Obama to Lift Ban on Overseas Abortion Funding

I always know who is in control. I can assure you God never wants us to shut up about injustices. The pro choice zealots want to pour their garbage out but God forbid no pun intended we say the name of God and how he feels about abortion.

I see it like this if you do not want to hear all of the truth don't put yourself in a position to be told. Read up again in our Bible I knew you before you were born. The word of the LORD came to me, saying, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations" (Jeremiah 1:4-5).

So tell me how does the Lord know us BEFORE we are born if we are not a human from the get go? As for us pro life zealots we are not dragging women up and locking them up in a room and forcing them to have their babies we are merely doing what the pro choice zealots are doing and voicing our opinion. I am here to tell you know the ones who are set apart will not be silenced we will speak out for injustice for the most vulnerable the ones who cannot speak for themselves. Get used to it.

it was a prophet that God said he knew before he was born....

Do you think God knew Jeremiah as a human being before he was born? God was speaking in the Spirit not in the physical....

Do you think Jeremiah just disipated when he died and God no longer "knew him"?

Whether Jerimiah was born or not born, born or died after being born, God KNEW HIM mdj...

You make my point we are considered life before and after we die.The Lord is aware of our presence before and after we die. Somehow the pro-choices want to believe we are less then alive when we are in the womb. They cannot deny the FACT we are alive in the womb. What we argue over is who has the right to take a life. I KNOW it is only God the creator of life that has the right to take a life to another level.

The pro-choice can argue all day long that a baby is not a human life in the womb but we ALL know that is a lie. Some of us just do not want to get involved we want to place the sole responsibility on the mother. We tell her she is not worthy of being a mother if she is unmarried. We tell her she cannot financially afford a baby why not just kill it we have made it legal why not just kill IT. Kill it kill it kill it. Funny how the word kill applies to a non life.

This reminds me of when we put a man on the moon. My grandmother did not believe it. She thought it was a complete hoax. Kinda like the pro choices do not want to admit that a embryo is a human baby.

So many shades of grey here that I just don't know what to say.
Bullshit. They do not. If they don't want bodies in their bodies, they'd better fucking not get pregnant. Because once that body is in their body, it's ANOTHER PERSON and just because it's inconvenient for them doesn't give them the right to kill it anymore than I have the right to kill my annoying neighbor.

Convenience is no justification for murder. And stupidity is not a defense. You only have rights over your own body to the extent that it isn't damaging somebody else. The minute you are impinging upon the rights of another while exercising your own rights, your rights end.
And it doesn't matter where that person is, even if it's a person that you in your ultimate selfishness have created, that does not give you the right to destroy it. As soon as you become pregnant, it isn't just "your" body.

That's why our treatment facilities are filled with women who are thrown in after testing positive for drugs while pregnant. If they are pregnant and test positive for drugs, it's child endangerment and the judges throw them into jail and/or residential treatment, and the state takes those babies from them.

If we have the right to kill them, then why is it we don't have the right to drug them as well? I don't get it.
. The minute you are impinging upon the rights of another while exercising your own rights, your rights end.

Exactly. The minute a fetus' so called rights impinge on the rights of another while exercising it's own rights, the fetus' so called rights end.
just because it's inconvenient
I love how you fascists try to trivialize pregnancy, giving birth and motherhood.

Sorry for the inconvenience while we turn you from a human being into a baby making machine. We apologize for any disruption to your life. Have a nice day.
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just because it's inconvenient
I love how you fascists try to trivialize pregnancy, giving birth and motherhood.

Sorry for the inconvenience while we turn you from a human being into a baby making machine. We apologize for any disruption to your life. Have a nice day.

According to statistics most of these women seeking abortions were not forced into becoming pregnant. I think in this country women or girls who are old enough to get pregnant know how it is done. They also know if you participate in sex there is a possibility that you may get pregnant. It is not like they went to sleep and woke up pregnant most of the time excluding the date rape drug. I know somebody would throw that in there.

