Obama To Reward Dem Crap Holes Detroit And Chicago With New “Manufacturing Institutes

This kind of spending is called investing. ;) The other side of the coin is giving out more welfare as these people can't advance as these areas are really poor.

It's 100% welfare you fuckin idiot.

The greatest period in the history(possibly history of world) of this country was based on just that...1940's to the 1980's. You're a clueless fool that believes the market shouldn't be regulated and the corporations.

Losertrians are in the back pocket of the super rich...Fucking duped...The internet you're typing was part of a project that was funded by government.

the 1940-1980 was not the greatest time in US history you ignorant ass. First off the boom was due to the rest of the world being in rubble after ww2, demand was at a historic high that will prolly never happen again for us.

next massive spending of course helps, but later the bill is due and Government can't keep up on projects that cost 3-87 times more than planed. That's one of the biggest reasons things are falling apart today, you have to maintain that infrastructure, and when you build with a limitless budget you build things that are unnecessary... You waste resources, you waste time, you waste life.

Matt, you are a waste of resources, time and life.
This kind of spending is called investing. ;) The other side of the coin is giving out more welfare as these people can't advance as these areas are really poor.

It's 100% welfare you fuckin idiot.

no its not.

In fact it is.... It will be a lot like the stimulus Obama did, no real jobs, rich get richer and the middle class shrinks. But it's a Democrat that wants to do the "saving" so of course as per always you support the waste.
Lets face it, how do you keep a city of ignorant voters voting for you party despite you literally killing the city? You keep buying votes with federal tax dollars and demonize anyone that points out that type of "investing" has always failed, even in the very city that is getting more welfare.

Detroit will be a 100% welfare city after this, lol. The most failed city in the world!
This kind of spending is called investing. ;) The other side of the coin is giving out more welfare as these people can't advance as these areas are really poor.

It's 100% welfare you fuckin idiot.

The greatest period in the history(possibly history of world) of this country was based on just that...1940's to the 1980's. You're a clueless fool that believes that the market shouldn't be regulated and the corporations should be able to run right over everyone.

Losertrians are in the back pocket of the super rich...Fucking duped...The internet you're typing was part of a project that was funded by government.

so you think Obama isn't in the back pocket of the super rich....?
why do you think he gets to play golf on the very private courses of people like Oracle mega billionaire Larry Ellison....?
why do you think Obama has parties all the time with the rich and famous...?
why do you think companies like GE support Obama....?
then there's big sugar daddy Soros....
who's really being 'fucking duped'....?
Lets face it, how do you keep a city of ignorant voters voting for you party despite you literally killing the city? You keep buying votes with federal tax dollars and demonize anyone that points out that type of "investing" has always failed, even in the very city that is getting more welfare.

Detroit will be a 100% welfare city after this, lol. The most failed city in the world!
And they expect US to pay for their idiocy.
Its great how the left switched it's position from Government subsidies being an evil republican welfare scam to it's Obama being fucking economic genius.

Again, Progressives are everything they claim to hate. 50% subsidy for doing business in Detroit, if you qualify.... Meaning if they pick you.... meaning if you're picked, your competition is fucked... meaning prices will rise, hurting opportunity to invest for those without a 50% subsidy. Meaning, the rich get richer and the middle class shrinks.
Its great how the left switched it's position from Government subsidies being an evil republican welfare scam to it's Obama being fucking economic genius.

Again, Progressives are everything they claim to hate. 50% subsidy for doing business in Detroit, if you qualify.... Meaning if they pick you.... meaning if you're picked, your competition is fucked... meaning prices will rise, hurting opportunity to invest for those without a 50% subsidy. Meaning, the rich get richer and the middle class shrinks.

In Alabama Companies got STATE compensation to build and create jobs here. It has worked, but it was tax breaks for x amount of jobs. If you fail to create the x amount of jobs then you lose the tax breaks.

Of course this state is a right to work state. The Unions and the politicians in cities like Detroit will not change their ways so it is destined to fail. Having the Dems fix the mess they created is like............................

An Arsonist burning down someone's home and returning to tell them how to rebuild.
Road to corruption paved by Detroit's Democrats - TriCities.com: Opinion/Columns

