Obama To Allow Mt. McKinley Name Change

It's not liberals you morons... Republican Alaskan's have wanted it to be called Denali.

We're not talking about Natives, we're talking about White, American, Republicans who think Denali is a way better name for a thousand reasons. McKinley was never up here, we have zero ties to the man, Denali speaks to the place far better than some assassinated president, it's better for our pocket books via tourism, and it also shows the respect we Alaskan's have developed over the years with "our" Alaska Natives (they're not Eskimo's, we have something like 250 different "flavor's" of Natives up here, all different and unique.) Unlike all the racist fucks in the lower 48, Alaska strives to respect and celebrate /all/ people of our state, /all/ Americans in our state - not just whites, part of why we have one of the most diverse cities in the country. We sure as hell don't want to play stupid political games, we're kind of no nonsense about bullshit like that.

We overwhelmingly want that name changed and Ohio should not have the loophole ability to dictate their bullshit over our state rights. If you can't see that, then you are no fucking Republican in my opinion.

I mean seriously, you sure you want to open that kind of can? I mean I could easily see Alaska arguing that North Dakota and Texas have far too easy a time competing with us for oil profit money - make their shit national parks and reserves so they can jump through the same fucking bullshit hoops we have to.
Maybe Alaska should follow Florida's lead and just go ahead and use the old name on map registries. Eventually the Kennedy's conceded and agreed with the change back to Cape Canaveral.
Aboriginals don't get to name things. They likely didn't file paperwork to register that Eskimo name. It is dubbed McKinley and has papers.

It was more than just "aboriginals" that initiated the name-change 40 years ago, unless you think the Alaska Board of Geographic Names is just made up of "aboriginals".
It's not liberals you morons... Republican Alaskan's have wanted it to be called Denali.

We're not talking about Natives, we're talking about White, American, Republicans who think Denali is a way better name for a thousand reasons. McKinley was never up here, we have zero ties to the man, Denali speaks to the place far better than some assassinated president, it's better for our pocket books via tourism, and it also shows the respect we Alaskan's have developed over the years with "our" Alaska Natives (they're not Eskimo's, we have something like 250 different "flavor's" of Natives up here, all different and unique.) Unlike all the racist fucks in the lower 48, Alaska strives to respect and celebrate /all/ people of our state, /all/ Americans in our state - not just whites, part of why we have one of the most diverse cities in the country. We sure as hell don't want to play stupid political games, we're kind of no nonsense about bullshit like that.

We overwhelmingly want that name changed and Ohio should not have the loophole ability to dictate their bullshit over our state rights. If you can't see that, then you are no fucking Republican in my opinion.

I mean seriously, you sure you want to open that kind of can? I mean I could easily see Alaska arguing that North Dakota and Texas have far too easy a time competing with us for oil profit money - make their shit national parks and reserves so they can jump through the same fucking bullshit hoops we have to.
Maybe Alaska should follow Florida's lead and just go ahead and use the old name on map registries. Eventually the Kennedy's conceded and agreed with the change back to Cape Canaveral.

Actually we have been, from the beginning, even as far back as 1913 those who /lived/ here, not the prospectors who came up, called it Denali. Thing is, Ohio was filibustering though a stupid loophole so we couldn't get it officially changed, would never have been able to. Ohio pride superseded on the legal front.

Still it's Denali to us, always has been, always would have been regardless of what was on lower 48 records.
Oh, hey, here's another one:

Ex-Ohio Congressman On Mt. McKinley: Obama 'Thinks He Is A Dictator!'

Just love this butthurt, I tell ya!


Congressman Regula was behind the effort to hinder the name change for the last four decades. I was wondering when he would weigh in on the topic. Too funny.

I'm surprised he waited so long to type up his "moving" argument... Has almost as much bullshit weight as all his petitions to prevent our request to change the name lol
States Rights, we have been trying to rename it since 1975. Case fucking closed!
Obama doesn't give a shit what you wanted. He's doing it because he thinks he's the fucking King.

LOL.....this is more amusing than watching retarded conservatives hit each other with chairs.

The meltdown continues- how dare President Obama respect the wishes of the citizens of Alaska! How dare he!
He didn't rename it, he let it go back to its real name
as far as Boehner goes, if it deeply disappointed him then Im really happy, now the jerk off feels what the rest of the country feels for him.
The renaming is less of an issue than the arrogant decrees and the disingenuous political motivation.
Obama is a political whore narcissist anti-American.

You've used up your daily allotment of meltdowns. Chill, Winston.

There is nothing 'political' here.
It's entirely political, Mr. Shill.

