Obama to Lift Ban on Overseas Abortion Funding

That being said if MOST OF these women are willingly participating in a sexual encounter that results in a pregnancy i would say the fault is her own and the father of the child. Why should a child have to die because someone decides uh oh ooopsey I got pregnant let's kill it because it is inconvenient for me.

Getting pregnant indicates fault? Is having sex a crime? It would seem you think so and that having to bear an unwanted child is your idea of how to punish that crime. That shows how little you care about children when you designate them as methods of punishment.

You twist my words. I did not say sex is a crime. I guess I need to spell it out there are many forms of birth control the pill condoms shots IUD to name a few which can be obtained freely. I would dare say many of these women are not using any protection what so ever. As you can see in my prior post anytime you engage in a sexual encounter you realize it may result in a pregnancy if you are unwilling to deal with that aspect of the act then do not participate. A pregnancy ending in an abortion is not facing your responsibility.

I said I DO NOT see having a child as PUNISHMENT. I said facing the responsibility of one's actions. Those are your words sex is a crime bearing a child is punishment your words not mine.
so maybe instead of pumping money into international abortions we should be pumping money into supporting single parents and promoting child care and job security and health care for mothers. What ya think?

FYI - The federal budget already spends more money on health and human services than anything else.

Federal Budget Spending and the National Debt

And the amount of the budget that goes toward USAID is relatively miniscule.

USAID Press Release: President Obama Rescinds Mexico City Policy

USAID places high priority on preventing abortions through the use of family planning, saving the lives of women who suffer complications arising from unsafe abortion, and linking those women to voluntary family planning and other reproductive health services that will help prevent subsequent abortions. USAID is prohibited from providing funds to pay for the performance of abortion as a method of family planning or to motivate or coerce any person to practice abortion, as stipulated by the Helms Amendment enacted in 1973. This and all other statutory and policy requirements relating to family planning remain in effect.

With U.S. government support, international family planning programs have been successful. In fiscal year 2008, USAID programmed $457 million for family planning activities. Since the 1960s, the percentage of women and couples using contraceptives in the developing world has risen from less than 10 percent to more than 50 percent. The average number of children born to women in these countries has fallen from six to three. Repealing the Mexico City Policy will help improve the lives of mothers and children through increased access to family planning services and supplies. Global estimates indicate that by helping women space births and avoid unintended pregnancies, family planning could prevent 25 percent of maternal and child deaths in the developing world.

Really the federal money that was freed up supports groups that offer abortions. That is just a sneaky way of getting away from saying we are paying for abortions. I do not want to support any group that offers abortions. They also try to sweep that part under rug by saying oh we help third world countries with planned parenthood yep kill them like we do easy as 1 2 3. This is how Obama tried to get us to just skim past abortions like it was like he asked us to have a cup of coffee like topic of abortion is trivial I resent his nonchalant attitude about abortions.

Obama CLAIMS to be a Christian hmmm really God does not support abortion that shalt not kill how else can you interpret that?

I wonder if the government would let my portion of taxes pay for schools here in the US to educate some of our youth or perhaps a government funded day care. Hmmm theres a thought.
Try to remember that. And if women don't want other bodies in their own bodies they have every right to eject it.
Forcing them to keep it is not much different from rape.

Really comparing motherhood to rape. Again most of the time the woman did something of her own free will to get pregnant in the first place. The baby is the innocent one and in need of protection not the mother. The baby most of the time poses no permanent health issues it is a temporary state. Pregnancy is nine months murder is forever. The mother has the option in this country to never lay eyes on her baby just deliver your child and he or she can be adopted by parents who want to give the baby a loving home. End of story she can go back to impregnating herself over and over again.

Again you trivialize pregnancy and motherhood. And now you trivialize the emotions and grief a woman must go through when she has to give up her child for adoption.
How did you become such a cold blooded person?

You also act like there is an unlimited supply of people willing to adopt. In fact, there is a shortage of people willing to adopt anything other than a perfectly formed white newborn. That is why so many children spend their childhoods in foster care or in orphanages overseas.
Isn't it our goal to stop unwanted pregnancy's in this country why not let a few of these women carry a baby to full term I bet they might think twice before they do it again. I think if we do not make abortions soooo available women might start giving a thought to what they are doing.