During the mid-20th century, Detroit was a vibrant city with a population of almost 2 million. Today, it stands near ruin. The number of residents has now been estimated at just over 700,000. According to the Chicago Tribune, "The city has a crushing debt of $14 billion, and a budget deficit of as much as $327 million. The pay and benefit structure of public employees can't be sustained. ... The city could run out of cash in a matter of weeks." And yet the city's main courthouse reports having $280 million worth of uncollected fines and fees.
The state plans to send in an emergency manager to try and repair Detroit's finances. It might take an exorcist or faith healer.
The initial response to all of this sad news was denial. Some tried to change the subject by playing the race card. The majority of those who live in Detroit are African American. Michigan's governor, Rick Snyder, is white, as are a majority of the state's residents. But crime, corruption, malfeasance and misfeasance are not exclusive to a single race. Ask New Jersey. The problem for Detroit is something no one wants to address: one-party rule. And that would be the Democratic Party.
While the road to Hell may be paved with good intentions, the road to corruption and municipal failure seems to have been paved by Detroit's Democratic monopoly. Political monopolies invite bribes, kickbacks, misuse of funds, cronyism and a sense of entitlement.
Many businesses have fled Detroit for the usual reasons, including crime. In 2009, Time Magazine reported the city's functional literacy rate was near 50 percent and its unsolved murder rate was nearly 70 percent.
The Detroit News reported last month that nearly half of the city's 305,000 properties failed to pay their 2012 tax bills. "Some $246.5 million in taxes and fees went uncollected," reports the News, "about half of which was due Detroit..." (The other half went to county, schools and other public entities.)
America was built as a hybrid economy that is regulated to make capitalism have a soul. You people really don't have the slightest clue about economics or reality.

Sez the guy who pushes the same program as the Soviet Union with every post.
Its great how the left switched it's position from Government subsidies being an evil republican welfare scam to it's Obama being fucking economic genius.

Again, Progressives are everything they claim to hate. 50% subsidy for doing business in Detroit, if you qualify.... Meaning if they pick you.... meaning if you're picked, your competition is fucked... meaning prices will rise, hurting opportunity to invest for those without a 50% subsidy. Meaning, the rich get richer and the middle class shrinks.

In Alabama Companies got STATE compensation to build and create jobs here. It has worked, but it was tax breaks for x amount of jobs. If you fail to create the x amount of jobs then you lose the tax breaks.

Of course this state is a right to work state. The Unions and the politicians in cities like Detroit will not change their ways so it is destined to fail. Having the Dems fix the mess they created is like............................

An Arsonist burning down someone's home and returning to tell them how to rebuild.
... carrying another full 5 gallon can of gas and a BIC lighter.
Its great how the left switched it's position from Government subsidies being an evil republican welfare scam to it's Obama being fucking economic genius.

Again, Progressives are everything they claim to hate. 50% subsidy for doing business in Detroit, if you qualify.... Meaning if they pick you.... meaning if you're picked, your competition is fucked... meaning prices will rise, hurting opportunity to invest for those without a 50% subsidy. Meaning, the rich get richer and the middle class shrinks.

In Alabama Companies got STATE compensation to build and create jobs here. It has worked, but it was tax breaks for x amount of jobs. If you fail to create the x amount of jobs then you lose the tax breaks.

Of course this state is a right to work state. The Unions and the politicians in cities like Detroit will not change their ways so it is destined to fail. Having the Dems fix the mess they created is like............................

An Arsonist burning down someone's home and returning to tell them how to rebuild.

Either way they are fake jobs... You get a tax credit/break over your competition. In the end it destroys real jobs, that is jobs that the market can support in an area with investment worth investing in.

I own a gym, if I got a huge tax cut/break or a 50% subsidy over my competition I'd be the biggest and best qym in town. Once I lost that welfare I'd either cut hours, cut jobs or close shop, unless I was fantastically successful, begging the question, why give me welfare if I'm doing fine?

There is no doubt in my mind that giving horrifically disproportionate amounts of welfare to anyone will produce something, the question is was what is being produced with the resources put into it. What would happen when that welfare is stripped away?

Look at the markets today, people love to brag about how well they are doing under Obama, yet the markets have had near 4 trillion pumped into them under Obama by the F-Reserve. take that away and you have a depression, meaning the economy is fake. Even if we end up in a boom, you will never pay back the trillions spent before the next crash. malinvestment.
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All subsidies and tax credits /cuts to 'create jobs" proves is that higher taxes = less production and less jobs.
Its great how the left switched it's position from Government subsidies being an evil republican welfare scam to it's Obama being fucking economic genius.

Again, Progressives are everything they claim to hate. 50% subsidy for doing business in Detroit, if you qualify.... Meaning if they pick you.... meaning if you're picked, your competition is fucked... meaning prices will rise, hurting opportunity to invest for those without a 50% subsidy. Meaning, the rich get richer and the middle class shrinks.

In Alabama Companies got STATE compensation to build and create jobs here. It has worked, but it was tax breaks for x amount of jobs. If you fail to create the x amount of jobs then you lose the tax breaks.

Of course this state is a right to work state. The Unions and the politicians in cities like Detroit will not change their ways so it is destined to fail. Having the Dems fix the mess they created is like............................

An Arsonist burning down someone's home and returning to tell them how to rebuild.

Either way they are fake jobs... You get a tax credit/break over your competition. In the end it destroys real jobs, that is jobs that the market can support in an area with investment worth investing in.

I own a gym, if I got a huge tax cut/break or a 50% subsidy over my competition I'd be the biggest and best qym in town. Once I lost that welfare I'd either cut hours, cut jobs or close shop, unless I was fantastically successful, begging the question, why give me welfare if I'm doing fine?

There is no doubt in my mind that giving horrifically disproportionate amounts of welfare to anyone will produce something, the question is was what is being produced with the resources put into it. What would happen when that welfare is stripped away?

