obama to Attack Syria without congressional approval

obama to Attack Syria without congressional approval

wow obama needs to be impeached. The nerve of these people to be so bold as to circumvent the Constitution
Looks like you’ve got another one of your ‘judge disqualified Obama in Georgia’ threads.

Did you watch the video?
Another nail in the Obama presidency. When is enough enough?

I personally wish we would attack Assad. But the right way. It would end Syrian support for Hezbollah. Lebanon could be freed.

Interesting proposal, but I have a better one.......................let's not do anything you just suggested. Instead, can we please leave that shit hole part of the world to their own devices, so they can kill each other off and we can save our troops the time, money, effort, and bloodshed on our part.

We would do exactly that except for one thing: oil

As long as this country remains hooked on oil, we will be in the Middle East.
We haven't always been in the middle east.
This is just another reason why these people have to be voted out. To go against the constitution is enough to remove him and all those in washington like him. I have never in all my life seen a worse administration. Anyone that would vote for this administration again, is going to keep us in the worse shape ever!!!!! I pray the voters help all of us by voting them all out.
Is anyone really surprised. More war from the left and no one really speaking out against it when war before warranted calling Bush an evil Nazi. Not hypocritical at all.

Bush had a congress that was not bent on sabotaging him in every way big and small no matter the consequences, if they were not twisting their constitutional duty into a partisan attack on anything and everything the president wants there would be no need to leave their obstructionist asses in the dust. Republicans are not going go against their party's mission to destroy the president for any reason so fuck-em. Let them have their continual temper tantrums in the corner, the adults have important business.

Congress is congress to use the military a president must seeking congressional approval if the action is to take more than 60 days. obama has yet to get congressional approval and I don't think he will here either.
you are so pathetically stupid, it defies explanation.

That is NOT what the War Powers Act says. It says...
Obama misses deadline for congressional approval of Libya operations - The Washington Post
Under the Nixon-era War Powers Resolution, the president must obtain congressional authorization of military action within 60 days or else begin withdrawing forces.
It says NOTHING about the length of the military action.


bump to remind Big of his lies and stupidity
Not if Congress hold's to the oath they took, it's not numbingly stupid and self defeating. However it is numbingly stupid and self defeating to allow a president to go outside the restraints of the Constitution.

For fucks sake dude. What the hell is wrong with you?!

Do you have ANY FUCKING IDEA what an impeachment procedure would do to the conservative cause for the next decade?

Your hatred is COMPLETELY blinding you. Calm the fuck down and focus your energy on November where his ousting won't cost us votes for the next damn decade.
So we allow the little dictator to do anything he wishes?

If congress has a problem with this they have tools to deal with it that don't require us shooting ourselves in the head. Relax
Another nail in the Obama presidency. When is enough enough?

I personally wish we would attack Assad. But the right way. It would end Syrian support for Hezbollah. Lebanon could be freed.

Yeah, let's spend another trillion dollars "freeing" some other country that will just turn around and keep doing business as usual as soon as we turn our backs.

Interesting proposal, but I have a better one.......................let's not do anything you just suggested. Instead, can we please leave that shit hole part of the world to their own devices, so they can kill each other off and we can save our troops the time, money, effort, and bloodshed on our part.

I'll give Bush's war in Iraq credit for one thing, I no longer give a flying fuck what happens in the middle east. That part of the world has been a fucked up blood bath since the beginning of recorded history. And for us to think we can go over there and change that by force is the highest level of arrogance I've ever seen in my life.

While I agree with nearly all of your post I think its simply too dangerous to ignore them. It's kinda like a crack in your foundation. Sooner or later it will cause you major problems. Those idiots need to be kept in check. Not occupied but watched and delt with when appropriate.

Fixing one crack doesn't mean shit when it's surrounded by more cracks, and on an unstable foundation to begin with.
For fucks sake dude. What the hell is wrong with you?!

Do you have ANY FUCKING IDEA what an impeachment procedure would do to the conservative cause for the next decade?

Your hatred is COMPLETELY blinding you. Calm the fuck down and focus your energy on November where his ousting won't cost us votes for the next damn decade.
So we allow the little dictator to do anything he wishes?

If congress has a problem with this they have tools to deal with it that don't require us shooting ourselves in the head. Relax

Don't forget it was congress that allowed the dictator the opportunity to sign the NDAA into law.
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Obama is following the law under the WPA.

If you're claiming that the WPA is unconstitutional, that's a different story. But as long as no one takes the WPA to the Supreme Court (which they won't, because both parties like that power), talk of "impeachment" is nonsense.
Obama is following the law under the WPA.

If you're claiming that the WPA is unconstitutional, that's a different story. But as long as no one takes the WPA to the Supreme Court (which they won't, because both parties like that power), talk of "impeachment" is nonsense.

I suppose you never listen to actually what was said? Before you make another god damn comment listening to the fucking video.

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