Obama to Lift Ban on Overseas Abortion Funding

Scott Peterson--it wasn't his body, it wasn't his choice to make.

Technically.. the fetus is not your body either... it is a separate entity/body that is growing with your assistance and under your protection... it is a separate human life that is completely dependent, vulnerable, and helpless... with the only difference between that and a newborn being exposure to oxygen and passing thru a part of your body in the birth process... in terms of viability and 'what it is', there is no difference between a prematurely delivered baby and one in the womb
I agree. And you make a good point that they are not among us till they are born.
Until they are born they are part of the woman who is pregnant. Her body, her property. No one else's.

So the difference between a 6 1/2 month in the womb, and one that is delivered prematurely is what?? Air exposure? UV Light?? Magic pixie dust in the c-section scar that suddenly makes a "life" difference?

Neither can survive on their own....

I'll tell you the difference... there is NONE
A 6 1/2 month old fetus in the womb does not breathe and is dependent on the woman's body in whom it is located. It takes nutrients from her body.

A prematurely born baby exists apart from the woman's body from which it was born. It is no longer a part of her body, thus no longer her property.

I'm surprised I should have to spell out those obvious facts to you.

BTW Too much money and effort is spent on try to keep the very early preemies alive. It's sick. Doctors are just experimenting on them.

Property?? Hardly.. Responsibility? Yep

But the 6 1/2 month fetus COULD breathe, and is well on the way of developing into the more self sufficient child we recognize after birth

And as for too much work being done for premies.. tell that to my 10 year old who was born at 2 pounds 1.5 ounces
So then government should not protect any innocent life?

Of course it should. A foetus is not a life. It is a potential life....

Really go to youtube and watch The silent scream. A doctor places a monitor over a pregnant woman she is 12 weeks pregnant. You can see the BABY on the screen sucking his thumb changing positions. Then you see a instrument poking him he moves and gets very agitated by this prodding. The BABY quite obviously feels the prodding. It does not take a rocket scientist to see the BABY FEELS the prodding. I could not bring myself to watch the whole video because I knew what was coming next. They were about to start dismembering him. You know like taking him apart. Like yanking off an arm then another arm then a leg then another leg then they crush his skull. But hey it is not human yet is it or is it.

Roe VS Wade passed in 1973 a lot of scientific progress has been made since that time. It is the pro choice zealots that refuse to recognize that FACT. Did you know a BABY can survive outside the mother at 21 weeks? That is at 5 months of pregnancy. So is it a human at 5 months or does that only apply if they are outside the mother? Can we deny the fact that they are human at 5 months if they are not yet born does that mean we can kill them if we choose to?

We need to fight for the rights of the unborn that is what we need to be fighting for. The pro choice zealots need to step up to the plate and quite tiring to shove responsibility off on other people like a scared pregnant woman she needs our support. All we have done is told her to get rid of an unnecessary inconvenience. We are a me me me instant society and nobody wants to be "inconvenienced".

I know a lady that wanted to adopt she waited for 5 years and never got a baby she was a stay at home mom her husband owned his own business they were very good people but got nothing. They were not just shooting or an infant they were willing to take an older child as well still got nothing. There are thousands of people who are willing to adopt. There are willing to spend thousands to fly overseas to adopt other children because our adoption system is so screwed up.

You are dead wrong on this one it is a baby before it is born. It is a human you can deny it till you turn blue still does not make it true. Ahhh by the way it is not foetus it is fetus.

Feel fearless take the trip.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjNo_0cW-ek]YouTube - ABORTION: The Silent Scream Part 1 2 3 4 5 COMPLETE VERSION Pro-life Anti-Abortion Video[/ame]
As a Christian, I can't reconcile either forcing a woman to give birth by law, nor can I reconcile preferring a child be born to disease and prolonged suffering rather than humanely aborting the pregnancy in the first trimester.

Earlier in this thread I cited population statistics as a response to the question "why else would Democrats be so gung-ho about killing babies?" I think that is a gross mischaracterization of the facts associated with this gag rule. I have yet to read all of the posts here, but wanting to eradicate disease and minimize human suffering is NOT eugenics.

NO ONE is gung-ho about killing babies. :cuckoo:

Bottom line, my opinion is that Obama did the right thing in lifting this gag rule. :clap2:

There is no such thing. Take a look at some pictures and tell me how humane abortion is. Oh, and note that the site isn't some rabid, religious, right-wing one.

CBR / Abortion Pictures

No thanks. I think it's a sick individual who wants to shove those pictures in the face of a woman on the verge of such a difficult and extremely personal decision. I respect the pro-life stance, but in my opinion it equates to anti-choice. I won't be posting pictures of neglected or diseased children to illustrate my point. :cuckoo:

No it is pro choice zealots who refuse to learn the truth about abortions and they want the rest of the world to turn a blind eye to it as well.

You say nobody is gung ho about killing babies really how many abortions occur daily? Ahhh
Approximately 115,000 per day! Good thing nobody is gung ho about it huh.

Abortion Statistics

Obama was dead wrong to free up OUR money to pay for international abortions no matter how you try and spin it still wrong.
yes I would Anguille.....but i would not call it limiting it....every woman would STILL have the ability to choose an abortion, not one would be kept from having one if they so choose.

Why in the world would any woman, not be able to abort their child within the first 8 weeks? This is less hazardess to the mother to be as well and reduces complications from abortions that can happen to the mother.

8 weeks!!!!!

Some women don't even know they are pregnant at that point!!

I don't understand why you think that everything about a 9 month pregnancy or a woman's future can be known in the first 8 weeks?