Look at the markets today, people love to brag about how well they are doing under Obama, yet the markets have had near 4 trillion pumped into them under Obama by the F-Reserve. take that away and you have a depression, meaning the economy is fake. Even if we end up in a boom, you will never pay back the trillions spent before the next crash. malinvestment.

I agree.........It is a fake recovery through massive currency manipulation. It is the arsonist telling us how to fix the very thing they broke.

And of course they are borrowing to make margin again. As soon as the Fed or the loans stop the whole house of cards comes down again.........

This op just shows how Gov't handles things........Throw more money at it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnX-D4kkPOQ]Should The Government Stop Dumping Money Into A Giant Hole? - YouTube[/ame]
It's 100% welfare you fuckin idiot.

no its not.

In fact it is.... It will be a lot like the stimulus Obama did, no real jobs, rich get richer and the middle class shrinks. But it's a Democrat that wants to do the "saving" so of course as per always you support the waste.

no real jobs? Do you know how badly we need manufacturing jobs here in america? do you know how hard it is to get into that area because of schooling?
in my area alone there is maybe 30k jobs waiting for people.
Hell places cant higher because of drug use and criminal backgrounds. So they outsource from other states.

what do you and the right offer? Deregulation and lower taxes....which will do nothing to create jobs. Zero investing, zero longterm thinking, just short term thinking.
no its not.

In fact it is.... It will be a lot like the stimulus Obama did, no real jobs, rich get richer and the middle class shrinks. But it's a Democrat that wants to do the "saving" so of course as per always you support the waste.

no real jobs? Do you know how badly we need manufacturing jobs here in america? do you know how hard it is to get into that area because of schooling?
in my area alone there is maybe 30k jobs waiting for people.
Hell places cant higher because of drug use and criminal backgrounds. So they outsource from other states.

what do you and the right offer? Deregulation and lower taxes....which will do nothing to create jobs. Zero investing, zero longterm thinking, just short term thinking.

That post indicates why you aren't working one of those 30k jobs.

You're such a fucking sap.
In fact it is.... It will be a lot like the stimulus Obama did, no real jobs, rich get richer and the middle class shrinks. But it's a Democrat that wants to do the "saving" so of course as per always you support the waste.

no real jobs? Do you know how badly we need manufacturing jobs here in america? do you know how hard it is to get into that area because of schooling?
in my area alone there is maybe 30k jobs waiting for people.
Hell places cant higher because of drug use and criminal backgrounds. So they outsource from other states.

what do you and the right offer? Deregulation and lower taxes....which will do nothing to create jobs. Zero investing, zero longterm thinking, just short term thinking.

That post indicates why you aren't working one of those 30k jobs.

You're such a fucking sap.

actually i kind of am
no its not.

In fact it is.... It will be a lot like the stimulus Obama did, no real jobs, rich get richer and the middle class shrinks. But it's a Democrat that wants to do the "saving" so of course as per always you support the waste.

no real jobs? Do you know how badly we need manufacturing jobs here in america? do you know how hard it is to get into that area because of schooling?
in my area alone there is maybe 30k jobs waiting for people.
Hell places cant higher because of drug use and criminal backgrounds. So they outsource from other states.

what do you and the right offer? Deregulation and lower taxes....which will do nothing to create jobs. Zero investing, zero longterm thinking, just short term thinking.

I've been doing electrical work for 3 decades when I include my time in the Navy. When jobs dried up at home I left to find work. I tire of those who cry like a baby when they could get off their butts and go to where the work is..........................

We hire green helpers all the time and train them while they get paid. If they are useless or lazy they can return to the unemployment line........

If they do drugs and get caught they are gone, Period.............Randoms happen all the time, and if they choose to due drugs they deserve what they get.............

Industrial Projects Report Magazine: The Construction Job Hotsheet

Jobs nationwide there. There are others..........Stop whining at get to work.
no its not.

In fact it is.... It will be a lot like the stimulus Obama did, no real jobs, rich get richer and the middle class shrinks. But it's a Democrat that wants to do the "saving" so of course as per always you support the waste.

no real jobs? Do you know how badly we need manufacturing jobs here in america? do you know how hard it is to get into that area because of schooling?
in my area alone there is maybe 30k jobs waiting for people.
Hell places cant higher because of drug use and criminal backgrounds. So they outsource from other states.

what do you and the right offer? Deregulation and lower taxes....which will do nothing to create jobs. Zero investing, zero longterm thinking, just short term thinking.

I summed it all up pretty well. You think there are 30k jobs just sitting there, yet they keep disappearing.... without ever actually appearing. On one hand you admit that despite mass regulations, mass subsidies, mass education and high taxes.... there are still 30k jobs sitting there, then blame people wanting lower taxes and lower regulations as to why these invisible jobs are not filled..

Maybe, just maybe you have been supporting the wrong way of doing things. I know it's hard to get passed the arrogance of being the 'intellectual party," but once you realize how stupid and bad progressive policies are, it's amazing to think they even still exist.

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