Obama To Campaign For Democrat Accused Of Sexual Criminal Misconduct

Sure smells like Dem desperation to me.

Obama now supports a guy he snubbed??
OL wait a minute, you are accusing me of being a hypocrite when

Do please try to keep up, lil' snowflake. We were discussing Obama, not YOU. Democrats, like Obama, like to bash others for things they have done / do and for supposedly being who THEY are.

Sort of like the Democrats' 'Politics of Personal Destruction' crusade against Conservatives / Republicans by making all kinds of ACCUSATIONS of sexual misconduct (only to have the accusers disappear once the Republican drops out of the race).

For decades, we now know, while Democrats were bashing and falsely accusing Republicans of sexual misconduct their own Democratic Party Senators had formed a Senate Committee whose only job was to use tax dollars to pay for the silence of their victims of sexual misconduct.

That is the EPIC hidden Hypocrisy, right there, my lil' snowflake; yet, snowflakes like yourself and douche bags like Obama attempt to claim the moral high ground while attacking their opponents.

If that does not spell out to you what I was referring to, let me know - I will draw you a picture.
You arent my opponent. Thats fucking childish.
I didnt say he wasnt a hypocrite. Gawd knows him and his little hacked out cabal are. I was just saying you were.
You arent my opponent.

Lil' snowflake, can you even READ? Did you miss the part where I specifically stated we were not talking about YOU, or is your self-worth/ego so great you think EVERYTHING is about you? My mistake - snowflakes are called 'snowflakes' because they are so fragile and get offended so easily.....like you just demonstrated.

Evidently I am going to have to draw you that picture after all.... :p
You arent my opponent.

Lil' snowflake, can you even READ? Did you miss the part where I specifically stated we were not talking about YOU, or is your self-worth/ego so great you think EVERYTHING is about you? My mistake - snowflakes are called 'snowflakes' because they are so fragile and get offended so easily.....like you just demonstrated.

Evidently I am going to have to draw you that picture after all.... :p
Look dufus, you started to attack ME personally. I dont care what you say you said. You obviously arent very self aware.
Look dufus, you started to attack ME personally.
I don't really care about you personally. I was pointing out liberal hypocrisy. If you are extremely defensive about this subject maybe there is a reason for it somewhere in your subconscious mind. Maybe YOU need to become more self-aware. :p
Look dufus, you started to attack ME personally.
I don't really care about you personally. I was pointing out liberal hypocrisy. If you are extremely defensive about this subject maybe there is a reason for it somewhere in your subconscious mind. Maybe YOU need to become more self-aware. :p
Yes, because its clear that i am the one that needs it.

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