Obama to announce Tuesday he will regulate existing power plants as part of climate s

You got us there..Obabble is an expert on climate change...he knows calculus....
And this will fix everything right?....
He decides this all on his lone self....
Crush the economy even more...this will directly affect my wife's family who live and work in West Va and friends of ours in Kentucky.

We drive through W Virginia going to our son's in NC, and we pass a really big coal mining community (I can't think of the name right now) and they have a big roadside sign with Obama's face on it stating "Obama No Job Zone".....that's really sad.
Crush the economy even more...this will directly affect my wife's family who live and work in West Va and friends of ours in Kentucky.

Obama started his administration with 10% unemployment, and he will end it with 10% unemployment. This policy, alone, was sufficient reason to boot him and his ilk out of the government.

So what number employment gain would you expect after the Republican sponsored worst economic failure in history.

People are so damn stupid. Let's see how much they love Obama when their electric bill goes up 300%

Versus raising rates because consumers didn't use enough electricity?
Crush the economy even more...this will directly affect my wife's family who live and work in West Va and friends of ours in Kentucky.

We drive through W Virginia going to our son's in NC, and we pass a really big coal mining community (I can't think of the name right now) and they have a big roadside sign with Obama's face on it stating "Obama No Job Zone".....that's really sad.

Nothing at all to do with the wellhead price of natural gas is at 1990's levels.
Here's some interesting math...

A single tree can absorb CO2 at a rate of 48 lb. per year.
About AEA

Planting one tree per 6'x10' space would yield 726 trees per acre.
SCFC Tree Spacing

About 37 million acres are dedicated to growing corn for ethanol.
Rising Corn Acreage Seen Failing to Meet Increased U.S. Feed, Ethanol Use - Bloomberg

If trees were planted on those ethanol corn acres, approximately 1.3 billion pounds of c02 would be absorbed each year and those trees would produce trillions of pounds of oxygen in the same time frame.
How Much Oxygen Does One Tree Produce?

Why... are we planting corn for ethanol?

We need trees, not a host of placated farmers.
Here's some interesting math...

A single tree can absorb CO2 at a rate of 48 lb. per year.
About AEA

Planting one tree per 6'x10' space would yield 726 trees per acre.
SCFC Tree Spacing

About 37 million acres are dedicated to growing corn for ethanol.
Rising Corn Acreage Seen Failing to Meet Increased U.S. Feed, Ethanol Use - Bloomberg

If trees were planted on those ethanol corn acres, approximately 1.3 billion pounds of c02 would be absorbed each year and those trees would produce trillions of pounds of oxygen in the same time frame.
How Much Oxygen Does One Tree Produce?

Why... are we planting corn for ethanol?

We need trees, not a host of placated farmers.

I agree. We should replant the forest totally to the 18th century levels. ;)
Crush the economy even more...this will directly affect my wife's family who live and work in West Va and friends of ours in Kentucky.

So what number employment gain would you expect after the Republican sponsored worst economic failure in history.

People are so damn stupid. Let's see how much they love Obama when their electric bill goes up 300%

Versus raising rates because consumers didn't use enough electricity?

5 years into Odumbass's presidency and you idiots are still trying to blame Bush? :cuckoo:
Yep. I have seen things like that in WV...its horrible up there right now.

The whale fat heating industry died
The horse mounting industry died
The steam ship and train industries died
The rock and bone tool making industries died

Some things die. Understand? They're replaced with something better.
this man is out to hurt us...how horrible can someone be to think with unemployment like it is this going to help us? he won't allow the keystone pipeline, etc etc

He doesn't give two shits about jobs for people in this country...the rabid environmentalist help get him elected so that who his allegiance it to
Nope. Not gonna happen...Odumbass will be run out of office before he destroys the rest of this country...maybe if he would get out of the fucking way and let the free market control things we would have new energy by now...
Here's some interesting math...

A single tree can absorb CO2 at a rate of 48 lb. per year.
About AEA

Planting one tree per 6'x10' space would yield 726 trees per acre.
SCFC Tree Spacing

About 37 million acres are dedicated to growing corn for ethanol.
Rising Corn Acreage Seen Failing to Meet Increased U.S. Feed, Ethanol Use - Bloomberg

If trees were planted on those ethanol corn acres, approximately 1.3 billion pounds of c02 would be absorbed each year and those trees would produce trillions of pounds of oxygen in the same time frame.
How Much Oxygen Does One Tree Produce?

Why... are we planting corn for ethanol?

We need trees, not a host of placated farmers.

I agree. We should replant the forest totally to the 18th century levels. ;)

WTF are you blabbering about?

I hope his PLAN hurts you people THE MOST who put this idiot Ideolouge in the whitehouse..

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He wants to destroy coal! He wants to make it uneconomical so renewables can take over.
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Obama to announce Tuesday he will regulate existing power plants as part of climate strategy
Obama to announce Tuesday he will regulate existing power plants as part of climate strategy

By Juliet Eilperin, Published: June 22, 2013 at 3:00 pmE-mail the writer

President Obama will announce Tuesday in a speech at Georgetown University that he plans to regulate greenhouse-gas emissions from existing power plants, according to individuals who have been briefed on the plan but asked not to be identified.

In a statement Saturday afternoon sent via the White House Twitter feed, Obama said that he plans to fulfill the pledge he made in his second inaugural address to “respond to the growing threat of climate change for the sake of our children and future generations.”

YAY, He's going to KILL dirty coal and OIL. Let us replace this with millions of wind, solar, thermal and wave energy plants. Of course we could add some more nuclear!!!!

We shouldn't have to breath bad air anymore!

Hey, all you dumbshit Obama bootlickers:

Who you gonna blame when your electricity rates skyrocket?

Because you sure as hell won't blame Obama.

No one should be making money off of making people breath bad air. ;)

We're doing pretty good but we can do a little bit better on that. Agree?

Yes, but it's insanely fucking stupid to turn off what we have now before there's anything that can replace it.

Wind and solar are nothing but unicorns farting rainbows.
No one should be making money off of making people breath bad air. ;)

We're doing pretty good but we can do a little bit better on that. Agree?

60 percent of all current electrical power in the States comes from greenhouse gas emitting power sources. Care to explain what will replace them? And how that will occur by Tuesday?

Add another 10% on nuclear
3% to 10% on wind
Thermal can be a big part of it
Wave. Yes use the ocean!

We could easily cut out coal and oil within electric generation.


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