Obama to Lift Ban on Overseas Abortion Funding

And all the statistics out there, showing that single mothers and their babies will end up in poverty, on welfare, and in a real struggle to survive, compared to couples with children, the rest of their lives....

And the pure hatred many americans express when single mothers need welfare to survive....

ALL OF THIS is why women choose to not bear their children when not married or when the father decides to skip....
You are so right, Care. Motherhood is frowned on unless it fits into a narrowly acceptable mold...the traditional marriage. It's always amazed me that mothers are looked at with scorn and being pregnant is somehow a bad thing.
The basic idea is that if a woman has a child that is not sanctioned by a man, she is a harlot and trying to rise above her position in society.
Seems that way. These people give me the impression that they believe a lot of bad things about women in general, and that saddens me.
Ahh.. the tried and true misconception about single mothers NEEDING a handout to survive...

No.. the NEED is to do whatever it takes to EARN for your family, children, and self.. many things are needs but they are YOUR needs... I, nor anyone else, NEEDS to put food on your table... YOU need to put food on your table and I need to put food on mine... you may work at 7-11 to do it, I may be a CEO.. my position does not transfer YOUR need into being MY need

And as this CEO, it benefits you to keep women poor and overburdened with unwanted children. Because then they are desperate enough to work long hours for low wages in order to keep you living in luxury.
That is basically the real motivation for keeping the source of cheap labor flowing, deny women the right not to be used as breeding stock and keep them from seeking that right by calling them sluts and murderers.
That being said if MOST OF these women are willingly participating in a sexual encounter that results in a pregnancy i would say the fault is her own and the father of the child. Why should a child have to die because someone decides uh oh ooopsey I got pregnant let's kill it because it is inconvenient for me.

Getting pregnant indicates fault? Is having sex a crime? It would seem you think so and that having to bear an unwanted child is your idea of how to punish that crime. That shows how little you care about children when you designate them as methods of punishment.

There are consequences to actions that we all have as adults... a logical possibility to having sex is the possibility of getting pregnant...

But even with many other things there are consequences to my choices... but I don't get the option to kill off children because I made a bad choice or did not have the optimum outcome from my choice or my actions

Abortion is not killing children. That is the basic fallacy of your ridiculous argument for forcing women to bear children they don't want.
Ahh.. the tried and true misconception about single mothers NEEDING a handout to survive...

No.. the NEED is to do whatever it takes to EARN for your family, children, and self.. many things are needs but they are YOUR needs... I, nor anyone else, NEEDS to put food on your table... YOU need to put food on your table and I need to put food on mine... you may work at 7-11 to do it, I may be a CEO.. my position does not transfer YOUR need into being MY need

And as this CEO, it benefits you to keep women poor and overburdened with unwanted children. Because then they are desperate enough to work long hours for low wages in order to keep you living in luxury.
That is basically the real motivation for keeping the source of cheap labor flowing, deny women the right not to be used as breeding stock and keep them from seeking that right by calling them sluts and murderers.

Ah... but I get to decide what benefits me and make my choice on what I do about it

I am ALL FOR the VOLUNTARY support of charities that see the benefit of ASSISTING single mothers, parentless children, ill children, etc....

But it is not the JOB of anyone else... the NEEDS do not TRANSFER... and government does not exist to take over that responsibility for you... nor should it FORCE the redistribution of funds so that you then thru many invisible bureaucratic channels, have the transfer of responsibility and the redistribution of anyone else's earnings to supplement someone else for doing nothing

Nobody is saying women are 'breeding stock'... except for your ilk... but I do say that there are consequences to our personal choices and actions... and those consequences are yours and yours alone, as your actions and decisions were.. you are free to make those choices... but you are not free to kill another life because you don't like the results
Global estimates indicate that by helping women space births and avoid unintended pregnancies, family planning could prevent 25 percent of maternal and child deaths in the developing world.

This is a very important point that those who pretend to care about innocent lives chose to ignore. When a woman is forced to bear an unwanted child, it affects her chances of bearing wanted children in the future.
Getting pregnant indicates fault? Is having sex a crime? It would seem you think so and that having to bear an unwanted child is your idea of how to punish that crime. That shows how little you care about children when you designate them as methods of punishment.

There are consequences to actions that we all have as adults... a logical possibility to having sex is the possibility of getting pregnant...

But even with many other things there are consequences to my choices... but I don't get the option to kill off children because I made a bad choice or did not have the optimum outcome from my choice or my actions

Abortion is not killing children. That is the basic fallacy of your ridiculous argument for forcing women to bear children they don't want.

