Obama to rape victim: A gun may not have helped; At least your rapist was unarmed!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Anyone else see that disastrous 10 seconds of his CNN lecture? A brave woman came on national TV and said she was raped by an intruder in college and now she feels it is a mothers responsibility to own a firearm.

Obama told her it's "debatable" if a gun would've helped her.....and said it's nice to at least make sure her rapist is unarmed!!!

What a piece of shit.
Anyone else see that disastrous 10 seconds of his CNN lecture? A brave woman came on national TV and said she was raped by an intruder in college and now she feels it is a mothers responsibility to own a firearm.

Obama told her it's "debatable" if a gun would've helped her.....and said it's nice to at least make sure her rapist is unarmed!!!

What a piece of shit.
A typical Surrender Monkey libtard.
Talk about a war on women!

With Obama and the gun grabbers I'm getting flashbacks to when we were advised the best way to deal with a rapist was to submit. Holy toledo I really can't believe we've come back full circle.
Talk about a war on women!

With Obama and the gun grabbers I'm getting flashbacks to when we were advised the best way to deal with a rapist was to submit. Holy toledo I really can't believe we've come back full circle.

Yeah in my opinion it was the most stunning event of the night.

Told a rape victim a gun probably wouldn't have helped her and at least her rapist wasn't armed.
He tried to justify telling her the gun wouldn't have helped by saying "it takes a lot of training to shoot someone..."

UMMM.....Chicago thugs don't seem to have trouble with it.
Anyone else see that disastrous 10 seconds of his CNN lecture? A brave woman came on national TV and said she was raped by an intruder in college and now she feels it is a mothers responsibility to own a firearm.

Obama told her it's "debatable" if a gun would've helped her.....and said it's nice to at least make sure her rapist is unarmed!!!

What a piece of shit.

This is terrible.

The only thing I can think of, had I been his press advisor, is to focus on curing and screening mental illness, and to develop agreed programs for earlier intervention, prevention
and correction, such as how to resolve complaints of sex abuse and relationship abuse
at the first sign of an oppressive, coercive attitude showing disregard for the consent of others.

The issue is preventing rape, not waiting for an attack to happen then hope you can use
enough force to stop it.

But guess what?
That's exactly the tactic Obama uses politically:
To force your way onto others until a greater force stops you. Ignore the dissent or consent of the people affected, but push until they either stop you, give up fighting, or are too weak or divided to defend themselves against greater political forces.

Obama and the politicized liberals use this attitude to bully down others.

So he is not in any position to say it is unhealthy and abusive, if he uses COERCION himself to dominate by force, against the will of others screaming NO,
instead of respecting consent of others, including objections, and resolving conflicts.

How can you teach people that no means no,
when half the country has been objecting to things like
the federal mandates that Obama keeps pushing anyway?

If I were in charge of his campaigns and public strategies, that's one area I would insist he address
so that his arguments don't contradict themselves. You can't say you are for consensus building,
but then use coercion to force your way, your agenda on others despite their express dissent.
Ever noticed that obama has surrounded himself with sorority girls.
Anyone else see that disastrous 10 seconds of his CNN lecture? A brave woman came on national TV and said she was raped by an intruder in college and now she feels it is a mothers responsibility to own a firearm.

Obama told her it's "debatable" if a gun would've helped her.....and said it's nice to at least make sure her rapist is unarmed!!!

What a piece of shit.

This is terrible.

The only thing I can think of, had I been his press advisor, is to focus on curing and screening mental illness, and to develop agreed programs for earlier intervention, prevention
and correction, such as how to resolve complaints of sex abuse and relationship abuse
at the first sign of an oppressive, coercive attitude showing disregard for the consent of others.

The issue is preventing rape, not waiting for an attack to happen then hope you can use
enough force to stop it.

But guess what?
That's exactly the tactic Obama uses politically:
To force your way onto others until a greater force stops you. Ignore the dissent or consent of the people affected, but push until they either stop you, give up fighting, or are too weak or divided to defend themselves against greater political forces.

Obama and the politicized liberals use this attitude to bully down others.

So he is not in any position to say it is unhealthy and abusive, if he uses COERCION himself to dominate by force, against the will of others screaming NO,
instead of respecting consent of others, including objections, and resolving conflicts.

How can you teach people that no means no,
when half the country has been objecting to things like
the federal mandates that Obama keeps pushing anyway?

If I were in charge of his campaigns and public strategies, that's one area I would insist he address
so that his arguments don't contradict themselves. You can't say you are for consensus building,
but then use coercion to force your way, your agenda on others despite their express dissent.

CNN claims he didn't know who would ask the questions or what they would ask. And ya know...I believe them. How else could Obama had said that?

Telling a rape victim a gun probably wouldn't have helped (unless she shot the rapist) that it takes a lot of training to shoot someone (Thugs seem to do it, and she may have sought training) and HEY...let's be sure your raper isn't armed!!! Then you get to live in shame at least!!
Anyone else see that disastrous 10 seconds of his CNN lecture? A brave woman came on national TV and said she was raped by an intruder in college and now she feels it is a mothers responsibility to own a firearm.

