Obama to send U.S. Troops to Moscow to March in Parade Celebrating Stalins Red Army.

I should add....this is a really inappropriate metaphor.

USSR lost 9 million in military casualties and 19 million in civilian deaths (including the horrific seige of Leningrad). I don't think we, in this country can comprehend that level of destruction. While that doesn't minimize what Stalin did, the WW2 victory is a HUGE deal in Russia, and in Europe. More so then it is in the US, where we were not so directly touched with 300,000 military deaths, and zero civilian. Perhaps because of that it's impossible to understand what that means to Russia and Europe.
Hitler did nothing compared to Stalin. The real Holocaust is what Stalin did in killing 25 million.

In your attempt to make a political statement on Stalin you neglect the obvious - in this particular celebration, a celebration that has been going on every year since the event - it doesn't matter - not to the Russians, not to Europe - and THEY, not the U.S. were the ones that suffered the brunt of Hitler. If they want want to celebrate the allied victory over the Nazi's - who are you to make it into some sort of political shinding because you hate Obama and Stalin was part of the allied forces? It is the defeat of Germany - not Stalin, that is being marked.

In case you haven't noticed...it really doesn't matter what the event is...if Obama is going to do it or send Americans...they are against it. And if he doesn't do it or send Americans...they are against that too.

That's how they roll....they come up with reasons afterwards...that's why the reasons are easily shot down. They are not based on firm logic.
The only ones celebrating Stalin are the Russian version of the Tea Baggers

Yep. And one of the articles in the OP even talks about the issues they are having in Russia with the perceived reconstructing of Stalin's rep.

It's really not surprising that they are attempting to whitewash Stalin - Russia has long had a chip on it's shoulder in regards to international prestige, and following the fall of communism it's people have suffered terribly - corruption, violence, decreased life spans, health, poverty and loss of jobs, and rule by gangs. At least communism, for all it's failings - was predictable and they were a world power. There is a lot of national prestige involved in this - in the Soviets defeat of Hitler's Germany through horrible hardships, and in it's attempts to once again regain a foothold in the international arena.

Ironically...this whitewashing is not unique to Russia. Look at how our own nostalgic wingnuts try to whitewash McCarthy.
Even Nixon and Reagan.
By the way, I'm curious....does anyone have any actual evidence, beyond some posters - that Stalin is being celebrated rather than the victory of the allied forces?

Didn't think so.
By the way, I'm curious....does anyone have any actual evidence, beyond some posters - that Stalin is being celebrated rather than the victory of the allied forces?

Didn't think so.

there will be a FEW Stalin supporters, but Stalin is not, by any means, celebrated by the Russian government.
Yep. And one of the articles in the OP even talks about the issues they are having in Russia with the perceived reconstructing of Stalin's rep.

It's really not surprising that they are attempting to whitewash Stalin - Russia has long had a chip on it's shoulder in regards to international prestige, and following the fall of communism it's people have suffered terribly - corruption, violence, decreased life spans, health, poverty and loss of jobs, and rule by gangs. At least communism, for all it's failings - was predictable and they were a world power. There is a lot of national prestige involved in this - in the Soviets defeat of Hitler's Germany through horrible hardships, and in it's attempts to once again regain a foothold in the international arena.

Ironically...this whitewashing is not unique to Russia. Look at how our own nostalgic wingnuts try to whitewash McCarthy.
Even Nixon and Reagan.
Nixon was a moron. Reagan will be the next face on Mt. Rushmore.

Deal with it Butch!
Yep. And one of the articles in the OP even talks about the issues they are having in Russia with the perceived reconstructing of Stalin's rep.

It's really not surprising that they are attempting to whitewash Stalin - Russia has long had a chip on it's shoulder in regards to international prestige, and following the fall of communism it's people have suffered terribly - corruption, violence, decreased life spans, health, poverty and loss of jobs, and rule by gangs. At least communism, for all it's failings - was predictable and they were a world power. There is a lot of national prestige involved in this - in the Soviets defeat of Hitler's Germany through horrible hardships, and in it's attempts to once again regain a foothold in the international arena.

Ironically...this whitewashing is not unique to Russia. Look at how our own nostalgic wingnuts try to whitewash McCarthy.
Even Nixon and Reagan.

While I disagreed with Reagan's policies he isn't in the same league as McCarthy at all and he really was rather brilliant in speeding up the fall of the USSR via the arms race and negotiating with the Saudi's to produce more oil and lower the cost which impacted oil-dependent Soviet economy.