There are a number of things that can come up to make a woman who initially wanted to carry a child to term may want to change her mind. She can develop medical problems, the fetus can develop medical problems, her situation may change. I remember reading about a woman with 3 kids whose husband had a stroke and became permanently disabled during the 4th month of her 4th pregnancy and she wanted to abort so she could take care of him and go back to work so the family could stay together. She wasn't able to do it in the state she lived in.

In any case, what would be your justification for forcing women to go through pregnancies after 8 weeks? If that is what you are proposing. Your post isn't clear.
As a Christian, I can't reconcile either forcing a woman to give birth by law, nor can I reconcile preferring a child be born to disease and prolonged suffering rather than humanely aborting the pregnancy in the first trimester.

Earlier in this thread I cited population statistics as a response to the question "why else would Democrats be so gung-ho about killing babies?" I think that is a gross mischaracterization of the facts associated with this gag rule. I have yet to read all of the posts here, but wanting to eradicate disease and minimize human suffering is NOT eugenics.

NO ONE is gung-ho about killing babies. :cuckoo:

Bottom line, my opinion is that Obama did the right thing in lifting this gag rule. :clap2:

As a Christian you can condone abortions if God is not for it neither can you and be in his will. We cannot go against the Lord's will and walk with him. That would be called talking it not walking it. We are not the ones in charge of saying who can live and who cannot. We are not God.

Clearly some of these laws are of questionable wisdom or constitutional legitimacy.
With the passing of these laws, its clear that the unborn are entitled to rights.
What is clearest of all is that you are :cuckoo:

Fortunately fascists like yourself are a minority in the US.

So it's a fascist that wants to protect an innocent life that cannot take care of itself.... and a non-fascist who calls for, or at least does not mind, arbitrary elimination of those innocent lives???

Now THAT is :cuckoo:
Seems funny to me our new President had to swear an oath on the BIBLE. There were at least two prayers to GOD asking him for guidance for this country. These prayers were a public event and they were heard by millions.

I guess God is important enough to include in our inauguration of our new President but we do not need his advice on abortions huh.


I firmly believe they should be told how God feels about abortion which by the way he is pro life.


And what about those who say God is pro choice?

Maybe God is just telling you what you want to hear.

Don't believe me ask a woman who has had an abortion. A abortion is a decision that will effect the rest of your life weather you like it or not. It will cause a wound that cannot be healed. If you get what I am saying.

No one I know who has had an abortion ever regretted it or suffered any wounds, physical or emotional.

Well let it be said Ang has never met anyone who regretted an abortion or suffered any complications well that must make it so for EVERY woman who has ever had an abortion.

Ang it is not rocket science to figure out if God is pro life let me see He creates life in the first place and we decide if it was worth it or not. Hmmm somehow I don't see God agreeing with that thought pattern.
Ang it is not rocket science to figure out if God is pro life let me see He creates life in the first place and we decide if it was worth it or not. Hmmm somehow I don't see God agreeing with that thought pattern.

Are you sure you don't think you are God? You seem to have proclaimed yourself his/her official spokesperson.

In any case, until God is elected president, God will have no say in how this country is run.
Pregnancy is a temporary condition; adoption is forever.

You trivialize pregnancy and giving birth if you call it a temporary condition.

How about you do something about getting all the all ready existing unadopted children into homes before trying to bully women into bringing more unwanted ones into the world?

Hey we all for adoption. Your almost there. Now if we can just stop killing the ones that are on the way. Pregnancy is temporary murder if forever.
I think that it is a sad thing for people to have abortions. However, I think that it is a woman's right to choose. We had an abortion three years ago. That was the hardest thing to do and I swore that I will never do it again. That video was hard to watch. But as long as it's not you or your money, why does it matter?

Hypothetically, if a woman starved herself and her unborn child died as a result (inside the womb), would she be considered a murderer?
yes I would Anguille.....but i would not call it limiting it....every woman would STILL have the ability to choose an abortion, not one would be kept from having one if they so choose.

Why in the world would any woman, not be able to abort their child within the first 8 weeks? This is less hazardess to the mother to be as well and reduces complications from abortions that can happen to the mother.

8 weeks!!!!!

Some women don't even know they are pregnant at that point!!

I don't understand why you think that everything about a 9 month pregnancy or a woman's future can be known in the first 8 weeks?

There are a number of things that can come up to make a woman who initially wanted to carry a child to term may want to change her mind. She can develop medical problems, the fetus can develop medical problems, her situation may change. I remember reading about a woman with 3 kids whose husband had a stroke and became permanently disabled during the 4th month of her 4th pregnancy and she wanted to abort so she could take care of him and go back to work so the family could stay together. She wasn't able to do it in the state she lived in.

In any case, what would be your justification for forcing women to go through pregnancies after 8 weeks? If that is what you are proposing. Your post isn't clear.

I knew I was pregnant within days of conception. Does that mean my baby was more of a baby? Some women don't know it until 6 months or even until they actually give birth, in the case of particularly ignorant girls or overweight (or other issues) women. I guess therefore we should all be able to kill our babies.

Some women give birth, and motherhood never kick in, and they butcher their babies when they're three or four....like little Caylee's mother. I guess if they don't really feel the pangs of motherhood, they should be able to do that. That's what your post proposes.

Clearly some of these laws are of questionable wisdom or constitutional legitimacy.
With the passing of these laws, its clear that the unborn are entitled to rights.
What is clearest of all is that you are :cuckoo:

Fortunately fascists like yourself are a minority in the US.

I love it when fascists call those who refuse to condone the butchery of innocents "fascists" because they refuse to say it's okay to kill babies.

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