Yes... it is

A fetus is a growing child... completely dependent on the mother...

It is not just an expendable body part for you to choose to mutilate or remove... if it were, it would only have YOUR DNA signature... not a DNA signature all it's own... it is a human life
Seems that way. These people give me the impression that they believe a lot of bad things about women in general, and that saddens me.

I've never understood their determination to force the birth of children claiming to be God's appointed spokepersons for fetuses and then as soon as that fetus becomes a child, they want to strip it of it's human rights.
A single mother carrying her child to term and giving it up for adoption is ridiculed in this country.

Especially since women of today work for a living.

That's part of the problem.

Really?? Don't see that at all.. I see women and families praised for suffering thru the tough times and keeping a family together while working 3 jobs.. BUT I also see those praised for making the right decision, with all kinds of support from family and community

Now I see women ridiculed for killing a baby, as they should be... but your assumption about adoption is flat our wrong

nah, you are off base Dave and clueless on this....

A single pregnant woman is ridiculed in this society unless she is some celebrity or with a ton of her own money, she also has the chance of losing her career or job due to it...discrimination does take place Dave....

Think of ALL of the off color comments made regarding black women that get pregnant and have their babies out of wedlock....

Even to this day, with all the free sex in the world, SUPPOSEDLY, the WOMAN is frowned upon for being pregnant out of wedlock....

The father to be has EASY STREET Dave....his stomach doesn't swell out, his organs aren't squished, his blood pressure doesn't go up, and his life will never be at risk, NOR WILL HIS JOB be interupted with delivery or child rearing or nursing, due to a pregnancy....

We have many unwed mothers BECAUSE THE MAN, the father to be has shirked his responsibility....this is very evident in the Black community.

We have many unwed mothers BECAUSE THE MAN, the father to be has shirked his responsibility....this is very evident in the Black community.


It's just as evident in the white, asian, etc community. Just because more white men can afford to pay for their kid's upkeep doesn't mean they are actually spending time with them and being fathers to them.
A single mother carrying her child to term and giving it up for adoption is ridiculed in this country.

Especially since women of today work for a living.

That's part of the problem.

Really?? Don't see that at all.. I see women and families praised for suffering thru the tough times and keeping a family together while working 3 jobs.. BUT I also see those praised for making the right decision, with all kinds of support from family and community

Now I see women ridiculed for killing a baby, as they should be... but your assumption about adoption is flat our wrong

nah, you are off base Dave and clueless on this....

A single pregnant woman is ridiculed in this society unless she is some celebrity or with a ton of her own money, she also has the chance of losing her career or job due to it...discrimination does take place Dave....

Think of ALL of the off color comments made regarding black women that get pregnant and have their babies out of wedlock....

Even to this day, with all the free sex in the world, SUPPOSEDLY, the WOMAN is frowned upon for being pregnant out of wedlock....

The father to be has EASY STREET Dave....his stomach doesn't swell out, his organs aren't squished, his blood pressure doesn't go up, and his life will never be at risk, NOR WILL HIS JOB be interupted with delivery or child rearing or nursing, due to a pregnancy....

We have many unwed mothers BECAUSE THE MAN, the father to be has shirked his responsibility....this is very evident in the Black community.


I am a goddamn father.. I am the son of a mother who was abandoned when I was born... and I am the brother of 2 women who had children out of wedlock and had the tough road...

Are there warped parents who disown children for being pregnant.. yep.. but life is not perfect... but life goes on, unless of course you happen to be one who supports the termination of a life for your convenience

And we have laws that force men, fathers, to support the children they bear...

But women who choose the tough road and make the sacrifices to raise the child on their own, or thru tough family situations are not frowned upon... Women and girls who do give up children for adoption because they feel it is in the best interest of the child are also not frowned upon. They are respected for respecting life and putting the interest of the child above their own... Now I see women frowned upon who think that they are OWED something by others or a government that had nothing to do with the actions that created that child
We have many unwed mothers BECAUSE THE MAN, the father to be has shirked his responsibility....this is very evident in the Black community.


It's just as evident in the white, asian, etc community. Just because more white men can afford to pay for their kid's upkeep doesn't mean they are actually spending time with them and being fathers to them.

ABSOLUTELY....money or financial support is NOT the only responsibility of fatherhood, and fatherhood of single dads is shirked by men of all colors....

not to say that there are not some very good single dad's out there, because I know of a few....still not having the same level of responsibility as the single mother though...

