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Obama to Normalize Relations with Cuba

Well god damn, that is a mother fucking knee slapper.....you are one funny mother fucker.

You break out in hysterical laughing when you pick your butt and roll it between your fingers.

You're easily amused.

And Obama remains a Chicago gangster cooking up deals with Castro on behalf of the Chicago gangs. (Mafia)

Your come back is even better.......you are one hilarious cock sucking mother fucker.
Cuba releases Alan Gross Obama to overhaul relations - CNN.com

Obama is going to link up the Cuban and Hispanic vote before he leaves office. I blame the teapers for this...their obstruction, vitriol and hate politics actually gave Obama more political power and arrogance...you (teapers) spent so much time crying about manufactured controversies - he can now do what he wants and just point and laugh at you because of the hyperbolic and hysteria nonsense. You are the bitches that cried wolf and destroyed the GOP.

You really don't understand the Cuban exile community, do you?
from fox news

According to a recent Pew Research survey, less that half of Cuban registered voters nationwide now identify or lean Republican, down from double digits from only a decade ago.

"The share of Cubans who identify with or lean toward the Democratic Part has doubled from 22 percent to 44 percent over the same time period," according to the research.

Republican Party No Longer Has Tight Grip On Cuban-American Vote Bill Clinton Says Fox News Latino

And this move is likely to change that, but only time, and an election, will tell...
China hasn't threaten to nuke us. So far.
There are no nukes in Cuba, but I am certain you know that we had them removed...

Yet THERE ARE NUKES in China....

Honestly, you all seem like you are going a bit over the top with this....

Tell that to the Cubans who are protesting in Miami.
You probably were not born yet when we had to go through that Cuban Missile Crisis.
If you had gone through that experience you would understand why.
But I did live in Miami/Dade County for a decade and my Cuban friends and coworkers who were my age, were not so hung up on the past as their parents were....

If course not, you didn't have to go through the stupid school drills of ducking under our desks. When we all knew that ducking under the desks was useless and that we would die if the nukes had hit.
That's a hell of a thing for any child to have to go through.
Castro and Russia terrorized this nation and it's a slap in our faces for our Nation to say we don't care about what you went through in the sixties.
I was a child in the mid to upper 60's and from kindergarten onward I do remember the drills of us going under our desks...I went to mostly military schools on base, and even there, we were only given the protection of a wooden desk, or a hallway wall to sit against....knowing it would be no protection at all, the teachers and Base protocol called for it, and made us practice...it was frightening for a 5 yr old and my parents had to explain things better that calmed me down and lessened my fears....

China and Russia and North Korea are more of a threat to us than Cuba is now... yet we do business with Russia and China and can fly there and visit when ever....

So what makes Cuba, so much bigger of an enemy than these others right now? I want to understand it all...

A Cuban American voting block in Florida is what makes Cuba such a dangerous threat to our security.
Cuba is one of the most oppressive countries in the world. obumble got no concessions as to human rights. There is nothing in Cuba that will change. The Castros are still in full power as dictators. Cuba is the same today as it was the day Fidel defeated Bautista.

Your ignorance is astounding , have you ever been to Cuba?
To those of you who feel this is a mistake I ask: How successful has the embargo been in ridding Cuba of a Communist regime?

It seems that the burden of proof is on your side while you offer no defense of the current policy. We've tried this embargo since 1961. I was a lad of four and Captain Kangaroo was on TV. Today, fifty four years hence, the embargo has done nothing but further isolate the Cubans from western society.

So I ask again, after so many years, what good has our policy wrought?
Remind me how dictators supported by the US were bad but now communist dictators are not bad?
How careful are you to avoid goods imported from China?
We are not talking about China we are talking about Cuba. But nice attempt to distract.
Communism is communism, ain't it? I guess the bad Communists are those you do not do business with while the good Communists have deals with WalMart.

And again I ask, how has that embargo policy worked out?
It worked out pretty well. It kept Castro confined to Cuba.
Tell that to the Angolans.
China hasn't threaten to nuke us. So far.
There are no nukes in Cuba, but I am certain you know that we had them removed...

Yet THERE ARE NUKES in China....

Honestly, you all seem like you are going a bit over the top with this....

Tell that to the Cubans who are protesting in Miami.
You probably were not born yet when we had to go through that Cuban Missile Crisis.
If you had gone through that experience you would understand why.
But I did live in Miami/Dade County for a decade and my Cuban friends and coworkers who were my age, were not so hung up on the past as their parents were....

If course not, you didn't have to go through the stupid school drills of ducking under our desks. When we all knew that ducking under the desks was useless and that we would die if the nukes had hit.
That's a hell of a thing for any child to have to go through.
Castro and Russia terrorized this nation and it's a slap in our faces for our Nation to say we don't care about what you went through in the sixties.
I was a child in the mid to upper 60's and from kindergarten onward I do remember the drills of us going under our desks...I went to mostly military schools on base, and even there, we were only given the protection of a wooden desk, or a hallway wall to sit against....knowing it would be no protection at all, the teachers and Base protocol called for it, and made us practice...it was frightening for a 5 yr old and my parents had to explain things better that calmed me down and lessened my fears....

China and Russia and North Korea are more of a threat to us than Cuba is now... yet we do business with Russia and China and can fly there and visit when ever....

So what makes Cuba, so much bigger of an enemy than these others right now? I want to understand it all...

Castro is still the same guy that he as always been.
Putin is angry at the USA . Russia has reopened a spy base in Cuba and their is nothing to stop Castro from doing the same thing over again.
Russia to reopen spy base in Cuba as relations with US continue to sour World news The Guardian
Decision to reopen signals intelligence facility south of Havana follows Russia forgiving 90% of Cuba's unpaid Soviet-era debts.