Like Barney Frank said, for some people life begins at conception and ends at birth.

So now it is cold to give up your baby you wanted to abort. You love to twist words around. You know good and well we are talking about babies that their Mother's did not want in the first place. So no I think it is a very loving thing to do to provide for your child an environment they can flourish in when you do not want to.

A shortage of adoptive parents really not so much people in my family have adopted children. The reason they don't adopt more is because the fees are so expensive it is because of greed allot of these children are not adopted. You think only white babies get adopted really look and Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie the only white children they have are their own offspring the rest are not white. A prime example.

I just watched on TV about a couple that not only adopted a child of a different race but one with a handicap.

That's another think Obama could work on instead of killing our children how about revamping our adoption process.

One last thing me trivialize pregnancy not hardly that is the pro choice crowd. I am merely making suggestions on other options for women who do not want a child but find themselves pregnant. It is called being realistic.
So now it is cold to give up your baby you wanted to abort. You love to twist words around. You know good and well we are talking about babies that their Mother's did not want in the first place. So no I think it is a very loving thing to do to provide for your child an environment they can flourish in when you do not want to.

A shortage of adoptive parents really not so much people in my family have adopted children. The reason they don't adopt more is because the fees are so expensive it is because of greed allot of these children are not adopted. You think only white babies get adopted really look and Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie the only white children they have are their own offspring the rest are not white. A prime example.

I just watched on TV about a couple that not only adopted a child of a different race but one with a handicap.

That's another think Obama could work on instead of killing our children how about revamping our adoption process.

One last thing me trivialize pregnancy not hardly that is the pro choice crowd. I am merely making suggestions on other options for women who do not want a child but find themselves pregnant. It is called being realistic.

Um ... in Africa you do realize that most children there are results of rape, and usually have really nasty diseases for that reason. You would doom a human to live a life of suffering before allowing them to die? Odd, because then you are forcing someone to torture a child.
So now it is cold to give up your baby you wanted to abort. You love to twist words around. You know good and well we are talking about babies that their Mother's did not want in the first place. So no I think it is a very loving thing to do to provide for your child an environment they can flourish in when you do not want to.

A shortage of adoptive parents really not so much people in my family have adopted children. The reason they don't adopt more is because the fees are so expensive it is because of greed allot of these children are not adopted. You think only white babies get adopted really look and Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie the only white children they have are their own offspring the rest are not white. A prime example.

I just watched on TV about a couple that not only adopted a child of a different race but one with a handicap.

That's another think Obama could work on instead of killing our children how about revamping our adoption process.

One last thing me trivialize pregnancy not hardly that is the pro choice crowd. I am merely making suggestions on other options for women who do not want a child but find themselves pregnant. It is called being realistic.

Um ... in Africa you do realize that most children there are results of rape, and usually have really nasty diseases for that reason. You would doom a human to live a life of suffering before allowing them to die? Odd, because then you are forcing someone to torture a child.

I love the way you just make crap up off the top of your head
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So now it is cold to give up your baby you wanted to abort. You love to twist words around. You know good and well we are talking about babies that their Mother's did not want in the first place. So no I think it is a very loving thing to do to provide for your child an environment they can flourish in when you do not want to.

A shortage of adoptive parents really not so much people in my family have adopted children. The reason they don't adopt more is because the fees are so expensive it is because of greed allot of these children are not adopted. You think only white babies get adopted really look and Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie the only white children they have are their own offspring the rest are not white. A prime example.

I just watched on TV about a couple that not only adopted a child of a different race but one with a handicap.

That's another think Obama could work on instead of killing our children how about revamping our adoption process.

One last thing me trivialize pregnancy not hardly that is the pro choice crowd. I am merely making suggestions on other options for women who do not want a child but find themselves pregnant. It is called being realistic.

Um ... in Africa you do realize that most children there are results of rape, and usually have really nasty diseases for that reason. You would doom a human to live a life of suffering before allowing them to die? Odd, because then you are forcing someone to torture a child.