Maybe things need to go back to the way they used to be, where the man was frowned upon, by not marrying the girl he knocked up....???? :eusa_whistle:

A single mother carrying her child to term and giving it up for adoption is ridiculed in this country.

Especially since women of today work for a living.

That's part of the problem.

Really?? Don't see that at all.. I see women and families praised for suffering thru the tough times and keeping a family together while working 3 jobs.. BUT I also see those praised for making the right decision, with all kinds of support from family and community

Now I see women ridiculed for killing a baby, as they should be... but your assumption about adoption is flat our wrong

nah, you are off base Dave and clueless on this....

A single pregnant woman is ridiculed in this society unless she is some celebrity or with a ton of her own money, she also has the chance of losing her career or job due to it...discrimination does take place Dave....

Think of ALL of the off color comments made regarding black women that get pregnant and have their babies out of wedlock....

Even to this day, with all the free sex in the world, SUPPOSEDLY, the WOMAN is frowned upon for being pregnant out of wedlock....

The father to be has EASY STREET Dave....his stomach doesn't swell out, his organs aren't squished, his blood pressure doesn't go up, and his life will never be at risk, NOR WILL HIS JOB be interupted with delivery or child rearing or nursing, due to a pregnancy....

We have many unwed mothers BECAUSE THE MAN, the father to be has shirked his responsibility....this is very evident in the Black community.


I was cool just reading this thread until we got to the blaming Black men and fathers and their responsibility.
I agree that Black men need to step up to the plate on this issue. But the realities of how humans and mammals reproduce dictate that the woman have a huge majority of the responsibility in the decision to have sex in the first place.

I'm gonna make the assumption that we aren't idiots. WE know how babies are created. You absolutely don't want one, don't open your legs. It's really that simple. Abortion should be reserved for life threatening situations or the times where a womans choice to open her legs was violated. Otherwise YOU, the WOMAN, the one born with the eggs, are responsible for pregnancy. If the guy drops dead after orgasm, and you get pregnant, you are still pregnant. Daddy or not. That's not discrimination or misogynistic, just facts. So a woman should be damn careful who she cracks her legs for.

A look at the statistics tells story those most likely to abort too. But that's another post.

And don't get me started on Black men. There are OTHER statistics as well in the Black community that point toward some behaviors of Black women. Not only do they lead in abortion, but also STD's and single parenthood. Black men really need to step for sure. But damn, it looks like Black women need a few lessons in birth control, condoms for disease protection, or maybe a little abstinence. Cause it still takes two to make a baby, but if I were the one bearing the brunt of STD and the possibility of pregnancy, one of em is seemingly operating on less than a full deck.
We have many unwed mothers BECAUSE THE MAN, the father to be has shirked his responsibility....this is very evident in the Black community.


It's just as evident in the white, asian, etc community. Just because more white men can afford to pay for their kid's upkeep doesn't mean they are actually spending time with them and being fathers to them.
Sorry, it'snot anywhere near as evident in other communities. 70% of Black children are born to a single parent. No other race is anywhere close.
... Women and girls who do give up children for adoption because they feel it is in the best interest of the child are also not frowned upon. They are respected for respecting life and putting the interest of the child above their own...

I frown on any woman who gets pregnant or chooses not to abort an unwanted pregnancy with the express intention of selling her child.

Women who find themselves obligated to give up a child due to circumstances beyond their control have my sympathy.
But those who give birth knowing all along they will abandon or sell their child, disgust me.
We have many unwed mothers BECAUSE THE MAN, the father to be has shirked his responsibility....this is very evident in the Black community.


It's just as evident in the white, asian, etc community. Just because more white men can afford to pay for their kid's upkeep doesn't mean they are actually spending time with them and being fathers to them.

ABSOLUTELY....money or financial support is NOT the only responsibility of fatherhood, and fatherhood of single dads is shirked by men of all colors....

not to say that there are not some very good single dad's out there, because I know of a few....still not having the same level of responsibility as the single mother though...

Maybe things need to go back to the way they used to be, where the man was frowned upon, by not marrying the girl he knocked up....???? :eusa_whistle:


This is complete and utter sexist BULLSHIT

Not having the same amount of responsibility as the mother?? PUH-LEASE... I have MORE responsibility than the mother of my daughters.. and I still pay monetarily to her, though I pay for the vast majority of the things they need, want, and use.. .I am the one handling the 'womanly' changes for my oldest daughter... I'm the one planning and doing all the activities from little league to counseling.. I'm the one handling PTA.. I'm the one nurturing when they're home sick, even during the time where it is not my week for custody... I'm the one teaching more about life and life lessons.. I'm the one planning birthday parties and sleepovers...