That being said if MOST OF these women are willingly participating in a sexual encounter that results in a pregnancy i would say the fault is her own and the father of the child. Why should a child have to die because someone decides uh oh ooopsey I got pregnant let's kill it because it is inconvenient for me. So now they get the right to murder another human being that did not ask to be put there in the first place this was not the baby's choice they were forced into this situation but now it is going to cost them their life because there mother is willing to commit murder. How is that right?

True story a woman has a baby the father deserts them she sturggles to raise this child her parents step in to help her. He grows up to be..... can you guess oh yes the president of the Unites States Obama

Try to remember that. And if women don't want other bodies in their own bodies they have every right to eject it.
Forcing them to keep it is not much different from rape.

Really comparing motherhood to rape. Again most of the time the woman did something of her own free will to get pregnant in the first place. The baby is the innocent one and in need of protection not the mother. The baby most of the time poses no permanent health issues it is a temporary state. Pregnancy is nine months murder is forever. The mother has the option in this country to never lay eyes on her baby just deliver your child and he or she can be adopted by parents who want to give the baby a loving home. End of story she can go back to impregnating herself over and over again.

Isn't it our goal to stop unwanted pregnancy's in this country why not let a few of these women carry a baby to full term I bet they might think twice before they do it again. I think if we do not make abortions soooo available women might start giving a thought to what they are doing.

No I am not saying this as a form of punishment. I am saying wait oh my goodness it is a new concept I am not sure we are ready for it here in America OK here we go oh I don't know how about taking responsibility for your actions which does not include killing someone else so they don't inconvenience you. Hey there's a thought think it will catch on?
A single mother carrying her child to term and giving it up for adoption is ridiculed in this country.

Especially since women of today work for a living.

That's part of the problem.
And all the statistics out there, showing that single mothers and their babies will end up in poverty, on welfare, and in a real struggle to survive, compared to couples with children, the rest of their lives....

And the pure hatred many americans express when single mothers need welfare to survive....

ALL OF THIS is why women choose to not bear their children when not married or when the father decides to skip....
And all the statistics out there, showing that single mothers and their babies will end up in poverty, on welfare, and in a real struggle to survive, compared to couples with children, the rest of their lives....

And the pure hatred many americans express when single mothers need welfare to survive....

ALL OF THIS is why women choose to not bear their children when not married or when the father decides to skip....
You are so right, Care. Motherhood is frowned on unless it fits into a narrowly acceptable mold...the traditional marriage. It's always amazed me that mothers are looked at with scorn and being pregnant is somehow a bad thing.
so maybe instead of pumping money into international abortions we should be pumping money into supporting single parents and promoting child care and job security and health care for mothers. What ya think?
And all the statistics out there, showing that single mothers and their babies will end up in poverty, on welfare, and in a real struggle to survive, compared to couples with children, the rest of their lives....

And the pure hatred many americans express when single mothers need welfare to survive....

ALL OF THIS is why women choose to not bear their children when not married or when the father decides to skip....

Ahh.. the tried and true misconception about single mothers NEEDING a handout to survive...

No.. the NEED is to do whatever it takes to EARN for your family, children, and self.. many things are needs but they are YOUR needs... I, nor anyone else, NEEDS to put food on your table... YOU need to put food on your table and I need to put food on mine... you may work at 7-11 to do it, I may be a CEO.. my position does not transfer YOUR need into being MY need
That being said if MOST OF these women are willingly participating in a sexual encounter that results in a pregnancy i would say the fault is her own and the father of the child. Why should a child have to die because someone decides uh oh ooopsey I got pregnant let's kill it because it is inconvenient for me.

Getting pregnant indicates fault? Is having sex a crime? It would seem you think so and that having to bear an unwanted child is your idea of how to punish that crime. That shows how little you care about children when you designate them as methods of punishment.
A single mother carrying her child to term and giving it up for adoption is ridiculed in this country.

Especially since women of today work for a living.

That's part of the problem.

