Obama to Release 22 More Top Gitmo Detainees to Kill More Americans.


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016
Obama to Release 22 More Top Gitmo Detainees to Kill More Americans

Obama will be directly responsible for any and all American troops and innocent foreign civilians that are killed by these murderous bastards. This man is an enemy of our nation, and continues to actively do damage to it. He should be brought up on charges of treason. Hussein Obama hates America period!

Obama is a Muslim. There is no other reason he would release terrorists that most likely will kill innocent people after release. Is there no good democrat who will stand up to this idiocy? Obama truly feels that the terror these people commit is good and just. Hopefully this country will never make the mistake they made electing such an American hating person again.

Obama is a traitor. Period. He has helped our enemy at every turn. He is also releasing felons to our streets. The sad thing is Democrats are proud of this POS.

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