obama to Attack Syria without congressional approval

Then check out the fake shock and outrage on Sessions' part on that clip. Does anyone on this board think for a second that jackass embarrassment to his state is the least bit ignorant of the process of waging a diplomatically legal war? Did anyone actually buy that? Right there will be the basis for denying the president another almost certain military success to run on in Nov and for no other reason.

Do you often give away Obama's secrets? Really? This is precisely WHY he engages in warfare, isn't it? Merely to look tough for the cameras and to get votes.

Two Problems?

1. Nobel Peace Prize (Given to him for merely being Immacculated),


2. Those against WAR on the left might have problems will they not?

(Not to mention HE is going around the Congress...again...):eusa_shhh::eusa_whistle:

1. He didn't campaign for the Nobel, all that is on the Nobel committee, they can give it to whoever they want for whatever reason.

2. I am not one of those lefties who are against war, only overly broad stupid occupations with no clear off switch. I am all for supporting populist uprisings against brutal tyrants.

1. So laughable that it ever happened.

2. Iran?
Another nail in the Obama presidency. When is enough enough?

I personally wish we would attack Assad. But the right way. It would end Syrian support for Hezbollah. Lebanon could be freed.

Yeah, let's spend another trillion dollars "freeing" some other country that will just turn around and keep doing business as usual as soon as we turn our backs.

Interesting proposal, but I have a better one.......................let's not do anything you just suggested. Instead, can we please leave that shit hole part of the world to their own devices, so they can kill each other off and we can save our troops the time, money, effort, and bloodshed on our part.

I'll give Bush's war in Iraq credit for one thing, I no longer give a flying fuck what happens in the middle east. That part of the world has been a fucked up blood bath since the beginning of recorded history. And for us to think we can go over there and change that by force is the highest level of arrogance I've ever seen in my life.
Then check out the fake shock and outrage on Sessions' part on that clip. Does anyone on this board think for a second that jackass embarrassment to his state is the least bit ignorant of the process of waging a diplomatically legal war? Did anyone actually buy that? Right there will be the basis for denying the president another almost certain military success to run on in Nov and for no other reason.

Do you often give away Obama's secrets? Really? This is precisely WHY he engages in warfare, isn't it? Merely to look tough for the cameras and to get votes.

Two Problems?

1. Nobel Peace Prize (Given to him for merely being Immacculated),


2. Those against WAR on the left might have problems will they not?

(Not to mention HE is going around the Congress...again...):eusa_shhh::eusa_whistle:

1. He didn't campaign for the Nobel, all that is on the Nobel committee, they can give it to whoever they want for whatever reason.

And he gladly accepted it for doing nothing to garner it...(But what narcissist wouldn't accept something he didn't deserve without question)?
2. I am not one of those lefties who are against war, only overly broad stupid occupations with no clear off switch. I am all for supporting populist uprisings against brutal tyrants

So Iraq and Afghanistan started by Bush are OKAY with you?

Got it.
Do you often give away Obama's secrets? Really? This is precisely WHY he engages in warfare, isn't it? Merely to look tough for the cameras and to get votes.

Two Problems?

1. Nobel Peace Prize (Given to him for merely being Immacculated),


2. Those against WAR on the left might have problems will they not?

(Not to mention HE is going around the Congress...again...):eusa_shhh::eusa_whistle:

1. He didn't campaign for the Nobel, all that is on the Nobel committee, they can give it to whoever they want for whatever reason.

2. I am not one of those lefties who are against war, only overly broad stupid occupations with no clear off switch. I am all for supporting populist uprisings against brutal tyrants.

1. So laughable that it ever happened.

2. Iran?

Proponents for a war in Iran seem to be operating on their own set of conflicting intelligence, again, give me a clear picture of the actual threat and then I will give you a clear answer, until we have concrete undeniable evidence of an eminent nuclear threat to Israel we should not do anything further than the intense and somewhat effective espionage war we are already fighting them with.
Another nail in the Obama presidency. When is enough enough?

I personally wish we would attack Assad. But the right way. It would end Syrian support for Hezbollah. Lebanon could be freed.

Yeah, let's spend another trillion dollars "freeing" some other country that will just turn around and keep doing business as usual as soon as we turn our backs.

Interesting proposal, but I have a better one.......................let's not do anything you just suggested. Instead, can we please leave that shit hole part of the world to their own devices, so they can kill each other off and we can save our troops the time, money, effort, and bloodshed on our part.