Really?? Don't see that at all.. I see women and families praised for suffering thru the tough times and keeping a family together while working 3 jobs.. BUT I also see those praised for making the right decision, with all kinds of support from family and community

Now I see women ridiculed for killing a baby, as they should be... but your assumption about adoption is flat our wrong
That being said if MOST OF these women are willingly participating in a sexual encounter that results in a pregnancy i would say the fault is her own and the father of the child. Why should a child have to die because someone decides uh oh ooopsey I got pregnant let's kill it because it is inconvenient for me.

Getting pregnant indicates fault? Is having sex a crime? It would seem you think so and that having to bear an unwanted child is your idea of how to punish that crime. That shows how little you care about children when you designate them as methods of punishment.

There are consequences to actions that we all have as adults... a logical possibility to having sex is the possibility of getting pregnant...

But even with many other things there are consequences to my choices... but I don't get the option to kill off children because I made a bad choice or did not have the optimum outcome from my choice or my actions
so maybe instead of pumping money into international abortions we should be pumping money into supporting single parents and promoting child care and job security and health care for mothers. What ya think?

FYI - The federal budget already spends more money on health and human services than anything else.

Federal Budget Spending and the National Debt

And the amount of the budget that goes toward USAID is relatively miniscule.

USAID Press Release: President Obama Rescinds Mexico City Policy

USAID places high priority on preventing abortions through the use of family planning, saving the lives of women who suffer complications arising from unsafe abortion, and linking those women to voluntary family planning and other reproductive health services that will help prevent subsequent abortions. USAID is prohibited from providing funds to pay for the performance of abortion as a method of family planning or to motivate or coerce any person to practice abortion, as stipulated by the Helms Amendment enacted in 1973. This and all other statutory and policy requirements relating to family planning remain in effect.

With U.S. government support, international family planning programs have been successful. In fiscal year 2008, USAID programmed $457 million for family planning activities. Since the 1960s, the percentage of women and couples using contraceptives in the developing world has risen from less than 10 percent to more than 50 percent. The average number of children born to women in these countries has fallen from six to three. Repealing the Mexico City Policy will help improve the lives of mothers and children through increased access to family planning services and supplies. Global estimates indicate that by helping women space births and avoid unintended pregnancies, family planning could prevent 25 percent of maternal and child deaths in the developing world.
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Try to remember that. And if women don't want other bodies in their own bodies they have every right to eject it.
Forcing them to keep it is not much different from rape.

Really comparing motherhood to rape. Again most of the time the woman did something of her own free will to get pregnant in the first place. The baby is the innocent one and in need of protection not the mother. The baby most of the time poses no permanent health issues it is a temporary state. Pregnancy is nine months murder is forever. The mother has the option in this country to never lay eyes on her baby just deliver your child and he or she can be adopted by parents who want to give the baby a loving home. End of story she can go back to impregnating herself over and over again.

Again you trivialize pregnancy and motherhood. And now you trivialize the emotions and grief a woman must go through when she has to give up her child for adoption.
How did you become such a cold blooded person?

You also act like there is an unlimited supply of people willing to adopt. In fact, there is a shortage of people willing to adopt anything other than a perfectly formed white newborn. That is why so many children spend their childhoods in foster care or in orphanages overseas.
Isn't it our goal to stop unwanted pregnancy's in this country why not let a few of these women carry a baby to full term I bet they might think twice before they do it again. I think if we do not make abortions soooo available women might start giving a thought to what they are doing.


Like Barney Frank said, for some people life begins at conception and ends at birth.
And all the statistics out there, showing that single mothers and their babies will end up in poverty, on welfare, and in a real struggle to survive, compared to couples with children, the rest of their lives....

And the pure hatred many americans express when single mothers need welfare to survive....

ALL OF THIS is why women choose to not bear their children when not married or when the father decides to skip....
You are so right, Care. Motherhood is frowned on unless it fits into a narrowly acceptable mold...the traditional marriage. It's always amazed me that mothers are looked at with scorn and being pregnant is somehow a bad thing.
The basic idea is that if a woman has a child that is not sanctioned by a man, she is a harlot and trying to rise above her position in society.

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