I love the way you just make crap up off the top of your head

Too lazy to look it up I see ... again. Unless it fits in your narrow perspective of the world (or the fantasy based reality of everything in the shadows) you just don't learn much. Here's a hint: Discovery did a special on it.
[A pregnancy ending in an abortion is not facing your responsibility.

It absolutely is....you just don't agree with that aspect of responsibility..as is your right. You ever get pregnant girl7, by all means, don't have an abortion.

Noooo Abortion is not facing your responsibility. I am not forcing my opinion on anyone but I am allowed to voice my opinion just like everyone else.

I like one poster who compared abortions to the holocaust because that is exactly what it is we as a nation are allowing the murder of the innocent the ones who cannot speak for themselves. If you ever watch the video on You tube the silent scream you will get to see a 12 week old baby sucking his thumb in the womb about to be aborted. You get to see how he reacts to being pulled apart limb from limb. It is very obvious he is in agony this is the ultimate child abuse this puts it in new catorgy.

I don't understand how anyone cannot say stop it we will not allow this. It is horrific and we sit back and let it happen just like people sat back and allowed the Jews to be slaughtered during Hitler's reign. We will draw God's judgement now you know one of the reasons.
So now it is cold to give up your baby you wanted to abort. You love to twist words around. You know good and well we are talking about babies that their Mother's did not want in the first place. So no I think it is a very loving thing to do to provide for your child an environment they can flourish in when you do not want to.

A shortage of adoptive parents really not so much people in my family have adopted children. The reason they don't adopt more is because the fees are so expensive it is because of greed allot of these children are not adopted. You think only white babies get adopted really look and Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie the only white children they have are their own offspring the rest are not white. A prime example.

I just watched on TV about a couple that not only adopted a child of a different race but one with a handicap.

That's another think Obama could work on instead of killing our children how about revamping our adoption process.

One last thing me trivialize pregnancy not hardly that is the pro choice crowd. I am merely making suggestions on other options for women who do not want a child but find themselves pregnant. It is called being realistic.

Um ... in Africa you do realize that most children there are results of rape, and usually have really nasty diseases for that reason. You would doom a human to live a life of suffering before allowing them to die? Odd, because then you are forcing someone to torture a child.

You grant me way to much power. I do not force anyone to do anything. I do not doom anyone to suffer. I do not posses that power. The one thing I know is certainly true is God is in control he is the creator of life. I also know he is more interested in building our character then us having a cushy life. If the Lord chooses for one of his creations to suffer that is his will not mine or yours. I know that sounds cold but we cannot see what God sees now can we? His ways are not our ways.
[A pregnancy ending in an abortion is not facing your responsibility.

It absolutely is....you just don't agree with that aspect of responsibility..as is your right. You ever get pregnant girl7, by all means, don't have an abortion.

Noooo Abortion is not facing your responsibility. I am not forcing my opinion on anyone but I am allowed to voice my opinion just like everyone else.

I like one poster who compared abortions to the holocaust because that is exactly what it is we as a nation are allowing the murder of the innocent the ones who cannot speak for themselves. If you ever watch the video on You tube the silent scream you will get to see a 12 week old baby sucking his thumb in the womb about to be aborted. You get to see how he reacts to being pulled apart limb from limb. It is very obvious he is in agony this is the ultimate child abuse this puts it in new catorgy.

I don't understand how anyone cannot say stop it we will not allow this. It is horrific and we sit back and let it happen just like people sat back and allowed the Jews to be slaughtered during Hitler's reign. We will draw God's judgement now you know one of the reasons.

Hitler was "god's right hand" according to his beliefs, which were christian and thus why he was able to trick the other christians into attacking the Jews. Comparing abortion to the holocaust is wrong because they are nothing alike.
So now it is cold to give up your baby you wanted to abort. You love to twist words around. You know good and well we are talking about babies that their Mother's did not want in the first place. So no I think it is a very loving thing to do to provide for your child an environment they can flourish in when you do not want to.

A shortage of adoptive parents really not so much people in my family have adopted children. The reason they don't adopt more is because the fees are so expensive it is because of greed allot of these children are not adopted. You think only white babies get adopted really look and Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie the only white children they have are their own offspring the rest are not white. A prime example.