Lourdes gave the Soviet Union eyes in the whole of the western hemisphere … and it's happeing again.
During Putin's Latin American tour, he also signed agreements to establish positioning stations in Argentina, Brazil and Cuba for Glonass, Russia's answer to the United States' global positioning system (GPS). He also made a surprise stop to discuss placing a Glonass station in Nicaragua.
Cuba is much worse than China. China allows private enterprise. Cuba does not. Cuba is more like North Korea.

again with your ignorance and stupidity

from 2013
The timing coincided with a new law which took effect July 1—legislation allowing individuals, for the first time since the country turned socialist in 1959, to join together and form businesses in non-agricultural sectors of the economy. Neither the government nor anyone else here uses the word "business." Instead they use the word "cooperative."

Cuba shows beginnings of free enterprise sort of

Cuba to allow more free enterprise OregonLive.com
I blame the teapers for this...their obstruction, vitriol and hate politics actually gave Obama more political power and arrogance...you (teapers) spent so much time crying about manufactured controversies - he can now do what he wants and just point and laugh at you because of the hyperbolic and hysteria nonsense. You are the bitches that cried wolf and destroyed the GOP.

I think this is an absolute crock of shit. You act as though you believe with all your heart that liberal democrats would have been easy to work with and downright accommodating to republicans if it had not been for those pesky "tea baggers!" Oh, if they had just not stood up for their principles and rolled over like good little puppies, everything would be just lovely in the world of politics right now! What a fucking moron!

First and foremost, the tea party has been absolutely correct on every position they have taken. From the bailouts and stimulus that didn't work to Obamacare and ending the Bush tax cuts. They've been spot-on with foreign policy as well. They warned against pulling out of Iraq too soon, they warned of what would happen in Mubarak fell in Egypt, and all has transpired exactly as they said it would.

The reason Obama can do what he wants is the IDIOTS who represent the "establishment GOP!" On the heels of one of the most monumental defeats of democrats and democrat policy in November, a complete and total rejection of the Obama agenda... Mitch McConnell announces the new Republican majority will not use the power of the purse to stop Obama. WTF? Win the damn election and wave the white flag?

No, establishment cronies... you do not get to sit on your ass and allow Obama to rule the roost with impunity then blame THAT on tea party patriots standing up for their principles. Sorry! Not gonna fly!
I didn't read your entire post because the first few sentences sounded like teaper nonense, taking credit for doing nothing but harming America with obstruction, vitriol and hate. You are a teaper that has destroyed the GOP and true conservatism....thanks, assholes
I went through the desk drills of the 1960s and neo-imperialistic adventures have done nothing to advert those fears.

Peach, you know that.

This is the right move.
Boss and Timothy Alaska and Uncensored 2008 show their ODD syndrome in action.

Knee Jerk reactions all.

Investment and tourism will rapidly improve a situation that 60 years of stupidity have not.

Make sense, and stop babbling.
Yeah Nothing like rewarding a dictator and making him and his brother rich.

Peach, I am sure this is what some in court of George III said the Treaty of Paris in 1783.

This is not about you or us in general. This is good for the Cubans. The Castros will die soon, and life will be better for the Cuban people.

We cannot make Cubans or Iraqis or Vietnamese into copies of us.

That is not America's job, don't you get that?
AHH YES, the dictators of Central America were bad because we supported them and had to stop till they changed Governments, but Cuban Dictators are ok cause we did not at first support them, I got that right? Suddenly we SHOULD support dictators?
I see you have no answer.

You are babbling, gunny, so there is no real answer to you.
Make sense, and stop babbling.
Yeah Nothing like rewarding a dictator and making him and his brother rich.

Peach, I am sure this is what some in court of George III said the Treaty of Paris in 1783.

This is not about you or us in general. This is good for the Cubans. The Castros will die soon, and life will be better for the Cuban people.

We cannot make Cubans or Iraqis or Vietnamese into copies of us.

That is not America's job, don't you get that?
AHH YES, the dictators of Central America were bad because we supported them and had to stop till they changed Governments, but Cuban Dictators are ok cause we did not at first support them, I got that right? Suddenly we SHOULD support dictators?
I see you have no answer.

You are babbling, gunny, so there is no real answer to you.
Yes I get it, you don't mind dictators when a Democrat says it is ok.
Boss and Timothy Alaska and Uncensored 2008 show their ODD syndrome in action.

Knee Jerk reactions all.

Investment and tourism will rapidly improve a situation that 60 years of stupidity have not.

Yeah Nothing like rewarding a dictator and making him and his brother rich.

Peach, I am sure this is what some in court of George III said the Treaty of Paris in 1783.

This is not about you or us in general. This is good for the Cubans. The Castro's will die soon, and life will be better for the Cuban people.

We cannot make Cubans or Iraqis or Vietnamese into copies of us.

That is not America's job, don't you get that?

NO it's not good for the Cubans.
We wait until the Castro's die because they are still the same.
Life will not be better for them until the Castro's are dead.
Talk to the Cubans who are still fleeing from that regime.

America's main job is to protect us and to protect our rights.

No one said anything about making Cubans or Iraqis or Vietnamese into copies of us.

But that is what our neo-imperialistic conservatism has always been about, changing the world for our betterment and having it blow up in our faces.

Yes, it is for the better, despite what you believe.
The Cuban exile community immigrants are now dying in greater numbers until they are gone.

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