I'll give Bush's war in Iraq credit for one thing, I no longer give a flying fuck what happens in the middle east. That part of the world has been a fucked up blood bath since the beginning of recorded history. And for us to think we can go over there and change that by force is the highest level of arrogance I've ever seen in my life.

While I agree with nearly all of your post I think its simply too dangerous to ignore them. It's kinda like a crack in your foundation. Sooner or later it will cause you major problems. Those idiots need to be kept in check. Not occupied but watched and delt with when appropriate.
Actually, the whole world thought he deserved it for not being the giant A-hole Bush. And they had 6 months of his presidency to see- despite a mountains of Pub lies for the dupes. YOU MORONS!! ty
1. He didn't campaign for the Nobel, all that is on the Nobel committee, they can give it to whoever they want for whatever reason.

2. I am not one of those lefties who are against war, only overly broad stupid occupations with no clear off switch. I am all for supporting populist uprisings against brutal tyrants.

1. So laughable that it ever happened.

2. Iran?

Proponents for a war in Iran seem to be operating on their own set of conflicting intelligence, again, give me a clear picture of the actual threat and then I will give you a clear answer, until we have concrete undeniable evidence of an eminent nuclear threat to Israel we should not do anything further than the intense and somewhat effective espionage war we are already fighting them with.

Sounds reasonable.

Best Intel, US and Isael, is Iran hasn't decided whether to build a bomb or not....but not on the PPM (pubpropaganda machine)...GREAT for RATINGS and money...jfc
Best Intel, US and Isael, is Iran hasn't decided whether to build a bomb or not....but not on the PPM (pubpropaganda machine)...GREAT for RATINGS and money...jfc

Exactly, the very same people who pissed themselves over the threat of Iraq are selling intelligence that was cherry picked from dubious sources and massaged into a mushroom cloud. The whole thing stinks and hopefully cooler heads will prevail.
Actually, you're quite reasonable for a dupe- too bad we're talking politics- I just scream at Pub voters now LOL
Best Intel, US and Isael, is Iran hasn't decided whether to build a bomb or not....but not on the PPM (pubpropaganda machine)...GREAT for RATINGS and money...jfc

Exactly, the very same people who pissed themselves over the threat of Iraq are selling intelligence that was cherry picked from dubious sources and massaged into a mushroom cloud. The whole thing stinks and hopefully cooler heads will prevail.

Plus they just lie and spin BS endlessly- great for ratings AND screws up Obama , gas prices, and the world. AZZHOLES!!:(:eusa_hand:
obama to Attack Syria without congressional approval

wow obama needs to be impeached. The nerve of these people to be so bold as to circumvent the Constitution
Looks like you’ve got another one of your ‘judge disqualified Obama in Georgia’ threads.
Another nail in the Obama presidency. When is enough enough?

I personally wish we would attack Assad. But the right way. It would end Syrian support for Hezbollah. Lebanon could be freed.

Interesting proposal, but I have a better one.......................let's not do anything you just suggested. Instead, can we please leave that shit hole part of the world to their own devices, so they can kill each other off and we can save our troops the time, money, effort, and bloodshed on our part.

We would do exactly that except for one thing: oil

As long as this country remains hooked on oil, we will be in the Middle East.
He might just to prove what a bunch of hypocrites republicans are knowing that they would grant a republican president the power to drop a bomb on anyone anywhere for any reason and then garrison troops there for 10 years.

One more time Bush got congressional approval obama hasn't

He did not for Afghanistan.

Authorization for Use of Military Force
September 18, 2001
Public Law 107-40 [S. J. RES. 23]
Authorization for Use of Military Force- Sept. 18, 2001
Maybe, but I'm just here giving Avory a hard time.

On the issue I see both sides and they both have merit. But the talk of impeachment is just mind numbingly stupid and self defeating.

Not if Congress hold's to the oath they took, it's not numbingly stupid and self defeating. However it is numbingly stupid and self defeating to allow a president to go outside the restraints of the Constitution.

For fucks sake dude. What the hell is wrong with you?!

Do you have ANY FUCKING IDEA what an impeachment procedure would do to the conservative cause for the next decade?

Your hatred is COMPLETELY blinding you. Calm the fuck down and focus your energy on November where his ousting won't cost us votes for the next damn decade.
So we allow the little dictator to do anything he wishes?

pretty much across the board approval too..
98–0 in the Senate, and 420–1 in the house. I wonder who the holdout was?

(the Nay was Barbara Lee - D-CA).

So Paul voted in favor of war too? Interesting
I think Ron Paul voted in favor for using force in Afghanistan, but did not vote to use force i Iraq.

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