I always thought Dawkins was a loon. Seriously, most of science especially the THEORY (not fact yet) of evolution is unproven, there is nothing we can look at to see if life began as a big bang, (highly unlikely) or from another species and planet, which only moves the arguement to another location, from whence did life begin? Therefore the THEORY of evolution is as vague as is religion. I can't see the "THEORY" of evolution, therefore I must take it on "faith".

However, a lot of science has been proved as fact. No religion has (well, the tenets of those religions who state there is a god)
Yes, he won the war in the Balkans without losing a single American soldier.

You call what happened in the Balkans a win?

Clintons Apache Bluff, was one of the worst moments of his administration. Made us look like a bunch of fools.

he would have the world believe, a helicopter designed to be flown from nearly anywhere, needed steel runways to fly and could not operate with out its MLRS support. Was a real joke. We never intended to send them in, everyone involved in that knew it at the time. It was a very poor bluff.

I am not sure why everyone Faults clark for the Russian thing. That was one of the few things I agreed with. Should have told them mofo s to go the hell home. I still wonder why we keep sending Russia money, while they keep poking us in the eye.

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apparently those priest (even wit god's help - lol) weren't able to overcome those urges.

now personally the doeton is that strong...course then again i haven't had to fight my urges....is that why they call you the screaming eagle?

but more to the point it is good that you brought up them wingnut catholics.

because it does speak to the safety of children. who would want to place their kids in some organization where the adults are practising some unnatural repression?

end up with republican senators trying to come onto guys in the airports...or get it on with pages...

repression just doesn't work..

it's fine with me if you want to try it...i respect someone not wanting to subject their children to people living in denial.
So what percentage of priests out of all of them in the world molested kids? Give me the stats, cause you imply that ALL priests do this. I would be willing to bet that the percentage is far lower than the percent of some other groups. You also seem to think that only republicans do those things of which you post; is that true? Of course NO democrat would ever be a felon, a molester, a rapist or a gay guy in a bathroom right?

It wasn't being a priest that made those men do what they did; it was being a pedophile and it's well documented that they gravitate to jobs that will allow them closer contact with kids, especially boys ie. altar boys??? The Church needed to investigate people more before allowing them to become priests and then respond quickly, publically and severely when the acts were realized. Don't be another ignorant fool who only blames people of one party affiliation; so very juvenile.
apparently those priest (even wit god's help - lol) weren't able to overcome those urges.

now personally the doeton is that strong...course then again i haven't had to fight my urges....is that why they call you the screaming eagle?

but more to the point it is good that you brought up them wingnut catholics.

because it does speak to the safety of children. who would want to place their kids in some organization where the adults are practising some unnatural repression?

end up with republican senators trying to come onto guys in the airports...or get it on with pages...

repression just doesn't work..

it's fine with me if you want to try it...i respect someone not wanting to subject their children to people living in denial.
apparently those priest (even wit god's help - lol)

I don't find that funny at all. I find it offensive. Even if one dislikes Catholic priests, to "laugh" (LOL) at all about this is offensive. And more so including God in your LOL. If YOU do not respect the belief in God you might at least respect other's opinions. I'm new here but you are rude and crude but I guess you know that and think it's witty and makes you look oh so "cool"? Give me a break.
apparently those priest (even wit god's help - lol)

I don't find that funny at all. I find it offensive. Even if one dislikes Catholic priests, to "laugh" (LOL) at all about this is offensive. And more so including God in your LOL. If YOU do not respect the belief in God you might at least respect other's opinions. I'm new here but you are rude and crude but I guess you know that and think it's witty and makes you look oh so "cool"? Give me a break.

Your criticism would be more valid if you didn't express the same type of scorn to the beliefs of others.

Just sayin...
Well I am glad you can read the Democrat Talking points.

Just because Obama and the Dems say McCain is running for Bush 3, does not make it so. Stop being such a lemming man. McCain is not Bush, not even close.