Yep- Obama is going for those 3 Electoral votes for his third term...........LOL......
McKinley wasn't even President when the name was changed from the original Denali to McKinley, he was a candidate who had one of his platforms to keep the U.S. on the gold standard.

When the prospector discovered gold on the mountain, he re-named it McKinley in honor of the candidate who promised to keep the U.S. on the gold standard.

The locals decided in 1975 that they wanted the original name restored, and have been fighting hard since then.

I'm glad they finally got the name change they wanted.
Congressman Regula was behind the effort to hinder the name change for the last four decades. I was wondering when he would weigh in on the topic. Too funny.
Now there's a case for term limits.

Despite Regula's silly crusade concerning the mountain he was actually a damn good Congressman overall and a very good Representative for his district. He was widely popular as well. The main reason he hindered the name change is b/c McKinley was born in his district.
It's not liberals you morons... Republican Alaskan's have wanted it to be called Denali.

We're not talking about Natives, we're talking about White, American, Republicans who think Denali is a way better name for a thousand reasons. McKinley was never up here, we have zero ties to the man, Denali speaks to the place far better than some assassinated president, it's better for our pocket books via tourism, and it also shows the respect we Alaskan's have developed over the years with "our" Alaska Natives (they're not Eskimo's, we have something like 250 different "flavor's" of Natives up here, all different and unique.) Unlike all the racist fucks in the lower 48, Alaska strives to respect and celebrate /all/ people of our state, /all/ Americans in our state - not just whites, part of why we have one of the most diverse cities in the country. We sure as hell don't want to play stupid political games, we're kind of no nonsense about bullshit like that.

We overwhelmingly want that name changed and Ohio should not have the loophole ability to dictate their bullshit over our state rights. If you can't see that, then you are no fucking Republican in my opinion.

I mean seriously, you sure you want to open that kind of can? I mean I could easily see Alaska arguing that North Dakota and Texas have far too easy a time competing with us for oil profit money - make their shit national parks and reserves so they can jump through the same fucking bullshit hoops we have to.
Maybe Alaska should follow Florida's lead and just go ahead and use the old name on map registries. Eventually the Kennedy's conceded and agreed with the change back to Cape Canaveral.

Actually we have been, from the beginning, even as far back as 1913 those who /lived/ here, not the prospectors who came up, called it Denali. Thing is, Ohio was filibustering though a stupid loophole so we couldn't get it officially changed, would never have been able to. Ohio pride superseded on the legal front.

Still it's Denali to us, always has been, always would have been regardless of what was on lower 48 records.
Then there is no issue and you should be able to see through Obama's stunt to apply more EPA fascism in your state.
It's not liberals you morons... Republican Alaskan's have wanted it to be called Denali.

We're not talking about Natives, we're talking about White, American, Republicans who think Denali is a way better name for a thousand reasons. McKinley was never up here, we have zero ties to the man, Denali speaks to the place far better than some assassinated president, it's better for our pocket books via tourism, and it also shows the respect we Alaskan's have developed over the years with "our" Alaska Natives (they're not Eskimo's, we have something like 250 different "flavor's" of Natives up here, all different and unique.) Unlike all the racist fucks in the lower 48, Alaska strives to respect and celebrate /all/ people of our state, /all/ Americans in our state - not just whites, part of why we have one of the most diverse cities in the country. We sure as hell don't want to play stupid political games, we're kind of no nonsense about bullshit like that.

We overwhelmingly want that name changed and Ohio should not have the loophole ability to dictate their bullshit over our state rights. If you can't see that, then you are no fucking Republican in my opinion.

I mean seriously, you sure you want to open that kind of can? I mean I could easily see Alaska arguing that North Dakota and Texas have far too easy a time competing with us for oil profit money - make their shit national parks and reserves so they can jump through the same fucking bullshit hoops we have to.
Maybe Alaska should follow Florida's lead and just go ahead and use the old name on map registries. Eventually the Kennedy's conceded and agreed with the change back to Cape Canaveral.

Actually we have been, from the beginning, even as far back as 1913 those who /lived/ here, not the prospectors who came up, called it Denali. Thing is, Ohio was filibustering though a stupid loophole so we couldn't get it officially changed, would never have been able to. Ohio pride superseded on the legal front.

Still it's Denali to us, always has been, always would have been regardless of what was on lower 48 records.
Then there is no issue and you should be able to see through Obama's stunt to apply more EPA fascism in your state.

pfft he was going to do that anyway, at least we have a prize before we go after him with our oil sticks again :p

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