On another note, according to this article:

Human rights activists and allies of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin have attacked plans by the city of Moscow to allow portraits of Soviet leader Josef Stalin to be displayed during the commemorations.​

It is not even the Russian government promoting Stalin, but simply the city of Moscow.

It just goes to show the lengths to which Obamabashers will go to spew their irrational hatred. And that is sad. There is enough to legitimately critisize, but this is ridiculous. There is no sanity anymore in this partisan hatefest :(
What I find interesting is that the Chinese are NOT invited, despite the fact that they fought the Japanese with the Russians.

I would guess this symbolic move is to demonstrate European solidarity against the rising dragon.
As much as I hate Stalin and his existence, we can't take away the fact that he did a great amount of Damage to Hitlers armies.

No matter what you think of him, he indeed saved a lot of lives on both sides.. (Not calling him a Hero, since he killed his fellow Countrymen.)

But even so, we were Allies, we were fighting a Common enemy, we fought and shed blood and defeated the Nazi and Hitler. The enemy of my enemy is my Friend.

Hitler was fighting once again a Two Front War. He had the English, American and French troops marching in from the West and the Red Army marching from the East.. That's overkill.

FYI: Not saying the US and USSR were "Friends".. So don't start calling me a hack or a troll.

I know i'm gonna get a lot heat for this.. But face it.. it's the truth. I bet you the soviets were thankful that we were fighting the Nazis in the West.
As much as I hate Stalin and his existence, we can't take away the fact that he did a great amount of Damage to Hitlers armies.

No matter what you think of him, he indeed saved a lot of lives on both sides.. (Not calling him a Hero, since he killed his fellow Countrymen.)

But even so, we were Allies, we were fighting a Common enemy, we fought and shed blood and defeated the Nazi and Hitler. The enemy of my enemy is my Friend.

Hitler was fighting once again a Two Front War. He had the English, American and French troops marching in from the West and the Red Army marching from the East.. That's overkill.

FYI: Not saying the US and USSR were "Friends".. So don't start calling me a hack or a troll.

I know i'm gonna get a lot heat for this.. But face it.. it's the truth. I bet you the soviets were thankful that we were fighting the Nazis in the West.

Stalin was responsible for three times the deaths Hitler was responsible for.
As much as I hate Stalin and his existence, we can't take away the fact that he did a great amount of Damage to Hitlers armies.

No matter what you think of him, he indeed saved a lot of lives on both sides.. (Not calling him a Hero, since he killed his fellow Countrymen.)

But even so, we were Allies, we were fighting a Common enemy, we fought and shed blood and defeated the Nazi and Hitler. The enemy of my enemy is my Friend.

Hitler was fighting once again a Two Front War. He had the English, American and French troops marching in from the West and the Red Army marching from the East.. That's overkill.

FYI: Not saying the US and USSR were "Friends".. So don't start calling me a hack or a troll.

I know i'm gonna get a lot heat for this.. But face it.. it's the truth. I bet you the soviets were thankful that we were fighting the Nazis in the West.

Stalin was responsible for three times the deaths Hitler was responsible for.

that's only because Hitler was stopped.
As much as I hate Stalin and his existence, we can't take away the fact that he did a great amount of Damage to Hitlers armies.

No matter what you think of him, he indeed saved a lot of lives on both sides.. (Not calling him a Hero, since he killed his fellow Countrymen.)

But even so, we were Allies, we were fighting a Common enemy, we fought and shed blood and defeated the Nazi and Hitler. The enemy of my enemy is my Friend.

Hitler was fighting once again a Two Front War. He had the English, American and French troops marching in from the West and the Red Army marching from the East.. That's overkill.

FYI: Not saying the US and USSR were "Friends".. So don't start calling me a hack or a troll.

I know i'm gonna get a lot heat for this.. But face it.. it's the truth. I bet you the soviets were thankful that we were fighting the Nazis in the West.

Stalin was responsible for three times the deaths Hitler was responsible for.

Hitler and Stalin were monsters, regardless of the number of deaths.
As much as I hate Stalin and his existence, we can't take away the fact that he did a great amount of Damage to Hitlers armies.

No matter what you think of him, he indeed saved a lot of lives on both sides.. (Not calling him a Hero, since he killed his fellow Countrymen.)

But even so, we were Allies, we were fighting a Common enemy, we fought and shed blood and defeated the Nazi and Hitler. The enemy of my enemy is my Friend.

