Obama To Reward Dem Crap Holes Detroit And Chicago With New “Manufacturing Institutes

How many programs like this exist and don't amount to anything except good feelings of politicians that slap each other on the back when these things fail? WHY do we keep throwing money at problems that never are solved but made worse?

Typical politicians...make conditions bad for people...create the problems...and make more with their 'fixes'. People should be doing these things themselves with a lot of hard work, sweat...like everyone else.

we are a mobile society

folks in those situations

should get the hell out of there

and go to where the jobs are

Some of them claim they can't go to where the jobs are because they have no car.

Do they have thumbs?? Hitchhiking is a time-honored way of transportation and mobility.

there are many that want an excuse to fail

if you want to succeed in life one

will find a way

the oil patch in North Dakota needs at least 500 new employees daily

many employers in the area are offering training and on the job training

i know a few people that have escaped to bonds of the ghettos of Chicago

Saint Louis and Detroit

that have come out here

and now have a good life

if there is a will there is a way
What are Republucans proposing for Detroit other than let em die?

Do or die.

Why are Republicans responsible for Detroit? Democrats have run the city for years.
But the GOP governor has a plan. He took over the city, letting the adults take control for once, and put them in bankruptcy, which is where entities need to go when they cant pay bills. Detroit will emerge stronger than before, thanks to the GOP.
Stepping over your Representation again people....you voted for it now pay for TWO CITES you don't even LIVE IN and is run by, DEMOCRATS...CONTACT your Representatives in CONGRESS people and stop this man...

lol at Weazel Zippers, but anyhow...

What state and city do you live in Stephanie? According to your profile, you live in "Liberty". Are you in support of economic aid to just your town of "Liberty" or to cities in economic crisis around the nation? Are you in support of tax breaks to help businesses create jobs in just your town of "Liberty", or to businesses in cities in economic crisis around the nation?
Better then handing out welfare for nothing for life! ;)

I see you did a lot of learning while you were in school. What grade did you drop out? The proper grammar is *THAN*.

This is throwing money away. This is a gift from obama to his old buddy Rahm. This is throwing the bankrupt, democrat shit hole run cities a bone. This is "well, we'll think up some lame idea so we can give you some money" from obama to his leftist friends. This isn't a good idea. This is BS.
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What are Republucans proposing for Detroit other than let em die?

Doesn't matter what Republicans propose, the leftists in Detroit that are still in charge wouldn't listen to them anyway. They never do. That's why they bankrupted the city.
Oh obama trying to fix you solve some of the job issue and the partisans dont like it?shocking.
Nothing is better for the advancement of society then education and on the job skills. Good move Obama!!!

Another shovel ready steaming pile of pork courtesy of The One!

This kind of spending is called investing. ;) The other side of the coin is giving out more welfare as these people can't advance as these areas are really poor.

Investing like in Solyndra?


or moving public funds to

democrat election coffers

it will interesting to see who from the private invests

and who donates to the dem election fund
Nothing is better for the advancement of society then education and on the job skills. Good move Obama!!!

Another shovel ready steaming pile of pork courtesy of The One!


On the other hand these people are going to live off of welfare and give not a cent back. This way we get a tax base...

This kind of spending is called investing. ;) The other side of the coin is giving out more welfare as these people can't advance as these areas are really poor.

Investing like in Solyndra?


You do know Bush funded Solyndra, right? Or did Rush not let you in on that?

I find it amazing these people don't believe in investing within ones country. I couldn't name another country that doesn't....

Maybe Somalia and Haiti.:eusa_hand:
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This kind of spending is called investing. ;) The other side of the coin is giving out more welfare as these people can't advance as these areas are really poor.

Investing like in Solyndra?


You do know Bush funded Solyndra, right? Or did Rush not let you in on that?

And years later, after repeated warnings, Obama gives them $535 Million of taxpayer funds

Obama Team Backed $535 Million Solyndra Aid as Auditor Warned on Finances

Solyndra LLC’s workers making solar-power panels in a California factory subsidized by U.S. taxpayers showed “the promise of clean energy isn’t just an article of faith,” President Barack Obama said on a visit to the company in May 2010.

Two months before Obama’s visit, accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP warned that Solyndra, the recipient of $535 million in federal loan guarantees, had financial troubles deep enough to “raise substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern.”

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The Projects are being funded by Texas to keep the Michigan bloodsuckers away.

In the meanwhile, we lost hundreds of millions of dollars in tax money when both Parties signed onto the brilliant idea that the costs associated with relocating a business could be written off...even if the relocation was to a foreign nation and there was nowhere for those laid off to move to stay with the company.
You know,if for one second I thought this was on the up and up and it would succeed i'd be all for it.
But we all know it'll fail.
Just like all the other bullshit obama throws money at. You end up with a shitload of tax payer's money going up in smoke.
You know,if for one second I thought this was on the up and up and it would succeed i'd be all for it.
But we all know it'll fail.
Just like all the other bullshit obama throws money at. You end up with a shitload of tax payer's money going up in smoke.

Like we say at work, the liberals agenda always comes with an excessive overhead.

Its how they roll

This kind of spending is called investing. ;) The other side of the coin is giving out more welfare as these people can't advance as these areas are really poor.

Investing like in Solyndra?


You do know Bush funded Solyndra, right? Or did Rush not let you in on that?

No, he did not. The bUsh Administration specifically sidelined Solyndra's app because of concerns. Or didnt Rachel Maddow tell you that little fact?

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