Obama told her it's "debatable" if a gun would've helped her.....and said it's nice to at least make sure her rapist is unarmed!!!

What a piece of shit.

This is terrible.

The only thing I can think of, had I been his press advisor, is to focus on curing and screening mental illness, and to develop agreed programs for earlier intervention, prevention
and correction, such as how to resolve complaints of sex abuse and relationship abuse
at the first sign of an oppressive, coercive attitude showing disregard for the consent of others.

The issue is preventing rape, not waiting for an attack to happen then hope you can use
enough force to stop it.

But guess what?
That's exactly the tactic Obama uses politically:
To force your way onto others until a greater force stops you. Ignore the dissent or consent of the people affected, but push until they either stop you, give up fighting, or are too weak or divided to defend themselves against greater political forces.

Obama and the politicized liberals use this attitude to bully down others.

So he is not in any position to say it is unhealthy and abusive, if he uses COERCION himself to dominate by force, against the will of others screaming NO,
instead of respecting consent of others, including objections, and resolving conflicts.

How can you teach people that no means no,
when half the country has been objecting to things like
the federal mandates that Obama keeps pushing anyway?

If I were in charge of his campaigns and public strategies, that's one area I would insist he address
so that his arguments don't contradict themselves. You can't say you are for consensus building,
but then use coercion to force your way, your agenda on others despite their express dissent.

CNN claims he didn't know who would ask the questions or what they would ask. And ya know...I believe them. How else could Obama had said that?

Telling a rape victim a gun probably wouldn't have helped (unless she shot the rapist) that it takes a lot of training to shoot someone (Thugs seem to do it, and she may have sought training) and HEY...let's be sure your raper isn't armed!!! Then you get to live in shame at least!!
I think Obama is arrogant enough to tell a rape victim she is wrong for trying to defend herself.

Dear JimBowie1958
if anyone abuses a gun, if any criminals or mentally ill people get possession of guns,
if anyone suffers from a crime, abuse, trauma or other damage from abuse of a gun,
YES, we as a society have a problem with guns getting abused.

I offered the proposal to
a. Require that all citizens, especially those who want to be authorized to use arms
to enforce and defend laws, go through Constitutional education and training on all
the same standards and procedures expected of police and military.

People like me who prefer conflict resolution and not to be involved in armed defense,
should have access to equal legal resources to resolve any conflict, grievance, complaint to
protect their interests (from bullying abuse, fraud, criminal or civil violation, discrimination, etc.)

People who want to use arms lawfully should also have the option, or each district can decide
on requirements, for full training and screening similar to police and military procedures.

A major benefit is that citizens will become better prepared to hold govt officials and agencies to the same standards by being educated in them and by enforcing the same standards.

b. set up a system for revoking citizenship as an alternative to the death penalty:
ie for citizens to invoke legal rights, freedoms, protections and privileges,
by signing agreements to uphold the laws, and to accept legal
and financial responsibility for any convictions of premeditated crimes, especially
agreeing to restitution for any premeditated crimes abusing firearms.

For cases where govt revokes citizenship, I would propose setting up prison exchange and
worker programs along the border. So for every person who loses citizenship for a certain sentence or for life, that person would trade places with an immigrant on the waiting list applying for citizenship.

Then the labor in factories can be done by traffickers, gang leaders and drug lords
as restitution for victims of sweatshop slavery who are then free to go to school
paid for by wrongdoers performing the labor to pay back all the costs to victims and society.

In exchange for investing labor and resources in building sustainable programs, the workers would
earn shares in the land, property and programs. If people owe more restitution than they can work off, then they will end up volunteering their time and labor, just like their victims who were forced into that.

Currently any restitution and money from prison programs goes into the govt.
Police and law enforcement seize the property and money from drug busts and trafficking rings.
But RICO laws allow for citizens and communities to reclaim such property as restitution.
So by using these laws to pay back the actual victims and communities suffering from
organized crime, the cycle of poverty and abuse can be broken. Instead of politicians exploiting these issues for points, campaign dollars and votes; and prison contractors profiting off crime and seizures going on. The cost of crime should be paid back to victims, taxpayers and society. NOT politicians and govt running these failed systems on taxpayer dollars, while wrongdoers are never held to pay it back.
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Anyone else see that disastrous 10 seconds of his CNN lecture? A brave woman came on national TV and said she was raped by an intruder in college and now she feels it is a mothers responsibility to own a firearm.

Obama told her it's "debatable" if a gun would've helped her.....and said it's nice to at least make sure her rapist is unarmed!!!

What a piece of shit.

This is terrible.

The only thing I can think of, had I been his press advisor, is to focus on curing and screening mental illness, and to develop agreed programs for earlier intervention, prevention
and correction, such as how to resolve complaints of sex abuse and relationship abuse
at the first sign of an oppressive, coercive attitude showing disregard for the consent of others.

The issue is preventing rape, not waiting for an attack to happen then hope you can use
enough force to stop it.