I just watched on TV about a couple that not only adopted a child of a different race but one with a handicap.

That's another think Obama could work on instead of killing our children how about revamping our adoption process.

One last thing me trivialize pregnancy not hardly that is the pro choice crowd. I am merely making suggestions on other options for women who do not want a child but find themselves pregnant. It is called being realistic.

Um ... in Africa you do realize that most children there are results of rape, and usually have really nasty diseases for that reason. You would doom a human to live a life of suffering before allowing them to die? Odd, because then you are forcing someone to torture a child.

You grant me way to much power. I do not force anyone to do anything. I do not doom anyone to suffer. I do not posses that power. The one thing I know is certainly true is God is in control he is the creator of life. I also know he is more interested in building our character then us having a cushy life. If the Lord chooses for one of his creations to suffer that is his will not mine or yours. I know that sounds cold but we cannot see what God sees now can we? His ways are not our ways.

You are forcing them to live by not allowing them to die, and if they are suffering you are forcing the parent who was not allowed to get an abortion to torture their child.
I still believe there is more value to a human born than a human not born....

if a fertility clinic is on fire....and both living employees are at risk of dying if not saved by the firemen and frozen embryos are at risk of dying if not saved by the firemen, I choose saving the breathing, living employees FIRST, over and above any of the frozen embryos.

And the firemen would choose the same, and any sane person would choose the same, and i think you would do the same....this is not illogical, it is logical....imo.

This is an excellent analogy, Care.
[A pregnancy ending in an abortion is not facing your responsibility.

It absolutely is....you just don't agree with that aspect of responsibility..as is your right. You ever get pregnant girl7, by all means, don't have an abortion.

Noooo Abortion is not facing your responsibility. I am not forcing my opinion on anyone but I am allowed to voice my opinion just like everyone else.

I like one poster who compared abortions to the holocaust because that is exactly what it is we as a nation are allowing the murder of the innocent the ones who cannot speak for themselves.

Yay Godwin's law.

Anyway that is a really dumb comparison. PETA comparing the butchering of animals to the holocaust seems like a better comparison, if only by a small bit. You're talking about something that may not have brain or ogran function, may not feel pain etc. (depending on when abortion took place) to the Jews. The Holocaust was an attempt to systematically exterminate an entire class of people not a large numebr of isolated cases spread out. There's also the whole massive graves, giant ovens and a death that takes less than 12 hours vs. months or years in a concentration camp.
That being said if MOST OF these women are willingly participating in a sexual encounter that results in a pregnancy i would say the fault is her own and the father of the child. Why should a child have to die because someone decides uh oh ooopsey I got pregnant let's kill it because it is inconvenient for me.

Getting pregnant indicates fault? Is having sex a crime? It would seem you think so and that having to bear an unwanted child is your idea of how to punish that crime. That shows how little you care about children when you designate them as methods of punishment.

You twist my words. I did not say sex is a crime. I guess I need to spell it out there are many forms of birth control the pill condoms shots IUD to name a few which can be obtained freely. I would dare say many of these women are not using any protection what so ever. As you can see in my prior post anytime you engage in a sexual encounter you realize it may result in a pregnancy if you are unwilling to deal with that aspect of the act then do not participate. A pregnancy ending in an abortion is not facing your responsibility.

I said I DO NOT see having a child as PUNISHMENT. I said facing the responsibility of one's actions. Those are your words sex is a crime bearing a child is punishment your words not mine.

But HOW do you know that mdj?

Others and i believe you might have acknowledged as well, have said they know women that have gone through abortions and have been scarred in various ways, for the rest of their lives....and stuff like that.... how do you know that this experience of their own abortion, isn't what eventually, through their subconscious or even visible pain, brings them to God?

Sometimes, they say one has to hit rock bottom, before they can start climbing up again.

I guess, I have more faith in God, than others....

I really do believe that He knows all...past, present and future...as silly as that may be, to any sane person! :D

And I also believe that He works in mysterious ways....I know that's considered a cop out to many atheists...complaining that us Christians can so easily use this term when we can't physically or logically explain our own beliefs but I honestly believe such, so they will just have to deal!!!

