Obama to Lift Ban on Overseas Abortion Funding

It's fascist to defend the rights of those who can't speak for themselves, of course. Only the mother matters....
I think that it is a sad thing for people to have abortions. However, I think that it is a woman's right to choose. We had an abortion three years ago. That was the hardest thing to do and I swore that I will never do it again. That video was hard to watch. But as long as it's not you or your money, why does it matter?

Hypothetically, if a woman starved herself and her unborn child died as a result (inside the womb), would she be considered a murderer?

Sorry to hear you found yourself in a situation where you needed an abortion. It sounds like it was a choice you did not make lightly, but which you felt was the responsible thing to do.

About a woman starving herself, if you read some of the state's laws concerning miscarriage caused by an assault by another, it looks like some could be used to bring criminal charges against a pregnant woman who smokes or drinks while pregnant. :eek:
What a ridiculous question. When has that happened?

It matters for the same reason that it matters that we stand up for the rights of the disabled, the blind, and the persecuted. A child is a person, and just because it isn't yours doesn't mean you can sit idly by and watch it be torn apart and not be responsible.

I'm sorry for anyone who is duped into thinking abortion is anything but murder, and I hold those who insist on telling mothers that they are justified in killing babies, and it's "nobody else's business" responsible. This is how German citizens justified sitting idly by while Jewish citizens were dragged from their homes and gassed in concentration camps. Not their problem.
It's fascist to defend the rights of those who can't speak for themselves, of course. Only the mother matters....
The mothers don't matter jack shit to you, obviously.

Where do you get the idea you have any business representing the the supposed rights and imagined wishes of fetuses??

Did they hire you as legal representation?

You anti-choicers appoint yourselves the guardians of other people's unborn children. :cuckoo:

That is the ultimate in taking advantage of the innocent and defenseless.
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What's funny about this discussion is that some pro-lifers actually are proponents of the death penalty also. Well, it's not funny.
What's funny about this discussion is that some pro-lifers actually are proponents of the death penalty also. Well, it's not funny.

Yeah, that's another reason why "pro life" is misnomer. "Anti-choice" is a more accurate label."
It's fascist to defend the rights of those who can't speak for themselves, of course. Only the mother matters....
The mothers don't matter jack shit to you, obviously.

Where do you get the idea you have any business representing the the supposed rights and imagined wishes of fetuses??

Did they hire you as legal representation?

You anti-choicers appoint yourselves the guardians of other people's unborn children. :cuckoo:

That is the ultimate in taking advantage of the innocent and defenseless.

I guess murderers in prison should be let out because we don't care enough about them, too.

Keep in mind who you're talking to, and mind your manners. I've worked with these women all my life. I'm a caseworker. I've worked in residential women's treatment, where they live with their children while dealing with addiction. I've worked in juvenile detention, where I dealt with the most abused, the most pathetic and the most violent. Not only have I worked in these fields, I volunteered in them as well. I've been in the abortion clinics, I've seen women getting abortions at 6-7 months. I know a woman who didn't realize they were pregnant until 5 months and got an abortion because they couldn't stand the thought of their bodies swelling. Likewise, I know a woman who was brutally raped across the room from her murdered sister, while clinging to her 2 y.o. daughter, and who got an abortion. I actually know these people and have dealt with them intimately and for most of my life. I've been with them in court, I've helped them with their custody cases, I've taught them lifeskills and cried with them while they have related things you only dream about. Have you, you posturing, self-righteous bitch? And while we're at it, do you even know what the hell a fascist is?

I hear their stories every day. I donate my time and money to helping them, I treat them more like people than a liberal waste of space like yourself would ever dream of. I'm not condescending towards them, I don't think they are hopeless, unlike you. I think they are capable people, and I hold them accountable for their actions and think that, as human beings, they can rise above the horror of giving birth. I mean, that's what you're insinuating..that certain women can't handle having children and it's just better for everyone to kill the little tykes off. You think both the mothers and the babies are inferior, and therefore negligible.

I have yet to have a woman tell me, in all my years in human services, that she wishes she had aborted a child. I have had more than I can count cry on my shoulder about abortions they regretted every minute of the day. I have yet to have a child tell me they wish they had never been born, even when their mothers are by anyone's standards pretty terrible mothers.

Life is precious, and you have it ass backwards when you insist that it is "fascist" to refuse to allow certain populations to be decimated, and certain vulnerable populations to be butchered at will.

Look the fucking word up. Then go home and take a look in the mirror before you dare to call me a fascist for sticking up for the innocent and voiceless that you delight in putting in harm's way.
What's funny about this discussion is that some pro-lifers actually are proponents of the death penalty also. Well, it's not funny.

Not this pro lifer.

However, there's a difference in taking the life of a convicted killer, and killing a baby, which is in and of itself, murder.
What's funny about this discussion is that some pro-lifers actually are proponents of the death penalty also. Well, it's not funny.

Difference between protecting innocent life.. and eliminating a maniacal killer from society

Makes less sense to want to eliminate an innocent and save some scumbag

Why not save both? A life is a life.

I don't agree.. but I can understand THAT more than wanting to OK the elimination of an Innocent
What's funny about this discussion is that some pro-lifers actually are proponents of the death penalty also. Well, it's not funny.

Not this pro lifer.

However, there's a difference in taking the life of a convicted killer, and killing a baby, which is in and of itself, murder.

I see that difference. I just don't understand the contradiction with some.
It's fascist to defend the rights of those who can't speak for themselves, of course. Only the mother matters....
The mothers don't matter jack shit to you, obviously.

Where do you get the idea you have any business representing the the supposed rights and imagined wishes of fetuses??

Did they hire you as legal representation?

You anti-choicers appoint yourselves the guardians of other people's unborn children. :cuckoo:

That is the ultimate in taking advantage of the innocent and defenseless.

I guess murderers in prison should be let out because we don't care enough about them, too.

No, not let out just not killed.
Happens all the time, and nobody knows it's going to happen until it does. I don't really see the point of killing the baby after things go south and the mother expires.

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