Obama To Allow Mt. McKinley Name Change

A miner called it Mt. Mckinley after the president at the time, and it stuck. It was never official.
Natives have always called it Denali.
McKinley wasn't even president at the time, he was /running/ for presidency. The miner was also a news reporter in New York who shared McKinley's political beliefs regarding the gold standard over the silver standard - he wrote a piece about the beauty of the area etc in the paper there when he returned. They actually only named the area McKinley National Park something like 16 years after McKinley's assassination. The mountain's name "McKinley" was used in the lower 48 because of the article. As far as I know there is no like "official" naming of the mountain on record, it just kind of developed that way.
Meanwhile; the little tin god is going to stop in California on his way back, to pick up a few hundred million from the Hollywood elite. While there, he will rename Mt. Baldy to "Mt. Follicular Impaired."

Mt. Wilson, named for Progressive Fabian Woodrow Wilson, will be renamed to Montaña de la Reconquista.
Mt Wilson was named after Benjamin Davis Wilson....as is Mt Wilson Observatory....
It's nice that the folks in Alaska have the name of their mountain back, although to me Denali sounds like a mental condition the Democrats have with their view of reality.
Maybe you Obots can set a shrine of him at the top of it. happy hiking to your Messiah

to make it more significant, the :asshole: should go to the peak to rename it.., then fall to bottom covered by several hundred feet of snow. :up:

you have to love how router rooters writes this puff piece on it as if it's something major and important. so freaking sick of the man. everything he touches turns to shit
I take it you have been touched.
It was ORIGINALLY named Denali.

Just because the prospector discovered gold and staked a claim doesn't necessarily give him the right to rename the mountain.
There's an easy solution for the kooks who are demanding that everything now be named after their newfound hero McKinley. Just start re-renaming whatever the kooks have recently renamed "Reagan" to "McKinley".

Oh, nice work, Republicans. You hadn't lost every single native American vote before. Now you have. Mission accomplished. Are there any minorities left that you're not scoring near zero with?
There's an easy solution for the kooks who are demanding that everything now be named after their newfound hero McKinley. Just start re-renaming whatever the kooks have recently renamed "Reagan" to "McKinley".

Oh, nice work, Republicans. You hadn't lost every single native American vote before. Now you have. Mission accomplished. Are there any minorities left that you're not scoring near zero with?
Better question is, why must minorities segregate themselves and vote lockstep democrat?

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