I guess, what I am trying to say is that as tragic as it is that these developing human beings are terminated, I am certain it is equally as tragic for most of the women faced with making this decision.....if not when they made it, somewhere down the road, where it is least expected, it could hit them like a ton of bricks...without them even recognizing at first, that their depression or their crappy circumstance that they are in or who knows what cloud is over them......comes from something that occurred 5-10 years previously...their choice to abort.

I realize there are some repeat termination of pregnancies by some of these women, but setting them aside, I seriously doubt that the girls making this decision to abort, are making it lightly....I do not think they are gleefully rubbing their hands together saying, goody goody gumdrops, I get to have an abortion today which will terminate my child....lets hope I get good enough sex the next few months so i can get pregnant again and have another abortion....yippee!!!

THIS IS WHAT YOU GUYS SOUND LIKE, in so many words, in your description of the women that have abortions....and i have known a handful of girls that have had abortions in my lifetime and not a one of them were anything like the nasty descriptions on this thread....and each one of them, were responsible girls as well....(they just were not a "one focus only" responsible.) Would Christ really speak of these women in this manner? I THINK NOT! There is something called compassion, and empathy, and sympathy, and forgiveness, and mercy that is SUPPOSE to come with being a Christian, ya know?

Well, in my humble opinion, NONE OF THAT shows when this topic of abortion comes up...and that's a bit sad, to me and perhaps why both sides always butts heads instead of working together on ways to reduce unwanted pregnancies so that women are not faced with this very hard decision to make....

Those who have abortions for the wrong reasons almost always have a TON of regret, which is punishment enough. Those who have them for the right reasons don't have regret though they do feel a loss and wish they didn't have to.

The point being, if it is the mothers choice the universe does have a way of balancing it all out anyway. You are not guilty of anything if you give someone the choice, but you are committing a vile act if you attack someone or force them into a choice that could be more dangerous to them or the child.
And Jimminnee Cricket..... NO, IT IS NOT LIKE THE HOLOCAUST....

Hitler ordered the living and breathing Jews gathered up in to captivity and then killed after being tortured first, in the masses....and nazis, followed his orders, while countrymen sat by, albeit to save their own lives...in some cases. Hitler, eliminated living, breathing people on the basis of religion/race.

There is no such thing being done with abortion...our government is not forcing women to abort their children, as example, how the government of China does.

Each termination of pregnancy is an individual choice of the mother aborting...

And intentionally hurtful comparisons like that don't belong in this discussion or in this movement to reduce abortions imho.....

It absolutely is....you just don't agree with that aspect of responsibility..as is your right. You ever get pregnant girl7, by all means, don't have an abortion.

Noooo Abortion is not facing your responsibility. I am not forcing my opinion on anyone but I am allowed to voice my opinion just like everyone else.

I like one poster who compared abortions to the holocaust because that is exactly what it is we as a nation are allowing the murder of the innocent the ones who cannot speak for themselves. If you ever watch the video on You tube the silent scream you will get to see a 12 week old baby sucking his thumb in the womb about to be aborted. You get to see how he reacts to being pulled apart limb from limb. It is very obvious he is in agony this is the ultimate child abuse this puts it in new catorgy.

I don't understand how anyone cannot say stop it we will not allow this. It is horrific and we sit back and let it happen just like people sat back and allowed the Jews to be slaughtered during Hitler's reign. We will draw God's judgement now you know one of the reasons.

Hitler was "god's right hand" according to his beliefs, which were christian and thus why he was able to trick the other christians into attacking the Jews. Comparing abortion to the holocaust is wrong because they are nothing alike.

You really do make shit up off the top of your head, kook.
BTW, Hitler liked abortion too. So the comparison is very workable. Despots always want to kill off the babies of the opposition. We all know KK hates people, and in particular, children. No great surprise she's 100 percent pro-abortion.
BTW, Hitler liked abortion too. So the comparison is very workable. Despots always want to kill off the babies of the opposition. We all know KK hates people, and in particular, children. No great surprise she's 100 percent pro-abortion.

Um ... yeah, comprehension is not your greatest asset, I recommend you stick with just reciting what others say.

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