And I certainly am NOT alone... there are many more single fathers like me, than you would care to admit or even want to give credit to

And I know and have seen a large number of single mothers who don't do shit, worse than these same supposed men you complain about... using children as pawns.. taking no interest in them above themselves... not raising them, but just feeding and housing them

And you talk about sexism against single mothers... yet spew it out freely against single fathers :cuckoo:
Really?? Don't see that at all.. I see women and families praised for suffering thru the tough times and keeping a family together while working 3 jobs.. BUT I also see those praised for making the right decision, with all kinds of support from family and community

Now I see women ridiculed for killing a baby, as they should be... but your assumption about adoption is flat our wrong

nah, you are off base Dave and clueless on this....

A single pregnant woman is ridiculed in this society unless she is some celebrity or with a ton of her own money, she also has the chance of losing her career or job due to it...discrimination does take place Dave....

Think of ALL of the off color comments made regarding black women that get pregnant and have their babies out of wedlock....

Even to this day, with all the free sex in the world, SUPPOSEDLY, the WOMAN is frowned upon for being pregnant out of wedlock....

The father to be has EASY STREET Dave....his stomach doesn't swell out, his organs aren't squished, his blood pressure doesn't go up, and his life will never be at risk, NOR WILL HIS JOB be interupted with delivery or child rearing or nursing, due to a pregnancy....

We have many unwed mothers BECAUSE THE MAN, the father to be has shirked his responsibility....this is very evident in the Black community.


I am a goddamn father.. I am the son of a mother who was abandoned when I was born... and I am the brother of 2 women who had children out of wedlock and had the tough road...

Are there warped parents who disown children for being pregnant.. yep.. but life is not perfect... but life goes on, unless of course you happen to be one who supports the termination of a life for your convenience

And we have laws that force men, fathers, to support the children they bear...

But women who choose the tough road and make the sacrifices to raise the child on their own, or thru tough family situations are not frowned upon... Women and girls who do give up children for adoption because they feel it is in the best interest of the child are also not frowned upon. They are respected for respecting life and putting the interest of the child above their own... Now I see women frowned upon who think that they are OWED something by others or a government that had nothing to do with the actions that created that child

Dave, there are exceptions to the rule, all over the place.....I am not denying such....

YOur mother is a Rock, be greatful and thankful of such!

And yes, to those of us that believe the baby inside the mom is precisely that, a baby....we see it as a good thing, to see these women that are single, that have the courage to have their babies and rear them, as good people.

For them to give their own child up for adoption, if they hold any kind of decent career job, would be FROWNED UPON, and the woman would more than likely be held back from any decent promotions if she went thru her pregnancy and kept her child or gave up her child...She would be seen in a bad light if she gave the child up, and seen as someone who will need to give her life to her child first if she keeps her child...with no other hands on deck to help, like the father....

Of course this depends on the career and job she held...as said, there are exceptions all over the place....but in general, this is how i have seen it over the years of working, as a female.
... Women and girls who do give up children for adoption because they feel it is in the best interest of the child are also not frowned upon. They are respected for respecting life and putting the interest of the child above their own...

I frown on any woman who gets pregnant or chooses not to abort an unwanted pregnancy with the express intention of selling her child.

Women who find themselves obligated to give up a child due to circumstances beyond their control have my sympathy.
But those who give birth knowing all along they will abandon or sell their child, disgust me.

Selling? Who said anything about selling... nice way to try and spin
Maybe things need to go back to the way they used to be, where the man was frowned upon, by not marrying the girl he knocked up....???? :eusa_whistle:


I don't think that's the answer either. People stuck in loveless marriages for the sake of the kids and propriety.
And all the statistics out there, showing that single mothers and their babies will end up in poverty, on welfare, and in a real struggle to survive, compared to couples with children, the rest of their lives....

And the pure hatred many americans express when single mothers need welfare to survive....

ALL OF THIS is why women choose to not bear their children when not married or when the father decides to skip....

Ahh.. the tried and true misconception about single mothers NEEDING a handout to survive...

No.. the NEED is to do whatever it takes to EARN for your family, children, and self.. many things are needs but they are YOUR needs... I, nor anyone else, NEEDS to put food on your table... YOU need to put food on your table and I need to put food on mine... you may work at 7-11 to do it, I may be a CEO.. my position does not transfer YOUR need into being MY need
You're doing the same thing, though. You are trying to force your need to have your morals the rule of the land.

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