Hitler was fighting once again a Two Front War. He had the English, American and French troops marching in from the West and the Red Army marching from the East.. That's overkill.

FYI: Not saying the US and USSR were "Friends".. So don't start calling me a hack or a troll.

I know i'm gonna get a lot heat for this.. But face it.. it's the truth. I bet you the soviets were thankful that we were fighting the Nazis in the West.

Stalin was responsible for three times the deaths Hitler was responsible for.

Hitler and Stalin were monsters, regardless of the number of deaths.

no heart attacks allowed Jake Starkey but I agree with you. :eusa_shhh:
As much as I hate Stalin and his existence, we can't take away the fact that he did a great amount of Damage to Hitlers armies.

No matter what you think of him, he indeed saved a lot of lives on both sides.. (Not calling him a Hero, since he killed his fellow Countrymen.)

But even so, we were Allies, we were fighting a Common enemy, we fought and shed blood and defeated the Nazi and Hitler. The enemy of my enemy is my Friend.

Hitler was fighting once again a Two Front War. He had the English, American and French troops marching in from the West and the Red Army marching from the East.. That's overkill.

FYI: Not saying the US and USSR were "Friends".. So don't start calling me a hack or a troll.

I know i'm gonna get a lot heat for this.. But face it.. it's the truth. I bet you the soviets were thankful that we were fighting the Nazis in the West.

Stalin was responsible for three times the deaths Hitler was responsible for.

That's true, that's why I hate him and his existence.

Still doesn't change the fact that he did a great amount of Damage to Hitler on the East.
The funny thing about all this is that people are actually calling the russians an ally. That's just too friggin' funny.

Fact of the matter is, Putin's running the show over there. Medvedev's simply his lil' sock puppet. Any body who thinks that Putin considers us an ally, is outta their friggin' minds!

He's old school communist KGB, and that will never change. We can't trust that snake, and ever considering him an ally is batshit fucking crazy.
As much as I hate Stalin and his existence, we can't take away the fact that he did a great amount of Damage to Hitlers armies.

No matter what you think of him, he indeed saved a lot of lives on both sides.. (Not calling him a Hero, since he killed his fellow Countrymen.)

But even so, we were Allies, we were fighting a Common enemy, we fought and shed blood and defeated the Nazi and Hitler. The enemy of my enemy is my Friend.

Hitler was fighting once again a Two Front War. He had the English, American and French troops marching in from the West and the Red Army marching from the East.. That's overkill.

FYI: Not saying the US and USSR were "Friends".. So don't start calling me a hack or a troll.

I know i'm gonna get a lot heat for this.. But face it.. it's the truth. I bet you the soviets were thankful that we were fighting the Nazis in the West.

The Russians faced the bulk of the German Army. By the time the US and England invaded Normandy, the Russians had already turned the tide at Stalingrad and Kursk and were driving the Germans back.
The Russians killed twenty times the number of Germans that we did
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from the first link in the op;
"Stalin To Be celebrated as 'War hero'

Stalin is to make a comeback on the streets of Moscow for the first time in decades in a celebration of the Soviet victory over Hitler in the Second World War.

Posters and information booths devoted to the Soviet dictator are to go up across the capital under a proposal by Moscow City Council to mark the 65th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany on May 9. The decision outraged rights groups and opposition parties yesterday, who condemned it as another step towards rehabilitating a tyrant. "

shame on you, the celebration is both for the defeating Hitler, AND to commemorate Stalin the monster as a 'war hero'.

Every time communists took over a country, the first thing they did was to kill all the educated. USSR, China, Cambodia, the educated were ALWAYS the first to go.

That means that it's the Democrats communists would get rid of first. The fact the only 6% of scientists are Republican is proof of their disdain for education. That means Republicans would most certainly be safe in a communist take over. It would be the Democrats that would have to worry.
Thanks for making the case as to why Obama stepped on his lil' needle dick yet again.

Our troops have no business marching in that parade. No business whatsoever.

Obama should hold a parade in honor of our troops who have given their lives for this great country. But we all know THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN!

Seriously, you're just as stupid as ol' Butch!

During the last election, Obama had an 80% rating and a grade of B from veterans groups. John McCain had a 20% rating and a grade of D. Obama has done more for our troops than Republicans who held them hostage in Iraq and Afghanistan while cutting their benefits at home. The Republicans party - the swill drinking party of pork and lies.

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