Where do you see significant difference in policy, Charles?
Likewise he's too old.

oh too old? To run this country? Does the president run the country alone? No, there is something called the Senate and the House.

I guess those people who say McCain is just too old, that dementia is settting in are right. They must be because look at some others in that age group. Harry Reid. OMG, he's only three years younger than McCain, so is Pelosi, "Boxer, and of all of them Kennedy is four years OLDER than McCain. Don't even mention Robert Byrd. And these people are making law, deciding our fate? Perhaps we should eliminate all persons over the age of 50 from taking on public office?

Yes, they're all too old, too.

Of course that's ridiculous but I use it to make a point; don't forget our supremes either, those people that think they are to make law from the bench now....Ginsburg is 75, she's antique.......even more so Sandra Day O'Connor at age 78. Think about it, Thurgood Marshall was 83 when his time was over. These people must have been/are blithering idiots if one accepts the idea that 72 is too old to be prez. What are they doing making decisions for us "young'uns"......they are out of touch out of time .......right?

Yes, they should be driven from office as well.

We put enormous power into the hands of people who are likely already suffering from dementia, who are out of touch with their world and who can do enormous damage before we even know that they're no longer qualified.

You're catching on, Who.

When people hit 65 or 70 (the actual age is debatable, I suppose) its time for them to give the reins of power to the next generation.

As much as I admire the elder statesmen, I do not want them in positions of power, I want them as advisors to those in power.

As to the office of POTUS?

It requires an enormous amount of strength to do the job right, otherwise the POTUS ends up not really on top of things and then his staff ends up running the show.

McCain is TOO old to run for POTUS, in my opinion.
Yes, they're all too old, too.

Yes, they should be driven from office as well.

We put enormous power into the hands of people who are likely already suffering from dementia, who are out of touch with their world and who can do enormous damage before we even know that they're no longer qualified.

You're catching on, Who.

When people hit 65 or 70 (the actual age is debatable, I suppose) its time for them to give the reins of power to the next generation.

As much as I admire the elder statesmen, I do not want them in positions of power, I want them as advisors to those in power.

As to the office of POTUS?

It requires an enormous amount of strength to do the job right, otherwise the POTUS ends up not really on top of things and then his staff ends up running the show.

McCain is TOO old to run for POTUS, in my opinion.

I suppose then that the Constitution should be changed to add age maximums to those running for office. that might be a great idea.
I suppose then that the Constitution should be changed to add age maximums to those running for office. that might be a great idea.

Well that's one solution, I suppose.

A better solution is for people just to recognize when someone is so long in the tooth that asking them to take on a position which requires enormous vitality is a truly dumb idea.
Well that's one solution, I suppose.

A better solution is for people just to recognize when someone is so long in the tooth that asking them to take on a position which requires enormous vitality is a truly dumb idea.

I don't think age itself should be a disqualifier. Not everyone in their seventies and above is addled. McCain seems to be to an extent, but that could easily be judged on its own.
I don't think age itself should be a disqualifier. Not everyone in their seventies and above is addled. McCain seems to be to an extent, but that could easily be judged on its own.

Although I do not agree that McCain seems vital enough, I understand that others do.

But the thing about aging is that it often comes on rather suddenly and the changes that can and often do occur between 70 and 74 are very dramatic.

Right now, some 70 year old may look spry enough, but remember he's about to take on a job that wears people out at a furious rate, and he's ALREADY pretty worn out already.
Although I do not agree that McCain seems vital enough, I understand that others do.

But the thing about aging is that it often comes on rather suddenly and the changes that can and often do occur between 70 and 74 are very dramatic.

Right now, some 70 year old may look spry enough, but remember he's about to take on a job that wears people out at a furious rate, and he's ALREADY pretty worn out already.

Oh, I don't think he seems vital enough. I'm just saying, he should be disqualified for that, not just his age. Maybe we should make them take competency tests. But then that would lead to making voters take competency tests before they cast their votes...while it would disqualify a lot of Republicans, I'm not sure it would be quite constitutional.

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