But guess what?
That's exactly the tactic Obama uses politically:
To force your way onto others until a greater force stops you. Ignore the dissent or consent of the people affected, but push until they either stop you, give up fighting, or are too weak or divided to defend themselves against greater political forces.

Obama and the politicized liberals use this attitude to bully down others.

So he is not in any position to say it is unhealthy and abusive, if he uses COERCION himself to dominate by force, against the will of others screaming NO,
instead of respecting consent of others, including objections, and resolving conflicts.

How can you teach people that no means no,
when half the country has been objecting to things like
the federal mandates that Obama keeps pushing anyway?

If I were in charge of his campaigns and public strategies, that's one area I would insist he address
so that his arguments don't contradict themselves. You can't say you are for consensus building,
but then use coercion to force your way, your agenda on others despite their express dissent.

CNN claims he didn't know who would ask the questions or what they would ask. And ya know...I believe them. How else could Obama had said that?

Telling a rape victim a gun probably wouldn't have helped (unless she shot the rapist) that it takes a lot of training to shoot someone (Thugs seem to do it, and she may have sought training) and HEY...let's be sure your raper isn't armed!!! Then you get to live in shame at least!!
I think Obama is arrogant enough to tell a rape victim she is wrong for trying to defend herself.

Was it arrogance or ignorance?
If he knew how insensitive he would sound, wouldn't he know better than to say that?

With his remarks painting conservatives as the enemy, he did apologize later.
I think that was arrogance, that his way is so right the others have to be wrong.

With this, I don't see how he could know what he was saying would end up coming
across or being taken so poorly.
Had to be ignorance, even if part of that is willful.
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Anyone else see that disastrous 10 seconds of his CNN lecture? A brave woman came on national TV and said she was raped by an intruder in college and now she feels it is a mothers responsibility to own a firearm.

Obama told her it's "debatable" if a gun would've helped her.....and said it's nice to at least make sure her rapist is unarmed!!!

What a piece of shit.

I watched the footage over again.
He was diverting AWAY from her case, and talking about OTHER CASES that he felt justified his position that as many guns lead to tragic accidents and shootings that hurt the people they were supposed to protect.

He didn't even really show much respect in addressing her at all,
but kept the focus on his own agenda based on what he argues are more common cases.

So I guess that is arrogance to keep pushing or REPEATING his own agenda
and DISMISS or DOWNPLAY any concern the regulations would make it harder on lawabiding citizens. That attitude of "dismissing" her concerns, about not want more regulations to make it harder on the wrong people, comes across as one sided and arrogant, thinking the other views are unfounded.

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Anyone else see that disastrous 10 seconds of his CNN lecture? A brave woman came on national TV and said she was raped by an intruder in college and now she feels it is a mothers responsibility to own a firearm.

Obama told her it's "debatable" if a gun would've helped her.....and said it's nice to at least make sure her rapist is unarmed!!!

What a piece of shit.

This is terrible.

The only thing I can think of, had I been his press advisor, is to focus on curing and screening mental illness, and to develop agreed programs for earlier intervention, prevention
and correction, such as how to resolve complaints of sex abuse and relationship abuse
at the first sign of an oppressive, coercive attitude showing disregard for the consent of others.

The issue is preventing rape, not waiting for an attack to happen then hope you can use
enough force to stop it.

But guess what?
That's exactly the tactic Obama uses politically:
To force your way onto others until a greater force stops you. Ignore the dissent or consent of the people affected, but push until they either stop you, give up fighting, or are too weak or divided to defend themselves against greater political forces.

Obama and the politicized liberals use this attitude to bully down others.

So he is not in any position to say it is unhealthy and abusive, if he uses COERCION himself to dominate by force, against the will of others screaming NO,
instead of respecting consent of others, including objections, and resolving conflicts.

How can you teach people that no means no,
when half the country has been objecting to things like
the federal mandates that Obama keeps pushing anyway?

If I were in charge of his campaigns and public strategies, that's one area I would insist he address
so that his arguments don't contradict themselves. You can't say you are for consensus building,
but then use coercion to force your way, your agenda on others despite their express dissent.

CNN claims he didn't know who would ask the questions or what they would ask. And ya know...I believe them. How else could Obama had said that?

Telling a rape victim a gun probably wouldn't have helped (unless she shot the rapist) that it takes a lot of training to shoot someone (Thugs seem to do it, and she may have sought training) and HEY...let's be sure your raper isn't armed!!! Then you get to live in shame at least!!
I think Obama is arrogant enough to tell a rape victim she is wrong for trying to defend herself.

Was it arrogance or ignorance?
If he knew how insensitive he would sound, wouldn't he know better than to say that?

With his remarks painting conservatives as the enemy, he did apologize later.
I think that was arrogance, that his way is so right the others have to be wrong.

With this, I don't see how he could know what he was saying would end up coming
across or being taken so poorly.
Had to be ignorance, even if part of that is willful.
It would require President Selfie to posses both humility and self awareness.
Neither of which he has.

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